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College of Arts and Sciences of Asia and the Pacific Revision No.
Integrated Remote Learning

Learning Module in Statistics & Probability :

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SubjectCode: Strand: ABM, GAS, HUMSS, HE, ICT, STEM Year/Semester:

11/2ND SEM     
Developed By: Date Developed: No. of Hours
     GLENDA F. DE LEON      JANUARY 3, 2023

Subject Description:

● Random Variables and Probability Distributions
● Mean and Variance of Discrete Random Variable
● The Normal Distribution
Learning Outcomes:
● Illustrate a random variable (discrete or continuous).
● Distinguish between a discrete and continuous random variable.
● Find possible values of a random variable.
● Illustrate a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and its properties.
● Compute probabilities corresponding to a given random variable.
● Illustrate the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.
● Calculate the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
● Interpret the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
● Solve problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions.
● Illustrate a normal random variable and its characteristics.
● Identify regions under the normal curve that correspond to different standard normal values.
● Convert a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice versa.
● Compute probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal distribution.
What you already know-(Pretest)
Read the statements carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

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What you need to know-(Lesson Proper)

Random Variables and Probability Distribution

Definitions of Random Variable

● A random variable is a result of chance event, that you can measure or count.
● A random variable is a numerical quantity that is assigned to the outcome of an experiment. It
is a variable that assumes numerical values associated with the events of an experiment.
● A random variable is a quantitative variable which values depends on change.

NOTE:We use capital letters to represent a random variable.

Example 1
Suppose two coins are tossed and we are interested to determine the number of tails that will come
out. Let us use T to represent the number of tails that will come out. Determine the values of the
random variable T.

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Example 2
Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from an urn containing 5 orange balls and 6
violet balls. Let V be the random variable representing the number of violet balls. Find the values of
the random variable V.

Example 3
A basket contains 10 red balls and 4 white balls. If three balls are taken from the basket one after
the other, determine the possible values of the random variable R representing the number of red

Example 4
Four coins are tossed. Let T be the random variable representing the number of tails that occur. Find
the values of the random variable T.

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Example 5
A pair of dice is rolled. Let X be the random variable representing the sum of the number of dots on
the top faces. Find the values of the random variable X.

Discrete and Continuous Random Variable

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A random variable may be classified as discrete and continuous. A discrete random variable has a
countable number of possible values. A continuous random variable can assume an infinite number
of values in one or more intervals.

In the previous grade levels in studying Mathematics, we have learned how to make a frequency
distribution table given a set of raw data. In this part, you will learn how to construct a probability

In the previous part of this module, you already learned how to determine the values of discrete
random variable. Constructing a probability distribution is just a continuation of the previous part. We
just need to include an additional step to illustrate and compute the probabilities corresponding to a
given random variable.

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Mean of the Discrete Random Variable

The Mean µ of a discrete random variable is the central value or average of its corresponding
probability mass function. It is also called as the Expected Value. It is computed using the formula:

Where x is the outcome and p(x) is the probability of the outcome.

1. Determine the mean or Expected Value of random variable below.

Therefore, mean is 2 for the above random variable.

2. Find the mean of the random variable Y representing the number of red colorchocolates per
160-gram pack of colored chocolate packages that has the following probability distribution.

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So, the mean of the probability distribution is 5.63. This implies that the average number of red
chocolates per 160-gram is 5.63.

3. The probabilities that a customer will buy 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 items in a grocery store are
3 1 1 2 3
, 10 , 10 , 10 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 10 ,respectively. What is the average number of items that a customer will
To solve the above problem, we will follow 3 steps below.


Step 1: Construct the probability distribution for the random variable X representing the number of
items that the customer will buy.
Step 2: Multiply the value of the random variable X by the corresponding probability.
Step 3: Add the results obtained in Step 2. Results obtained are the mean of the probability

So, the mean of the probability distribution is 3.1. This implies that the average number of items that
the customer will buy is 3.1.

Variance and Standard Deviation of the Discrete Random Variable

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Variance and Standard Deviation of a Random Variable

The variance and standard deviation are two values that describe how scattered or spread out the
scores are from the mean value of the random variable. The variance, denoted as σ2, is determined
using the formula:

The standard deviation σ is the square root of the variance, thus,

Let’s have examples:

1. The number of cars sold per day at a local car dealership, along with its corresponding
probabilities, is shown in the succeeding table. Compute the variance and the standard deviation of
the probability distribution by following the given steps. Write your answer in your answer sheets.

In solving the problem, let’s follow the steps below.


1. Find the mean of the probability distribution.
2. Subtract the mean from each value of the random variable X.
3. Square the result obtained in Step 2.
4. Multiply the results obtained in Step 3 by the corresponding probability.
5. Get the sum of the results obtained in Step 4. Results obtained are the value of the variance of
probability distribution.

Now let’s solve the problem.

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To Solve for Standard Deviation:

Get the square root of the variance

So, the variance of the number of cars sold per day is 1.56 and the standard deviation is 1.25.

2. When three coins are tossed once, the probability distribution for the random variable X
representing the number of heads that occur is given below. Compute the variance and standard
deviation of the probability distribution.

Follow the steps in finding variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

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To solve for Standard Deviation

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The mean in tossing 3 coins with probability of Head will show up is 0.86 and the variance is 0.74,
then the standard deviation is 0.86.

The Normal Distribution and Its Properties

The following are the properties that can be observed from the graph of a normal distribution, also
known as Gaussian distribution.
1. The graph is a continuous curve and has a domain -∞ < X < ∞.
● This means that X may increase or decrease without bound.
2. The graph is asymptotic to the x-axis. The value of the variable gets closer and closer but will
never be equal to 0.
● As the x gets larger and larger in the positive direction, the tail of the curve approaches but
will never touch the horizontal axis. The same thing when the x gets larger and larger in the
negative direction.
3. The highest point on the curve occurs at x = µ (mean).
● The mean (µ) indicates the highest peak of the curve and is found at the center.
● Take note that the mean is denoted by this symbol µ and the standard deviation is denoted by
this symbol σ.
● The median and mode of the distribution are also found at the center of the graph. This
indicates that in a normal distribution, the mean, median and mode are equal.
4. The curve is symmetrical about the mean.
● This means that the curve will have balanced proportions when cut in halves and the area
under the curve to the right of mean (50%) is equal to the area under the curve to the left of
the mean (50%).
5. The total area in the normal distribution under the curve is equal to 1.
● Since the mean divides the curve into halves, 50% of the area is to the right and 50% to its
left having a total of 100% or 1.
6. In general, the graph of a normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve with two inflection points, one
on the left and another on the right. Inflection points are the points that mark the change in the
curve’s concavity.
● Inflection point is the point at which a change in the direction of
curve at mean minus standard deviation and mean plus standard
● Note that each inflection point of the normal curve is one
standard deviation away from the mean.
7. Every normal curve corresponds to the “empirical rule” (also called
the 68 -95 - 99.7% rule):
● about 68.3% of the area under the curve falls within 1 standard
deviation of the mean
● about 95.4% of the area under the curve falls within 2 standard
deviations of the mean
● about 99.7% of the area under the curve falls within 3 standard
deviations of the mean.

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Consider the following examples:

The Standard Normal Distribution

The standard normal distribution, which is denoted by Z, is also a normal distribution having a mean
of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Since the normal distribution can have different values for its
mean and standard deviation, it can be standardized by setting the µ = 0 and the σ = 1.

As mentioned earlier, normal variable is standardized by setting the mean to 0 and standard
deviation to 1. This is for the purpose of simplifying the process in approximating areas for normal
curves. As shown below is the formula used to manually compute the approximate area.

However, this formula is seldom used because a table was created to summarize the approximate
areas under the standard normal curve and to further simplify the process. This table of probabilities
is known as the z- table.

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The Z - Table
Let us get a closer look at the z-table. The outermost column and row represent the z-values. The
first two digits of the z-value are found in the leftmost column and the last digit (hundredth place) is
found on the first row.

Suppose the z-score is equal to 1.85, locate the first two digits 1.8 in the leftmost column and the
last digit, .05, can be located at the first row. Then find their intersection which gives the
corresponding area. Therefore, given z = 1.85, the area is equal to 0.9678.

Now that you already know how to use the z-table to find the corresponding area for the z-score, let
us identify the regions under the normal curve that corresponds to different standard normal values.
In order to find the regions, a probability notation is used.

The probability notation P(a < Z < b) indicates that the z-value is between a and b, P(Z > a) means
z-value is above a and P(Z < a) means z-value is below a. It would not matter whether we are
considering P(Z < a) or P(Z ≤ a) or P(Z > a) or P(Z ≥ a). To illustrate, let us consider these examples:

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The Z- Score
The z-score is an essential component in standard normal distribution. This allows us to describe a
given set of data by finding the z-scores. This leads us to a question of how z-scores are identified?

Given a normal random variable X with mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ), each value of x of the
variable can be transformed into z-scores using the formula,

To illustrate how the value of x can be converted in z-score, here are some examples.

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The Percentile
A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of
observations in a group of observations fall.

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Imagine you took a standardized test and you scored 91 at the 89th percentile. This means that 89%
of the examiners scored lower than 91 and 11% scored higher than 91. This explains that 89th
percentile is located where 89% of the total population lies below and 11% lies above that point. To
illustrate the 89th percentile of the normal curve here are the steps:
1. Express the given percentage as probability, remember 89% is the same as 0.8900.
2. Using the z-table (Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Standard Normal Curve), locate
the area of 0.8900.
3. There is no area corresponding exactly to 0.8900. It is between of 0.8888 with a corresponding z -
score of 1.22 and 0.8907 with a corresponding z - score of 1.23. The nearest value to 0.8900 is
0.8888 and therefore, the distribution lies below z = 1.22.
4. Construct a normal curve and shade the region to the left of 1.22.

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College of Arts and Sciences of Asia and the Pacific Revision No.
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How much have you learned-(quizzes, activities)

A. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous.
1. The weight of the professional boxers
2. The number of defective COVID-19 Rapid Antibody Test Kit
3. The area of lots in an exclusive subdivision
4. The number of recovered patients of COVID-19 per province
5. The number of students with Academic Excellence in a school per district

B. Determine the mean or expected value of each Random Variable. Write your answer in your
answer sheets.

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College of Arts and Sciences of Asia and the Pacific Revision No.
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How do you apply what you have learned - (Performance task- with rubrics)
A. Construct the probability distribution of the situation below:
Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from an urn containing 5 white balls and 6
black balls. Let B be the random variable representing the number of black balls. Construct the
probability distribution of the random variable B.

B. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the following probability distribution then
interpret the computed values. Write your answer in your answer sheets.

How well do you perform-(Posttest)

A. Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Write ND if the statement describes a
characteristic of a normal distribution, and NND if it does not describe a characteristic of a normal
distribution. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The curve of the distribution is bell-shaped.
2. In a normal distribution, the mean, median and mode are of equal values.
3. The normal curve gradually gets closer and closer to 0 on one side.
4. The curve is symmetrical about the mean.

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5. The distance between the two inflection points of the normal curve is equal to the value of the
6. A normal distribution has a mean that is also equal to the standard deviation.
7. The two parameters of the normal distribution are the mean and the standard deviation.
8. The normal curve can be described as asymptotic.
9. Two standard deviations away from the left and right of the mean is equal to
10. The area under the curve bounded by the x-axis is equal to 1.

B. Directions: Choose the best answer and write the chosen letter on your answer sheets.

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Belecina, R. R., Baccay, E. S., & Mateo, E. B. (2016). Statistics and Probability. Rex Book Store.
Ocampo, J. J., & Marquez, W. G. (2016). Senior High Conceptual Math & BeyondStatistics and Probability.
Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc. (2021). Retrieved from Britannica: (n.d.). Retrieved from lumen Boundless Statistics:
Banigon Jr., Ricardo B. et. Al., 2016 Statistics and Probability for Senior High School,Educational Resources
Corporation, 11-B Sunrise Drive Barangay Bagong Lipunan ng Crame, Cubao, Quezon City.
Belecina, Rene R. et. Al., 2016 Statistics and Probability, Rex Bookstore, 856 NicanorReyes Sr. St.
Sampaloc, Manila
Canlapan, Raymond B., Statistics and Probability Module, Diwa Learning SystemsInc. 4/F SEDCCO 1 Bldg.
120 Thailand corner Legaspi Streets, Legaspi Village,1229 Makati City, Philippines
Commission on Higher Education. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School: Statistics and Probability
Core Subject. Quezon City: CHED.
Canlapan, Raymond B. (2016). Statistics and Probability. Diwa Learning Systems Inc. Makati City,
Reviewed by:(Quality Assurance Team)

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College of Arts and Sciences of Asia and the Pacific Revision No.
Integrated Remote Learning

Learning Module in Statistics & Probability :

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Quarter 3Module 1-4 Week 1-4 01July 2022
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