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2018 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology

A SDN-Based Hybrid Electrical Optical Architecture

Kexian Chen Xiaoshan Yu

State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks
Xidian University Xidian University
Xi’an, China Xi’an, China
e-mail: e-mail:

Yunfeng Lu Jiahui Wang

State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks
Xidian University Xidian University
Xi’an, China Xi’an, China
e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract—As the high-bandwidth and data-intensive of DCN, it also brings the problems of complex management
applications evolving rapidly, traditional electrical networks and low switching speed in the DCN.
are no longer able to meet the increasing traffic requirements. With the rapid development of SDN technology, it
In order to improve the communication performance of data provides a flexible and programmable control function. For
center network(DCN), the hybrid electrical/optical users, the flat control and data plane makes the configuration
architecture has become a new research topic. Moreover, of DCN more flexible. In our architecture, we can achieve
traditional architectures are often too complicate to manage. the configuration of hybrid network by using SDN easily.
As a new technology, Software Defined network (SDN) Another way to achieve good performance is to bind
addresses this issue effectively. In this paper, we propose a
multiple interfaces of the servers. In the multi-interface mode
hybrid architecture based on SDN. The control manager is
used to monitor and allocate traffic, then configure the
of communication, we can improve the speed of switching,
network by SDN. There is a hybrid network platform under making it easier to switch to the optical network with high-
the implementation of virtual machine migration. The bandwidth requirements and improve the conversion of the
experiment shows that the proposed scheme reduces the total entire network flexibly.
time of the virtual machine migration effectively compared to Therefore, in order to deal with high-bandwidth traffic
that running on the electrical architecture. In addition, our and reduce the duration of optical switching, we use a multi-
scheme can configure the network topology flexibly and interface mode to establish different transmission exports
achieve load balancing. between the servers and hybrid network. In order to simplify
the complexity of management, we use the functions of
Keywords-optical network; SDN; interconnection networks; separating the data plane and control plane by fully utilizing
testbed SDN to realize configuration of the network.
In this work, we propose and evaluate a hybrid
I. INTRODUCTION architecture scheme which takes the advantage of SDN [6]
Nowadays cloud computing relies hardly on the and multi-interfaces communication [7-8] to achieve fast
foundation of DCN which provides a high bandwidth for switching and flexible configuration. This scheme can
traffic requirements between thousands of servers [1]. improve the management efficiency of the hybrid network,
Although the traditional DCN transmits packets quickly, it is and enhance the transmission between network interfaces
still difficult to achieve the applications running with high- which provide load balancing.
bandwidth. Therefore, the hybrid electrical optical network By experimenting with different finds of hybrid network
architecture with high bandwidth alternative has become a architectures, we find that our hybrid scheme benefit in many
hot research topic in academia and industry [2]. Recently, performances. Firstly, the multi-interface method of binding
several typical architectures have been proposed, such as c- improves the switching speed of links. Secondly, we can
through [3], Helios [4], and OSA [5]. In general, these provide programming capabilities of the network through
architectures which have a unified function of traffic SDN and simplify complexity effectively. Third, the hybrid
monitoring and management are designed to distribute traffic network architecture we propose can be applied to
to electrical/optical network as needed. Among them, c- applications such as virtual machine migration, which have
through proposes a traffic management on the server side, long duration and high-bandwidth requirements.
and establishes an optical link between the each rack, thus The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
transmitting data streams with high-bandwidth requirements. Section II gives an overview of background. In section
Although c-through can ease and improve the performance III, we describe the system structure of the hybrid network

978-1-5386-7635-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 242

scheme in detail. Section IV demonstrates the system SDN controller is working to connect all switches to
implementation. Section V makes a system evaluation and complete network configuration.
compares the performance between electrical network and
the proposed system. Section VI presents a brief.
The development of cloud computing leads to an soar
increase in traffic which puts pressure on the network
bandwidth within the DCN. The demands and challenges to
network architecture are gradually increasing [9]. Therefore,
studying the hybrid network is of great significance to the
development of future network technology.
A. Research of Hybrid Network
Figure 1. Network topology diagram
A hybrid network architecture is composed of electrical
and optical switches. In the hybrid architecture, large packets B. Traffic Monitor
flows are transmitted in an optical network and the rest are
transmitted through the electrical network. However, a single As illustrated in Figure 2, the traffic monitor runs on the
optical duration of allocation is much longer than a single server. In order to detect the big traffic easily, we modify the
electrical packet transmission. Despite optical technology default value of the TCP socket buffer. Traffic buffering is
develops the important and numerous innovations, today’s done by enlarging the socket buffer limits. The packets
hybrid architecture still need a duration of milliseconds to accumulate in the buffer and the queue length of the buffer is
switch a optical link and establish a new configuration. obtained by monitor. The monitor daemon acquires the
stacking length dynamically in real time.
B. SDN Technology
DCN supports a wide range of applications and services
for cloud computing. The flexible network management is a
critical feature of SDN technology. OpenFlow [10] protocol
plays an important role role in SDN technology which
enables the separation of data and control planes. In the
control plane, traffic demands and timely reconfiguration
which matches the demands can be effective used when the
network topology changes. In the data plane, when a path is
established between two servers, there are two exports of the
hybrid network. A hybrid network requires a mechanisms of
traffic management to control the switching transmission
dynamically. Usually found in the DCN, a large scale of
reconfiguration causes events of up/down links. The method
of centralized control therefore makes network configuration Figure 2. System detection and control principle
more flexible.
C. Traffic Management Module
The management module gets length of buffer packets
We propose a hybrid architecture which uses SDN and from monitor. Then the management module informs the
multi-interfaces to make the system and network transparent SDN controller to configure the optical topology according
to applications. In this section, we will focus on the to the destination.
scheduling mechanisms of the architecture. Figure 1 shows a The export needs to be enlarged in order to transport all
simple topology of our testbed and Figure 2 shows the packets with different bandwidth. We bind two physical
architecture of the management system. network interfaces as the export of electrical and optical
A. System Architecture links [11]. The export which binds the same IP address is
Figure 1 shows an example of architecture implemented transparent to upper applications. Management module
with a two-tier network. In our testbed, the architecture selects different interfaces to satisfy the bandwidth
consists several SDN switches used to set different requirements, which reduces the switching time of interfaces
bandwidth rate thus to simulate an environment of hybrid and the waiting time of traffic at queue stack. In addition, the
network. complexity of the management is reduced effectively.
We use the way of binding that each host has two D. Topology Management
physical network interfaces which are connected to the In the topology management, we use RYU controller to
export of optical and electrical network respectively. Then, achieve the optical network configuration. The OpenFlow

protocol makes the configuration process more flexible, and the packets with low-bandwidth are going through the
which also provides a function of monitoring the traffic [12]. electrical path.
We run the controller management on the server to set Switching the export of servers leads to a reconfiguration
topology according to the network export interfaces. in the network [13]. When a new configuration is computed,
the management module sends redistribution commands to
IV. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION the drivers and notifies the RYU about the new configuration.
Our scheme includes traffic monitoring and management. The RYU daemons runs on the server, thus receiving the
Traffic monitor is set on the Linux kernel and the SDN notification massages from management module quickly.
controller makes the implementation convenient and highly Instead of broadcast, RYU can communicate to the switches
achievable. Therefore, it is feasible for us to deploy to reduce overhead directly.
configuration on the hardware platform successfully.
A. Implementation on Server
1) Buffer setting
In order to simulate a large traffic communication in
hybrid network, We increase the value of the TCP buffer for
the Linux kernel. This approach makes applications to fill its
buffer when it has a large packets to send. The use of socket
buffer allows us to detect a path with high-bandwidth.
2) Traffic monitor
Each server runs management module which informs the
application about the link of export. The monitor daemon
obtains length of buffer and rate of traffic gets by netstat and
ifstat (Linux tools for testing performance). Figure 3. SDN topology configuration
Linux kernel allows data of applications to push into the
buffer where we use netstat to extract them and sum their In this topology, we observe that the time of switching
length. Then we set a value in the monitor as a threshold. and configuration could cast a few seconds. In addition,
If the length and rate of an application were exceed the advances in OpenFlow protocols could provide a transparent
threshold, a high bandwidth communication path is essential. mechanism, thus we can get the information of traffic in the
Furthermore, the tool of ifstat gives us a green way to read network which includes the source and destination as well as
the speed of specific interfaces directly. So the monitoring the flow size.
daemon deliver the massage of parameters to the
management module.
3) Multi-interfaces binding A. Application Scenario
We bind two physical interfaces on the export of servers. We deployed the KVM virtual machine and a VMM
The management module control the behavior of interfaces hypervisor based on the Linux kernel on the testbed [14].
which through the corresponding drivers. In this way, the Experimental parameters of topology are shown in Table I.
management module allocates the interfaces to different
export. This binding approach works well to ensure that both TABLE I. NETWORK TOPOLOGY PARAMETERS
physical interfaces of electrical and optical links are fully
utilized and provides load balance of the transmission. Parameters
Device name Number Operating system
B. Implementation on Switch
Node Server Four Ubuntu16.04
1) SDN controller
SDN solves the problem of configuration by using Controller Server One Ubuntu16.04+RYU
OpenFlow-based controller. We use RYU as the controller Switch SDN switch Three Picaos
which is a light daemon running on the server and makes the
SDN switch easy to configure.
In order to distinguish the hybrid network, we set 4M
2) Topology configuration electrical bandwidth and 40M optical bandwidth.
According to the result of the allocation, we use the RYU There are 4 VM virtual machines on a physical server.
controller to configure topology. Figure 3 shows the entire Each VM configures with 1GB RAM, 10G hard disk on the
process of configuration. Ubuntu system. We use two SDN switches which support
There are two physical interfaces having the same IP the speed limit on each port and set the different value of the
address on each server. All packets are sent through a bandwidth to simulate the hybrid network.
physical interface connected to the switch in one We migrate a running VM from one server to another
configuration. As illustrated in Figure 3, packets with high- server dynamically. During the migration, we detect traffic
bandwidth are going through the export of optical network information and then use the management module to switch

export of interfaces. According the result of switching, we ACKNOWLEDGMENT
use RYU controller to configure the network. This work was supported by the National Science
B. Experimental Evaluation Foundation of China under Grants 61634004, and Grant
61472300, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
To simulate various conditions and detect the large traffic,
Universities Grant No. JB170107 and No. JB180309, the key
we enlarged the length of TCP buffer gradually. We begin by
research and development plan of Shaanxi province No.
examining 64k TCP buffer and set several value of buffer
2017ZDCXL-GY-05-01, and the General Armament
sizes, then observe the performance of network. As a result,
Department and Ministry of Education United Fund under
the optical network can be configured and fully utilized
Grant No.6141A0224-003.
according to the different value of buffer detection by the
traffic management. In general practice, we can ignore the REFERENCES
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