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Market Efficiency

Author(s): William H. Beaver

Source: The Accounting Review , Jan., 1981, Vol. 56, No. 1 (Jan., 1981), pp. 23-37
Published by: American Accounting Association

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Vol. LVI, No. I
January 1981

Market Efficiency
William H. Beaver

ABSTRACT: Efficient market research arose in response to allegations from the profes-
sional investment community and critics of financial accounting, and it preceded a formal,
conceptual development of market efficiency. Several ambiguities exist with respect to
previous definitions of market efficiency. Market efficiency is defined here in terms of the
equality of security prices under two information configurations (i.e., with and without
universal access to the information system of interest). Casually, a securities market is
efficient with respect to an information system if and only if security prices act as if
everyone knows that information system. If this condition holds, prices are said to "fully
reflect" the.information system. Several attributes of this definition are advantageous,
relative to those of earlier definitions.

E MPIRICAL research characterized as market efficiency. The problem is not

efficient market studies has been simply that concepts are difficult to test
the subject of considerable atten- empirically, a pervasive phenomenon not
tion in recent years.' Contentions regard- unique to the efficient market literature,
ing market efficiency originated in the rather, the problem is that, at a con-
professional investment community, par- ceptual level, prior to empirical testing,
ticularly among those involved in se- it is unclear what is meant by the term
curity analysis whose goal was charac- market efficiency. Providing a precise
terized as the identification of mispriced definition is a prelude to a development
securities [Graham et al., 1962]. Critics of theories of market efficiency and to an
of financial accounting standards [Briloff, interpretation of empirical research of-
1972] suggested that securities were fered as tests of market efficiency.
mispriced because of accounting prac- A precise definition is essential to the
tices. The empirical research on market development of a theory concerning the
efficiency arose in response to those con-
tentions and preceded a formal, con- ' Reviews of the empirical work appear in Gonedes
ceptual development of market efficiency. and Dopuch [1974] and Kaplan [1978].

The purpose here is to discuss some This research is partially supported by the Stanford
important ambiguities associated with Program in Professional Accounting, major contributors
the concept of market efficiency and to to which are: Arthur Andersen & Co.; Arthur Young &
Company; Coopers & Lybrand; Deloitte Haskins &
offer a precise definition of the concept. Sells; Ernst & Whinney; and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &
Some of these issues have been discussed Co. I am indebted to the members of the Stanford
elsewhere, although mostly outside of the Accounting Workshop for their many helpful sugges-
tions on an earlier version of this paper.
accounting literature, narrowly defined.
These ambiguities make the widely William H. Beaver is Thomas D. Dee II
cited definitions of market efficiency Professor of Accounting, Stanford Uni-
conceptually incomplete and deficient in versity.
a fundamental sense. This can be some-
Manuscript received April, 1979.
what discomforting, given the sizable Revisions received September, 1979 and February, 1980.
empirical literature cited in favor of Accepted March, 1980.


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24 The Accounting Review, January 1981

conditions under which market efficiency or process by which security prices are
would or would not be expected to formed. Investors come to the securities
obtain. Potentially, theory can provide market with a diverse set of endowments
predictions regarding differences in mar- of current and future consumption, pref-
ket efficiency among different securities erences for current and future consump-
or differences in market efficiency with tion, and beliefs about future states of the
respect to different types of information world. The security prices arise in a
systems. In other words, theory can serve series of ' spot" markets that periodically
as a guide to future empirical research reopen (e.g., daily). The reopening of
and can complement the predominantly these markets implies that these markets
empirical tradition of efficient market are incomplete at least in a nominal
research. One of the premises of our sense. Whether they permit the same
research culture is that the "generaliza- allocation that would be attained in
bility" (i.e., information content) of complete markets is another matter
empirical evidence is enhanced by the [Arrow, 1964]. In incomplete markets,
presence of a conceptual, theoretical expectations are formed about future
underpinning. Until recently, the re- prices, and equilibrium can be charac-
search has existed with little or no formal terized as dependent on those expecta-
foundation. The empirical findings have tions. One of the earliest discussions of
largely preceded a formal, conceptual the relationship between current prices
development of market efficiency. and individuals' expectations appears in
It is difficult to interpret empirical Muth's [1961] work on rational expec-
evidence as a test of market efficiency in tations.
the absence of a definition of what the Under uncertainty, capital market
concept means. A definition permits equilibrium can be characterized as a
researchers who offer their research as mapping from endowments, preferences,
evidence regarding market efficiency to and beliefs into prices. Individuals' be-
show how their evidence is a test of liefs will be conditioned upon the infor-
market efficiency. In other words, there mation which each received. Hence,
can be a link between the conceptual and equilibrium prices at the time t will in
the empirical levels, and the researchers part depend upon the signals received at
can state precisely what additional as- time t by each individual.3
sumptions are involved in making that
transition.2 The issues will be illustrated 2 This is not to say that a precise conceptual definition
is a sufficient condition for an unambiguous interpreta-
throughout by the research concerning
tion of empirical work. Other aspects of the research
changes in depreciation methods. design may introduce ambiguities.
The analysis will consist of five sec- In general, individuals may not agree on the prob-
ability of future states, but typically equilibrium models
tions: (I) discussion of equilibrium se-
assume agreement on the prices and other relevant
curity prices, (II) definition of market attributes associated with each state [Radner, 1974].
efficiency, (III) attributes of the defini- Under information asymmetries among individuals, the
partitioning of states over which there is conditional
tion, (IV) theories of market efficiency,
price agreement is a nontrivial issue. Presumably, the
and (V) implications for empirical re- attributes that partition the states must be publicly
search. observable in order to posit conditional price agreement
[Radner, 1968, 1972; Demski, 1974]. Information
asymmetries also raise nontrivial issues about the mean-
ing, existence, nature, and stability of an equilibrium.
SECURITY PRICES For example, the concept of what is meant by equilibrium
must be extended to incorporate the information asym-
Market efficiency is viewed here as a metry. These issues have been explored by Wilson
property of an equilibrium mechanism [1977], Holmstrom [1977], Kobayashi [1977], Gjesdal

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Beaver 25

For convenience and precision, some Even apart from the influence of endow-
minor notation is introduced. The in- ments and preferences, prices are also a
formation system of individual i at time t
function of beliefs. If probabilistic assess-
is denoted Titi The configuration of in- ments are treated from a subjectivist,
formation systems across individuals at personalistic viewpoint, the meaning of
time t is it, * Ihit}X intrinsic value is ambiguous in a world
where I is the number of of individuals. The
heterogeneous beliefs, even if individ-
signal received by individual i at time t uals were identical with respect to endow-
from Tit is denoted yit, and the configura- ments and preferences. Notwithstanding
tion of signals at time t is {Ylt, , its ambiguity, notions of intrinsic value
Yit, , Yit} {Ylt}. The beliefs of in- continue to play a role in discussions of
dividual i at time t about future security the price formation process. For example,
prices that will prevail at time t + k the Financial Accounting Standards
(for k > 0) is denoted Board's Tentative Conclusions [1976, p.
32] provides a discussion of intrinsic
fit(Plt + k, * * * X, Pit +ken .. * Pit +k|17it, Yit)3
value, which, in turn, draws upon the
where J is the number of securities. The definition provided by Lorie and Hamil-
configuration of beliefs at time t is ton [1973, p. 114]:

{.ftt* ) ** *9 it( f **X t(t * )}-{Pitt * )}-Intrinsic value is the value that the security
ought to have and will have when other inves-
The price of security j at time t is Pjt, andtors have the same insight and know14-dge as
the configuration of prices is {P1,..., the analyst.

Pt.. P4 {P}.jt4 For ease of nota- This definition is presumably still

tion, yi, is treated as a scalar butpersonalistic
could because insight and knowl-
involve multiple signals. In particular,
edge will vary across individuals, and
consider yi, as including a history of sig- there are a number of interpretations of
nals from prior time periods.
an individual's meaning when using the
To say security prices depend upon
term intrinsic value. Although the notion
individuals' diverse endowments, pref-
of intrinsic value is unnecessary to the
erences, and beliefs may seem like an
obvious statement, which would charac-
terize the price formation process of [1978], and Milgrom [1978]. These equilibrium con-
many commodities.' Indeed, with re- siderations are still open issues. The discussion will
spect to other commodities, the influence casually refer to the resulting security prices as "equi-
librium" prices. Production will not be explicitly con-
of endowments and preferences on prices sidered, and the description in section I is to be viewed
and the subjective nature of the value of as a partial equilibrium characterization of the capital
a commodity are readily acknowledged.
4 Note thatfj( ) is defined only with respect to future
Yet, security analysis [Graham et al., prices, because this aspect of beliefs is of primary interest.
1962] has introduced the notion of the In general, f( ) incorporates assessments of other rele-
"intrinsic value" of a security. The role vant attributes (egg., dividends, earnings, commodity
that endowments and preferences play in prices, interest rates, etc.) Also, qji may be viewed as
part of some generic qj and describes the signals to be
determining "intrinsic value" has not generated in t.
been well defined. The use of the term Belief differences across individuals are charac-
terized as if they arise solely because of informational
intrinsic appears to connote an objecti- differences. With information sufficiency broadly de-
vist concept, independent of subjective fined, this is not a restrictive assumption, and it facili-
influences.6 The departure of a security's tates the exposition.
6 Consider Graham et al. [1962, p. 28]: A general
price from its intrinsic value is one of the definition of intrinsic value would be "that value justified
earliest definitions of market inefficiency. by the facts ..."..

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26 The Accounting Review, January 1981

development of a concept of market 1. Some individuals possess "superior"

efficiency, it may be helpful to have an information. In this case, the market may
understanding of what might be meant by be inefficient with respect to their superior
such a term, given that its use occurs with information but not with respect to other
nontrivial frequency. information. Such a distinction would be
One interpretation is that the intrinsic lost in the above definition, because it
value of a security to an individual is the defines market efficiency per se, rather
price of the security that would prevail if than market efficiency with respect to a
everyone else possessed the same endow- particular information item.9
ments, preferences, and beliefs as that 2. An individual's information may be
individual. A somewhat more subtle a proper subset of that information re-
form would permit the heterogeneity of flected in security prices (perhaps because
endowments and preferences to affect it is too costly for that individual to
price. In this context, an individual would extract the information from prices).
assess the intrinsic value of a security as Such an individual may "myopically"
the price that would prevail if everyone view prices differing from that individ-
else possessed the same beliefs as that ual's assessment of intrinsic value be-
individual but would retain their own cause prices reflect information not avail-
endowments and preferences. Either ver- able to that individual. In a sense, the
sion involves an assessment of what individual "erroneously" perceives the
prices would prevail under those hypo-
thetical conditions.7 7 Alternatively, the belief component of the definition
If individuals define intrinsic value in could be depersonalized by positing universal access to
either of the senses described above, some fine information system, such as the union of
everyone's information system or the finest information
individuals may perceive the market to system conceivable. Clairvoyance is still another option.
be inefficient. When investors differ with However, the definition must still address the endow-
ment and preference component, and, in this sense,
respect to beliefs, an individual's assess-
iutrinsic E alue remains an "'intrinsically" subjective
ment of intrinsic value may differ from concept.
price, even if investors were identical with 8 The point here is that market efficiency can be defined
in a way logically distinct from the perceptions of these
respect of endowments and preferences.
individuals. However, it is another matter to ask whether
Heterogeneity with respect to endow- the existence of such individuals is conducive to or a
ments and preferences merely provides deterrent to the attainment of market efficiency so de-
fined. The answer will depend upon the equilibrium
a further reason why an individual's
dynamics that are assumed. In this regard, Bernstein
perception of intrinsic value may differ [1975] has argued that one of the "paradoxes" of effi-
from price. cient market is that such individuals are essential to
the attainment of market efficiency. The dynamics were
This, of course, offers one avenue for
not well specified. However, it is also possible to imagine
defining market efficiency. In this context, equilibrium processes where the existence of such indi-
the market is inefficient if some (e.g., at viduals would be inconsistent with the attainment of
market efficiency.
least one) individuals perceive a dis-
9 Of course, it may be possible to repair this particular
crepancy between assessed intrinsic value deficiency. The point here is that, as it stands, it implicitly
and price. However, I perceive that the defines market efficiency in a strong form sense [Fama,
1970]. If the market is any less than strong-form efficient,
empirical researchers have a different
it is an inefficient market. The suggestion being made
notion in mind. The market efficiency here is that this partitioning into "the market is efficient
concept is viewed as logically distinct or "the market is inefficient" may be too coarse. A finer
partitioning of the concept may be helpful, so that more
from the existence of such individuals.8
precise statements are permitted, such as "the market is
The existence of such individuals could efficient (or inefficient) with respect to some specific
occur under at least three conditions: information."

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Beaver 27

market to be inefficient. Yet, by the tions can be contrived that make the
above definition, the market would be definition of market efficiency circular.
said to be inefficient because of such For example, define information available
individuals. as that which is fully reflected in prices. In
3. Moreover, heterogeneity of beliefs this case, all securities markets are effi-
may prevail among individuals even if cient by definition. However, the defini-
they possess identical information with tion was intended more as an intuitive
respect to firm-specific and economy- description of the concept rather than as
wide data. For example, they may have a rigorous definition. Fama [1970] pro-
purchased different education and may vided the more formal "fair game"
interpret signals in a different fashion model:
because of different educational back- zj, = + rj,, + E(Pjt + 1 | st) (2)
grounds. Efficient market research is
typically concerned with only a subset of E(zj, + 1kt) = 0
the total information in an economy. rj,+1 = the realized return on
security j in period t + 1
Educational differences are not of im-
(where return is defined
mediate concern. Again, it would seem
as the percentage
helpful if the definition of market effi-
change in security price
ciency could admit to heterogeneous
adjusted for dividends
beliefs, which arise because of informa-
tion differences beyond the scope of
interest. E(Tjt+1 Dt) = the expected return on
The purpose of this section has been to
security in period t + 1,
provide a brief characterization of se-
conditional upon Jt,
curity prices. In this setting, the role of Ot = the information set as-
sumed to be fully re-
heterogeneity was explored with the in-
flected in prices in pe-
tention of providing a presumption that
riod t,
it might be helpful if the definition of
market efficiency were able to accommo- zjt+ 1 = abnormal return on se-
curity j in period t + 1.
date such heterogeneity. The analysis
now turns to the issue of defining market Expression (2) states that the abnor-
efficiency. mal return Zjp+ 1 on security j in period
t?+1 is the actual, realized return rj1+ 1
II. DEFINITION OF MARKET EFFICIENCY minus the expected return E(Pijt +P1|t).
Subsequent notions of market effi- E(Pj t + 1 jDt) is conditioned upon Ft, which
ciency did not rely explicitly on intrinsic is the information "set" assumed to be
value and are illustrated by the following fully reflected in prices at time t. Accord-
definition, which appears in Fama [1970, ing to Fama, in an efficient market, the
p. 384]. expected value of the abnormal return
is zero.
... in an efficient market prices "fully
There are several ambiguities asso-
reflect" the information available .. . (1)
ciated with Expression (2). First, Le Roy
This definition has been extensively cited [1976], among others, has criticized this
and criticized, by Fama [1970] among model as being tautological in that it
others, on the grounds that the terms merely implies the expected deviation of a
fully reflect and information available arerealization from its expected value is zero.
vague and nonoperational. In fact, defini- The model is open to this interpretation

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28 The Accounting Review, January 1981

because it is not explicit about what in- erally, the market efficiency condition
formation conditions the distribution of states that prices act as if it holds.
the rj+ 1 term in Expression (2). Fama More precisely, a distinction will be
[1976] denies the tautology but admits made between information system effi-
that it is not empirically testable unless ciency (called j-efficiency) and signal
some equilibrium model of security re- efficiency (called y-efficiency) as follows:
turns is specified.'0 Second, It is not
well-defined. Notwithstanding the am-
biguity of the phrase assumed to be fully A securities market is efficient with
reflected in prices, the meaning of the respect to a signal yt if and only if
term information set is unclear. It is the configuration of security prices
unclear whether it reflects to every possi- {P4jt is the same as it would be in
ble signal (i.e., with respect to the entire an otherwise identical economy
information system) or merely to the sig- (i.e., with an identical configura-
nal that is empirically observed. Third, tion of preferences and endow-
Expression (2) is belief-oriented, yet ments) except that every indivi-
dual receives yt as well as yt. (3)
E(ijj,+l j 1 F) is not well specified under
heterogeneous beliefs. q-efficiency
Subsequent attempts to repair the
A securities market is efficient with
definitional problems have defined mar-
respect to qt, if and only if y-effi-
ket efficiency as the equality of some
ciency holds for every signal (yt)
aspect of equilibrium under two different
from C. (4)
information configurations. The three
aspects selected have included equality of Under Expression (3) (or (4)), prices will
beliefs, equality of actions (i.e., portfolio be said to fully reflect y (or rt). The signal
choice), or equality of prices. Examples which includes both yt and yit will be
appear in Le Roy [1976], Fama [1976], denoted y*. The configuration of ex-
Rubinstein [1975], and Beja [1976]. The tended signals is {y*}. The configuration
following subsection will offer a defini- of the extended information systems is
tion and section III will discuss its at- {lt 1}-
tributes. This distinction removes the ambiguity
A. Information System Efficiency and
introduced by the use of the term infor-
Signal Efficiency mation set. This ambiguity arises because
As defined here, market efficiency with the term was used to describe previous
respect to an information item means empirical studies. These studies deal only
that prices act as if everyone knows that with observed signals. Presumably, such
information." For example, market effi- signals were viewed as sampling from a
ciency with respect to changes in the process, where information system effi-
depreciation method for annual report
purposes (see Comiskey [1971], Archi- 10 The "fair game" model as stated in Expression (2)
has also been criticized for concentrating solely on the
bald [1972], Ball [1972], and Kaplan and expected values of the return distribution and ignoring
Roll [1972], among others) means the higher moments. However, Fama subsequently [1976]
market prices act as if there is universal repaired this particular problem by defining market
efficiency in terms of the entire return distribution.
knowledge of the change in accounting
l This definition originated with William Sharpe of
methods. Even though the universal Stanford University and is also referred to in Beja [1976].
knowledge condition may not hold lit- It is similar to one offered by Rubinstein [1975].

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Beaver 29

ciency was of ultimate concern. How- III. ATTRIBUTES OF THE DEFINITION

ever, the studies could be viewed more There are several aspects of the defini-
narrowly as merely tests of the signals
tion worth noting:
observed. In the absence of a theory, it is
difficult to know which interpretation to 1. Market efficiency is defined with
place on the results. Presumably, the respect to the price mechanism, rather
theory would resolve whether q or y than beliefs or portfolio choice. This
efficiency is being inferred. For example, definition is in the same spirit as the
costs of processing that are signal- earlier "intrinsic value"-oriented defini-
dependent might lead to a prediction of tions and the definition described in
y-efficiency but not q-efficiency.'2 Expression (1), in the sense that both also
The distinction also addresses the issue refer to properties of security prices.
of the generalizability of the results. If the Moreover, it is most descriptive of the
researcher is offering the evidence as a efficient market empirical evidence,
test of y-efficiency, there is no implication which deals directly with price behavior
that similar results would be inferred for and at best indirectly with beliefs or
as-yet-unobserved signals from q. How- portfolio choice.
ever, if the researcher intends the evidence 2. It defines market efficiency in a
to be taken as a test of t-efficiency, world of heterogeneous beliefs and infor-
market efficiency is being viewed as a mation. This is a critical distinction, be-
property of the information system. cause heterogeneous beliefs is a more
Hence, by definition, it holds for every general setting and a more realistic de-
signal, and evidence on some of the sig- scription of capital markets. For example,
nals can be generalized to the remaining the evidence from the volume studies
(untested) signals. This is potentially (Beaver [1968], among others) is con-
important because q may be sufficiently sistent with heterogeneous beliefs with
rich that it would be impossible or ex- respect to earnings announcements. Also
tremely costly to examine empirically all consider the range of experts' forecasts of
of the signals. inflation rates, growth in GNP, earnings
Obviously, if q-efficiency is being and the like.
claimed, care must be taken to define a, Expression (2) characterizes market
and to develop the theory that justifies efficiency in terms of beliefs with respect
this more ambitious interpretation of the to Pt+ 1. This expression does not defin
empirical evidence. For example, in the how that composite belief function is
context of firms that have changed de- being interpreted, since, in general, fit(-)
preciation methods, does the evidence will vary across individuals. Of course, it
pertain to other (unobserved) changes in is possible to assume homogeneous be-
depreciation methods (e.g., changes that liefs. However, to treat homogeneous
will take place in the future)? Alterna- beliefs as the sole interpretation is not
tively, is the change in depreciation only descriptively invalid, but needlessly
methods to be viewed as a sampling from restrictive. With heterogeneous beliefs,
a system that includes other types of defining market efficiency in terms of
accounting changes? If so, what are the identical beliefs under two information
characteristics of this class of signals?
12 I am indebted to Joel Demski for first pointing out
Presumably, a theory of market effi- this distinction, which is discussed in greater length in
ciency would address these issues. Huber [1978].

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30 The Accounting Review, January 1981

configurations can be interpreted in interest (e.g., market efficiency) is un-

several ways. One interpretation is that changed. For example, the security re-
beliefs must be identical for each in- turns are often viewed as having arisen
dividual (i.e., that the configuration of from an equilibrium process character-
beliefs {J7f )} is the same for each i). ized by the Capital Asset Pricing Model
Under Expression (3), mfj( Ielit, yi,)
(e.g., Fama [1970; 1976]). One of the
=f j( fl', yz*) for some specified yz*(vyi
sufficient conditions invoked in behalf of
and yt) for each i. Under Expression (4), the CAPM is homogeneous beliefs. This
this condition must hold for every signal is not to deny that empirical tests of
yi. In other words, under Expression (3), market efficiency are joint tests of effi-
the beliefs of an individual observing the ciency and other assumptions made in
signal, yit, must be that some as the beliefs
the research design, but market efficiency
that individual would hold if yi, and yt
is a more general concept than the CAPM
were observed. Moreover, this equality model. 4 Moreover, the CAPM is not the
of beliefs must hold for each individual. unique interpretation of the empirical
Note that this condition does not impose evidence. For example, the security re-
an equality of beliefs across individuals. In turn observations could be viewed as
other words, there is no requirement that realizations from a Lintner [1969]-type
fi(')=fht() where i and h refer to twoequilibrium process where heterogeneous
individuals. Under Expression (4), this beliefs prevail. Many of the earliest
equality of beliefs must hold for every security price studies (e.g., Fama et al.
signal yt from Ct. Equality of beliefs for[1969] or Ball and Brown [19681) make
each individual is a severe condition in no explicit appeal to the CAPM. (b) The
that inequality of even one individual researcher may wish to develop analytical
would be sufficient to make the market models of equilibrium processes where
inefficient. For the reasons offered earlier, market efficiency is an issue but does not
it may be helpful to have a definition depend upon any particular equilibrium
logically distinct from individuals' beliefs. model such as the CAPM. Here, empiri-
Another interpretation is that only the cally testable hypotheses may not be of
composite (e.g., some average or aggrega- immediate interest.'5
tion across individuals, as in Lintner 3. The definitions provided here deal
[1969]) must be equal. However, if the only with one aspect of equilibrium be-
composite is interpreted as consensus havior (the effect on security prices).
beliefs, as defined in Rubinstein (1975), Rubinstein [1975] has criticized price-
then a belief-oriented definition is equiv- oriented definitions of market efficiency
alent to a price-oriented definition.'3 In for failing to incorporate effects on ac-
any event, a price-oriented definition
permits heterogeneous beliefs but avoids 13 Rubinstein [1975] defines consensus beliefs as those
the knotty issues raised here with respect beliefs which if held by everyone, would produce the
same set of prices.
to belief-oriented definitions. '4 Recent critiques of the CAPM (Roll [1977; 1978]
Furthermore, it is important to dis- and Ross [1978], among others) underscore the poten-
tial desirability of distinguishing the concept of market
tinguish between what is meant by a
efficiency from the CAPM. Also of special interest is the
concept and how it is to be tested empiri- June-September, 1978 issue of the Journal of Financial
cally for at least two reasons. (a) The Economics, devoted to market efficiency. In particular,
Ball [1978] suggests that the CAPM may be misspecified.
methods used to test a hypothesis may
15 Rubinstein [1975], Kihlstrom and Mirman [1975],
vary over time as research technology Grossman [19761, and Grossman and Stiglitz [19751 are
changes, even though the concept of examples of such analytical work.

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Beaver 31

tions (i.e., portfolio choice). For example, not be altered). If the market is already
the portfolio positions could differ under efficient with respect to that information
{,it} vs. {it} even though prices are the as defined in Expression (4), the policy
same. As indicated earlier, the empirical maker can be assured that the release of
research was responding to assertions by such data will not alter security prices.
analysts, accountants, and others that 4. The definition defines market effi-
prices did not fully reflect certain infor- ciency in a specific informational setting
mation. Hence, price-oriented empirical (e.g., Ct). As such, it permits as fine a
research and a price-oriented definition partitioning of the market efficiency con-
are most directly responsive to such dition (e.g., according to each con-
allegations. ceivable Ct) as the researcher may wish.
However, even if prices are one impor- In this context, the distinction between
tant consequence, this does not deny strong, semi-strong, and weak form
that there may also be other concerns efficiency can be viewed as a coarse par-
which may require action-oriented defini- titioning of information systems of in-
tions of market efficiency. For example, terest. This three-fold distinction is con-
Beaver [1973] cites "improperly" diversi- venient for many purposes such as the
fied portfolios as one of the consequences classification of previous empirical
or "costs" that may be incurred by an research as in Fama [1970]. However, in
investor even in an efficient market. other cases, it may not be precise enough,
Consider the "myopic" individual of if the market is efficient with respect to
Section 1. This is merely a particular some ij within a given category, but not
illustration of a broader set of conse- others. Expression (4) focuses upon
quences that may not be reflected in equilibrium price conditions with and
price-oriented definitions. Investors may without universal access to Ct. As such, it
not be indifferent between two informa- avoids severe definitions of market effi-
tion settings (with and without universal ciency and the use of terms such as the
access to i'). They may not choose the information available, the information the
same portfolios, even though the prices market uses, or the true probability distri-
are efficient with respect to q'. To address bution, which have appeared in other
this issue fully requires a specification of definitions and whose meanings have not
the purpose or intent of studying market been well defined.
efficiency and more explicit assumptions
about the equilibrium process. Defini- IV. THEORIES OF MARKET EFFICIENCY
tions which focus on price effects have the It is one matter to define market effi-
property of being descriptive of a class ofciency, but it is another to construct an
extant empirical research, which in turn equilibrium model where market effi-
focuses on one (albeit only one) aspect of ciency with respect to q' (or yt) would
the equilibrium. obtain. A theory of market efficiency
Even where the policy maker is con- involves a specification of the process by
cerned with the effects of information on which information becomes reflected in
portfolio holdings, a price-oriented defi- prices. Under what conditions would
nition of market efficiency can still be of
market efficiency with respect to qt be
interest. For example, consider a policy expected? Unless individuals are charac-
decision to release some information terized as throwing away something of
publicly in an exchange setting (i.e., value, information in not used because it
financing and production decisions will
is costly (e.g., costly to purchase qj or

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32 The Accounting Review, January 1981

costly to observe yt). Yet much of the efficiency with respect to more informa-
empirical research has examined market tion than merely the knowledge that a
efficiency with respect to publicly avail- change took place.
able information, such as changes in At an institutional level, some (e.g.,
depreciation methods for annual report Bernstein [1975]) appear willing to give
purposes. Why would one ever expect the analyst community credit for being
prices not to "fully reflect" publicly the mechanism by which market effi-
available information? Won't market ciency is attained. Such information
efficiency hold trivially? The answer, of intermediaries have not yet been ex-
course, lies in the possibility that such plicitly modeled. However, work by
data are not universally available at zero Kihlstrom and Mirman [1975], Gross-
cost to all individuals. man [1976], and Grossman and Stiglitz
Knowledge of the change may not be [1975] provide the beginnings of an
universal. Moreover, there may not be analysis of the conditions under which
universal (costless) access to other infor- market efficiency would or would not
mation regarding the implications of the obtain. In these models, individuals
change. In other words, it may be costly "extract" information from prices. In the
to obtain the accounting training (e.g., Grossman and Stiglitz model, individ-
knowledge of depreciation methods, un- uals choose to become informed or
derstanding a firm can have a different uninformed, and at equilibrium each
set of books for tax and for annual report individual is indifferent, because either
purposes, etc.) and hence such knowledge action (after deducting information costs)
is not universal. However, interpretation offers the same expected utility. In order
of the change goes beyond this and in- for there to be incentives to purchase
volves the assessment of managements' information, prices cannot "fully reflect"
motivations for changing depreciation the information obtained. In the Gross-
methods (e.g., reflecting managements' man model, every individual is equally
expectations about future earnings, or uninformed in that each receives a
plans for additional asset acquisitions). garbled signal, but prices act as an aggre-
Such analysis (i.e., information) is pro- gation of everyone's information, such
vided by the financial and accounting that the prices "reflect" information that
community, but perhaps not costlessly. is superior to that held by each and every
Hence, market prices might not reflect individual. However, individuals extract
this potentially costly information. This this superior information from prices,
constitutes a simplified explanation of and the prices "fully reflect" that superior
why a nonzero probability of market information.
inefficiency with respect to "publicly In a related vein, Verrecchia [1979] has
available" information might be as- constructed a model where price acts as
sessed. However, the cost of the informa- an aggregator of beliefs (as distinct from
tion might be such that security prices act an aggregator of information). As the
as if the information were costlessly number of individuals increases, prices
available to all investors. This "as if" behave as if everyone observed the un-
behavior is one interpretation of the garbled signal. The major difference is
empirical research on semi-strong form that there is no explicit learning from
efficiency. From this perspective, the prices involved. Hence, while prices re-
empirical studies of change in accounting flect the ungarbled signal, individual
methods are viewed as testing market beliefs or portfolios may not reflect this

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Beaver 33

information. Neither Grossman nor Ver- whether the firm has changed deprecia-
recchia requires the existence of a subset tion methods or, alternatively, is it a
of "initially" more informed individuals broader information system, as discussed
(e.g., superior analysts). earlier?
The models are partial equilibrium, 2. It permits the researcher to specify
where assumptions regarding the con- whether system efficiency or signal effi-
tracting opportunities permitted are cen- ciency is being tested. If the former, what
tral. For example, these analyses are theory leads the researcher to assume
essentially models of private information generalizability to unobserved and un-
production. Had contracts which per- tested signals from the system? If the
mitted collective production (or non- latter, why is the more restricted view
production) of information been con- adopted? Is it merely because of a lack
sidered, the information production of justification for a broader view or
incentives could have been dramatically because of some theoretical reason?
altered. One such collective choice would 3. It permits the researcher to define
be the centralized production of a signal, the information system as broadly or
thereby avoiding the costs of redundant narrowly, as desired. Again, presumably
production. Many of the issues related to theoretical considerations could at least
the institutional structure of information partially motivate the classifications of
production are discussed in Gonedes information systems.
[1976]. 4. It permits the researcher to dis-
tinguish the concept from the manner in
V. IMPLICATIONS FOR EMPIRICAL which the concept is tested. The advan-
RESEARCH tages of doing so were discussed earlier.
5. It permits the researcher to move
The previous discussion has several
rigorously from the conceptual level to
potential implications for empirical re-
the empirical level. The additional as-
search in market efficiency. A precise
sumptions in such a movement can be
definition will facilitate theoretical de-
specified, and the researcher can be more
velopment. As such, it can provide a
precise about the reasons why the empiri-
specification of the conditions under
cal evidence constitutes an indirect test. 16
which market efficiency would or would
Needless to say, the empirical studies
not obtain. For example, would differ-
do not directly test the conditions out-
ences be expected across securities or
lined in Expressions (3) or (4). The prices
across information systems? The em-
that would prevail in the hypothetical
pirical evidence would follow in response
to empirically testable implications of the economy of universal possession of qt are
not observed. Instead, the empirical
theory rather than in response to allega-
studies infer the security price behavior
tions by analysts, critics, and regulators.
In other words, the theory can serve as a
that would be observed if such a condition
held. A prominent example is the change
guide to future empirical research.
in depreciation methods. In this case, the
An explicit adoption of this formal
early studies held that if the market were
definition enables the researcher to be
more precise in several respects:
16 These five implications for empirical research are
1. It permits the researcher to specify not unique to the particular formal definition offered
here. They presumably would flow from any formal
precisely what is the information system
definition which did not suffer from the ambiguities
under study. For example, is it only cited earlier.

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34 The Accounting Review, January 1981

efficient with respect to this information, game" model, which suffers from several
the changes in equilibrium prices, ceteris ambiguities, as discussed previously.
paribus, would be zero. By way of residualMoreover, the ability to earn abnormal
analysis and other aspects of the research returns does not distinguish between
design, an approximation of the ceteris information "fully reflected" in prices
paribus condition was attempted. As and information "never reflected" in
Gonedes and Dopuch [1974] point out, prices." Both situations can imply an
in testing for market efficiency such inability to earn abnormal returns, yet it
studies have assumed the information is potentially important to distinguish
effect would be zero in a market which between them. For example, from a
fully reflected the information. A con- policy perspective, requiring public dis-
textual argument (i.e., no direct impact closure of such data for exchange pur-
on cash flows) was typically offered to poses would have no effect on stock
justify such an assumption. prices in the "fully reflect" case but would
Historically, there has been a consider-in general have price effects in the "never
able emphasis upon the ability to earn reflect" case. Moreover, critics such as
abnormal expected returns as a test of Briloff [1972] contend that certain mis-
market efficiency. Its prominence is un- pricing was "permanent" (i.e., for an
derstandable, given the heritage of mar- indeterminate length of time), and, if so,
ket efficiency. As indicated earlier, the it would not be detected by an abnormal
origin of market efficiency is the profes- returns test. Finally, market efficiency
sional investment community which sells studies have not been exclusively con-
services to clients on the basis that cerned with an ability to earn abnormal
inefficiencies will lead to abnormal re- returns. Most prominently, consider the
turns. From this perspective, a market studies of the change in depreciation
inefficiency that cannot be converted into methods. The studies were concerned
an abnormal return is "academic." As a with the "announcement effect" of the
result, it is natural that much of the earnings reported under the new depreci-
research on weak form efficiency and the ation method. In other words, did equi-
early work on semi-strong form efficiency librium prices change when depreciation
adopted an abnormal return testing per- methods were changed? Addressing the
spective. Under this perspective, a trading issue in this manner is consistent with
strategy is adopted based upon some
publicly available signal. 1 The ability to earn abnormal returns rests in part
Notwithstanding this tradition, Ex- upon what information is "fully reflected" in prices at
twi'o points in time (the beginning and end of the period
pressions (3) and (4) define market
over which the return is defined). Hence, it refers t6 a
efficiency in terms of an equality of dynamic property of prices over time. It may be intui-
equilibrium prices under two informa- tively appealing to conjecture that market efficiency at
both points in time (with respect to a') implies the in-
tion configurations. By contrast, they do
ability to earn abnormal returns (from knowledge of '')
not describe market efficiency in terms over that interval. However, it is difficult to argue that
of the ability to earn abnormal expected the "ability to earn abnormal returns" is an implication
returns (i.e., as in the "fair game" model).of a definition without specifying the definition. A
definition is a prerequisite to the derivation of implica-
The ability to earn abnormal returns is a tions.
potential implication of market efficiency 18 This feature underscores the fact that the ability to
but not a definition of it. 17 earn abnormal returns is an implication, not a definition
of market efficiency. A definition is an if and only if
A formal statement of "the ability to statement, while an implication goes in one direction but
earn abnormal returns" is the "fair the converse is not necessarily implied.

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Beaver 35

market efficiency as defined in Expres- are heterogeneous with respect to beliefs

sions (3) or (4), and is not testing the and information, (2) permits endowments
ability to earn abnormal returns from and preferences to play a natural role in
publicly available data. influencing prices, (3) permits individuals
A related question at this stage is: to perceive the market to be inefficient
How, if at all, will the definitions pro- even if it is not, (4) gives the term fully
vided here alter the behavior of research- reflect a well defined meaning, (5) dis-
ers' testing for market efficiency? While tinguishes between information system
such a question is an important one, it is efficiency and signal efficiency, (6) focuses
somewhat premature and somewhat mis- upon prices as opposed to beliefs or ac-
directed. The essential point here is that tions, (7) relates directly to prior allega-
we are currently in possession of a sizable tions of market inefficiency and to the set
empirical literature testing an ill-defined of empirical research that was directed at
concept. The analysis has attempted to those allegations, (8) avoids issues of
highlight some important conceptual aggregation of diverse beliefs across
ambiguities associated with previous defi- individuals, and in doing so does not
nitions and to provide a definition that is require homogeneous beliefs but permits
conceptually precise. Such a definition is them as a special case, (9) logically
a prelude to an interpretation of extant distinguishes the definition from any
empirical evidence and to further devel- particular equilibrium model, (10) per-
opment of a theory of market efficiency. mits the concept to be as finely parti-
This, indeed, may alter the nature of tioned with respect to information as may
future empirical studies. However, at the be desired and avoids severe definitions
present time, it is premature to speculate of market efficiency, and (11) avoids the
as to what it might be. use of ill-defined terms, introduced in
previous definitions.
Closing Remarks
Current research is beginning to pro-
The analysis examines the concept of vide models of equilibrium processes
market efficiency in a world of hetero- under which market efficiency would or
geneous individuals. In particular, a would not be attained. A rationale is
definition is offered which focuses upon provided as to why tests of semi-strong
the identity of equilibrium security prices form efficiency (i.e., with respect to pub-
under two information configurations. licly available information) are non-
Loosely speaking, the securities market trivial. The empirical research is briefly
is said to be efficient with respect to some discussed, and the observation was made
specific information if prices act as if that the empirical tests are indirect tests
everyone knows the information. Such a of market efficiency because the prices
setting: (1) permits a definition of market
where there is universal knowledge of
efficiency in a world of individuals who (ii) (or yt) are never observed.


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