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Christine Marey P.

12 ABM - 1


In a nutshell, the video taught me one important lesson: “If not now then when” — this is one
of my ultimate favorite quotes. This basically means that by effectively using our time, we can
earn something, and that by wasting it, we risk losing the chance to do so. The course of a
person's life is unpredictable, and we never know when a wonderful chance will present itself; it
all depends on how we choose to spend our time. A single incident can either lead to great
success or a severe decline in one's life.

For some, the most important aspect of life is time. It is crucial to recognize its worth and keep
up with it. Time is progress when it moves forward. Every single fraction of time matters.
Effective time management is using your time as efficiently as you can. As a result, we must
always be ready to seize any chance that presents itself. At any point in life, time is valuable
and never waits for anyone, regardless of their wealth, status, or position. Time has such power
that it has the ability to drastically alter a person's life. Whether you recognize the significance of
time or take it for granted is entirely on you. For each person, time has a particular significance
and value. It is used by a learner to capture knowledge. As we all observe, everyone in the
world today is chasing after wealth, success, and fame. The competition arisen in every
profession that has affected kids and people of all ages. Every single task should be completed
at a certain, predetermined time from the time of their morning wake-up to the time of their
nighttime sleep, and this schedule should be adhered to throughout their entire lives. The best
illustration of the worth and significance of time is the fact that, unlike money, which can be
recovered by means of time when lost, time cannot be replaced through the use of money or
any other resource. We may sum up by saying that time is both money and priceless, and that if
we use it wisely, no one can ever defeat us in life.

The best trait in a person is probably their ability to be on time. Being on time is essential, not
just remarkable. Think about what would happen if you never worked on time. This obvious
example of routinely waking up a bit later than usual would cost your day much more. You would
be late getting to school, missing courses, staying late to complete the exercises you missed,
and leaving school late. A twenty-four hour period makes up each day cycle. One of those
things that cannot be changed because of what it already is. Even if you have no influence over
the passage of time, you may direct how it is spent. Being efficient with your personal time
management begins with this realization — that for me honestly, It's critical to evaluate what
matters most to you in your daily life and concentrate on setting aside time for these pursuits.
Eliminating anything unimportant is a good idea. Your life will dramatically improve if you learn
how to manage your time properly. You must be open to changing things up completely. You
need to develop your ability to focus and move forward incrementally. When you take on too
much at once or more than you can handle, your chances of failing rise. You'll learn a little more
about yourself while honing your time management abilities. The process of effective time
management begins here. It gets much simpler as you get older to forget key things in your life.
Although it seems absurd that people would allow anything like this to occur, it is actually very
simple to do. Get in touch with what it is that you want to achieve with your life as a first step.
Christine Marey P. Camilotes
12 ABM - 1
Time keeps spinning around like a top. It cannot be stored and cannot be replaced. It doesn't
wait around for anyone. We cannot go back and change what we have said, just as we cannot
put a cut flower back in its stem. One will suffer severe consequences if they fail to appreciate
the worth of time. Every moment counts, particularly in a student's life. In our lives.

When you finish your studies and go to bed late, it would be deemed later. Understanding how
to keep to a schedule will help you become more productive. When you do everything on time,
you will inevitably be much more productive at work. Since delays and tarrying won't be terms in
your vocabulary, you won't ever swear by your timetable. You won't ever need to give
justifications for doing your task on time, which means that you will be regarded as a more
respectable person both at work and elsewhere. Being punctual would therefore increase
people's respect for you. People will learn to depend on you for important tasks since you will be
known for always being on time. When your teacher asks you to do something or comply
something, they will rely on you to complete the task effectively and meet the deadline at the
same time since they are confident that you are the person who will truly want to embrace the
responsibility as a student. Likewise, you will gain a higher point or even earn an impression by
your teacher or it can be in other areas of your life. You can be helpful when you are on time.
You are aware of the value of time, which means you are also cognizant of the fact that time
wasted cannot be made up. You are motivated to make the most of every second of your day as
a result of this knowledge and understanding. You try to maximize every second, which keeps
you actively engaged in anything productive. You're constantly rushing around, trying to learn
something new or accomplish something else. In every aspect of life, it's important to be on
time. As said in the video, “You are what you are because that’s what you’ve decided to
be” and now, I’ll choose to change for the better. I’ll choose to be punctual at all times as it
makes me reflect on my own behavior and how it affects my life as a whole.

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