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1. Write a program in C to search an element from an unsorted array using linear search technique.

2. Write a program in C to search an element from a sorted array using binary search technique.

3. Write a C program to remove duplicate elements from an array.

4. Writs a C program to insert an element in an array, where the position is given by user & print
the resultant array.

5. Writs a C program to delete an element from an array, where the position is given by user &
print the resultant array

6. Write a C program that will take two matrices A and B as input (size to be supplied at runtime)
and find the resultant matrix C=A X B.

7. Write a C program that will take a matrix as input from user and find the transpose of the

8. Write a program in C to join two sorted array in such a way that the resultant array became
sorted & print the joined array.

9. Write a C program to implement a stack using array of fixed size (size should be taken from
user) & show the operations PUSH, POP, PEEK & DISPLAY.

10. Write a C program to implement a stack using Linked List & show the operations PUSH, POP

11. Write a C program to take a In-fix expression from user and convert to its postfix using stack.

12. Write a C program to take a postfix expression from user and evaluate and show result.

13. Write a C program to implement a queue using fixed sized array & show the operations like

14. Write a C program to implement a queue using Linked List & show the operations like INSERT,

15. Write a C program to implement a circular queue & show the basic operations like INSERT,
16. Write a C program to insert an element at a position in a linked list, where the position is given
by user.

17. Write a C program to delete an element at a position in a linked list, where the position is given
by user
18. Write a C program to implement Circular linked list & show the operations like insertion &
deletion. .

19. Write a C program to implement Doubly linked list & show the operations like insertion &

20. Write a C program to find sum of a Fibonacci series of n numbers using recursion.

21. Write a C program to find the factorial of a number using tail recursion.

22. Write a C program to find solution to Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion

23. Write a program in C to sort the elements in an array using Bubble sort

24. Write a program in C to sort the elements in an array using Quick sort

25. Write a program in C to sort the elements in an array using Marge sort.

26. Write a program in C to sort the elements in an array using Insertion sort

27. Write a program in C to sort the elements in an array using Selection sort.

28. Program of Insertion, Deletion & Search in a BST and show the in-order, pre-order and post-
order traversal forms.

29. Write a program in C to implement the breadth-first search algorithm.

30. Write a program in C to implement the depth-first search algorithm.

31. Write a program in C to implement the Warshall’s algorithm to find the path matrix.

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