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Deposits of flows transitional between turbidity current and debris flow

Esther J. Sumner, Peter J. Talling and Lawrence A. Amy

Geology 2009;37;991-994
doi: 10.1130/G30059A.1

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© 2009 Geological Society of America

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Deposits of flows transitional between turbidity current and debris flow

Esther J. Sumner1*, Peter J. Talling1*, and Lawrence A. Amy2†
Department of Earth Science, University of Bristol, Queen’s Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK
Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton Campus, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK

ABSTRACT 2008, for details). The flow was decelerated

The relationship between submarine sediment gravity flows and the character of their linearly over periods of between 10 s and 900
deposits is poorly understood. Annular flume experiments were used to investigate the depo- s. The onset of deposition and, where possible,
sitional dynamics and deposits of waning sediment-laden flows. Decelerating fast (>3 m/s) deposition rates were measured using a video
flows with fixed sand content (10 vol%) and variable mud content (0–17 vol%) resulted camera attached to the rotating flume. The flow
in only four deposit types. Clean sand with a mud cap that resembled a turbidity current state was measured by injecting dye into the
deposit (turbidite) formed if the flow was turbulent when deposition began, or if the muddy flow 5–10 cm above the channel floor. The flow
fluid had insufficient strength to suspend the sand. The clean sand could contain struc- was considered to be turbulent if the dye mixed
tures if mud content was low (<6%) and the deceleration period was >300 s. Ungraded within 5 s; laminar if the dye formed streaks;
muddy sand with a mud cap that resembled a debris-flow deposit (debrite) formed if the and transitional (between turbulent and lami-
flow became laminar before sand could deposit. Clean sand overlain by ungraded muddy nar) if mixing of the dye took more than 5 s.
sand and a mud cap formed either from a transitional flow or by late-stage settling of sand Samples were taken for grain-size analysis 16
from a muddy suspension. These deposits resemble enigmatic submarine flow deposits h after the end of the experiment. Grain-size
called linked debrite-turbidites. The experiments provide a basis for inferring flow type analyses were conducted using a Malvern
from deposit character for submarine sediment-laden flows. Mastersizer Micro. The details of all experi-
ments are provided in GSA Data Repository1
INTRODUCTION currents are sometimes considered to have Table DR1 and are shown in Figure 1A.
Submarine gravity flows are some of the larg- sediment volume concentrations of <~10%, as
est and most powerful sediment-laden flows on at higher sediment concentrations, grain colli- RESULTS
Earth. Individual flows can transport >100 km3 sion is more frequent (Mulder and Alexander, The experimental deposits are divided into
of sand and mud from the continental shelf into 2001; Bagnold, 1962). However, the relation- four types based on the degree of sand and mud
the deep ocean (Talling et al., 2007), sometimes ship between flow characteristics (e.g., com- segregation and the existence of sedimentary
obtaining speeds of 19 m/s on slopes of <0.25° position, concentration, rheology) and deposit structures (Fig. 1A).
(Piper et al., 1999). Direct monitoring of flows character is not well constrained by existing
is difficult; therefore much of our understand- experimental work. Past controversy over how Type I—Structured Sand Overlain by a
ing of these flows is based on the analysis of to infer flow character from a deposit reflects Mud Cap
their deposits. Laboratory experiments play an this lack of experimental data linking deposits This deposit formed from flows with <6%
important role in determining the types of flows directly to flow types. This study provides the mud that were decelerated over >300 s. The
that produce different deposits. In this study opportunity to document deposits from flows clean sand gradually aggraded, initially by the
experiments were conducted to determine the with a fixed sand content but a wide range of collapse of laminar sheared layers, which are
types of deposits that form from flows with mud concentrations that were decelerated in a thin (<5 mm), high-concentration moving sand
a fixed (10 vol%) amount of sand and a wide controlled fashion at different rates. layers (as described by Vrolijk and Southard,
range of mud fractions (0–17 vol%) and decel- 1997; Sumner et al., 2008). Planar laminae
eration rates. This included flows that were tran- METHODS formed from the reworking of laminar sheared
sitional between a fluidal and a plastic rheology. Experiments were conducted in an annular layers. As the sedimentation rate declined,
flume, a recirculating flume consisting of a there was tractional reworking of the bed,
SUBMARINE SEDIMENT GRAVITY continuous channel that is circular in plan view causing the formation of ripple cross-laminae.
FLOWS and has a radius (to the outer wall) of 0.6 m. A small amount of fine sand aggraded on top of
It is often inferred that two end-member flow The cross section of the channel is rectangular, the ripple cross-laminae after the flow stopped
types exist, turbidity currents and debris flows. with a width of 0.14 m and a depth of 0.5 m. (Fig. DR1 in the Data Repository). Suspension
Turbidity currents are typically defined as rela- The channel contained 160 L of tap water, fallout of mud particles formed a layer that
tively dilute flows in which particles are domi- silica sand (grain size = 45–250 µm; density = then consolidated.
nantly supported by fluid turbulence, whereas 2448 kg/m3), and kaolinite (mean grain size =
debris flows have relatively high sediment 12 µm; density = 2350 kg/m3). The amount of Type II—Structureless Sand Overlain by a
concentrations, and so the yield strength of the silica sand was kept constant at 10% and the Mud Cap
sediment-water mixture and/or grain interac- amount of mud and water was varied. Rotat- This deposit formed from all flows with
tions are the main particle support mechanisms ing six paddles (10 cm long) through the upper 6%–11.25% mud, and flows with <6% mud
(Middleton and Hampton, 1973). Turbidity surface of the suspension generates flow. The
base of the flume counterrotates to minimize 1
GSA Data Repository item 2009251, Table DR1
*Current address: National Oceanography Centre, secondary flow in the channel. (details of all experiments), Figure DR1 (parts 1 to 4;
University of Southampton, Waterfront Campus, Eu- A visually highly turbulent flow was gen- vertical grain-size profiles of all sampled deposits),
ropean Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK. E-mails: erated, with an initial velocity of either 3 or and Figure DR2 (parts 1 to 4; growth rate of the part of; peter.talling@noc. the deposit comprising clean sand), is available online
3.5 m/s. Flow velocities are based on mea- at, or on request

Current address: Saudi Aramco, Dharan 31311, surements made of clear-water flows using from or Documents Secre-
Saudi Arabia neutrally buoyant particles (see Sumner et al., tary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

© 2009 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology, November
November 2009
2009; v. 37; no. 11; p. 991–994; doi: 10.1130/G30059A.1; 3 figures; Data Repository item 2009251. 991
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Experiment conducted Turbulent flow Transitional flow Laminar flow
0.28 0.18
Experiment sampled
Flow state measured
0.26 Deposit type IV 0.16 0.16
Total solids concentration Φ Τ

0.24 0.14 0.14

Deposit type III

Mud concentration ΦΜ
0.22 0.12 0.12

0.20 0.10 0.10


Muddy sand
0.18 0.08 0.08

Clean sand

D epo
0.16 0.06 0.06 Ripples
Deposit type II
0.14 0.04 0.04

0.12 0.02 0.02

Deposit type I

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 200 250 300 350 400 450
Deceleration time (s) Time from start of deceleration (s)

Figure 1. A: Graph showing deposit types that formed when mud content and deceleration rate were varied. Deposit types I and II comprise
normally graded sand overlain by mud cap. Type I contains planar laminae and may contain ripple cross-laminae, whereas type II is struc-
tureless. Deposit type III comprises clean sand overlain by ungraded muddy sand and mud cap. Deposit type IV comprises ungraded muddy
sand with mud cap. B: Graph showing how state of flow (turbulent, transitional, or laminar) varies with mud content and time from start
of deceleration, for a series of experiments decelerated in 500 s (diamonds in A). Bold line shows onset of sand deposition for flows with
different mud contents. Type I and II deposits form when flow is turbulent at onset of sand deposition. Type III deposits form when flow is
transitional at onset of deposition. Type IV deposits form if flow becomes laminar before deposition.

decelerated in <300 s. The clean sand aggraded Flow State amount of mud in suspension can cause transi-
from slowly decelerated flows initially by the All of the flows began in a turbulent state; tion between deposit types (Fig. 1A).
collapse of laminar sheared layers, then by as the flows slowed, turbulence diminished Particle support in muddy flows is deter-
traction, and finally from individual particle and they became laminar. Figure 1B shows mined by the complex interplay of turbulent
settling. The top of the clean sand segregated how the state of the flow evolves for a series of and cohesive forces. The development of
from the muddy suspension after the flow flows with increasing mud content (0%–17%); a continuous structural network formed by
stopped. For quickly decelerated flows, depo- they all had a sand content of 10% and were aggregation of colloidal particles gives the
sition of clean sand always began from the decelerated over 500 s. The graph shows the flow yield strength, makes the flow viscous,
moving flow, but much deposition occurred time from start of deceleration, when the flow and suppresses turbulence. However, turbu-
after the flow stopped via segregation from the became turbulent, transitional, and laminar for lence can disrupt this network and reduce yield
muddy suspension (Fig. DR2). flows with increasing mud content. The graph strength and fluid viscosity (Winterwerp and
also shows the time from start of deceleration Kranenburg, 1997). Sand particles increase the
Type III—Structureless Sand Overlain by when sand deposition began. Deposit type concentration of the suspension and can damp
Ungraded Muddy Sand and a Mud Cap correlates to the flow state when deposition turbulence. However, they can also increase the
The deposit formed from flows with began. If the flow was turbulent when deposi- distance between clay particles, making aggre-
11.25%–14.25% mud. In slowly decelerated tion began, the sand was able to segregate from gation more difficult, and generate turbulent
flows clean sand aggraded from the moving the mud, either during flow or after flow had wakes that disrupt the bonds between mud par-
flow via a tractional bed boundary, a small stopped, resulting in deposit type I or II. If the ticles (Elghobashi, 1994).
amount of sand segregated from the muddy flow was transitional when deposition began, Baas et al. (2009) constructed a phase dia-
suspension after the flow stopped. In quickly some of the sand segregated from the mud, gram for turbulent, transitional, and laminar
decelerated flows deposition of clean sand resulting in deposit type III. If the flow became clay-laden open-channel flows. A version of
began from the moving flow, but most of the laminar before deposition began, a type IV their phase diagram specific to kaolin sus-
deposit aggraded from sand segregating out of deposit formed. pensions is shown in Figure 2. Increasing the
suspension after the flow stopped. amount of clay in a flow led to five different
DISCUSSION flow types. Turbulent flow, which is turbulent
Type IV—Ungraded Muddy Sand with a throughout its depth; turbulence-enhanced
Mud Cap Deposit Types transitional flow, which has enhanced turbu-
The deposit formed from flows with Despite the wide range of conditions tested, lence relative to a turbulent flow of the same
>14.25% mud. The deposit formed entirely only four types of deposit formed. The bound- speed; lower transitional plug flow, comprising
from the consolidation of the muddy suspen- aries between deposit types are abrupt, mean- a lower turbulent region and overlying lami-
sion after the flow had stopped. ing that remarkably small changes in the nar plug; upper transitional plug flow, which

992 GEOLOGY, November 2009

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Deposit type QLPF Quasi-laminar plug flow

Figure 2. Data from this Deposit type
study (black lines) plot- III 1 UTPF Upper transitional plug flow
0.12 LTPF

Mud concentration ΦΜ
ted on phase diagram
for kaolinite-water flows 0.10
(gray lines) (redrawn LTPF Lower transitional plug flow
from Baas et al., 2009). 0.08 Deposit type
Arrows show trajecto- I + II TF
ries, through phase dia-

al r
on a

TETF Turbulence-enhanced transitional flow

len al
iti in

tur sition

ns am
gram, of different flows

tra L
0.04 2
that would result in a



linked turbidite-debrite.

0.02 beg TF Turbulent flow
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Flow velocity (m/s)

has a lower turbulent region and thick overly- after the flow has stopped because the plug has Mudstone
ing laminar plug; and quasi-laminar plug flow, insufficient yield strength to suspend it. A Cross- and planar-laminated
comprising a laminar plug that moves on a thin The type IV deposits (ungraded muddy sandstone
Mud-rich sandstone
shear layer (Fig. 2). sand with a mud cap) correlate with “quasi-
If the flow types of Baas et al. (2009) are laminar plug flows.” The laminar plug extends
extended to flows that also contain sand, they to the base of the flow and has sufficient yield
Dewatered clean sandstone
explain the different types of deposit observed strength to prevent sand settling.
here. Figure 2 shows the results from this The mud cap on all of the deposits results
study plotted on Baas et al.’s (2009) phase dia- from turbulence generation, by the paddles, at Structureless clean sandstone
gram for kaolinite-water suspensions. Exact the top of the flow. The turbulence disrupts the
correlation between the two data sets is not mud network sufficiently to allow sand to settle B Cross- and planar-laminated
expected because of differences in composi- downward.
tion, bed-boundary roughness, and the posi-
tion of turbulence generation in the flow. Our IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FORMATION Mud-rich sandstone
experiments progress from right to left on the OF LINKED DEBRITE-TURBIDITE
diagram along lines of constant composition BEDS Chaotically arranged mud clasts
and chips
(e.g., arrow 1, Fig. 2). Deposits containing debrite (ungraded
Type I and II deposits (clean sand with mud muddy sand) encased in turbidite (clean sand
cap) usually correlate with flows where depo- and mud) have been called linked debrite-tur-
Clean sandstone
sition begins in either the “turbulent” or “tur- bidite beds. The debrite sand interval is typi-
bulence enhanced” regimes. Sand gradually cally relatively thin (<2 m) and may or may C Mudstone
settles from the turbulent flow as it slows and not contain mud clasts (Fig. 3). Their origin is
turbulence decays. As the flow slows a laminar enigmatic because these beds commonly occur
plug develops that consolidates on top of the in distal parts of turbidite systems (Haughton
Mud-rich sandstone
sand. When the flows are decelerated quickly, et al., 2003; Talling et al., 2004, 2007), an
turbulence decays too quickly for the sand environment not traditionally associated with
particles to respond. Therefore much of the debris-flow deposits.
Mud clasts
deposit aggrades after the flow has stopped The architecture of linked turbidite-debrites
because the muddy plug has insufficient yield can vary (Fig. 3; Haughton et al., 2003; Talling Clean sandstone
strength to suspend the sand. et al., 2004, 2007). The clean basal sand-
The type III deposits (clean sand overlain by stone often contains cross-laminae (Talling et Figure 3. Logs showing variability of linked
muddy sand capped with mud) correlate with al., 2004, 2007), but can be massive (Fig. 3). turbidite-debrites in outcrop (redrawn from
flows where deposition begins while the flow In certain cases the basal sand has pervasive Haughton et al., 2003; Talling et al., 2004).
is in the “transitional plug” regimes. Sand par- deformation due to dewatering, and it has been
ticles in the lower turbulent region settle out suggested that this dewatering can aid debris-
as the flow decelerates and turbulence decays. flow runout (Haughton et al., 2003). However, debris flow; (2) an initial debris flow is diluted
However, as the flow slows the thickness of the in many cases the basal unit is undeformed and by shear with the ambient fluid, producing a
laminar plug extends downward, trapping sand dewatering has not helped debris-flow runout subsidiary turbidity current that outruns the
particles. Some sand segregates after the flow (Talling et al., 2004, 2007). debris flow; (3) a turbidity current overloads
has stopped if the yield strength of the plug Several hypotheses exist for the origin of an unstable substrate, generating a localized
provides insufficient support. When the flows linked debrite-turbidite beds (Haughton et al., secondary debris flow (McCaffrey and Kneller,
are decelerated quickly the growth of the plug 2003; Talling et al., 2004, 2007): (1) an initial 2001); (4) an initial turbulent flow decelerates
is faster than the settling velocity of the sand turbidity current erodes the seafloor, causing and its turbulence diminishes, the strength of
particles. All sand segregates out of the plug local flow bulking and transformation into a flocculation between mud particles increases,

GEOLOGY, November 2009 993

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strength decelerates and particles above a criti- flows or sand segregating from a low yield >2.0.CO;2.
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2001; Talling et al., 2004). muddy sand with a mud cap. These deposits trap potential on the margins of confined tur-
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jectory through Figure 2 (arrow 1), but occur Sumner, E., Amy, L., and Talling, P., 2008, Deposit
when the flow is rapidly decelerated. There- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
structure and processes of sand deposition from
fore model 5 is also plausible. The basal sand Sumner is funded by Natural Environment
decelerating sediment suspensions: Journal of
Research Council (NERC) Ph.D. studentship
in such type III deposits will be relatively thin Sedimentary Research, v. 78, p. 529–547, doi:
NER/S/A/2005/13249. The annular flume was
and the basal clean sand will terminate at the 10.2110/jsr.2008.062.
funded by NERC Ocean Margins LINK grant NER/
Talling, P., Amy, L., Wynn, R.B., Peakall, J., and
same location as the overlying debrite. T/S/2003/00110 and by ConocoPhillips, BHP Bil-
Robinson, M., 2004, Beds comprising deb-
Many linked debrite-turbidite beds have a liton, and Shell UK. We thank Peter Haughton and
rite sandwiched within co-genetic turbidite:
Jaco Baas for helpful reviews that greatly improved
relatively thick basal sand that contains cross- Origin and widespread occurrence in distal
the manuscript, and Baas and colleagues in particular
laminae or parallel laminae (Fig. 2). The pres- depositional environments: Sedimentology,
for providing us with a preprint of their manuscript
v. 51, p. 163–194, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091
ence of sedimentary structures in the clean on phase diagrams for clay suspension flows, which
sand suggests deposition from a turbulent flow proved fundamental in helping us to understand our
Talling, P., Amy, L., and Wynn, R.B., 2007, New
of low mud concentration, i.e., from a turbid- own experiments.
insight into the evolution of large-volume tur-
ity current. Deposition begins from a turbulent bidity currents: Comparison of turbidite shape
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994 GEOLOGY, November 2009

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