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The history of Christianity goes way back into the Jewish ancestry and revolves around the 300

prophecies in the Old Testament which reveals the upcoming of a Jewish Messiah who would be a Savior of Humanity. Around 2000 years ago, this prophecy was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary in the small town of Bethlehem in Israel. He brought a hope of delight to the poor and rejected ones. The birth of Jesus Christ also claimed a revolution and the revival of the teachings of Judaism. In the beginning Christianity was considered as a part of Judaism. As Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17). But later on, the teachings of Jesus established the foundation of Christianity. The concept of salvation and eternal peace blessed the sad and gloomy hearts. Born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, Mohammed was the founder of Islam. Prophet Mohammad was also a messenger of God. But he revealed the truth and the way of life through the Koran. The Koran (Qur'an), 114 chapters of Mohammad's divinely inspired revelations, is the Islamic scripture, which resembles Judaism and Christianity. He was and still is considered by the Muslims to be Gods last and greatest prophet. Mohammed heard a divine voice, later believed to be the angel Gabriel of the Christian religion, telling him that Allah is the only god. Islam then spread into Egypt, North America, and Spain. Although the Islamic rule weakened due to power struggle among Islamic leaders and the Christian crusades. We will either go to heaven (a city built of gold), or hell (a lake of fire). Christians believe that there will be a judgment where everyone s life will be evaluated. Those that believe and pray to Christ will past the judgment. People that did not believe in God will be tested with fire. Put simply, sin is the failure to live up to God's standards. People who sin and do not repent or ask for forgiveness from God will most likely go to hell. God did not want us to think of hell as punishment but as a consequence of rejecting God. People that go there are finally given what they want: freedom from God. People that go to hell can never come out again. Heaven is said to be everything we ve dreamed of. Streets made of gold, never ending supply of the things you want most, like food, and best of all, immortality. He was afraid and said, How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven. (Genesis 28:17) Heaven is Gods home, when we go to heaven we will be able to talk to people like Moses and Noah. Muslim principles teach an eternal paradise for the righteous, and an eternal hell for the unrighteous, including but not limited, to all who are not Muslim. No one can enter into heaven because heaven is the throne of God, and God has no personal relationship with people. The Garden, or Paradise, is the place where people go and the only way to get to Paradise is to do good things, pray, fast, and give to the poor. In Islam, sin is an act for which punishment must match the nature and weight of the sin. Muslims believe that no one is born with a sinful

nature. That is why they do not see the need for Jesus death on the cross. Every sin has its own punishment. Except some, such as adultery, have many kinds of punishment. Under Islam, females bear greater punishment. Before prayer, if they do not wash themselves first, Allah (that s how they call their god) will not accept their prayers. Christian salvation is the acceptance of the Lord Jesus and one s personal Savior. Salvation is to accept that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins and ask him to save us. It simply involves asking Jesus into your life. God can't accept sin. If Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, everybody would go to hell. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:26). The only way man can be saved is through Christ choosing us and taking our sins away in substitution so that we can be sinless in front of God. If we obey him and he chooses us, Jesus will clean us from our sins by his blood. We need to believe in Jesus to be saved. Our focus should be on eternal things and not on earthly things. In Islam, forgiveness is based on a combination of Allah's grace and the Muslim's works. On the Day of Judgment, if a Muslim's good works outweigh his bad ones, and if Allah so wills it, he may be forgiven of all his sins and then enter into Paradise. Those who obey Allah and his messengers will be admitted to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath; to abide there forever and that will be the supreme achievement. But those who disobey Allah and his messenger and transgress his limits will be admitted to a fire, to be there forever: and they shall have a humiliating punishment. A Muslim who fulfills the Five Pillars of Islam, remains in the faith of Islam, and if he sincerely repents of his sins, will make it to Paradise. If he performs the Five Pillars but does not remain in the faith, he will not be saved. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Faith Believing that there is no true god except Allah. Prayer - Confession of sins. Performed 5 times a day. Fasting No drinking or eating and seeking Allah for a period of time. Alms-giving - Charity given to the poor. Pilgrimage a long journey made to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion.

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