English 10 3rd Reviewed

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Dumaguete City

Periodic Test
English 10 Quarter 3

Name: ________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: ______________________ Date: _______________

Test I:
Directions: Read and comprehend the given sentences carefully. Write the
letter of your correct answer on a ½ lengthwise.

1. What is the purpose of providing background information to readers in writing an

A. to have more information about the topic
B. to have distractions about the claim
C. to have warnings for an opposing view
D. to have a summary outline of the topic
2. Where can you find evidence and details in an essay?
A. body paragraphs C. conclusion part
B. introductory paragraph D. thesis statement
3. What is shown when a statement of opposing view or claim is presented in an
A. what someone would argue for the claim
B. what someone would argue against the claim
C. what the reader should believe
D. what the writer tries to prove

4. Which of the following is the INCORRECT way of getting the audience’s


A. use an insult B. use a quotation C. use a story D. use statistic

5. What is the purpose of writing a conclusion?
A. to give new information
B. to give the evidence
C. to restate the arguments and the reasons
D. to restate the attention-getter and background

(For items 6-10) Read and understand the following essays and write the letter
of your correct answer in your answer sheet.

"Smoking in public places should be banned"

Smoking in public places should be banned because it puts other people,

especially children and pregnant women, at risk of breathing smoke from cigarettes.
Smoking in public places also endangers people who have respiratory ailments.

Recent studies show that almost 80% of those who ingest secondhand smoke
from public smokers have a higher risk of getting respiratory problems than smokers
Banning an act that causes problems to innocent civilians is helpful in many
ways. If smoking in public places is banned, we reduce or totally eradicate the
danger of putting non-smokers at risk of developing lung and heart problems.
Moreover, if we ban smoking in public places, we also stop the smokers from further
increasing their chances of acquiring health problems for themselves.
While it can be said that not all people who smoke in public areas are always
causing harm to others, it remains a fact that smoking per se is a cause of health
problems. It is not enough to say that the size of affected people is relatively just a
small fraction; plenty or few, one person put at risk is more than enough. It is only the
case that smoking in public places, therefore, should be banned.
6. What is the essay mainly about?
A. Banning of smoking in public places
B. Smoking as causes of respiratory problems
C. Smoking as dangerous to your health
D. Smoking in public places
7. How was the argument presented in the essay?
A. Classical Type B. Rogerian Type C. Toulmin Type D. Both A and C

Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. Both first-hand and second-
hand smokers are affected by cigarette smoke.
Scientific findings and research show that the chemicals in cigarettes, apart
from the smoke, can lead to health problems such as lung cancer.
Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. In public places, more
people, both young and old, can be exposed to the smoke from cigarettes. My
position differs from those who might say that smoking altogether should not be
banned. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned. It does not
include smoking in private places like homes.
Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to
individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from
cigarettes. The risks are double to those who already have lung ailments.
8. What is the introductory paragraph of the essay?
A. It does not include smoking at home.
B. Smoking can cause lung cancer.
C. Smoking cigarettes should be banned.
D. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places.
9. What is the thesis statement of the essay?
A. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned.
B. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems.
C. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places.

D. Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to
individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from
10. How was the argument presented in the essay?
A. Classical Type B. Rogerian Type C. Toulmin Type D. Both A and C
11. It is an analysis of a particular piece of writing.
A. critique B. editorial C. essay D. story
12. What does a critique aim to?
A. analyze how well the points in an article made
B. prove how flawed the literary work is
C. show the elements of the piece
D. summarize the original text
13. A critique must be written based on observations of the text.
A. emotionally B. freely C. objectively D. subjectively
14. Which of the following best describes how criticisms help the author of the work
under consideration?
A. Critiques help the writer make his work better.
B. Critiques encourage the writer to pursue a different line of work.
C. Critiques give the writer concrete ideas for a new text.
D. All given statements are true and correct.
15. Which of the following follows the correct steps in writing a critique?
1. State a conclusion as well as reasons for it.
2. Read and understand the text.
3. Evaluate the ideas and their flow in the text.
4. Orient the reader regarding the text.
A. 2341 B. 1234 C. 2431 D. 2413
16. Literary criticism is the evaluation, analysis, description, or interpretation of
literary works.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
17. Moralist criticism focuses on the text itself.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
18. When poem is analyzed in terms of formalism, we criticized it through its
rhyme, meter, rhythm, tone, mood, among others.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
19. Writing a critical analysis requires critical reading and critical thinking.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
20. Moralist approach does not analyze the values or lessons and ethics
present in a literary text.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
21. We can criticize or evaluate prose (like short story) only by using the formalist
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False
22. To do moral criticism a critic has to find how the moral issues raised in the
given story relate to or reflect on moral issues facing our society.
A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False

(For items 23-27) A. Identify what is defined in each of the following sentences
by getting the correct word from the word pool below. Write your answer in
your answer sheet. NOTE: Wrong spelling wrong.

Analyze Assess Critique Describe Interpret Present

_________23. To give the reader a sense of the writer's overall purpose and
_________24. To examine how the structure and language of the text convey
its meaning.
_________25. To state the significance or importance of each part of the text.
_________26. To make a judgment of the work's worth or value.
_________27. To evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical
Feminism Formalism Historical Marxism Moralist
Reader-response Structuralism

_______28. It is a theory that says people in the world are organized into
different groups, or classes, based on what they do for work.
_______29. It is an approach that analyzes and explains invariant structures in
and constitutive of nature, society, and the human psyche.
_______30. It refers to critical approaches that analyze, interpret, or evaluate the
inherent features of a text (grammar, syntax, literary devices).
_______31. It is a social and political movement that is about changing the way
people see male and female rights (mainly female), and campaigning for
equal ones.
_______32. It is an object-centered theory of critical approach to literature.
_______33. It explores ways in which the text reveals ideological oppression of
a dominant economic class over subordinate classes.
_______34. “How does the story re-inscribe or contradict traditional gender
roles”, is one of the questions that serves as your guide in
critiquing using this approach.
_______36. It is a psychology concerned especially with the resolution of the mind
into structural elements.
_______37. This approach is not “anti-men”, but it is asking for equal rights for
men and women.
_______38. The question, “Are lower economic groups ignored or devalued?”
appears in the analysis when you use this approach.
_______39. Priel analyzes the reading selection by identifying some factual events
and evidence.
______ 40. It depends on the readers personal reaction to the text.

______ 41. Writers have forestalled to receive varied comments for every literary
______ 42. It explores the events and forces that might affect the author’s literary
______ 43. It involves in examining, explaining, and defending your personal
reaction to the text.
______44. It finds out what happened around the world when the literature was
done. This was important because the author had either consciously
or unconsciously fused outside forces into the literary work.
_____ _45. It believes that a literary text is given by meaning by its reader.
_______46. This form of criticism interrogates all societies and their texts including
race, class, attitudes, and norms shared within a given culture.
_______47. Samuel Johnson once stressed in his novel entitled, The History of
Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia the following words: “I have here the
world before me: I will review it at leisure: surely happiness is
somewhere to be found… Happiness must be something solid and
permanent, without fear and without uncertainty.” He simply recounts
the story of a prince ‘who escapes from the valley of Happiness,’ to
search for perpetual bliss. However, he realizes that this kind of
happiness does not exist. (Moral-Examples and Definitions of Moral.” Literary Devices,
May 28,2017)
_______48. Through Phoenix’s strenuous journey in the wild country of Natchez
Trace, Eudora Welty uses her protagonist to symbolically show the
struggle of African- Americans toward equality and integration in the
South after the Civil War
(Writing a Formalist Literary Analysis. Accessed September 1, 2020).
(Source: Columbres, Cristina G. CritiqueA Literary Selection Based on Some Approaches. Quarter 3CapSLETs .ZCDO.2020)


1. A 23. Describe 45. Reader-response

2. A 24. Analyze 46. Historical
3. B 25. Interpret 47. Moralist
4. A 26. Assess 48. Structuralist
5. C 27. Critique
6. A 28. Marxism
7. C 29. Structuralism
8. B 30. Formalism
9. B 31. Feminism
10. B 32. Formalism
11. A 33. Marxism
12. A 34. Feminism
13. C 35. Structuralism
14. A 36. Feminism
15. C 37. Marxism
16. A 38. Feminism
17. B 39. Historical
18. A 40. Reader-response
19. A 41. Reader-response
20. B 42. Historical
21. B 43. Reader-response
22. A 44. Historical

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