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Joey (A1-A2)

Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.

1. What does the notice say?


Please purchase tickets from the A) You cannot buy a ticket on the bus.
ticket machines on the platform You cannot pay the driver using banknotes.
or pay by card on the bus. C) You need to buy tickets in advance.
The driver will not accept cash.

To: Th
 e members of the Sport What will happen if you forget about your membership fee?
A) You can never be a member of the Sport Club again.
From: The secretary
B) You will not be able to play tennis at the Club.

Please make sure you have

C) Your membership will be renewed automatically.
paid your membership fee by
the end of this month or you
won’t be able to use the gym
or the tennis court.

3. Tommy,
What does Simone want Tommy to know?
Sorry for the late notice, but I
A) that she won’t be able to take part in the competition
cannot join you for the tango
contest tonight. I sprained my B) that she is in pain
ankle this morning and I am C) that she will come to tango lessons next week
afraid I won’t be able to move
around too much in the next
couple of weeks.

ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE What do students have to do?
THEIR BADGES ON THEM A) ask for a new badge
B) leave their badge at reception
TO RECEPTION TO GET A C) go to reception if they have left their badges at home

FREE LEAFLETS OF What does the notice say?
A) You can pick up free leaflets at the student office.
B) You can read the leaflets on the notice board.
C)STUDENT OFFICE You can take the leaflets posted on the board.


II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.

6. I have been on holiday for a week.

I ….. on holiday a week ago.
A) went B) have been C) have gone

7. My parents don’t allow me to buy products online.

My parents don’t let ..… products online.
A) me to buy B) me buy C) me buying

8. I think she made me late for school intentionally.

I think she made me late for school ..… .
A) on purpose B) in purpose C) with purpose

9. My daily routine includes 30 minutes of jogging.

I ….. for a 30-minute run every day.
A) go B) take C) make

10. This is where my parents sleep.
This is my ….. bedroom.
A) parent B) parent’s C) parents’

III. Read the sentences. For each space (11-20), choose the correct answer.
11. You’d better ….. out! If you are not careful, you might fall and break something.
A) watch B) stay C) leave

12. The Smiths are very ….. of their new car.

A) pleased B) fond C) happy

13. Right now I am ….. on my bed reading your letter.

A) seating B) sitting C) set

14. My public speaking coach has ….. me to be more confident.

A) made B) encouraged C) said

15. I would like us to talk about our fight and ….. up.
A) do B) stay C) make

16. Hot chocolate was once drunk only ….. the rich.
A) to B) by C) from

17. In some private schools, students have to ….. very high fees.
A) pay B) cost C) charge
18. Children should be free to make ….. own decisions.
A) there B) their C) many
19. He is one year younger ….. most of his classmates.
A) then B) that C) than

20. Putting Manuka honey on a burn makes it ….. more quickly.

A) heal B) hill C) heel

IV. Read the text. For each question (21-25), choose the correct answer.

Talkative trees
They might seem like they are indifferent to what is going on around them, standing tall and
silent, but trees actually communicate with each other. Forest ecologists have been studying how
trees use fungi ‒ organisms that include mushrooms but can also be microscopic, like dust ‒ to
share resources and send chemical messages to other trees. If you are a mother you will naturally
recognize your children and try to protect and support them. Trees do the same thing
by making room for their baby-trees, which they recognize as their own.
However, when the tree close to them is not related to them, they
will be competitive and try to get as much light and food from

the environment, without caring if the other trees suffer. Are you
surprised by how smart trees can be? There’s more! Acacia trees
can warn each other of danger. When enemy animals like antelopes
start to munch on its leaves, the tree starts to produce a substance in higher levels than
normal. This substance is toxic to animals. The acacia tree which is being attacked by
an antelope will then start producing a cloud of gas that travels through the air. When
it reaches other trees, these too will know they need to start producing the substance
that is bad for antelopes. Next time you are hiking in a forest, try to look more closely.
You might actually catch a few trees having a conversation!

21. Fungi are used by trees to ….. .

A) kill other plants B) send substances to each other C) make sounds

22. If two trees are part of the same family, they will ….. .
A) compete with each other B) support each other C) suffocate each other
23. A mother tree will ….. .
A) create space for its baby tree
B) put its branches around its baby tree
C) not know which tree is their baby

24. Antelopes are the enemies of acacia trees because ….. .

A) they eat their leaves B) they poison the trees C) they sleep under the trees

25. Acacia trees produce a special gas in order to ….. .

A) distract enemies
B) send messages to other trees
C) communicate with humans


V. Read the following descriptions of after-school clubs for young people. For each question (26-30),
choose the club that would be suitable for each teenager.

Good Will Drama Club

Our drama club gives young ones a chance to let their creativity shine. We put on three plays a year
– during winter holidays, in early spring and during the summer break. We also offer scriptwriting
tutorials for those who wish to develop their writing skills. Classes are held twice a week.

Biking Club
We are here for those who enjoy biking. Our facilities are a dream come true, with most amazing
ramps. We can provide for beginners who want to learn how to handle basic biking techniques
but also for the more advanced bikers who want to take their hobby a step further. We are open
Wednesdays to Fridays.

Computer Club
We will teach you about so many things you can do on your computer – things you have no idea
are possible: how to use apps for school projects and how to get even more creative in the process.
We will also teach you how to edit photos and short films. We meet on Mondays.

Graphic Books and Comics Club
We will give you a chance to play and experiment with art. Creating your very own graphic book
will improve both your drawing and your storytelling. There is one condition, though. You must be
good at drawing!

Dance to Stay Fit Club

We will teach you the most modern forms of dance. This will not only keep you entertained
but it will also keep you in shape! You will have so much fun while learning new moves! We meet
on Modays.

26. S
 andra is a very busy girl and her free time is so precious. She is interested in taking up a hobby
that is fun but at the same time involves some exercise. Sandra should join ….. .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

27. George is a backgammon enthusiast. He already belongs to the board games club. He would
really like to take up something which is more active. Unfortunately, Mondays are out of the
question for him. George should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club


28. Leila is a very creative young girl. She just loves drawing and everyone says she is really good
at it. She would like her talent to help her get better at writing stories. Leila should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

29. John would like to be a writer one day. His dream is to write for the cinema or for theatre companies.
John should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

30. Mike just loves his PC. His great passion is video games. His mom would like him to spend his

time doing some more homework. Mike should join ..… .

A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.

31. What’s the name of the magician who lived in King Arthur’s court?
A) Melvin B) Mervin C) Mario D) Merlin E) Marvin

32. What is a jack-o’-lantern made of?

A) pumpkin B) melon C) cucumber
D) banana E) apple

33. What animal is Walt Disney’s Dumbo?

A) a deer B) a rabbit C) an elephant
D) a donkey E) a monkey

34. In texting abbreviation, what does BFF stand for?

A) Buff Fit Fella
B) Bye For Five
C) Boy Friend Furious
D) Best Friends Forever
E) Before Friends Fight


35. In children’s stories, how many wishes are usually granted by a genie or fairy?
A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five

36. Unscramble the letters in each “pie” segment below, then find the missing letter that completes
each word. The missing letter is the same for each word.

A) A
B) N C
C) M ?
D) B L L
E) Y W

37. Susan is younger than Sam but older than Tom. Tom is younger than Susan and Sam. Alice is
younger than Tom but older then Bill. Who is the youngest?
A) Sam B) Bill C) Tom D) Susan E) Alice

38. Which of these sports has an arbitrator officially called an “umpire”?
A) soccer B) rugby C) basketball D) tennis E) boxing

39. What is the name of the head teacher in Roald Dahl’s Matilda?
A) Mrs. Phelps B) Miss Honey C) Miss Plimsoll
D) Miss Trunchbull E) Mrs Wormwood

40. How long does it take for the minute hand to move from 6 to 5 on a clock?
A) 55 minutes B) 50 minutes C) 5 minutes D) 65 minutes E) 60 minutes

41. … of the Guard – also known as Guard Mounting – is the iconic ceremony which is seen by
millions of people each year at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.
A) The Exchanging B) The Greeting C) The Knighting
D) The Changing E) The Moving

 nited Nations Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954

42. U
and is celebrated on ... each year.
A) March 8th B) November 20th
C) September 15th D) June 1st
E) January 23 rd

43. Which of these does not appear in the Chinese zodiac?

A) the bear B) the rabbit C) the dragon D) the dog E) the rat

44. “Soda” and “pop” are general words for … .

A) candy B) food C) music
D) fizzy drinks E) alcoholic drinks
45. In what sea creatures are pearls found?
A) oysters B) crabs C) tortoises D) lobsters E) eels

46. What are the three natural rights in the US Declaration of Independence?
A) Equality, freedom and property.
B) Life, liberty and the pursuit of knowledge.
C) Liberty, equality and fraternity.
D) Freedom, money and power.
E) Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

47. A is twice greater than B. C is half of B. Which statements is true?
A) A is five times greater than C.
B) A is three times greater than C.
C) Twice of C is equal to half of A.
D) Both A and C are equal.
E) Both B and C are equal.

48. Who plays the role of Indiana Jones, the archaeologist and adventurer, in the famous 1981 pro-
A) Russell Crowe B) Morgan Freeman C) Harrison Ford
D) Mel Gibson E) Sean Connery

49. Which of these words can be typed on a single row of a standard UK ‘QWERTY’ keyboard?
A) cheese B) pork C) salad D) juice apple

50. Choose the false statement about the UK.

A) The biggest city of the UK is London.
B) The official currency of the UK is the British pound.
C) The UK consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
D) The UK’s highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
E) The UK’s national anthem is “God Save Us”.


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