BIO115 Fatfiction

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Jemina Andrea C.



1. Risks
The Fat Fiction revealed what kind of fat we should and shouldn’t
consume on a daily basis. So, there are good and bad fats. For the good fats,
which is saturated fats that is considered to be needed in the body, like meats,
butter, milk, etc. These fats are good to our body when balanced and consumed
properly. For the bad fats, like vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, etc., they are not
advisable to eat. Because those bad fats are the reason why the rate of obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease increases as time goes by.

2. Types of Unsaturated and Saturated Fats

Unsaturated Saturated
• Oily fish • High fat Meat
• Nuts, seeds • Yogurt, milk, cheese
• Vegetable oils • Butter, lard
• Avocados • Coconut oil

3. Effect of Obesity and Low-Fat Diet

Based on the documentary, low-fat diet will never work on someone who
is obese and diagnosed with Diabetes. This is because of some doctors that
recommends on continuing of consuming carbohydrates than saturated fats. So,
the patients will keep on getting weight and increase of insulin dosage because
of the carbohydrates that they’ve been consuming. As they continue on eating
carbohydrates, the rate of heart disease for them also increases because of the
unbalance diet.

4. Role of Food Marketing

The role of food marketing has the biggest on contribution on why
people keep on consuming carbohydrates than saturated fats. For how many
years, the food marketing has been keeping this to people. They have been
promoting different foods that has low-fat on packaging but what they don’t say
is that lowering fat on a food would mean more sugar is added.

5. Conclusion
Carbohydrates are worse to consume when trying to reduce weight
because it really doesn’t need in our body, but saturated fats are much more
important to consume. Therefore, I conclude that saturated fats don’t really
make us fat but keeps the balance diet on our body.

Mayo Clinic, Org. (2021). Dietary fat: Know which to choose. Retrieved from

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