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ISSN 1615-9306 · JSSCCJ 42 (17) 2743– 2882 (2019) · Vol. 42 · No. 17 · September 2019 · D 10609



Chromatography · Electroseparation

Biomedicine · Foods · Environment
Received: 26 March 2019 Revised: 1 June 2019 Accepted: 19 June 2019

DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201900307


Epoxide-derived mixed-mode chromatographic stationary

phases for separation of active substances in fixed-dose
combination drugs

Shuanghong Zhang Qian-Hong Wan Yan Li

School of Pharmaceutical Science &

Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin,
A method for the preparation of novel mixed-mode reversed-phase/strong cation
P. R. China exchange stationary phase for the separation of fixed-dose combination drugs has
been developed. An epoxysilane bonded silica prepared by vapor phase deposition was
Shuanghong Zhang, School of Pharmaceutical used as a starting material to produce diol, octadecyl, sulfonate, and mixed octade-
Science & Technology, Tianjin University, 92 cyl/sulfonate groups bonded silica phases. The chemical structure and surface cover-
Weijin Road, Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China.
age of the functional groups on these synthesized phases were confirmed by fourier-
transform infrared and solid-state 13 C NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis.
Alkylbenzene homologs, basic drugs, nucleobases and alkylaniline homologs were
used as probes to demonstrate the reversed-phase, ion exchange, hydrophilic inter-
action and mixed-mode retention behaviors of these stationary phases. The octade-
cyl/sulfonate bonded silica exhibits pronounced mixed-mode retention behavior and
superior retentivity and selectivity for alkylaniline homologs. The mixed-mode reten-
tion is affected by either ionic or solvent strength in the mobile phase, permiting opti-
mization of a separation by fine tuning these parameters. The mixed-mode stationary
phase was applied to separate two fixed-dose combination drugs: compound reserpine
tablets and compound methoxyphenamine capsules. The results show that simultane-
ous separation of multiple substances in the compound dosage can be achieved on the
mixed-mode phase, which makes multi-cycles of analysis for multiple components

basic compounds, fixed-dose combinations, mixed-mode chromatography, retention mechanisms, station-
ary phases

1 I N T RO D U C T I O N ing the number of pills a person must take each day, FDC
drugs can help improve adherence to a treatment regimen [1].
A fixed-dose combination (FDC) drug is defined as a drug In addition, the combined use of the active substances may
product in which two or more drug components are combined improve the therapeutic efficacy in comparison to the use
in a single dosage form, such as a capsule or tablet. By reduc- of the single active substance [2]. However, the diverse
properties of the active substances in the FDC drugs pose
significant analytical challenges.
Article Related Abbreviations: FDC, fixed-dose combination; SE, The development of new rapid and efficienct analytical
epoxysilane bonded silica; SE–C18 , octadecyl bonded silica; SE–C18 /SO3 H, techniques for the determination of active substances in FDC
octadecyl/sulfate bonded silica; SE–Diol, diol bonded silica; SE–SO3 H,
drugs is part of the current effort to ensure their quality [3].
sulfonate bonded silica.

2796 © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim J Sep Sci 2019;42:2796–2804.

Reversed-phase chromatography remains the preferred and potential of the mixed-mode stationary phase in pharmaceu-
most efficient methods for analysis of FDC drugs [4]. How- tical analysis was explored by separation of two FDC drugs.
ever, the application of this method is limited as ionic species
are hardly retained in this mode of separation. A number of
measures have been taken to alleviate this problem, which
2 M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S
include ion suppression or ion-pair chromatography [5]. In
ion suppression, base or acid is added into the mobile phase,
2.1 Chemicals and reagents
which may exceed the tolerance pH range of silica based sta-
tionary phases [6]. In ion-pair chromatography, the use of sur- Porous silica spherical particles, BaseLine Sil-8 (8 μm,
factant in the mobile phase requires long equilibrium time. 300 m2 /g, pore size 10 nm) and a BaseLine C18 column
The majority of ion-pairing agents are not volatile, making it (150 × 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) were supplied by BaseLine
difficult to work with online MS. The use of stationary phases Chromtech Research Centre (Tianjin, China). Epoxysilane, γ-
with multiple functional groups has been proposed as an alter- (2,3-epoxypropoxy)- propytrimethoxysilane, was purchased
native approach to mitigate those problems. from Wuda Silicone Materials (Wuhan, China). Sodium
The stationary phases with multiple functionalities are bisulfite, hydrochloric acid, acetonitrile, methanol, potassium
commonly known as mixed-mode stationary phases. Accord- phosphate monobasic, and ammonium formate were pur-
ingly, mixed-mode chromatography is coined to refer to a chased from Guangfu Chemical Reagents (Tianjin, China).
chromatography process in which two or more retention Stearoyl chloride was purchased from Xiensi (Tianjin, China).
mechanisms are operating [7–9]. Owing to synergistic action Test compounds were obtained from various sources. FDC
between multiple functionalitities, mixed-mode chromatog- drugs were sourced locally: compound reserpine tablets by
raphy offers several advantages over conventional single- Yabao Pharmaceuticals, the batch number 180631; compound
mode chromatography. For example, the retention of ionic methoxyphenamine capsules by Changxing Pharmaceuticals,
compounds can be enhanced significantly in mixed-mode the batch number 20180321.
chromatography due to cooperative binding. It is not neces-
sary to adjust the pH value of the mobile phase to exceed
the usable range, and to add surfactants to the mobile
2.2 Preparation of stationary phases
phase to form ion pairs. Recently, Calinescu and colleagues The HCl activated and dried silica particles (10 g) and
demonstrated successful separation of acetaminophen and its expoxysilane (24 mmol) were placed in a Teflon-lined auto-
impurities by using reversed-phase/cation exchange station- clave and heated at 150◦ C for 8 h. The resultant particles,
ary phase [10]. The majority of the reversed-phase/cation denoted as SE, were washed with ethanol and dried in vac-
exchange stationary phases reported so far are based on the uum at 80◦ C overnight.
use of benzenesulfonic acid as ion exchange ligand. For The SE particles (5 g) were heated in 50 mL of 0.5% H2 SO4
solutes with aromatic rings, the retention mechanism is not at 80◦ C for 8 h. The silica particles were filtered and washed
purely ionic interactions owing to the fact that π-π inter- with water until neutral. Then the silica particles, denoted as
actions are super imposed on the ionic interactions, lead- diol bonded silica (SE–Diol), were dried in vacuum at 80◦ C
ing to peak broadening [11,12]. For this consideration, it overnight.
is of great interest to develop mixed-mode chromatographic The SE–Diol particles (5 g) were dispersed into 50 mL of
stationary phases containing no aromatic rings and apply N,N-dimethylformide. The suspension was cooled in ice bath
them to the separation of basic aromatic compounds in FDC and stearoyl chloride (3 mL, 12 mmol) was dropwise added
drugs. with continuous stirring. Upon completion of the addition,
In this study, we present a report on the synthesis, char- the suspention was brought to room temperature and the reac-
acterization of a new mixed-mode stationary phase and its tion was continued with shaking for 9 h. The functionalied sil-
application to separation of FDC drugs. Epoxysilane bonded ica particles were filtered and washed with toluene and alco-
silica was used as an intermediate phase for preparation of hol successively. Then, the silica particles, denoted as octade-
stationary phases with multiple functionalities [13,14]. Diol, cyl bonded silica (SE–C18 ), were dried in vaccum at 80◦ C
octadecyl, sulfonate and octadecyl/sulfonate functionalized overnight [15].
silica samples were prepared by following ring opening, acy- The SE particles (5 g) were dispersed into 50 mL of 0.5 M
lation and bisulfite addition reaction, respectively. The resul- sodium bisulfite and the pH of the suspension was adjusted to
tant phases were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, solid- pH 7 with triethylamine. The mixture was heated at 80◦ C for
state 13 C NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis. Their reten- 8 h. The silica particles were filtered and washed with dis-
tion properties were evaluated in different chromatographic tilled water. Then the silica particles, denoted as sulfonate
operation modes and the effects of ion and solvent strength in bonded silica (SE–SO3 H), were dried in vaccum at 80◦ C
the mobile phase on retention were investigated. Finally, the overnight [16].

FIGURE 1 Schematic showing the synthesis of the stationary phases

The preparation of octadecyl/sulfonate group bonded sil- of water was added and ultrasonicated for 5 min and ACN was
ica, denoted as octadecyl/sulfate bonded silica modified added to the marker.
(SE–C18 /SO3 H), was the same as for SE–C18 except that
SE–SO3 H (5 g) was used instead of SE–Diol.
2.5 Chromatographic evaluation
Stainless steel columns (150 × 4.6 mm i.d.) were packed with
2.3 Characterization
the synthesized phases using a conventional slurry packing
IR and solid-state 13 C NMR spectra of the particle sam- technique. Chromatographic evaluation was conducted on an
ples were obtained on a Tensor 27 spectroscopy (Bruker, Agilent 1200 series HPLC system equipped with a vacuum
Germany) and a solid-state Varian Infinity Plus-300 MHz degasser, quaternary pump, autosampler, column oven, vari-
spectrometer (Varian, American), respectively. The elemental able wavelength UV-Vis detector and ChemStation version B
analysis was performed on a VarioEL (Elementar, Germany). 03.01 from Agilent Technologies (Palo Alto, CA, USA).

2.4 Sample preparation

The sample solutions of alkylbenzene and p-alkylaniline
homologs were prepared in methanol with each substance at
3.1 Synthesis and characterization
5 μL/mL. The sample solutions of basic drug probes (dicyan-
diamide, melamine, and metformin) and nucleobases (ade- The procedures for synthesis of functionalized silica parti-
nine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil) were prepared cles are illustrated in Figure 1. A vapor-phase silanization
in water at 1 mg/mL for each substance. method was employed to produce epoxide modified silica SE,
The sample solutions of compound reserpine tablets were from which diol, octadecyl ester (C18 ), sulfonate (SO3 H), and
prepared as follows: 10 tablets were grinded into fine pow- C18 /SO3 H functionalized silica phases were obtained by fol-
ders. The powders were transferred to a 25-mL volumetric lowing ring opening, acylation and bisulfate addition reaction,
flask and diluted by the mixture solution of methanol water respectively.
(50:50, v/v) to the marker. The synthesized phases were characterized by infrared
The sample solutions of compound methoxyphenamine spectroscopy. As shown in Figure 2A, the bands at 3464 and
capsules were prepared as follows: the contents taken from 1050 cm−1 assigned to the stretching vibration of O–H and
five capsules were grinded finely. The powders were trans- Si–O bonds respectively, can be observed for all the samples
ferred into a 50-mL volumetric flask. 20 mL ACN was added under study. The bands at 2863 and 2929 cm−1 attributed to
and the mixture was ultrasonicated for 20 min. Then, 10 mL the stretching vibration of C–H indicate the bonding of the

FIGURE 2 (A) The infrared and (B) solid-state 13 C NMR spectra of the silica samples

epoxysilane. The band around 1700 cm−1 due to the stretch- TABLE 1 Elemental analysis and surface coverage of stationary
ing vibration of C=O suggests the formation of octadecyl phases
ester [17]. The bands around 649 cm−1 attributed to sul- Elemental
fonate can be oberseved in the spectra of SE–SO3 H and analysis Surface coverage (𝛍mol/m2 )
SE–C18 /SO3 H [18]. These results confirm that the functional Phase C% S% Epoxya Diola C18 a SO3 Hb
groups have been successfully bonded to the silica substrate. SE 8.02 0 4.62 N/A N/A N/A
The chemical structures of the functional groups on the SE–Diol 5.52 0 N/A 3 N/A N/A
synthesized phases were further studied by solid-state 13 C SE–C18 11.14 0 N/A 1.89 1.11 N/A
NMR spectroscopy. As shown in Figure 2B, peaks around SE–SO3 H 7.70 0.73 N/A 3.53 N/A 0.97
90 ppm attributed to the oxygen linked carbon can be observed SE–C18 /SO3 H 10.93 0.81 N/A 2.87 0.61 1.14
for all the phases. The large peaks around 60 ppm attributed a
The surface coverage calculate based on carbon loading.
to the carbon of the long alkyl chain observed for SE–C18 and b
The surface coverage calculate based on sulfur loading.
–C18 /SO3 H verify the formation of octadecyl ester [19]. Small
peaks around 50 ppm attributed to sulfonate linked carbon on the surface. A study is underway to investigate the factors
appear in the spectra of SE–SO3 Na and –C18 /SO3 H phases. that influence the convertion yields during synthesis.
Based on these observations, it can be concluded that prepara-
tion of the multiple stationary phases with intended functional 3.2 Chromatographic evaluation
groups has been successfully achieved by the synthesis proce-
dures developed in this work. A comparative study was carried out to reveal the retention
Surface coverages of the functional groups in the syn- properties of the synthesized phases. For this purpose, a vari-
thesized stationary phases were calculated from carbon and ety of compounds were chosen as probes and their reten-
sulfur percentages determined by elemental analysis [20]. tion behaviors were evaluated under typical reversed-phase,
As shown in Table 1, the surface density of the epoxy group ion exchange, hydrophilic interaction, and mixed-mode con-
for the intermediate phase SE is 4.62 μmol/m2 . When it was ditions, respectively.
converted to diol bonded phase under acidic condtions, the
surface coverage was reduced to 3 μmol/m2 , probably due to 3.2.1 Reversed-phase mode
chemical leaching. The surface concentration of the octadecyl A homolog series of alkylbenzene were used as probes to
ester group on SE–C18 is 1.11 μmol/m2 , about one third of evaluate the reversed-phase properties of the synthesized sta-
that for SE–Diol. The surface density of the sulfate group on tionary phases. As shown in Figure 3A, the alkylbenzenes
SE–SO3 H is 0.97 μmol/m2 . While the sulfonate concentra- are eluted at dead time on SE–Diol and –SO3 H, but increas-
tion on SE–C18 /SO3 H is comparable to that on SE–SO3 H, ingly retained on SE–C18 /SO3 H and baseline separated on
the octadecyl ester concentration is about half of that for SE–C18 with an elution order commensurate with the increas-
SE–C18 , even though they were prepared with the same ratio ing side chain length. Evidently, nonpolar or hydropho-
of stearoyl chloride to the silica substrate. The decrease in bic interactions are the principal driving force for solute
the surface coverage for SE–C18 /SO3 H may be attributed to retention in this mode, and therefore these phases can be
the steric hindrance arising from the bonded sulfonate groups ranked according to their hydrophobicity in the order of

FIGURE 3 Chromatographic evaluation. (A) Reversed-phase mode: mobile phase, methanol-water (60: 40, v/v); injection volumn, 5 μL;
temperature; 30◦ C; wavelength, 254 nm. Solute: 1, toluene; 2, ethylbenzene; 3, n-propylbenzene; 4, n-butylbenzene; 5, amylbenzene. (B) Ion
exchange mode: mobile phase, ACN- NH4 H2 PO4 (1.7%, m/m, pH 3.0) (30: 70, v/v); injection volumn, 5 μL; temperature, 30◦ C; wavelength,
220 nm. Solute:1, dicyandiamide; 2, melamine; 3, metformin. (C) Hydrophilic interaction mode: mobile phase, water- HCOONH4 (20 mM, pH 6.8)
(10: 90, v/v); injection volumn, 5 μL; temperature, 30◦ C; wavelength, 254 nm. Solute: 1, thymine; 2, uracil; 3, adenine; 4, cytosine; 5, guanine. (D)
Mixed interaction mode: mobile phase, ACN-KH2 PO4 (30 mM, pH 2.5) (40: 60, v/v); UV wavelength, 254 nm; injection volumn, 5 μL; temperature,
30◦ C; wavelength, 254 nm. Solute: 1, p-toluidine; 2, p-ethylaniline; 3, p-propylaniline; 4, p-butylaniline; 5, p-pentylaniline

SE–Diol=SO3 H < –C18 /SO3 H < –C18 . The higher selectiv- the order of SE–C18 < –Diol < –SO3 H < –C18 /SO3 H.
ity observed with the SE–C18 phase may be attributed to its Obviously, the sulfonate group has a pronounced effect on the
greater octadecyl ester surface coverage when compared with hydrophilicity of the SE–C18 /SO3 H phase as it increases the
the mixed-mode phase SE–C18 /SO3 H. wettability of otherwise the essentially hydrophobic phase.

3.2.2 Cation exchange mode 3.2.4 Mixed interaction mode

A basic drug substance metformin hydrochloride and its A homolog series of alkylanilines were used as probes to
related impurities dicyandiamide and melamine were used as gauge the mixed-mode properties of the synthesized phases.
probes to investigate the cation exchange properties of the As shown in Figure 3D, the alkylanilines are not retained on
synthesized stationary phases. As shown in Figure 3B, they SE–Diol and only weakly retained on SE–C18 and –SO3 H.
are eluted at dead time on SE–Diol and -C18 , but baselined However, a significant improvement in retention and selectiv-
separated on SE–SO3 H and –C18 /SO3 H with an elution order ity occurs with SE–C18 /SO3 H, leading to baseline separation.
of dicyandiamide < melamine < metformin. Ionic interac- The alkylanilines are eluted in the order consistent with their
tions are expected to be the principal driving force in this increasing side-chain length.
mode of chromatography and therefore the phases can be To understand these behavior, it is necessary to consider
ranked according to their ion exchange strength in the order of that the alkylanilines are completely ionized in the mobile
SE–Diol=–C18 < –SO3 H < –C18 /SO3 H. The slightly higher phase at pH 2.5 and therefore act as organic ions with
selectivity for basic compounds on SE–C18 /SO3 H may be hydrophobic tails. They are highly solvated under the separa-
attributed to its greater surface coverage of sulfonate groups. tion conditions, making them preferable to stay in the mobile
phase when the hydrophobicity or ionic interaction strength of
3.2.3 Hydrophilic interaction mode the stationary phase is weak. This is obviously the case with
A set of five nucleobases including adenine, cytosine, gua- SE–Diol. They are slightly retained and separated on SE–C18
nine,thymine, and uracil were used as probes to characterize due to increasing hydrophobicity of the stationary phase. In
the hydrophilic interaction properties of the synthesized this case the principal driving for retention is nonpolar inter-
stationary phases. As shown in Figure 3C, they are weakly actions between the hydrophobic tail of the solute and octade-
retained and poorly separated on SE–C18 and -Diol. How- cyl group of the stationary phase. This is manifested by the
ever, a significant improvement in retention and separation is elution order of increasing side chain length. In the case of
observed on SE–SO3 H and –C18 /SO3 H with an elution order SE–SO3 H, the alkylanilines are weakly retained and eluted in
of thymine < uracil < adenine < cytosine < guanine, which a reversed order. The change in elution order indicates that
is typical in this mode of separation [8,21]. These stationary the principal driving force for retention is ionic interactions
phases can be ranked according to their hydrophilicity in of the ionized amino group with the sulfonate group on the

FIGURE 4 Effects of Ionic strength. (A) Plots of log k vs. log [K+ ] and (B) plots of k vs. 1/[K+ ] for p-alkylaniline homologs. Mobile phase,
50% ACN-KH2 PO4 (potassium concentration varying from 10 mM to 50 mM, pH 2.5); others same as for Figure 3D. Solute: (■) p-toluidine; (●)
p-ethylaniline; (▲) p-propylaniline; (▼) p-butylaniline; (◆) p-pentylaniline

stationary phase. The alkylanilines with longer side chains singly charged ions. Any deviations from -1 suggest non-ionic
tend to be less retained because they are increasingly sol- contributions such as hydrophobic interactions to the reten-
vated by organic solvent molecules in the mobile phase. It can tion.
be concluded that the retention of the alkylanilines on both With alkylanilines as analytes, the plots of logk versus log
phases SE–C18 and –SO3 H is governed by monovalent inter- [K+ ] are shown in Figure 4A and regression analysis data
actions or single-mode retention mechanism. are summarized in Supporting Information Table S1. The
In contrast, alkylanilines are capable of engaging bivalent slope values are in the range of −0.97 to −1.02, close to
interactions with the bifunctional groups on the stationary -1on SE–SO3 H. By contrast, significant deviation from -1
phase. The ionized amine head and hydrophobic tail of the are noted on SE–C18 and –C18 /SO3 H phases, indicating that
alkylaniline molecule can interact simultaneously with the hydrophobic interactions are superimposed on the ionic inter-
complementary groups, i.e., sulfonate and octadecyl ester, on actions as previously reported in the literature [22].
the stationary phase to form transient bivalent molecular com- The hydrophobic contribution to the retention can be esti-
plexes. Thus, the retention of the alkylanilines is markedly mated by extrapolating the plot of k vs. 1/C to its origin as
increased on the mixed-mode phase than its single-mode previously reported. According to the displacement model
counterparts. for ion exchange chromatography, a plot of k vs. recipro-
cal concentration of counterions, i.e., 1/C, should produce a
straight line with the intercept value assigned to the reversed-
3.3 Effect of mobile phase composition
phase retention component. The plots of k versus 1/[K+ ] are
on retention
shown in Figure 4B and the regression analysis data are sum-
In view of the different retention behaviors observed for the marized in Supporting Information Table S2. The reversed-
alkylanilines on single-mode and mixed-mode phases, it is of phase retention components are in the range of −0.069 −
interest to learn more about the mechanisms underlying these 0.79, 0.042 − 0.16, and 0.79 − 2.51, respectively, on SE–C18 ,
observations. For this purpose, experiments were performed –SO3 H and –C18 /SO3 H. The mixed-mode phase displays sig-
to study the effects of the mobile phase composition on the inicantly greater reversed-phase retention components, allow-
retention of alkylanilines. SE–Diol was not included in this ing improved separations of basic compounds with varying
part of study because of its poor retentivity for alkylanilines. hydrophobicities to be achieved.

3.3.1 Ionic strength 3.3.2 Solvent strength

To study the effects of ionic strength, the concentration of As both the reversed-phase and ion exchange retention mech-
potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the mobile phase was var- anisms can be affected by the variation of the solvent strength
ied from 10 to 30 mM while the volume ratio of the organic in the mobile phase, it is important to learn how the mixed-
solvent acetonitrile was fixed at 50%. According to classical mode retention varies with the change in the solvent strength.
ion exchange theory [22], a plot of logarithm of retention fac- To study this effect, the volume ratio of the organic solvent
tor (logk) vs. logarithm of concentration of counterions (logC) in the mobile phase was varied from 40 to 100% whereas the
should produce a straight line with a slope value equal to -1 for concentration of ammonium formate (pH 2.5) was maintained

exchange (SE–C18 /SO3 H) mechanism where the retention

is all reduced by the solvation effect. At the other end of
solvent strength range, the retention is governed by mixed
hydrophilic/ionic interactions where the retention is increased
with a reduction in electric permittivity of the mobile

3.4 Applications
Comparative studies on the synthesized phases show that
SE–C18 /SO3 H is unique for its high retentivity and selectiv-
ity for basic compounds. Thus, experiments were performed
to explore the potential of this mixed-mode phase in analysis
of FDC drugs or compound dosages.

FIGURE 5 Effects of solvent strength. Mobile phase, ACN 3.4.1 Separation of compound
(varying from 40 to 100%)- HCOONH4 (ammonium concentration reserpine tablets
fixed at 20 mM, pH 2.5); others same as for Figure 3D. Solute: (■)
Compound reserpine tablets are often prescribed to treat high
p-toluidine; (●) p-ethylaniline; (▲) p-propylaniline; (▼)
p-butylaniline; (◆) p-pentylaniline
blood pressure. The drug contains nine components, in which
six organic compounds are of particular interest as active
ingredients. At present, the determination of these six com-
fixed at 20 mM. As shown in Figure 5, the retention of alky- ponents has been carried out in batches under different con-
lanilines decrases continuously until a minimum at about 80– ditions because they differ widely in property and concen-
90% is reached. And then it increases with further increase tration in the dosage [23]. Comparative chromatograms of
in the organic solvent valume ratio. These “U” shaped curves compound reserpine tablets obtained on SE–C18 /SO3 H and
suggest a change in retention mechanism occurs with varia- commercial BaseLine C18 phases are shown in Figure 6A.
tion of the solvent strength. Over the range from 40 to 80%, Six components of compound reserpine tablets are simulta-
the retention is governed by either reversed-phase (SE–C18 ) neously separated on the SE–C18 /SO3 H phase. By contrast,
or ion exchange (SE–SO3 H) or mixed reversed-phase/ion only four peaks are observed on the conventional C18 bonded

FIGURE 6 Separation of fixed-dose combination drugs. (A) Compound reserpine tablets. Columns, SE–C18 /SO3 H (up) and Baseline C18
(bottom); mobile phase, ACN as mobile phase A, HCOONH4 (100 mM, pH 3.0) as mobile phase B, water as mobile phase C, gradient elution: from
0 to 3 min, A: 5% B: 50% C: 45%; from 3 to 20 min, A 40% B 50% C 10%; from 20 to 25 min, A: 5% B: 50% C 45%; flow rate, 1.0 mL/min;
injection volumn, 20 μL; temperature, 30◦ C; wavelength, 268 nm. Peak: 1, hydrochlorothiazide; 2, vitamin B6; 3, bismuthrazine; 4, reserpine; 5,
vitamin B1; 6, promethazine. (B) Compound methoxyphenamine capsules. Column, SE–C18 /SO3 H (up); mobile phase, 50% ACN- 50% KH2 PO4
(50 mM, pH 3.0); injection volumn, 5 μL; temperature, 30◦ C; wavelength, 230 nm. Column, BaseLine C18 (bottom); mobile phase, 35% ACN- 65%
KH2 PO4 (50 mM, pH 3.0); others same as on SE–C18 /SO3 H. Peaks: 1, aminophylline; 2, noscapine; 3, methoxyphenamine; 4, chlorphenamine

silica phase where vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and bismuthrazine ACK NOW L E D G E M E N T
sulfate are co-eluted at dead time. The poor retentivity and
The authors would like to thank Dr. Lei Chen and Xiaohuan
selectivity for the polar and ionic compounds make the
Wang from Tianjin University for stimulating discussions.
conventional C18 bonded silica phases less fit for analysis of
complex samples such as compound dosages.
3.4.2 Separation of compound The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
methoxyphenamine capsules
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largely based on ion-suppression reversed-phase chromatog- Qian-Hong Wan
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