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How does Angelou use the bird in her poem to convey an important message. The poem * Caged Bird", voriten toy Maya Angelou, is a poem which symbolically represents hidden messages through the existene of two birle, a “Caged” bird anda Free birel who posees all luxuries and omessories that are brutally resticted for the “cages birs ", preventing i Gom fellowing its own Free will The Poem * Caged gird? isn't merely just a poom displaying the comparison between Freedom and restriction.» it provides afar deeper meaning , Wed to mankind Angelou beqins the very first stanza with the description of the “free bird’, exhibiting ite freedom of having full capability of of doing whatever it wishes depending on ito own Free will from wind 40 wonter as wt ° leaps on the back ci wind and floats downstram AN tre current ends!! This indvecty — reveale a very Significant fect obout Iho caged bird as fnaelow bere, helps the Oders AO envision what ihe caged bird’s life wos like , with all powers , ewnerships and above All, its Freedom » before We was Caged and ieclated. This im furn ,metaphericalty exhibits the freedom which the Afo- Americans had originally privileged F before getting enslaved by the harcisste while Americans leaving ne freedom and ownerships for them A cddition to this, in the First stanza, Angelou introduces the the free Flowing noture of te bird with a lock of a Proper rhyme scheme. aver, thi 5 i yan" ‘i * How: — es Fechnique isn't oppliea mm the next stanzo which describes , the cared bird. kSaresutt, This further devdop the idea that ahis free bird has no restichonS and rules , and he hos the rights fo claim over everything while the coqad bird doesnt. The poet uses the technique of anthropomorphicm wohen addreacieg to the wo birds iw thie POEM using the works " He"aa" His” thus Portrongeg the wo birds ae o symbolical repreacnteation OF two different mice in Mhe world , the udhite americans ond the Afro - Americons, alona with the. vost difference in their yights and freedom, The speater conveys another Simpl, yet a notewerthy message about tho value of freedom. “The caged bid sings sith a feorfall tril o& things unknown” shows het Ane things which qe uneneus” to the, caged bir owe very well Enon — and cored by the free birch, as a result, fear ond wstictions are Ahings which are not experienced by the freo bird bul are sby the Caged bird. Thie proves the fect that for one who has forgotton fhe origination of one’s freedom, can raver understand the true yalue cf it unlese is taten away fom you ‘Throughout the poom, the tequant ccpetition of the Nine a 30 he opens hie throat to sing ” implies that though its heort ie fearfuy and his lonqing ss never mek, he, the bird, continously Sings oF liberty . Despite its fear, the Seng displays ite hope and inner strength of caver giving Up. This action ofthe bird divulges another Purpose for its singing as wt alse ony OF Aryings 10 fire te cwser by annoying him/her, hence providing a ies that Ane bird io continously Singing of Freedom as an attempt hope fer tra caged birds freedom along with the AfrO~ American’s 5 once aqain. This appears as ore of the most greatest, ctriking and inspirational messages conveyed dieetly to those whe remained faptiveded and isolate fom Society by racism conflicts thot hasn’+ ceased yer in Cur walitey.

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