Water Conservation Policy

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Name : Mawa Ashfaq

Roll no :29
Subject : Public Policy
Assignment Topic :Water Policy
Submitted To : ma’am sadaf
Department :Political Science
5th semester


PTI government prepares first ever Water

Conservation Policy in the history of
 Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) has finalized the
draft of first ever `Water Conservation bill’ which would be soon tabled in
the National Assembly.
 This was disclosed by PCRWR Chairman, Dr Aslam Tahir while talking to APP
on Monday. “The draft of the bill has been prepared in consultation with all
the stakeholders at federal and provincial level and will serve as catalyst to
the cause of water conservation in the country which is direly needed at
this time”, he said. He said the draft bill is yet to be submitted to the
ministry for final approval which will be possible only after the appointment
of Minister of Science and Technology.
 He said PCRWR was taking a number of measures for water
conservation and educating farmers through its advisory SMS service about
optimal usage of water has yielded very positive outcomes.

 According to the draft of the Water Conservation Bill, water would be

declared as an economic good and public property or asset and water
conservation would be essential part of school and college curricula.

 Water recycling and reuse would be encouraged and promoted. About the
domestic water, the draft suggests that admissible minimum and maximum
limits of domestic supplies would be determined and declared.
 Domestic water would be metered and priced and supplies would be based
on per capita requirement and number of residents, usage above
admissible supplies would be priced on higher rate.
 Rainwater harvesting would be integral part of building having covered
area of one kanal or more.
 Water charges would be enhanced over water shortage period for reducing
 The draft also suggests subsidizing water conservation gadgets. About the
water usage for irrigation, the draft suggests to carry out crop zoning while
allowing only admissible crops to be sown in zone area.
 Keeping in view the domestic demand, the draft recommends allocating
quota for sowing high delta crops and these should be adhered to an
annual basis.
 Sowing of high delta crops would normally be discouraged and flood and
pancho irrigation would be gradually reduced and abandoned by 2030.
 Water Conservation equipment and infrastructure for irrigation would be
subsidized and installation of tube well would be licensed and heir size
determined based on command area.
 About the Industrial usage of water, the report recommends that industrial
water usage will audited and industries would be asked o submit wafer
conservator plan for five years.
 Rooftop rainwater harvesting should be part of very school while green and
clean competitions should also be held to award winners for generating
trained manpower for water conservation.
 Dumping of municipal and industrial waste water into natural water
bodies would be gradually reduced and halved by 2030.

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