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ABE 114 Reviewer


1. organisms that can tolerate and thrive in a wide range of eurythermal

temperatures without having effect on their internal environment

2. organisms that operate within a narrow range of temperatures stenothermal

3. plays a vital role to keep optimum temperature of the body and Water
perform metabolic activities

4. A farming system that typically involves the integrated use of Conservation

minimal tillage, cover crops and crop rotations agriculture
5. A farming system that uses lower-confinement housing and rely Alternative
more on pastures than do conventional and industrial livestock livestock
farms production
6. the capacity and process of adjustment of the animal to itself, to (physiological)
other living things and to its external physical environment Adaptation

7. Long-term adaptive physiological adjustment which results in an Acclimatization

increased tolerance to continuous repeated exposure to complex
climatic stress.

8. This is the regulation of the internal environment. It is the Homeostasis

tendency for internal variables such as water content, solute
concentration, pH, body temperature, respiratory rate, etc. to
remain at controlled levels.

9. The number of calories you burn as your body performs Basal Metabolic
basic life-sustaining function Rate

10. The response to changes in daylength that enables plants Photoperiodism

(or any other living organisms) to adapt to seasonal changes
in their environment.”

11. This will determine how much solar radiation it receives, which in ASPECT
turn impacts upon temperature and shading

12. The following are the function of shelterbelts EXCEPT To protect the
upwind areas..
13. This mulch interrupts the continuity of capillaries and hence SOIL MULCH
creates a barrier to the vapor.

14. Heat stress can be minimized through the following, except: Adjusting the

15. Main strategies to improve heat exchange, except: Removal of shade

16. All materials conduct heat. Some, such as aluminum, copper, steel, Principle 3.
concrete and glass, are good conductors of heat; whereas wood, Insulation does
paper and fibrous materials like fiberglass, mineral wool and not stop heat flow,
cellulose are poor conductors. just slows it down.
17. It is the ratio of mass of water vapor in a given volume of air Relative Humidity
at any temperature and pressure to the maximum amount of
mass of water vapor which the same volume of air can hold at
the same temperature conditions.
18. It is the mass of water vapor in a sample of air to the mass of water Degree of
vapor in the same air when it is saturated at the same Saturation
19. the sum of the internal energy and the product of the Enthalpy
pressure and volume of a thermodynamic system.
20. It is the volume of air per unit mass of dry air. It is measured Specific Volume:
in m³/kg of dry air.


1. organisms that are called producers autotrophs

2. The ways in which a farmer makes use of available resources to AGRICULTURAL
meet their food, fuel, and fiber demands. PRODUCTION
3. Growing your own food, composting, and recycling are the examples Environmental
of what type of social quality? stewardship
4. the water available to plants for growth is affected by the amount Precipitation
and type of precipitation, as well as soil characteristics,
temperature, and wind
5. Climatic condition closely surrounding an animal microclimate
6. affects most of the critical factors for livestock production, such as Temperature
water availability, animal production, reproduction and health.
7. is the long-term average condition of over 30 years of meteorological Climate
variables in a given region.
8. makes the cell wall of plant cells rigid Turgor Pressure
9. Process in flowering plants grown in partial or complete absence of etiolation
10. The growth of or the movement ORIENTATION OF PLANTS OR Phototropism
of an organism towards light is called
11. Site of phytochemical reactions Thylakoid
12. animals that maintain the body temperature constant homeotherms
13. Single value combining the effects of air temperature and Temperature
humidity Humidity index
14. extremely beneficial in temperate climates where the growing Heat Trapping
period is comparatively short.
15. Result of interaction between local topography, landscape Microclimate
characteristics, and the regional climate modification
16. one potential strategy to mitigate the effects of heat stress, Genetic selection
but this is a long-term solution. for thermal
17. materials or chemicals which decrease the water loss from Anti-Transpirant
plant leaves by reducing the size and number of stomata.
18. practice of placing a heat or moisture barrier over the top of the soil Mulching
surface to check evaporation and to improve soil moisture
19. These chemicals reduce shoot growth and increase root growth Growth retardant
and thus enable the plants to resist drought. They may also induce
stomatal closure
20. Hot object cools down and cold object heats up, what Principle 2. Heat
principle applies? flows from a hot
area toward the
21. effective surface temperature of the cooling coil kept below the Apparatus Dew
initial dew point temperature of the air is called Point (ADP)
22. process of reducing heat through a change in air pressure Adiabatic cooling
caused by volume expansion.
23. Livestock add heat and moisture vapor to the surrounding air. So Principle 4. Warm
when warm, moisture-laden air in the animal environment contacts air holds more
a cool surface, such as a poorly-insulated wall or ceiling, cold moisture than cold
window or foundation, the air cools and can no longer hold as much air.
water vapor.
24. added to compensate for the water evaporated during the Makeup water
operation of adiabatic cooling
25. Vapor pressure of warm air is higher than that of cooler air Principle 5.
and, thus, `pushes' vapor through the wall toward the cooler side- Moisture vapor
unless there is special provision made on the warm (or inside) can move through
surface to obstruct or impede its flow. building materials.
26. During this process, the humidity ratio, the dry-bulb temperature, Heating and
the wet-bulb temperature, the dew point temperature and the Humidification
enthalpy of air increase while passing through hot spray.
27. defined as that temperature of saturated air at which the Effective
subject would experience the same feeling of comfort as experienced temperature (ET)
in the actual unsaturated environment.
28. Thermometer indicates the level of heat in the area at that Principle 1. There
moment is a difference
between heat and
29. are difficult to protect with an adequate vapor barrier. Sprayed-on
30. the heat absorbed or released by a substance during a phase LATENT HEAT
change without a change in temperature.

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