Khoiriana Jesnita Nadhziroh Assignment 5

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1. Main Idea of Air Pollution

Pollutants are substances which are harmfull to the environment.
2. Main Idea of Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and poisonous gas.
3. Main Idea of Sulphur dioxide
Sulphur dioxide irritates the eyes and causes breathing difficulties.
4. Main Idea of Nitrogen Oxides
Nitrogen oxide occurs naturally in lightning and forest fires.
5. Main Idea of Methane
Methane, CH4, is a colorless and odorless gas. Small amounts of methane are harmless to
people but help trap heat from the Sun.
1. Air Pollution
Pollutants are substances that can damage the environment, they can cause harm to humans,
animals, vegetation, buildings and machines. As a result of human activity, the air around us
contains thousands of pollutants. There are many types of pollutants one of which is smoke,
which can be seen and smelled but most are invisible. Some of the pollutants are important
substances such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and methane.
unfortunately most people just realize that many important pollutants are caused by
newspaper stories or television programs.
2. Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a dangerous substance that comes from forest fire smoke, but most of it
comes from incomplete combustion of vehicle engine fuel. Carbon monoxide is a colorless,
odorless, poisonous gas and can be lethal in small quantities. Carbon monoxide can cause
breathing difficulties, headaches and heart damage.
3. Sulphur dioxide
Sulphur dioxide is a dangerous substance because it can irritate the eyes and cause difficulty
breathing, which comes from the coal and petroleum used to generate electricity and provide
energy. Both of these materials contain sulphur as an impurity although they contain more
coal. 70% of the sulphur dioxide content in the world's atmosphere is estimated to be caused
by electricity generation
4. Nitrogen Oxides
Nitrogen oxide is a serious pollutant produced naturally from lightning and forest fires, but is
mostly produced by car engines, power plants and industry. Nitrogen oxide is a dangerous
substance because it can damage human lungs, besides that nitrogen oxides can also react
with other pollutants to produce ozone and other harmful pollutants.
5. Methane
Methane CH4 is a colorless, odorless methane gas in small quantities that is harmless to
humans, but helps trap heat from the sun. The cause of the increase in the temperature of the
earth's surface is also caused by the increase in methane gas in the atmosphere along with
other gases, usually this change is known as global warming or the greenhouse effect. Global
warming has the potential to cause widespread flooding in the lowlands as the sea expands.
Atmospheric in methane also occurs naturally from bacterial decomposition of plants and
other sources. Meanwhile, the amount of methane in the waters is increasing due to human
activities such as agriculture. Livestock animals such as cows produce methane from their
manure and large amounts from rice fields. Large quantities of methane are also used to fuel
natural gas, and some of it leaks from pipelines.
what do you know about environmental issues?
copy the table onto a large sheet of paper (one per group). In small groups, share your current
knowledge to fill in the table below.
Name of causes of Effects of Possible solutions Possible
problem problem problem by government solutions by
Deforestation The increasing Decreasing soil Make laws on Carry out
demand for fertility, causing prohibition of reforestation,
wood for floods and deforestation, conduct outreach
industry and the landslides, impose sanctions to the
transfer of forest extinction of on perpetrators of community,
functions animals and deforestation, implement a
plants, reduced provide selective logging
world oxygen counseling to the system
supply public about the
dangers of
Greenhouse The increasing Global The use of new Reduce
effect concentration of warming, renewable energy, electricity use,
carbon dioxide drastic climate namely the reduce use of
gas (CO2) and change, rising development of tissue and paper,
other gases in the sea levels, biofuels, the reduce use of fuel
atmosphere due viruses and construction of oil
to the large use bacteria evolve power plants, the
of fuel oil, coal development of
and other electric car
organic fuels ecosystems, and
the development
of clean energy-
based industries
Air Pollution The causes of air The effects of Addition of green Reducing the use
pollution are air pollution are open space, of oil-fueled
forest fires and interfering with planning of vehicles, planting
incomplete breathing, transportation trees, using
combustion of polluting the air improvement recycled products
vehicle engines and reducing programs, odd-
oxygen levels even systems, and
testing of motor
vehicle emissions.
Abrasion The causes of Shrinking of the planting mangrove cultivating
abrasion are sea coastline so that forests, banning mangroves,
tides, destructive the main land is sand mining, taking sufficient
sea waves, decreasing, maintaining coral sea resources,
massive human endangering reefs protecting coral
exploitation of coastal reefs
marine resource communities
wealth such as living on the
fish, coral reefs coast and
and other biota reducing fish
resources and
germplasm due
to the
destruction of
Flood The causes of Damage to Making reservoirs Throw garbage in
flooding are houses and that can hold its place, do
dumping of other buildings, rainwater, reforestation,
garbage into economic loss, providing trash hold mutual
rivers, lack of loss of life, bins, making cooperation to
water catchment emergence of regulations on clean the river
areas, illegal various kinds of waste disposal.
logging, high diseases
forest fires the cause of loss of animal enact laws Replanting trees,
forest fires is the habitat, prohibiting forest not throwing
disposal of extinction of burning, outreach cigarette butts
cigarette butts animals and to the public carelessly in the
that are still plants, air forest, turning off
burning in the pollution firewood when
forest, lightning camping
strikes during the
dry season
soil pollution Soil pollution is decreased soil Advise people not reducing the use
caused by the fertility, effectto pollute the land, of pesticides,
excessive use of on plant growth, Make strict recycling plastic
pesticides changes in soil regulations/laws waste, not
structure regarding soil throwing
pollution, detergent or
Designate a garbage into
special waste waterways
storage area.
Water Water pollution reduced oxygen enact legislation dispose of
pollution is caused by content in prohibiting the household waste
dumping water, damage disposal of waste in its place,
industrial waste to marine into rivers, protect the
into rivers, ecosystems, prohibiting the use marine
fishing with lack of clean of poisons in ecosystem by not
poison, oil spills water sources fishing, destroying and
in the sea prohibiting illegal taking
offshore mining excessively
landslide landslides are Land damage conducting repairing
caused by illegal and loss of land counseling about waterways, not
logging, soil cover the dangers of cutting down
erosion, human vegetation landslides and the trees around
activities such as Disturbance of reasons for them, hillsides, planting
earth digging ecosystem carrying out trees
and water leaks balance Land reforestation,
becomes critical reducing
causing development on
groundwater slopes prone to
reserves to landslides
casualties and
material losses
Damage to Fishing that still extinction of banning the use of catching fish
Marine uses chemicals fish, coral reefs poisons to catch using nets, not
Ecosystems and explosives, and other fish, calls for taking fish
dumping garbage marine protecting marine excessively,
into the sea, inhabitants, ecosystems, planting coral
beach decreased planting reefs
reclamation fishermen's mangroves on the
income coast

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