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Blockchain Question Bank 12/10 /2022

Q1. What are the key characteristics of Private Blockchain ? Explain in short.

Q2. What are the types of nodes in PAXOS algorithm? Explain in short.

Q3. Write a note on RAFT Consensus algorithm.

Q4. What are the Tools used in Hyperledger? Explain in short.

Q5. Write a note on byzantine general problem.

Q6. What are different applications of Blockchain? Explain any one in Detail.

Q7. Explain smart contract in a stste machine for the below scenario:

In a crowd-funding platform, you have a set of people (Joe and ANN), who have certain funds available,
which they have agreed to donate if specific jobs are done. The proposers propose certain jobs.

Q 8 Write a short note on the need for a Private Blockchain.

Q 9 Explain the PBFT Consensus algorithm.

Q 10 Draw the architecture of Hyperledger fabric and explain its components.

Q 11 Draw the architecture of Ethereum fabric and explain its components.

Q 12 Explain transaction flow in Hyperledger fabric.

Q 13 Explain transaction flow in Ethereum fabric.

Q 14 Compare Public and Private Blockchain.

Q 15 Write a short note on Corda.

Q 16 Write a short note on Ripple.

Q 17 Write a short note on Quorum .

Q 18 Write a Short note on DeFi .

Q 19 Explain Chain codes in Hyperledger.

Q 20 Explain the working of Hyperledger fabric.

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