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Team Name:- “Techtitan”


A Mobile Dex Aggregator


Section-1 : Summary & Idea Overview

1. Name of Idea – A Mobile Dex Aggregator

2. Abstract - Create a Mobile App which routes through all DEXes

(Plenty, Quipuswap, SpicySwap, Youves etc) to give best possible
route to trade assets to a user, on a mobile app.
There will also be a page where the user is educated about liquidty
as it is an important factor as users overlook price impact warnings

3. Overview - Traxeo is designed to do DEX exchanges other than

on Ethereum. Traxeo will do DEX exchanges on blockchains like
Solana and Near. Traxeo will allows users to choose between the
“Maximum return” and the “Lowest gas” options. The former
option means complex routes for the swap to get the user the best
rates. Alternatively, in the “Lowest gas” option, swaps are done at
market rates, without splits across different exchanges or complex
routes, but the user pays the lowest possible gas fee.
4. Inspiration-
Section-2: The Demand

1. List of problems
- Best Rate. Traxeo will find the most affordable rates for its users
- Gas Optimizations: A smart aggregator connects to the majority of the
most popular decentralized exchanges and provides the most profitable rate
by optimizing the slippage and gas fees.
- Smart routing. Since the platform is striving to avoid over engineering the
route, Traxeo pathing logic considers the gas costs of any proposed step.

2. Who Cares – Investors and Developers

3. How will it help in growing the existing Tezos ecosystem?

(Are you using Tezos or any other resources?)
- Yes and we will be using the resources provided in discord

Section-3: More Details

1. List of Features, Offers by Traxeo

- Trade with DEXs on blokchain other than ethereum and binance
- An option to choose between “maximum return” and “low gas fee”
- Provide information on liquidity of DEXs

2. Tech Architecture
- Smart-Py (for Smart contract)
- ReactJs (for front-end)

By Techtitan

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