Islamyat Notes

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Lesson No.

The Holy Quran

Introduction, Preservation and Excellence)

Page 1

Allah sent His Messengers and revealed to them the Holy Books and Scriptures for the complete guidance of
mankind. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬is the 1st Prophet of Allah. Almighty Allah revealed to him the
Holy Quran. Being the last book of Allah, the Holy Quran is a permanent source of guidance for all mankind. The
book also testifies all the previous Divine Scriptures and Books. Allah almighty took the responsibility to safeguard
it. The Holy Quran provides guidance in regard to all the aspects of human life.

The preservation of Holy Quran started in the life of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. After the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬passed away,
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique () preserved all the part of the Holy Quran together in the order prescribed by the Holy
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬The verses of the Holy Quran were arranged in the same order and the Surahs were given the same
names as were prescribed by the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬under the command of almighty Allah. Hazrat Usman (), during
the period of his Caliphate, prepared several copies of the Holy Quran arranged accordingly and sent one copy to
each of the Provincial capital cities.


 Answer the following questions.

Q.1 Give a brief introduction of the Holy Quran.


Almighty Allah is the creator of the universe. Man is a part of this universe, Allah Almighty created man as
the most eminent of all the created beings. He created not only material resources to meet man’s physical and
instinctive needs, but also made provisions for the guidance of his intellect and soul. He blessed mankind with a
conscience to differentiate between good and evil. Moreover, almighty Allah sent His Messengers and revealed to
them the Holy Books and Scriptures for the complete guidance of mankind. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
() is the Last Prophet of Allah. Almighty Allah revealed to him the Holy Quran. Being the last book of Allah, the Holy
Quran is a permanent source of guidance for all mankind. The book also testifies all the previous Divine Scriptures
and Books.

Almighty Allah has also sent his prophets for the guidance of the previous generations, and revealed his Books to
some of them however, the teaching of those Prophets and the books revealed the them. However, the teachings
of those Prophets and the books revealed to them have not been preserved with their original text. In the Holy
Quran Allah Says:

‫ع َل ۡی ِہ‬ ِ ‫ص ِدقًا ِل َما َب ۡی َن َی َد ۡی ِہ ِم َن ۡال ِک ٰت‬

َ ‫ب َو ُم َہ ۡی ِمنًا‬ َ ‫ق ُم‬ ۡ َ ‫ک ۡال ِک ٰت‬
ِ ‫ب ِبال َح‬ َ ‫َو ا َ ۡن َز ۡلنَ ۤا اِلَ ۡی‬
And to The We revealed the Book with the truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it., and
this (the Holy Quran) is a watcher over it.

In this verse of the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty has used the word ‘Muhaiman’ (that which guards or watches) for
the Holy Quran. This expression means that the contents of the previous books which could not be preserved have
now been preserved in the Holy Quran. That is why the teachings of the Holy Quran are trustworthy and can be
followed with entire satisfaction in all the age to come. The Holy Quran provides guidance in regard to all the
aspects of human life. It describes the realigty of life, the good and evil, the lawful and unlawful, the righteousness
and unrighteousness, moral teachings and all other aspects of life. The Holy Quran also provides detailed
information about the life in the Heereafter and discusses its importance very effectively. The Holy Quran imparts
basic teachings about man’s individual and collective life, his rights and duties in society and his economic matters.
It also educates man comprehensively in the fields of polices and international affairs and morality. In short the
Holy Quran is a treasure of information and guidance covering all the aspects of human life. It elaborately explains
all the things which a common man must know and there is no other source for his to get the required knowledge.

Q.2 How has the Holy Quran been preserved?



The Holy Quran has been revealed by Almighty Allah and he himself took the responsibility to
safeguard it. In the Holy Quran He says:

ُ ‫اِنَّا نَ ۡح ُن نَ َّز ۡلنَا الذ ِۡک َر َو اِنَّا لَ ٗہ لَ ٰح ِف‬

﴾۹﴿ ‫ظ ۡو َن‬
Without doubt we have sent down the Message and without doubt we will guard it. We see that Allah carried
out his promise so perfectly that no even a single word, letter or a vowel-point of the Holy Quran has so far been
changed. The Holy Quran with its complete text was not revealed at one and the same time. Rather it was revealed
little by little. It took about twenty-three years for this Divine Book to be completed. Whenever some Quranic
verses were revealed, the Holy Prophet () sent for the scribe and dictated the revelation to him. The Holy Prophet
() also gave him the instructions as the where the new verses were to be included, i.e. in which Surah and before
or after which verses they were to be included. The passage of the revelation was placed at a fixed place in Masjid-
e-Nabvi. The companions of the Holy Prophet (‫ ) ﷺ‬copied the verses of the revelation and learnt it by hear. The
recited the verses in their everyday five prayers and tried to comprehend and practice them. Thus whenever a part
of the Holy Quran was revealed, it was recorded and learn by heart by the companions of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬.
This practice was carried out by both the men and the women.

It was during the pious life of the Holy Prophet () that most of his wives, the members of the his family, and the
male and female companions () of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬has learnt the complete text of the Holy Quran by heart. A
number of venerable companions of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬had also prepared the copies of the Holy Quran.

After the Holy Prophet () passed away, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique () preserved all the parts of the Holy Quran
together in the order prescribed by the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. The verses of the Holy Quran were arranged in the same
order and the Surah‫ س‬were given the same names as were prescribed by the Holy Prophet(‫)ﷺ‬. The verses of the
Holy Quran were arranged in the same order and the Surahs were given the same names as were prescribed by the
Holy Prophet () under the command of Almighty Allah. Hazrat Usman () during the period of his Caliphate, prepared
several copies of the Holy Quran., arranged accordingly and sent one copy to each of the provincial capital cites.

Q.3 Write a note on the distinct characteristics of the Holy Quran?


In the Holy Quran whatever is stated is based on the definite knowledge and reality. There is no doubt in the
truth of its contents. It provides complete guidance to the human beings of all times and regions. The success of
mankind in this world and in the hereafter depends on to what extent he practices the teachings of the Holy Quran.
That is why this book excels in providing true guidance to everyone. As this divine work is better than all other
works of literature, similarly a person who has learnt the Holy Quran and teaches it to others is better than all other
who have not learnt it. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said:

The best amongst you is the one who learnt the Holy Quran and teaches it to others.

We should, therefore, lean the Holy Quran whole heartedly and should leave no stone unturned in gaining this
Divine knowledge.

The recitation of the Holy Quran is an act of great virtue. Allah gives the reward squeal to ten virtues for the
recitation of each letter of the Holy Quran. One who practices the Quranic teachings, Allah exalts him in this world
and in the hereafter. Those who refuse to acknowledge it are disgraced. The history of mankind bears witnesses
that a long as the Muslims acted upon the teaching of the Holy Quran, they were predominant in the world. On the
other hand, when the became careless about the principles of Islam, they lost their eminence. The Holy Prophet ()
once told his followers that Almighty Allah would make many nations eminent due to acting upon the golden
teachings of the Holy Quran and being many nations to disgrace due to their being careless about these principles.
We should, therefore, recite the Holy Quran, grasp it and try to act upon its golden teachings.

 Write the short answer of the following questions:

Q.1 What does Allah do to meet main physical and instinctive needs?

Ans: Allah created man as the most eminent of all the created beings. He created not only material resources to
meet man’s physical and instinctive needs, but also made provisions for the guidance of his intellect of his intellect
and soul.

Q.2 What Allah blessed to the mankind?

Ans. He blessed mankind with a conscience to differentiate between good and evil. Moreover, almighty Allah sent
his messengers and revealed to them the Holy Books and Scriptures for the complete guidance of mankind.

Q.3 Give short introduction of Holy Quran.

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬is the last Prophet of Allah. Almighty Allah revealed to him the Holy Quran.
Being the last book of Allah the Holy Quran is a permanent source of guidance for all mankind the book also testifies
all the previous Divine Scriptures and Books.

Q.4 What does Allah do to meet main physical and instinctive needs?

Ans: In the Holy Quran Allah Says:

‫ع َل ۡی ِہ‬ ِ ‫ص ِدقًا ِل َما َب ۡی َن یَ َد ۡی ِہ ِم َن ۡال ِک ٰت‬

َ ‫ب َو ُم َہ ۡی ِمنًا‬ َ ‫ق ُم‬ ۡ َ ‫ک ۡال ِک ٰت‬
ِ ‫ب ِبال َح‬ َ ‫َو ا َ ۡن َز ۡلنَ ۤا اِلَ ۡی‬
And the three we revealed the book with the truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and
this (the Holy Quran) is a watcher over it.

In this verse of the Holy Quran, Allah has used the word ‘Muhaiman’ (that which guards of watches) for the Holy
Quran. This expression means that the contents of the previous books which could not be preserved have now
been preserved in the Holy Quran. That is why the teachings of the Holy Quran are trustworthy and can be followed
with entire satisfaction in all the ages of come.

Q.5. How the Holy Quran provides us guidance?

Ans. The Holy Quran provides guidance in regard to all the aspects of human life. It describes the reality of life.
The good and evil, the law full and unlawful, the righteousness and unrighteousness, moral teachings and all other
aspects of life. The holy Quran also provides detailed information about the life in the hereafter and discusses its
importance very effectively.

Q.6. What are the basic teachings of Islam?

Ans. The Holy Quran imparts basic teachings about man’s individual and collective life, his rights and duties in
society and his economic matters. It also educates man comprehensively in the fields of politics and international
affairs and morality.

Q.7. Give the reference of Quranic Ayat and translation for the protection of Holy Quran.

Ans The Holy Quran has been revealed by Almighty Allah and he himself took the responsibility to safeguard it.
In the Holy Quran he says:

ُ ‫اِنَّا نَ ۡح ُن نَ َّز ۡلنَا الذ ِۡک َر َو اِنَّا لَ ٗہ لَ ٰح ِف‬

﴾۹﴿ ‫ظ ۡو َن‬
Without doubt we have sent down the message and without doubt we will guard it.

We see that Allah carried out his promise so perfectly that not even a single word, letter or a vowel-point of
the Holy Quran has so far been changed.

Q.8. Describe step by step revelation of Quran?

Ans: The Holy Quran with its complete text was not revealed at one and the same time. Rather it was revealed
little by little. It took about twenty-three-years for this Divine Book to be completed. Whenever some Quranic
verses were revealed, the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬Sent for the scribe and dictated the revelation to him. The Holy Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬also gave him the instruction as the where the new verses were to be included, i.e. in which Surah and before
or after which verses they were to be included. The passage f the revelation was placed at a fixed place in Mashid-
Q.9. What did the companions of Holy Quran (‫ )ﷺ‬do to protect this Holy Book?

Ans: The companions of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬copied the verses of the revelation and learnt it by heart. The recited
the verses in their everyday five prayers and tried to comprehend and practice the. Thus whenever a part of the
Holy Quran was revealed, it was recorded and learnt by heart by the companions of the Holy Prophet () this practice
was carried out by both the men and the women.

Q.10 Write down in short how the Holy Quran was protected after the pious life of Holy Prophet(‫?)ﷺ‬

Ans: After the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬passed way, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique () preserved all the parts of the Holy Quran
together in the order prescribed by the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. The verses of the Holy Quran were arranged in the same
order and the Surahs were given the same names as were prescribed by the Holy Prophet under the command of
Almighty Allah. Hazrat Usman during the period of his Caliphate, prepared several copies of the Holy Quran,
arranged accordingly and sent one copy to each of the provincial capital cities.

Q.11 What is the key of success of Mankind?

Ans: The success of mankind in this world and in the hereafter depends on to what extent he practices the
teachings of the Holy Quran. That is why this book excels in providing true guidance to everyone. As this divine
work is better than all other works of literature, similarly a person who has learnt the Holy Qu5ran and teaches it
to others is better than all others who have not learnt it. The Holy Prophet () Said:

The best amongst you is the one who learnt the Holy Quran and teaches it to others.

Q.12 Write some lines on the learning and recitation of Quran.

Ans: The recitation of the Holy Quran is an act of great virtue. Allah gives the reward equal to ten virtues for the
recitation of each letter of the Holy Quran. One who practice the Quranic teachings, Allah exalts him in this world
and in the hereafter. Those who refuse to acknowledge it are disgraced.

Q.1 Who is most eminent of al the created being?

(a) Man
(b) Birds
(c) Animals
(d) Plants

Q.2. Allah’s power and wisdom is a proof of his:

(a) blessing
(b) regeneration
(c) Guidance
(d) None of these

Q.3. Almighty Allah had also sent his prophets for the ______________ of previous generations:

(a) Existence
(b) Regeneration
(c) Guidance
(d) None of these

Q.4. Which book is the permanent source of guidance for all mankind?

(a) Bibal
(b) The Holy Quran
(c) Tourah
(d) Zaboor

Q5. Allah Blessed mankind to differentiate between good and evil:

(a) With a conscience

(b) With power
(c) With wealth
(d) None of these

Q6. Who is the last Prophet of Allah to whom Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran?

(a) Hazrat Muhammad ()

(b) Hazrat Musa
(c) Hazrat Esa
(d) Hazrat Ibrahim

Q7. The Holy Quran also ______________ all the previous divine scriptures.

(a) Give evidence

(b) Testifies
(c) Justifies
(d) None of these

Q8. The word ‘Muhaiman’ means:

(a) evidence
(b) guardian
(c) truth
(d) the which guards or watches

Q9. The Holy Quran provides detailed information about the life in the:

(a) duties of man

(b) universe
(c) Hereafter
(d) Human

Q10. Who is responsible for protection of the Holy Quran?

(a) Allah
(b) Angles
(c) Muslims
(d) Scholars

Q11. The subject of Quran is:

(a) Angels
(b) Man
(c) Last nation
(d) Last book

Q12. Quran was revealed during:

(a) 20 years
(b) 15 year
(c) 19 years
(d) 23 years

Q13. First of all Quran was collected by :

(a) Hazrat Umer

(b) Hazrat Abu Bakar
(c) Hazrat Usman
(d) Hazrat Ali

Q14. What is discussed in Quran?

(a) Reality of life

(b) Good and evil
(c) Lawful and unlawful
(d) All of these

Q15. Holy Quran was given a book form by:

(a) Hazrat Abu Bakar

(b) Hazrat Ali
(c) Hazrat Usman
(d) Hazrat Umer

Q16. Who learnt Quran by heart during the pious life of the Holy Prophet(‫)ﷺ‬

(a) Members of his family

(b) His companions
(c) A and B both
(d) None of these

Q17. There is no doubt in the ___________ of its contents:

(a) Truth
(b) Revealing
(c) Lines
(d) Words

Q18. The recitation of the Holy Quran is an act of :

(a) Great love

(b) Grate respect
(c) Great virtue
(d) Great help

Q19. Who much reward Allah gives for the recitation of each letter of Holy Quran?
(a) Equal to ten
(b) Unlimited
(c) Equal to 5 virtues
(d) Countless

Answers :

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b
5. a 6. a 7. b 8. d
9. C 10. a 11. b 12. d
13. b 14. d 15. C 16 c
17. a 18. c 19 a

Love for Allah and His Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬


Worship requires that you must follow the orders of the Being who has created you, Right thinking requires you to
love Allah Almighty. The accomplishment of faith is not possible without love. It is said that a lover is obedient to
whom he loves.

Love to Allah Almighty is to follow the examples set by the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. Allah declared that Hazrat Muhammad
(‫ )ﷺ‬is the last prophet of mankind. There is no need of Prophet after him because all the commands of Allah
Almighty have been conveyed to mankind. Allah Almighty declared Islam a universal religion.


 Answer the following questions.

Q1. How do you come to the conclusion that there is only one Creator of the universe?

Ans. When man thinks about his self and the natural phenomena, he feels no difficulty in reaching the conclusion
that there must be some super being who wields power over everything, brings up helpless creatures and possesses
wisdom. That being is the one who rules everything, give energy to all living things and enables them to develop.
That being is All-Powerful, the Creator, the Lord and the Supreme Sage. He makes the vast universe work with His
wisdom. Man cannot help thinking that if a chair, a table or an earthen bowl cannot come into being without a
maker, how the earth the sky, the moon, the sun and man and uncountable abilities in his body came into existence.
This thinking leads us to the conclusion that all these things are capabilities have been created by some Super
Creator who is All-Powerful, All-Merciful and All-Wise and who is the source of limitless powers I the universe. His
power and wisdom is a proof of His existence.
Q. 2. What should man do in acknowledgement of the fact that he has been created by Allah?

Ans. The acknowledgement of Allah Almighty existence gives man the rue perception o the human life in relation
to the vast universe. The manifestation of the creation of Almighty Allah is visible everywhere in the world., The
greatness of man is to acknowledge the Creator, love Him devotedly and carry out his commands. In the Holy Quran
Allah Says:

ۡ‫ک ُم الَّ ِذ ۡی َخلَقَکُم‬ ۡ ‫اس‬ ۤ

ُ َّ‫اعبُد ُۡوا َرب‬ ُ َّ‫ٰیا َی َہا الن‬
O mankind! Worship you lord, who has created you.

Worship requires that you must follow the orders of the Being Who has created you. He has blessed you with the
eyes, you should, therefore, see things according to His wish. He has blessed you with the ears, you should,
therefore, listen what He wants you to listen to. He has blessed you with the ability to think, you should, therefore,
think over the existence and power of the Creator and follow His commands.

Q.No. 3. What do you understand by love for Allah?


Love for Allah:

Right thinking requires you to love Allah, If you receive an ordinary favour from some person, you feel to be under
his obligation. In some cases, you feel obliged to your benefactor for the whole of your life. Now think for a moment
about the Being who gives you life. Why should you not foster love for Him? That is why Allah says:

ؕ ‫َو الَّ ِذ ۡی َن ٰا َمنُ ۡۤوا اَشَد ُحبًّا ِللّٰ ِہ‬

Those who believe are overflowing in their love for Allah

Those who believe are overflowing in their love for Allah. The accomplishment of faith is not possible without love
because any act performed without love is always devoid of Divine guidance. It is said that a lover is obedient to
whom he loves. It is required by faith that we should love Allah. Love for Allah requires that we should accept His
commands and follow them whole-heatedly. It is His mercy that Almighty Allah sent His Prophets in all era for the
guidance of mankind. To these pious persons Allah gave His commands in form of Books and Scriptures.

The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬is the Last Prophet of this series of guidance, and he Holy Quran
revealed to him is the last book of guidance for all times to come. It is the last message to mankind for his success
which can only be achieved by practicing its teachings. By acting upon its golden teachings, we can achieve success
in this world as well as in the hereafter.

Q. No. 4. Why is it important to follow the Holy Prophet (‫?)ﷺ‬

Love for the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬

The faith in Islam also requires us to love the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. In the Holy Quran Allah Says:

ِ ُ‫ا َلنَّبِی ا َ ۡو ٰلی بِ ۡال ُم ۡو ِمنِ ۡی َن ِم ۡن ا َ ۡنف‬

ۡ‫س ِہم‬
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves

If believers are put in a situation that they have to choose between their own lives and love for the Holy Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬and obedience to him. They must guard their love for the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬even at the cost of their lives.
ُ ‫ٰیا َی َہا الَّ ِذ ۡی َن ٰا َمنُ ۡوا ََل تُقَ ِد ُم ۡوا َب ۡی َن َی َد ِی اللّٰ ِہ َو َر‬
ؕ ‫س ۡو ِل ٖہ َو اتَّقُوا اللّٰ َہ‬
O You who believe! Be not forward before Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah (Keep your duty to Allah).

You can do justice in keeping your duty to Allah by observing the rules of etiquette. Keeping conformity in your
actions and showing obedience to Allah and His Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. It is, therefore, necessary to known about the
commands of Allah and sayings of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said.
No person amongst you can be a believer unless he loves me more than he loves his parents, children and
all other people.

The Holly Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬further said.

No person amongst you can be a believer unless he subordinates his desires to the commands (of Allah) I
have brought.

From the above discussion it is clear that love for Allah and His Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬requires that the believers should
observe the following rules. They should not make someone else a partner in love for Allah and his Prophet ()

Love for the Holy Prophet should exceed all worldly relations. Love for the Holly Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬should exceed all
worldly relations. Love for the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬requires that the Muslims should give preference to the sayings of
the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬over their personal likes and dislikes. In this regard Allah says in the Holy Quran:

﴾۳۳﴿ ۡ‫س ۡو َل َو ََل ت ُ ۡب ِطلُ ۡۤوا ا َ ۡع َمالَکُم‬ ۤ

َّ ‫ٰیا َی َہا الَّ ِذ ۡی َن ٰا َمنُ ۡۤوا ا َ ِط ۡیعُوا اللّٰ َہ َو ا َ ِط ۡیعُوا‬
ُ ‫الر‬
O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and render not your action vain, (Without
obedience all actions go waste).


You can claim to have love for Allah, but how will you prove it. This question may arise in the mind of almost every
person. It is a greater graciousness of Allah that He Himself has answered this question. Allah Says.

﴾۵۶﴿ ‫س ِل ُم ۡوا ت َ ۡس ِل ۡی ًما‬

َ ُ‫ض ۡیتَ َو ی‬ ِ ُ‫ش َج َر بَ ۡینَ ُہمۡ ث ُ َّم ََل یَ ِجد ُۡوا فِ ۡۤی ا َ ۡنف‬
َ َ‫س ِہمۡ َح َر ًجا ِم َّما ق‬ َ ‫ک ََل یُ ۡو ِمنُ ۡو َن َحت ّٰی یُ َح ِک ُم ۡو‬
َ ‫ک فِ ۡی َما‬ َ ِ‫فَل ََا َو َرب‬
Say (O Muhammad, to mankind); if you love Allah, follow me, All will love you and forgive you for your sins.
Allah is forgiving Merciful
Love for Allah is to follow the examples set by the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬Obedience demands surrendering himself
completely. Your out word action must reflect your inner feeling and inclination, otherwise the action will be
mothing but hypocrisy. In such a case Allah warns the Muslims in these words:

﴾۵۶﴿ ‫س ِل ُم ۡوا ت َ ۡس ِل ۡی ًما‬ ِ ُ‫ش َج َر َب ۡینَ ُہمۡ ث ُ َّم ََل َی ِجد ُۡوا ِف ۡۤی ا َ ۡنف‬
َ َ‫س ِہمۡ َح َر ًجا ِم َّما ق‬
َ ُ‫ض ۡیتَ َو ی‬ َ ‫ک ََل یُ ۡو ِمنُ ۡو َن َحت ّٰی یُ َح ِک ُم ۡو‬
َ ‫ک ِف ۡی َما‬ َ ‫فَ ََل َو َر ِب‬
But no by the Lard they can have no (rea) faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and
find within themselves no resistance against this decisions, but accept them with he fullest conviction.

The requirements of faith are fulfilled by complete obedience and surrendering to Allah’s will.

Question No.5. Explain the finality of the Prophethood in the context of the Holy Quran.


Finality of Prophethood :

Hazrat Muhammad (ؑ‫ )ﷺ‬was the last Prophet of Allah, and after him the line of Prophethood case to an end. In the
Holy Quran Allah Says:

َؕ ‫س ََل َم ِد ۡینًا‬ ِ ۡ ‫ک ُم‬

ۡ ‫اَل‬ َ ُ‫ ا َ ۡلیَ ۡو َم اَ ۡک َم ۡلتُ لَکُمۡ ِد ۡینَکُمۡ َو ا َ ۡت َم ۡمت‬- ‫سورة المائدة‬
ُ َ‫علَ ۡیکُمۡ نِ ۡع َمتِ ۡی َو َر ِض ۡیتُ ل‬
This day I have perfected the religion for you, and completed by favour onto you, and have chosen for
you Islam as your religion.

The perfection of religion, the completion of Allah’s favour and the clear expression that Allah likes Islam for the
Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬is a declaration that the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬is His Last Prophet and Messenger,
and there is no need for another Prophet because all the commands of Allah have been conveyed to mankind. How
what we need to do is to accept the message of Allah as a code of over lives, and take the examples set by the Holy
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬as a lighthouse for our guidance. It is an honour for mankind that Allah has considered the Holy Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬to be competent enough to receive the eternal message of God and practice the Divine teaching.

Allah has also made Islam a universal religion, It means that before Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬, Allah had sent Prophets
to nations or tribes belonging to different ages and regions. In former ages mankind was divided into different
societies. The annunciation of the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬for the whole world gave rise to
internationalism. One God, one Last Prophet, one centre (Ka’ba), one set of good examples of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
and one and final Book (the Holy Quran) brought unity among the different nations of the world. The Holy Quran

Say (O Muhammad): O Mankind! Indeed I am Messenger of Allah to you all.

Allah also says:

ُ ‫َان ُم َح َّم ٌد ا َ َب ۤا ا َ َح ٍد ِم ۡن ِر َجا ِلکُمۡ َو ٰل ِک ۡن َّر‬

َؕ ‫س ۡو َل اللّٰ ِہ َو َخات َ َم النَّ ِب ٖی َن‬ َ ‫َما ک‬
Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the seal of

This verse of the Holy Quran has put an end to the confusion as to where to seek guidance from. It is now clear that
there is only one source of guidance, and that source is Islam which requires us to believe in Allah. We can have
faith in Allah and follow His order only by showing love and obedience to the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and following good
examples set by him. Such a course of life can ensure to being mankind success in the life and salvation in the

 Write the short answer of the following questions.

Q.1 What is the requirement of worship?

Ans: Worship requires that you must follow the orders of the Being Who has created you. He has blessed you with
the eyes, you should, therefore, see things according to His wish. He has blessed you with the ears, you
should, therefore, listen what He wants you to listen to. He has blessed you with the ability to think, you
should, therefore, think over the existence and power of the Creator and follow His commands.

Q.2 What is the greatness of man?

The greatness of man is to acknowledge Allah, the Creator, love Him devotedly and carry out His commands.

Q.3 What is the requirement of faith in Islam?

The faith in Islam also requires us to love the Holy Prophet () . In the Holy Quran Allah Says:

The prophet is closer to the believers than their selves.

It believers are put in a situation that they have to choose between their own loves and love for the Holy
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and obedience to him they must guard their love for the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬even at the cost of
their lives.

Q.4 What is the requirement of Allah and His Prophet’s love to the believers?

Love for the Holy Prophet requires that the Muslims should give preference to the sayings of the Holy Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬over their personal likes and dislikes.
Q.5 Explain Importance of obedience of Allah and the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬

You can claim to have love for Allah, but how will you prove it. This question may rise in the mind of almost
every person. It is a grater graciousness of Allah that He Himself has answered this question. Allah Says:

ُ ‫قُ ۡل ا ِۡن ک ُۡنت ُمۡ ت ُ ِحب ۡو َن اللّٰ َہ فَات َّ ِبعُ ۡو ِن ۡی یُ ۡح ِب ۡب‬

َ ُ‫ک ُم اللّٰہُ َو َی ۡغ ِف ۡر لَکُمۡ ذُنُ ۡو َبکُمۡ ؕ َو اللّٰہ‬
﴾۳۳﴿ ‫غفُ ۡو ٌر َّر ِح ۡی ٌم‬
Say (o Muhammad, to mankind): if you love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you for
your sins. Allah is Forgiving Merciful

Q.6 What is the requirements of faith?

The requirements of faith are fulfilled by complete obedience and surrendering to Allah’s Will

Q.7 Give the reference of Quranic Aayaat about the finality of Prophethood.

Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬was the last Prophet of Allah, and after him the line of Prophethood came to an end.
In the Holy Quran Allah says.

ِ ۡ ‫ک ُم‬
َؕ ‫اَل ۡس ََل َم ِد ۡینًا‬ َ ُ‫ ا َ ۡلیَ ۡو َم اَ ۡک َم ۡلتُ لَکُمۡ ِد ۡینَکُمۡ َو ا َ ۡت َم ۡمت‬- ‫سورة المائدة‬
ُ َ‫علَ ۡیکُمۡ نِ ۡع َمتِ ۡی َو َر ِض ۡیتُ ل‬
This day I have perfected the religion for you, and completed my favour into you, and have chosen for
you Islam as your religion.

ُ ‫َان ُم َح َّم ٌد ا َ َب ۤا ا َ َح ٍد ِم ۡن ِر َجا ِلکُمۡ َو ٰل ِک ۡن َّر‬

َؕ ‫س ۡو َل اللّٰ ِہ َو َخات َ َم النَّ ِب ٖی َن‬ َ ‫َما ک‬
Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! Indeed I am messenger of Allah to you all.

ُ ‫َان ُم َح َّم ٌد ا َ َب ۤا ا َ َح ٍد ِم ۡن ِر َجا ِلکُمۡ َو ٰل ِک ۡن َّر‬

َؕ ‫س ۡو َل اللّٰ ِہ َو َخات َ َم النَّ ِب ٖی َن‬ َ ‫َما ک‬
Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of
the Prophets.
Q.8 What did Allah to for the guidance of mankind?

Almighty Allah has sent His Prophets in all ages for the guidance of mankind. To these pious persons Allah
gave His commands in form of Books and Scriptures.

 Choose the correct one:

1. Allah will love you due to:
(a) Sacrifice
(b) Worship
(c) Patience
(d) Obedience of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
2. Whose life is the best Model?
(a) Parents
(b) Scholars
(c) Relative
3. What is meant by love?
(a) Desire of heart
(b) Inclination heart
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
4. Allah’s power and wisdom is a proof of His :
(a) Working
(b) Existence
(c) Superiority
(d) None of these
5. The accomplishment of faith is not possible without:
(a) Sacrifice
(b) Love
(c) worship
(d) None of these
6. The Holy Prophet () is closer to the believers than their:
(a) Wealth
(b) Selves
(c) Children
(d) Property
7. It is said that a lover is abedient to whom he:
(a) Loves
(b) Teachers
(c) Obeys
(d) None of these
8. Allah’s guidance and commands is in form of books and :
(a) Prophets
(b) Laws
(c) Scriptures
(d) Stories
9. Allah Says: if you love Allah ______________:
(a) Love your family
(b) Follow the orders
(c) Follow the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
(d) Follow the companions
10.Allah has also made Islam a:
(a) Individual religion
(b) Complete religion
(c) Universal religion
(d) And (b) both
11.Allah is forgiving and :
(a) Merciful
(b) Loving
(c) Beneficial
(d) None of these
12.The requirements of faith are fulfilled by complete obedience and surrounding to:
(a) inclination
(b) hypocrisy
(c) parents will
(d) Allah’s will

1. d 2. c 3. C 4. b
5. b 6. b 7. A 8. c
9. c 10. c 11. A 10 d

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