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The following information is a very simple technique for
finding missing children, adults, MIA's, etc.. Please take

Make a 90-degree "Angle Wire" by bending an 18" length
of 1/8" iron welding rod at right angles at the center and
slipping it into a 7" length of 1/4" straight copper tubing.
Both ends of the rod should be pointed, and the top end of
the tube should be smooth and flat so the wire can turn
freely inside the tube.

Wrap the four fingers of your RIGHT hand around the
copper tube, and place the front of the thumb against the
side of the tube near the top so that the center of the whorl
of your thumb is pressed against the tube. Stand on solid
ground with your feet about one foot apart, and hold the
Angle Wire so the copper tube is vertical, about 15 inches in
front of your chest.

Place the center of the whorl of your LEFT index finger
against a " specimen " of the missing person while thinking
about him or her. (A " specimen " is the image of the person
in a polaroid photograph, a photographic negative, or a print
having an existing negative; a spot of blood on a piece of
paper, a hair, or possibly even an original signature, of the

The Angle Wire will then turn to point in the direction
of the missing person (if he or she is still alive, at
least). Repeat this procedure while facing in different

The person can then be found by going in the direction
that the wire is consistently pointing toward, or by moving
some distance at right angles to that direction and finding
the new direction (triangulation method).

Many people are not likely to be successful with this
technique, especially people who have received x-rays. Those
who have demonstrated success at " water witching " or " MAP
DOWSING " are most likely to be successful at this. However,
each person involved in looking for missing persons should
TRY IT. Practice by "locating" people who are NOT missing.

This technique should be used to find missing children,
kidnap victims, MIA's, or lost pets. It should NOT be MIS-
used to track down tax evaders, absent fathers, draft
dodgers, or other innocent people trying to avoid legalized
extortion, armed robbery, and slavery.

This technique was developed by a Canadian scientist,
Frances Nixon, of The Vivaxis Energies Research International
Society, 211 Blackman St., New Westminster, British Columbia
V3L 2A8, Canada. Contact THEM for more information.

Robert E. McElwaine

P.S.: If this does not work for you, find a reliable MAP
DOWSER, or a Psychic, or a Remote Viewer such as Major
Ed Dames at .


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