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Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by

focusing on outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism holds

that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for
the greatest number.
❖ For example, if I make a promise to you and then act in such a way as to
break it, my act has the feature of breaking a promise, and many people
would claim my act was wrong because it has that feature.
Individual rights are freedoms that cannot be taken away by other persons.
Only you can give these rights away; no one can rob you of your rights.
Individual rights may also be referred to as “fundamental rights” or “inalienable
rights.” They may even be referred to as basic human rights.
❖ Examples: Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression.
Distributive justice refers to the extent to which society's institutions ensure
that benefits and burdens are distributed among society's members in ways
that are fair and just.
❖ For example, when some workers work more hours but receive the same
pay, group members may feel that distributive justice has not occurred.

While I test my personality, I reflect a lot on myself in every question that I read in the
personality test if I really am that kind of person. Honestly, it's hard when you test
yourself because there are things, you're not sure if it's really you or if it has another
meaning based on what you feel or wants to do because that's what makes you happy.

Based on the personality test my result is Protagonist which means inspiring

optimists, readily taking action to do what they feel is right.

Maybe I'm a protagonist in myself because I'm the only one who will do my best and
defend myself in all the situations I've experienced and will experience in the future.

On the other side for myself, of course, I am always here for my family and friends if
they need someone to talk to or protect them in times when they need a child, sister,
or friend who is ready to listen to them and give them advice.

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