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Bamboo planting

Surface : 500 Acres


Global waming and climate change become an everyday concern in our current world. More and
more meetings are being held among world leaders(COP1, COP2, G6…) and more and more actions
are being taken to reduce the phenomenon. The Sustainable Development Goals also appeal for
diminushing effects of global warming. NGOs and Social Societies run diverse environmental projects
with the same aim or aproximately, protect the environment from climate change and natural
disasters. It is in this vein that the NGO Volontary World for Development intends to run a forest
planting project in Togo.

Project Justification

Bamboo is a tree which has several properties. Apart from the wood it provides for construction and
its oder utilities, in the fight against global warming, this tree has a lot to give to the earth. Many
reasons sustain that; Bamboo can fix up to 30% of CO2 more than any other tree. A forest of bamboo
trees can absorb up to 12 tons of CO2 per year per acre while an oridinary forest can fix only 3 tons
of CO2 for the same surface and duration. Bamboo helps prevent soil from erosion, improve soil
watering and restores poor soils. Most of all, the planting of such forest does not require use of
chemicals. For these reasons, we assume that planting a forest of bamboo, would help adress the
Sustainable Development Goal N°xxx

Project description

The project will consist of planting bamboo trees on a surface of 500 acres. Project will be run in the
Department of WAWA in the Plateau Region of Togo. The weather in this area is favorable with a
very good rain record and bamboo can resist there.

Not only this project will benefit to the environment but it will also benefit the population especially
young people in the area. The project will create jobs for the youth who are going to work on the
farm and later who are going to use some of the woods for different works.

Planting Surface : 500 acres

Land acquisition: 300 FCFA per acres

Cost of the young trees: 200 FCFA per tree

Estimated number of trees : xxxxxx

Current facilities owned by the NGO : xxxxxxxx

Duration of the project : 5 years

Total cost of the project : xxxxxxx

Period of reimbursement : after the 2nd year of effective start of the project.

Estimated ending term of reimbursement : xxxxxxxx

What would be the bamboo useful for in the future?

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