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Version Coverage Proposed by Reviewed by Approved Effective Modifications

by date
Dr Prakash Kini
Sakamma ( Group Medical Dr K.P.Das New Policy &
.No. HWP- 10.1 28st  of
( OT Director), (Group Procedure
3/13, points April 2013
Incharge) Dr Raghavendra Hallur Advisor)
V- 1.0
(Asst Quality Manager)

Operation Theatre Policies

and Procedures Manual

Table of Contents
1  INTRODUCTION .............
........................................ 4 

2  Structure of the Department .............


3  Functional Zoning of the Department: .............


4  PURPOSE ............

5  SCOPE ............

6  RESPONSIBLITY ............
........................................ 5 



7.1  Policy on criteria for Staff Selection ............


7.2  Booking and Scheduling of surgery .............


7.3  Pre-operative Assessment: .............


7.4  Policy on Pre –Anesthesia Evaluation [PAE] ............


7.5  Policy on obtaining Informed consent prior to Surgery/Procedure .....................................8 


7.6  Preparation of patient ............


7.7  Policy on Surgical Site Marking.............

............. 10 

7.8  Transfer of Patient to Operation Theatre: ..............

....................................... 11 

7.9   Receiving of patient and immediate preoperative assessment:: ....................................... 11 


7.10  Policy: Surgical Safety - Prevention of Wrong Procedure/Side/Site and Wrong Patient (time out
procedures): ............
................................ 12 

7.11  Transportation of Patients from OT to Recovery Room / ICU / Wards ............................... 14  


7.12  Post operative care .............

....................................... 14 

7.12.1  Definition ..............

.................................. 15 

7.12.2  Purpose ............

..................................... 15 

7.13  Discharge from the Recovery Area: .............

............................... 16 

8  Quality Assurance in Operation Theatres ............

......... 16 
8.1  Staffing in the Operation Theatre .............
...................................... 16 

8.2  Infection control In Operation Theatre ............

............................. 16 

8.2.1  Dress Code in Operating Room .............

.................................. 16 

8.2.2  Colour code for Surgical Attire ............

.................................... 18 

8.2.3  Controlled Access ............

....................................... 18 

8.2.4  GLOVEING AND GOWNING: .............

...................................... 20 

8.2.5  Standard Precautions ............

................................... 21 

8.2.6  Biomedical Waste Management ............

.................................. 21 

8.2.7  Special Precautions for Known Infectious Cases: ............

............................ 21 

............................... 22 
8.2.8 Disinfection in Operation Theatre:
8.2.9  OT Fogging protocol: ............
................................... 24 

8.3  Mandatory HVAC parameters ............

............................ 27 

8.4  Measuring the Quality of Services of Operation Theatre ..............

.................................. 27 

8.4.1  Percentage of Re-scheduling of Surgeries: .............

.................................. 27 

8.4.2  Prevention of adverse events .............

.................................... 28 

8.4.3  Prophylactic Antibiotic ............

................................. 28 

8.4.4  Percentage of unplanned return to OT ..............

...................................... 28 

8.4.5  Surgical Site Infection Rate: (SSI) .............

....... 28 
.................................... 29 

9.1  Before the start of the 1  case ............ .... 29 


9.2  Linen & gloves: ............

................................ 29 

9.3  Instruments ..............

.................................. 29 

9.4  Environment ............

................................... 30 

9.5  Weekly cleaning procedure ............

............................... 30 

9.6  HVAC maintenance: ............

....................................... 32 

10  Annexure .............

............................ 33 

10.1  Annexure 1: Surgical Safety Checklist: .............

............................. 33 


The operation theatre also called as operating room (OR) is a very important
high risk area in the hospital; It is also a high cost area which demands its
proper utilization.
Infection control practices and Quality Assurance activities of the OT have a
vital role in the quality of services provided in the hospital.

2   Structure of the Department

Operating theatre complex is one of the important high risk areas in the
The complex involves the patient receiving zone, the preoperative area,
operative rooms, the dirty corridor, the clean and dirty utility rooms.

3  Functional Zoning of the Department

De partment:

Zoning concept should be incorporated while considering the functional

criteria .the design should follow the function and not vice-versa.
1.  Protective
P rotective
rote ctive
e zone : these are tthe
he areas tthroug
h which
patients are wheeled into the OT ;personnel
;p ersonnel
movement ;lift ;waiting area ;change room

2.  Clean
C lean zone
zone : this includes drug store; clean utility;
staff room; doctors room; reception;

3.  Sterile zone

zone: this area covers the operating room/
sterile linen storage area

4.  Disp
osal zone: This is th
e outer
most zzone
one an
comprises of the dirty corridor around the OT
complex. Soiled linen and unsterile instruments are

taken out of the operating room and the OT complex

through this corridor.


To provide guideline instructions for Processes Related to Operation Theatre



It covers the total functioning of the Operation Theatre with relation to

the patient and other OT specific processes


•   Chief Surgeon and Chief Anaesthesiologist will be responsible for

the implementation of the policies and procedures in the Operation
Theatre complex.


7.1  Policy on criteria for Staff Selection

Qualification of staff:

a.  Surgical care will be provided only by qualified surgeons holding Post
Graduate degree area as per MCI norms and experience in the


b.  Anaesthesia care will be provided by Anaesthesiologist holding Post

Graduate degree area as per MCI norms and experience in anaesthesia
c.  Nursing care in the OT will be provided by qualified, experienced and
registered nursing staff

7.2  Booking and Scheduling of surgery

•  All surgeries performed in the OT complex should be scheduled unless

it is an emergency
•  Surgeries should be booked at least 2 days in prior to make necessary
arrangements for it.

  During scheduling there should enough gap to follow the cleaning and
infection control practices
•  Priority will be given to the emergency cases in between the elective
The following particulars will be entered in the case posting register,

  Hospital MRN Number

  Name, Age, Gender of the patient
  Place of Admission (Room No., suite etc.)

  Name of the Surgeon

  Name of proposed surgery

  Operation Theatre Number to be booked for the case

  Date and time of proposed surgery
  Special requirements in terms of equipment (if any)

7.3  Pre-operative Assessment:

  All patients undergoing surgery are assessed pre-operatively and a
provisional diagnosis is made which is documented prior to surgery.
This is applicable for both for routine and emergency cases.
  Patients requiring surgical intervention will have to undergo a full
check-up by the concerned surgeon which includes the following:

a.  Through clinical Examination of the Patient

b.  Vitals
c.  Examination of the chest.
d.  Investigation such as scan , ECG and Blood reports as re

The patient’s preoperative check up findings is to be documented in the

Assessment format in the patient’s case sheet and signed by the concerned

7.4  Policy on Pre –Anesthesia Evaluation [PAE]

  Patients for Anaesthesia should undergo a Pre-Anaesthesia Evaluation
[PAE] by a Qualified Anaesthesiologist
  The PAE should be done before the patient
p atient is wheeled into the OT
complex both in routine and emergency cases.
  The PAE may be even carried
c arried out prior to admission in case
ca se of elective
  The consultant anaesthesiologist will undertake the pre-aesthesia

check up of the patient which includes the following:

•  Medical History such as HT/DM/ Chest Pain/IHD/B.
asthma/allergy etc.
•  Surgical and Anaesthesia history if any

•  .General Examination such as Pulse ,BP,RR etc

•  Airway assessment
•  Systemic Examinations etc
•  All pre-aesthesia check up findings is documented in the
specified format attached with the patients file.
  The Pre Anaesthesia Assessment should result in formulation of
Anaesthesia Plan which should be documented in the patient’s medical
  The Anaesthesia plan should mention the Premedications, type of
anaesthesia, the drugs to be used for induction, and the drugs to be
used for maintenance. It should also mention about other concomitant
medications and IV fluids, special monitoring requirements where
appropriate and anticipated post anaesthesia care.

7.5  Policy on obtaining Informed consent prior to Surgery/Procedure

Informed consent should be obtained by the surgeon performing the

Procedure from the patient or the relatives.

The person performing the surgery will be responsible for the entire consent

Informed consent should be taken after giving the information regarding

1.  The requirement and nature of procedure,
2.  Risks involved
3.  Benefits of the procedure
4.  Alternatives available and
5.  Who will be performing the requisite procedure in the language that
patient and relatives understand.

The consent is obtained from the patient and or the attendees as per the
hospital’s Informed Consent policy prior to the surgery.

Details pertaining to the proxy consent could be sought in the Informed

consent Policy.

No te: There should be high ris

Note: risk
k consent for high risk cases. And the consent
should be taken for Sterilization and MTP procedures as per the law of land.

7.6  Preparation of patient

Before the patient is shifted to the OT the following points should be
checked for:

  Patient should be identified properly Name, age, Patient UHID and

medical records
  Proper Informed consent is taken by the concerned
c oncerned surgeon from the
patient of the concerned attendees.
  Preparedness by the Operation theatre should be checked by the
concerned ward staff with the OT complex staff.
  OT staff should be informed about infected cases (HIV, HBsAg, MRSA

or any other know infectious patients) prior to surgery.

  All the Jewellery should be removed

r emoved and handed over to the patient
  Pre medication if any should be given to the patient as prescribed.
  Patient Part preparation if any such a clipping of hairs should be done a

day prior to surgery unless an emergency.

  If any diagnostic investigations results are awaited they should be
followed up, collected and informed to the concerned if required.
Bowel Preparation if required should be done as per the orders.
  Bladder emptying or catherization should be followed done as ordered.

  Dentures if any should be removed prior to transfer to OT complex.


  Patient should be identified once again before shifting the patient to

the OT complex.
  Anaesthesia trolley checked for all the drugs and by anaesthesia
  Anaesthesia machines, ventilators, central gas supply and cylinders
checked by the OT technicians
  All sutures needed for surgery listed and taken from Pharmacy in the
previous evening – OT nurse.
  Drugs needed for a surgery should be listed out by OT In-charge
  OT staff should be informed by concerned person about cancellation of
the cases so that they can schedule the OT for other case

7.7  Policy on Surgical Site Marking

7.1.1 Making the Mark

1.1.1. The patient’s surgical site is to be marked before the patient is

moved to the location where the procedure will be performed. The
patient should be involved, awake and aware; preferably before

any prescribed pre-medication is administered

1.1.2.  The mark is to be an arrow pointing to the site of the operative
procedure, as close as possible to the incision site

1.1.3.  The mark is to be made with an indelible, permanent black

marker pen and should be sufficient to remain visible after skin
preparation and draping; if practicable

1.1.4.  The site for all procedures that involve incisions, percutaneous
punctures, or insertion of instruments must be marked taking into

•   Surface, spine level, specific digit or lesion to be

operated on
•   Laterality. For procedures involving laterality of organs,
but where the decision or approach may be from the
mid-line or natural orifice, the site must be marked and
a note made of the laterality

1.1.5.  All site markings must be made in conjunction with checks made
on the patient’s diagnostic imaging results i.e. X-rays, scans,
electronic imaging or other appropriate test results, ensuring these
match the patient’s medical notes and identity band.

7.8  Transfer of Patient to Operation Theatre:

a.  Prior to the transfer of the patient the ward nurse informs the OT nurse
about the patient details and confirms the scheduled
sc heduled time for surgery
forty five minutes prior to the scheduled time of surgery.
b.  The ward nurse prior to the transfer of the patient ensures that the
nurse’s preoperative checklist is dully filled and all the patient details as
required by the surgeons are arranged in the proper order.
c.  The patient is identified by at least two identification parameters.
d.  The patient is transferred to the OT as per the hospital’s transfer policy.

7.9   Receiving of patient and immediate preoperative assessment::

a.  The patient is received in the preoperative patient holding area of the
b.  The patient is identified at the entry of the OT complex by the OT staff
c.  The OT nurse evaluates the patient’s details and checks the
preoperative nursing checklist filled by the ward nurse to ensure the
patients preparedness and confirms the patient’s identity by orally
confirming with patient and checking the ID bands and the medical

d.  The patient is transferred to the Pre operative room where the
concerned surgeon and anaesthetist undertake immediate
preoperative evaluation.

7.10 Policy: Surgical Safety - Prevention of Wrong Procedure/Side/Site and
Wrong Patient (time out procedures):

  The prevention of wrong site/side/procedure and patient begins with

proper identification of patient and the preoperative evaluation of the

  This involves the following activities such as marking of the surgical

side, verification of patient prior to the shifting of the patient from the

ward to the
prior to the initiation
OT, at theoftime of patient’sinside
the procedure entrance to the OT,etc
the theatres suite and

  To ensure eliminate the risks endangering the lives and well being of
the surgical patients the WHO surgical Safety checklist has to be
followed to ensure that the team follows a few critical steps for its

  The format of the WHO surgical safety checklist: As per Annexure 1.

  The circulating nurse will be responsible to run the surgical safety

  All steps should be checked verbally with the appropriate team
member to ensure that the key actions have been performed.

  Before induction of anaesthesia, the person coordinating the Checklist

should verbally review with the anaesthetist and patient (when

possible) that patient identity has been confirmed, that the procedure
and site are correct and that consent for surgery has been given.

  The coordinator should visualize and verbally confirm that the

operative site has been marked (if appropriate) and should review with
the anaesthetist the patient’s risk of blood loss, airway difficulty and
allergic reaction and whether an anaesthesia machine and medication
safety check has been completed.

  Ideally the surgeon should be present during this phase as the surgeon

may have a clearer idea of anticipated blood loss, allergies, or other

complicating patient factors
  Before skin incision, each team member should introduce himself or
herself by name and role. If already partway through the operative day
together, the team can simply confirm that everyone in the room is
known to each other.
  The team should confirm out loud that they are performing the correct

operation on the correct patient and site and then verbally review with
one another, in turn, the critical elements of their plans for the
operation, using the Checklist for guidance.
  The team should also confirm that prophylactic antibiotics have been
administered within the previous 60 minutes and that essential imaging
is displayed, as appropriate.
  Before leaving the operating room, the team should review the

operation that was performed, completion of sponge and instrument

counts and the labeling of any surgical specimens obtained. It should

also review any equipment malfunctions or issues that need to be

  Finally, the team should discuss key plans and concerns regarding
postoperative management and recovery before moving the patient
from the operating room.

7.11  Transportation of Patients from OT to Recovery Room / ICU / Wards

1.  Circulating nurse/OT technician should inform recovery room nurse

that patient is to be shifted from OT to post surgical unit

2.  Level of consciousness and vital signs to be monitored in recovery

room by staff nurse every 15 mins or earlier as instructed.

3.  When the patient is fully conscious and follows the command, the
patient is shifted to the concerned ward, with written order of the

anaesthesiologist in the recovery room vitals chart

4.  When the patient is deemed fit for discharge from the recovery room,
the recovery nurse should confirm with the ward nurse for the bed and
start shifting of patient.

7.12  Post operative care

Policy: After the surgery/procedure the patient should be monitored in the

recovery room until the patient is found to be fit for discharge from the
recovery room.

Post-operative plan of care -The operating surgeon should document the

post operative plan of care.

This plan should include advice on IV fluid, medication, care of wound,

nursing care, observing for any complication.

The plan could be written in collaboration with the anesthesiologist.

7.12.1  Definition

Postoperative care is the management of a patient after surgery. This

includes care given during the immediate postoperative period, both in the
operating room
roomand post anesthesia care unit (PACU), as well as during the
days following surgery.

7.12.2 Purpose

In the immediate postoperative period the patient is nursed in a recovery

area using one-to-one nursing and continuous monitoring.

The role of the recovery nurse is to ensure that the patient is protecting
pr otecting their
airway, breathing freely and perfusing adequately ( airway, breathing and
c irculation).

The recovery nurse should also monitor the patient’s pain as the anaesthetic
wears off and ensure that there are no early complications developing, such
as bleeding from the wound or loss of distal circulation and/or sensation.

Blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation are therefore monitored

regularly and the results charted. Trends seen on these charts reassure the

recovery nurse that the patient is recovering well or warn that a complication
is developing

The goal of postoperative care is

  toprevent complications immediately after surgery due to anesthesia,

  To monitor bleeding or any other such complication after surgery.

7.13  Discharge from the Recovery Area:

The recovery unit nurse should apply defined criteria

c riteria to assess the fitness of
the patient to be discharged from the recovery area.

Post Sedation/Anesthesia recovery score sheet should be used to ascertain

the fitness for discharge.

The important criteria to be monitored before discharge are: consciousness,

respiratory activity, circulatory efficiency, and motor activity.

8  Quality Assurance in Operation Theatres

8.1  Staffing in the Operation Theatre

The staffing of OT should be as per policy on criteria for staff selection
contained in Para 7.1
All the staff Posted to work in the Operation theatre will be credentialed

and privileged as to review the qualification and expertise in the area

Also only those who have adequate qualification and experience would be
posted in the OT for non clinical work( Housekeeping etc).

8.2  Infection control In Operation Theatre

8.2.1  Dress Code in Operating Room

a.   Purpose:

Surgical attire provides a barrier between personnel and patient and

patient and personnel, through wh
ich contamina
tion may pass. Surgical

attire also provides protection for personnel against exposure to

infectious micro-organisms and hazardous materials.
b.   Policy
i.  All personnel entering the clean zone of the OT complex should be in
operating room attire.
ii.  Attire which is soiled or wet shall be changed.
iii.  All reusable attire shall be laundered after each use, by a laundry
facility approved and monitored by Hospital.
iv.  OT attire shall be stored in an enclosed cupboard. All head and facial
hair is to be covered while in the restricted areas of the surgical suite.
v.  The surgical cap or hood is to be clean, free of lint and confine the hair.
The surgical cap or hood should be changed daily. .
vi.  Dedicated slippers should be worn in the restricted areas
vii.  Shoe covers shall be worn if it is anticipated that splashes or spills will
viii.  Masks shall be worn at all times in the surgical suites and other areas
where open sterile supplies or scrubbed perso
nnel are located. Masks
shall cover the nose and mouth and shall be discarded whenever
ix.  Personal jewellery worn in the surgical suites shall be limited to the
•   Necklace - One small single chain
•   Earrings - Small studs. All o
ther earrings w
orn are to be
contained within a cap at all times.
•   No rings will be allowed.

x.  All jewellery (rings and watches) is to be removed prior to hand

washing. All other jewellery sh
all be totally confin
ed within scrub at
or removed.
xi.  Fingernails shall be kept short and trimmed

8.2.2  Colour code for Surgical Attire

  For doctor’s green suite.

  For staff’s blue suite.

  For housekeeping’s grey suite.

  OT linen for using surgery is green linen.

8.2.3  Controlled Access

  The access to the OT complex should always be controlled, only

concerned persons should be allowed to enter the OT complex.
  Any new persons entering the OT complex should take permission
from the OT in charge
c harge and enter the unit only after changing to the OT
  Visitors, Family member and friends will be restricted in the OT  Steps before Starting Surgical hand preparation

  Keep nails short and pay attention to them when washing your hands –
most microbes on hands come from beneathb eneath the fingernails.
  Do not wear artificial nails or nail polish.

  Remove all jewellery (rings, watches, bracelets)

b racelets) before entering the
operating room suite.

  Wash hands and arms up to elbows with a non-medicated soap before

entering the operating room area or if if hands are visibly soiled.
  Clean subungual areas with a nail file. Nailbrushes should not be used
as they may damage the skin and encourage shedding of cells.
Nailbrushes, if used, must be sterile and used only once. Steps for surgical hand preparation

  Start timing. Scrub each side of each finger, between the fingers, and
the back and front of the hand for two minutes.
  Proceed to scrub the arms, keeping the hand higher than the arm at all
times. this helps to avoid recontamination
r econtamination of the hands by water from
the elbows and prevents bacteria-laden soap and water from
contaminating the hands.
  Wash each side of the arm from wrist to the elbow for one minute.
  Repeat the process on the other hand and arm, keeping hands above
elbows at all times. If the hand to
uches anything except th
e brush at
any time, the scrub must be lengthened by one minute for the area that
has been contaminated.
  Rinse hands and arms by passing them through the water in one
direction only, from fingertips to elbow. Do not move the arm back and
forth through the water.
  Proceed to the operating room suite holding hands above elbows. At
all times during the scrub procedure, care should be taken not to
splash water onto surgical attire.
  Once in the operating room suite, hands and arms should be dried
using a sterile towel and aseptic technique before putting on gown and


Gowning Technique (For sterile gowns)

Sterile gowns are always folded inside out to avoid contamination. As it is
impossible to render the hands sterile, they must not come in contact with
the outside of the gown or gloves.

  Hands must be washed thoroughly before gowning

  Pick up the gown holding it well away from the trolley and your own

  Hold the neck band and unroll until the sleeves
• sleev es are seen.
  Slide both hands and arms into the sleeves at the same time.

  The floor nurse / assistant slides

• s lides her hands under the gown at the
shoulder and pulls out and fastens all the back tapes.
  Cover the back with the back flap with the help of the scrub nurse.

  Do not keep the hands lower than the waist line.

  Do not keep the hands near ones neck or shoulder.

  Do not touch the back of the gown.

• g own.
Removal of Gown at the end of the Procedure
  The circulating nurse will unfasten the gown.

  The gown is carefully removed by the scrub nurse leaving the gloves

  The gown with the inside folded out is placed in the appropriate bin.

  The gloves are then removed by holding the inside of the cuff and

placed in appropriate container


8.2.5  Standard Precautions

To be followed as per Infection Control Manual.

8.2.6  Biomedical Waste Management

To be followed as per Infection Control Manual.

8.2.7  Special Precautions for Known Infectious Cases:

The following are the cases to be considered as infectious-

1.  HIV
2.  Hepatitis B
3.  Hepatitis C
4.  MRSA
5.  VRSA
6.  VRE
7.  Gas Gangrene
8.  Any Multi Drug Resistant Pathogen

  Infectious cases should be posted at the end of the day after all
  For infected cases universal precautions should be taken
  Before procedure minimize the things present inside, keep the things
and trolley outside if it is not necessary.
  Use disposal packs and gowns.
g owns.
  Use goggles to protect the eyes.
  Shoe cover to avoid dripping of body fluids and blood.
  Double gloves should be used
  Needles should be handled very cautiously.
  After the case the OT should be carbolized and Fogged as per the


For Air Borne Precautions:


For H1N1, chicken pox, pulmonary tuberculosis any other active cases
require air borne/ droplet precautions patient and the attending staff
should wear N95 masks. Also during the transfer of patients.

Handling of Linen:
All the infected linens should be put in a separate yellow colour bag and be
labelled as Infectious

8.2.8  Disinfection in Operation Theatre: At the beginning of the day:

no Equipment Disinfectant Frequency

1 OT table 70 % Isopropyl alcohol At the start of
every case
Anaesthesia machine 70 % Isopropyl alcohol Before induction

accessories with 70 % Isopropyl alcohol Every case

Drug trolley 70 % Isopropyl alcohol Beginning of the

Suction machines 70 % Isopropyl alcohol Beginning of the
Suction bottles 2%bacillocid Every case
Defibrillator 70 % Isopropyl alcohol Beginning of the
day and if used
in between
patients  After the end of all cases:

  Collect all instruments and send to CSSD

  Collect all linen and place in double bags and tie. Label and send tto o
  Put disposable linen in yellow bags
  Collect other waste in appropriate coloured bags and send
  Wipe all furniture including lights trolleys iv stands etc with friction and
disinfection as per table above
  Wipe the walls with 2% Bacillocid
Bac illocid solution
  Mop floor with soap and water followed by 2%bacillocid.
2%bac illocid.

NOTE: Disinfect spills if any on any surface with 1%hypochlorite before

proceeding with cleaning Terminal Cleaning

  Housekeeping staff to take all standard precautions

  Linen to be stripped meticulously taking care not to raise many

aerosols. Fold the linen away from the person

p erson and fold into a bundle

  Pack the linen into double yellow bags and label as infected and sent to

the laundry.

  Wash bed pans with detergent and water dry then wipe with 1%

bacillocid and air dry.

  Wipe all IV poles, suction machines, beds, pillows, cots, switch boards,

  handles, trolleys,telephone handles etc with 2% bacillocid


  Wash the toilets and hand wash sinks with soap and water

Mop the floor with detergent and water followed by bacillocid special at

8.2.9  OT Fogging protocol:  Schedule :

  Foggingwill be done every week preferably at the end of all cases on

The OT should be thoroughly scrubbed before fogging. Disinfectant

  Fogging will be done with Aerox/ecoshield Dilution:

o   Aer
 Ae ox:: 250ml in 750 of water per 1000cu ft
o  Ecoshield  : 200 ml in 800ml of water per 1000cuft Procedure:

  Scrubbing:
o   Send all linen for washing
  Wipe OT table, mattress,telephones ,ac grills, lights,
monitors with 2%bacillocid
o  Wash (clean) and dry all furniture and equipment suction

holders, foot & sitting stools, Mayo stands, IV poles, basin

stands, X-ray view boxes, hamper stands, all tables in the

room, holes to oxygen tank, kick buckets and holder, and

wall cupboards).

o   Wipe the doors and window panels with damp and dry
cloth to remove dust
o  Scrub the floor with a hard brush
o  Wipe the walls with 2% bacillocid
bac illocid solution.
o  Mop the floor with 2% bacillocid solution.
o  HVAC pre filters should cleaned by the people arranged by
maintenance Fogging:

o   Fill the disinfectant into the fogger machine as per the

dimensions of the Ot
o  Seal all areas to prevent escape of fog
o  Keep the machine in the centre of the room
o  Switch the machine on for 30 min
o  Keep the door closed for one hour
o  Send air samples and swabs to microbiology laboratory as per
protocol. Swabbing:

o  Collect immediately after opening the room

o  Don sterile mask and gloves

  Moisten the swab with sterile water .take care to prevent cross
o  Wipe the surface to be sampled with vertical S strokes

o  Place the swab in sterile container

c ontainer and cap immediately.
o  Culture swabs will be sent in the following order:

1.  Two from the floor/walls

2.  Two from the Equipments as listed below on alternate

alte rnate basis.


Surface of OT table
  Overhead Lights

  Monitor Screen

  A/C Grill


  Humidifier Water

  Any other area if suspected Air sampling of a working OT is done by the settle plate metho


1.  Two Blood Agar plates should be kept exposed for 1Hour, One

at the centre of the room and the other at any one corner of

the room.

2.  After Exposure the lid should be closed and sealed with

micropore and sent to Microbiology Lab Document:

The following documentation of the swabs and air culture is mandatory -

Name of the centre, OT no, Sample location, time and date of collection
.name of person collecting the sample.

8.3  Mandatory HVAC parameters

  The Air supplied to the OT should be filtered by HEPA filters through a

dedicated AHU

  All the OT should be adhering

a dhering to the following are the parameters:
  Efficiency of the HEPA should be 99.97%- air is to be filtered up to 0.3
  Number of Air changes- 25 Total Air changes
  Fresh Air Component- 6 out of total 25 air changes
  Pressure- Positive Pressure of 15 Pascals between
be tween the adjoining areas
  Air quality- should be of Class 1000/ ISO 6
  Temperature- 21 +/- 3 deg Celsius
  Relative humidity- 40-60 %

8.4  Measuring the Quality of Services of Operation Theatre

The following Indicator values will be calculated every month to measure the
quality of service in the Operation theatre:

8.4.1  Percentage of Re-scheduling of Surgeries:

Re-scheduling of patients included cancellation and postponement of cases
beyond four hours of surgery.

Formula: Number of cases Rescheduled/Number of surgeries performed X

8.4.2  Prevention of adverse events

Percentage of cases where the organization’s procedure to prevent adverse

events like wrong patient and wrong surgery have been adhered to.

Formula: Number of cases where the procedure was followed/ Number of
surgeries performed X 100

8.4.3  Prophylactic Antibiotic

Percentage of cases who received prophylactic antibiotics within the

specified time

a: Number of patients who did receive prophylactic antibiotic(s)/
Number of surgeries performed X 100

8.4.4  Percentage of unplanned return to OT

Formula- Number of unplanned return to OT/ Number of surgeries
performed X 100

8.4.5  Surgical Site Infection Rate: (SSI)

Fo rmula:
rmula: Number of surgical site Infections in a given month/ Number
of surgeries performed in that month X 100

For Details on SSI Refer to Infection Control Manual



Theatre complex should be absolutely clean at all items. Dust should not

accumulate at any region in the theatre.

Soap solution is recommended for cleaning floors and other surfaces.

Operating rooms are cleaned daily and the entire theatre complex is cleaned

thoroughly once a week.

9.1  Before the start of the 1st case

Wipe all equipment, furniture, room lights, suction points, OT table, surgical

light reflectors, other light fittings, slabs etc with soap solution. This should

be completed at least one hour before the start of surgery.

9.2  Linen & gloves:

Gather all soiled linen and towels in the receptacles provided. Take them to

the service corridor (behind the theatre) and place them in trolleys to be

taken for sorting. The dirty linen is then sent to the laundry. Use gloves while

handling dirty linen.

9.3  Instruments
Used instruments are cleaned immediately by the scrub nurse and the

attender. Reusable sharps are decontaminated in Lysol / hypochlorite.They

are then sent for sterilization in the CSSD. The instruments are sent in the

instrument tray for autoclaving. They are then packed and re-autoclaved

before use.

9.4  Environment
Wipe used equipment, furniture, OR table etc., with detergent and water. If

there is a blood
b lood spill, disinfect with 1 % sodium hypochlorite before wiping.

Empty and clean suction bottles and tubing with disinfectant.

After the last case:

case :

The same procedures as mentioned above are followed and in addition the

following are carried out.

•   Wipe over head lights, cabinets, waste receptables, equipment,

equipment, furniture

with 2 % bacillocid

•  Wash floor and wet mop with liquid soap and then remove water and wet

mop with 2 % bacillocid solution.

9.5  Weekly cleaning procedure

  Remove all portable equipment.

•  Damp wipe lights and other fixtures with detergent.

•  Clean doors, hinges, facings, glass inserts and rinse with a cloth

moistened with detergent.

•  Wipe down walls with clean cloth mop with detergent.


  Scrub floor using detergent and water .

  Stainless steel surfaces – clean with detergent, rinse & clean with warm


  Replace portable equipment: Clean wheel castors by rolling across

toweling saturated with detergent.

  Wash (clean) and dry all furniture and equipment (OT table, suction

holders, foot & sitting stools, Mayo stands, IV poles, basin stands, X-ray

view boxes, hamper stands, all tables in the room, holes to oxygen

tank, kick buckets and holder, and wall cupboards).

  After the above measures are undertaken

Bacillocid spray is done using the bacillocid fogger with 2% bacillocid


Before spraying the area is swept and the area is mopped with clean water.

Evenly does the spray close the room and allow it to dry for 1 hour. After 1

hour mop the floor with plain water with a clean mop cloth.

9.6  HVAC maintenance:

HVAC pre filters should cleaned by the people arranged by maintenance

once in a week regularly and

a nd whenever needed.

Maintenance and Repairs

  Machinery and equipment should be checked, cleaned and repaired


  Urgent repairs should be carried out at the end of the days list

  Air conditioners and suction points should be checked, cleaned and

repaired on a weekly basis.

  Preventive maintenance on all theatre equipment to be carried out

weekly and major work to be done at least once every year.


10   Annexure

10.1 Annexure 1: Surgical Safety Checklist:

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