My Eperience Learning English

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When I started to learn English, I thought that all will be easy, but the
reality is in the first moment or ... in the first levels it was that way.

In the beginning, I developed a study methodology, I created a

vocabulary of each unit and I wrote the grammars in my notebook.
During six levels I used that methodology, but I always knew that my
big problem was to speak in English.

When starting the level six, I found a huge wall on my way. To talk
English in the class it was difficult and embarrassing. For that reason,
my scores went down, and I felt frustrated and sad.

Now I trying to talk more and more. I practice with my friends and I
speak in English inside my head. I listen to some music in English and I
read books. Not only that, also I watch TV shows, movies, cartoons and
some series in English.

I know that I could speak more fluently if I continue practicing, and

I’m working hard to get that level.

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