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The article of Support for ex KPK Deputies hits million mark This is a Argumentation to Analytical Exsposition Thesis The

e Presidents statement last Friday, which was widely perceived to be defending the arrests of Bibit and Candra, promted strong reactions from the public, who used Internet sites such as Facebook and Twitter to show moral support to Bibit and Candra and criticize the police. Argument In just nine days, more than one million members of the Facebook social networkhave signed up in support of former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) deputies, Bibit Samad Rianto and Candra Hamzah. Reiteration Many people join to facebook social network have signed up in support of former Corupption Eradication Comision (KPK) deputies, Bibit Samad Rianto and Candra M. Hamzah. Purpose To persuade the readers to concern with the case join the facebook to support for exCorupption Eradication Comision (KPK) deputies, Bibit Samat Rianto and Candra M. Hamzah.

The article of Gecko, Crcodile, Godzilla and The Politics of Brute Force This is a Naration to News Item News Wortthy Event The geckos are using tactics, rather than force, to mobilize support rom fellow lizards, believing that the crocodile can only be overpowered if geckos unite. And a growing number of geckos have been resorting to facebook, tweeting and creeping in the streets to force the crocodile and its conspirators to reform. Do not underestimate these particular geckos. Since the war broke out, they have alredy brought down a crocodile and a Godzilla . Viva the Geckos ! Background Event Main stories of the day included National Police chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri apologizing to the public for a slur made by one of his most senior aides to express his low opinion of the KPK, likening the commission to an overconfident gecko challenging a crocodile (the National Police) In fact, I am part of the gecko (community) too Bambang said during a meeting with media leaders in Jakarta on Monday. Under public pressure to resign, Bambang swore that his staff officer had acted in his personal capacity and did not represent the views of National Police. The creative officer who came up with the Gecko vs Crocodile analogy and set the wold on fire is Snr. Comr Suno Duadji, the National Police chief of criminal investigations and he did so during an interview with Tempo Magazine in April He was reportedly offered Rp. 10 billion as a gratuity from a heavyweight depositor with (the ailing) Bank Century for helping the businessman transfer his legally disputable US$18 million from Surabaya to Jakarta.

Sources Comr Susno Duadji, the National Police chief of criminal investigations and he did so during an interview with Tempo Magazine in April, He was reportedly offered Rp. 10 billion as a gratuity from a heavyweight depositor with (the ailing) Bank Century for helping the businessman transfer his legally disputable US$18 million from Surabaya to Jakarta, national police chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Hendarman, Bank Century, and Indonesian public.

Purpose To information of Gecko, crocodile, Godzilla and the politics of brute force. Do not understimate these particular geckos. since the war broke out, they have already brought down a "crocodile" and a "godzilla" viva the geckos get usualy peace for all.

The Article of Difference between men and woman This is a Description to Descriptive Identification Difference between man and woman. Are you male? Female? Are you sure? The International Olimpic Communityis shortly to send our invitations to a summit in January to discuss a single question: How do you tell if someone is a boy or a girl? Description I asked the one doctor present at the dinner to give an informed, medical opinion. The difference between male and female is a gradient, said. At one end, you have people who are obviously women with pronounced female characteristics, such as, I dont know, Sophia Lauren. the following day i had to give a talk at a school, so i asked the children for ideas we could send to the international olympic committee how are boys and girl different? At the other end, you have ultra-macho guys who are incredibly masculine, like, er, well, you can probably think for an example. I was deeply insulted by the fact that she did not pick your humble narrator as an example, given the fact that I was sitting right opposite her. There followed a lengthy discussion of the subject. Its amazing how you can have detailed discussions of intimate body parts with no embarrassment what so ever as long as you use formal scientific terms such as wee-wee bits, bottom front bottom, chest bump and so on. Purpose To describle a particular person , for difference between men and woman.

The Article of the Importance of Base Issue This is a Argumentation to Discussion Issue A question-and-answer session between the rling and opposition parties began Monday at a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting, the first such debate under the Hatoyama Cabinet. The focal point of the interpellations was the relocation of the US air base. Argument For Tadamori Oshima, secretary general of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party, and former Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura, another LDP lawmaker, criticized the government for selving the decision on the relocation, urging Hatoyama to set a deadline for reaching a conclusion on the matter. Argument Againts Pointing out discrepancies among remarks on the relocation issue made by Hatoyama, Okada and Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa, Machimura said, "There's no uniformity Cabinet members' opinions." Hatoyama replied, "I'll make the final decision on the matter." Recommendation / Conclusion Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada has shown a positive stance toward the merger plan, but the US governments as well as local governments in the prefecture strongly oppose it. It is not a realistic alternative. Purpose To present at least to points of view about the prime minister has a duty to explain at the Diet the truth of the donation issue and sincerely answer the many questions that have arisen in connection with the matter in a manner that does not obstruct the investigation.

The Article of Learning From The Past This is a Description to Explanation General Statement A devastating disaster can a community for generations, as the children of Sikka regency in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, well know. A teacher leads children at an elementary school in Sikka regency, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, in a disaster preparedness simulation. Elementary school students in Wolodesa village head to hills to plant trees, as part of campaign to reduce the risk of disaster by preserving the natural environment. Sequenced explanation Among its campaigns, the agency is focusing on making school student aware of disaster preparedness. Although most of the school buildings were destroyed in the 1992 earthquake, most students were at home at the time as the quake hit after scool hours. We need to prepare them for emergencies. And also to teach them conservation,he said. This year, with UNESCO and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the agency will hold workshops on disaster risk reduction and simulations at three school, with plants to extend them to another 10 school by the end of next year. Closing Disaster risk reduction facilitator from Wolodesa village Hendrikus Nita said each village depended on the members. If dont care about it, nothing will change, he said. Purpose To describe / explain how something happers / the process of learning from the students to the hills to plant trees, as part of a campaign to reduce the risk of disaster by preserving the natural invironment.

The Article of The Teacher Who Wants to Bring Change This is a Argumentation to Hortatory Eksposition Thesis Hendrikus Nita, principal of an elementary school in Wolodesa hamlet in East Nusa Tenggara, showed off his school with pride. It used to be so dry here, now its green, Hendrikus said. The modest school, wich sits at the foot of a hill 43 kilometers from the capital of Sikka regency, Maumere, has posted plants in front of classes and banana trees around area. The hill itself is lush with vegetation; in the 1980s, Hendrikus said, it was dry and barren. Argument As the school principal and the village facilitator for a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) program, initiated by NGO Plan Indonesia, Hendrikus is an important figure in ensuring the community is aware of the need and measures for disaster preparedness and environmental conservation. Recommendation Hendrikus said that he tried to make everyone think of the future and, as much as possible, to reduce risks relating to disasters. In one instance, he discussed the importance in conserving the environment to save water. Purpose To persuade the readers that something is the case or not the case to bring change initiated Plan Indonesian Sikka region program crucial in raising awareness on disaster preparedness.

The Article of White House The American House Next Door This is a Description to Report General Classification Americans have this sense of the White House as something apart it doesnt seem to change from the outside, but that doesnt mean it hasnt changed constantly,said Ulysses Grant Dietz, the great-great grandson of the 18th President and co-author of Dream Houses: the White House as an American home. Description About it Dream House: The White House as an American Home Features image such as an 1880s and a view of the White House from Pennsylvania Avenue on Dec.7,1941, the day of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Dietz and Sam Watters write that over the past 200 years, the White House to a suburban home to a museum. In the process, they say, changes the presidents have made have reflected Americans changing ideals about what a home should be. Purpose To describe the way things are the sureprice to people that the White House went through so many decorating styles,curator of decorative arts at New Jerseys Newark Museum.

The Article of A classy carriage for executives This is a Description to Descriptive Identification Whats it like to live as a multinational executive? As far as I know, their days begin with a power breakfast at a premium hotel with the board of directors. Next on the agenda is another meeting with business colleagues. With such a hectic life on the run, executive have to contend with Jakartas worsening traffic the city administration has warned that traffic will be in gridlock by 2011, three years earlier than the previous estimation. So, in this scenario, what kind of car do you pick? Definitely something classy but comfortable. Among the choices is the latest Mercedes-Banz S500. Description PT. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia gave journalist a change to try the car and experience for a short while at least the plush lifestyle of an executive. Once inside the car, I first adjusted the leather seat to find the most comfortable position and sought sound stereo system. Being inside the S500 was like being in an entirely new world. It was the perfect combination of luxury and exclusiveness. Purpose To describle a particular person / thing for sure, though: Trying the elegance and executiveness of the latest S-class was a truly unforgettable experience.

The Article of Baby, Fake is cheap. Different is chic!


This is a Description to Descriptive Identification Fake Chanel, Dior, Gucci, LV and Fendi are not the only fashion crimes you can spot on the shoulders of sassy chicks at five-star parties or in the alley of sweating complex Mangga Dua. The Bigger style sin of all time is none other the notorious fake personal identity and status. Description Naturally, society loves to judge people when their behavior is controversial or unconventional. Even I get in Trouble sometimes for speaking my overly sensitive point of view right here. But honestly, so what? As long as the world is still spinning, people will keep talking. Everyone is different but, as strange as it sounds, we often refuse to accept that different but, as strnge as it sounds, we often refuse to accept that difference. Are we just too adolescent or simply addicted to sweet illusion.

Purpose To describle a perticular person let everyone talk about the real you because they have the right to speak, but so do you! Baby, fake is cheap, hypocrisy is crap, but daring to stand up for your own difference is definitely tres chic!

The Article of Heartbreak For Indonesian Lifters at Games


This is a Naration to Narative Orientation Indonesian weight lifter Sinta Darmariani vomite while unsuccessfully attempting to lift 133 kilograms for gold at the Southeast Asian Games on Saturday, and was forced to settle for silver. Competing against Vietnamese Thi Phliong Loan Nguyen in the womens 69-kilogram class, Darmariani easily lifted 94 against Nguyens 100 in the snatch in their first attempt, and the 23 year-old from Bali was banking on making up for that gaping the clean and jerk Complication But nguyen upped the ante by lifting 104 in her second snatch and 106 in the third. Damariani failed in her next two attempts to lift 98. In the clean and jerk, she lifted 124 in her first, but Nguyens 226 meant the Indonesian needed to lift 133 for the gold. Darmariani was struggling as she lifted the bar to her chest but when she jerket the weights up her face contorted and she vomited on her vest and dropped the weight. The third attempt was worse for Darmariani as she collaps in tears. Resolution After the medal ceremony, she vomited a few more times while officials and friends consoled her. Purpose To entertain with Indonesian lifters at Southeast Asian Games in Vientiane, Laos on Saturday, eventually winning silver in the event.

The Article of Woods Taking Break From Golf, Admitting infidelity This is a Naration to Recount

Orientation Tiger Woods holds his US Open championship trophy after winning a sudden death hole against Rocco Mediate following an 18-hole playoff round for the US Open Championship at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego in this June 16, 2008. On his web site Friday night, woods announced that he is taking an indefinite break from peofesional golf.

Event The allegations followed a bizarre, minor early morning car accident outside his Florida home on Nov.27 that rapidly ballooned into a full-fledged sex scandal that turned his previously unblemished life and carrer upside down.

Re-orientation The Florida Highway Patrol has closed its investigation into Woods accident after issuing a ticket to him for careless driving and saying no criminal charges would be brought. His Swedish wife, Elin Nordegren, told police she pulled him from the crashed car after using a golf club to smash a window. Woods has paid his $164 traffic fine.

Purpose To retell the announcement by the greatest golfer of his generation left the world of professional golf reeling, although his closest collaborators expressed understanding.

The article of Denilson send Pohang Into Semifinal This is a Naration to Narative

Orientation Brazilian striker Denilson scored twice as Pohang Steelers came from a goal down to beat TP Mazembe 2-1 in an exciting, mistake-riddled Club World Cup quarterfinal on Friday.

Complication Another factor in the equation was the Steelers very poor finishing in the first half and the flashy but brave goalkeeping of Kidiaba.

Resolution We have young side and there were some grotesque mistakes, perhaps due to the nerves occasion, Pohangs Brazilian coach Sergio Farias told a news conference.

Purpose To entertain for Denilson was denied a hat-trick at the end when Kidiaba saved well at his feet.

The article of Real Hero Worshippers Dont Moan This is a Description to Descriptive

Identification We make our heroes into gods, literally. And if they let us down, we dont write peevish essays: we throw ourselves off cliffs in large numbers. This is a much healthier response. Ask any psychiatrist. Its bad to let negative feelings fester.

Description The number of deaths from shock from hearing the news of Reddys death mounted. By the Friday they were in triple figures: 115 people had died of horror and 26 committed suicide. When something tragic happens, they cannot bear the loss, psychiatrist Dr. Yerra Sridhar Raju Told the Deccan Chronicle newspaper.

Purpose To describle a particular person to real hero worshippers dont moan.





The article of Support for ex KPK Deputies hits million mark 1 The article of Gecko, Crcodile, Godzilla and The Politics of Brute Force . 2 The Article of Difference between men and woman 4 The Article of the Importance of Base Issue 5 The Article of Learning From The Past 6 The Article of The Teacher Who Wants to Bring Change .. 7 The Article of White House The American House Next Door .. 8 The Article of A classy carriage for executives ... 9 The Article of Baby, Fake is cheap. Different is chic! .. 10 The Article of Heartbreak For Indonesian Lifters at Games .. 11 The Article of Woods Taking Break From Golf, Admitting infidelity ... 12 The article of Denilson send Pohang Into Semifinal 13 The article of Real Hero Worshippers Dont Moan . 14






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