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PBL Lesson Plan

Instructor: Ali Tümer Ölmez

Grade Level: 8th Level
Students: 20 students
Duration: 4 Weeks
Project Idea: For several months, there has been a debate about street dogs. Some people were
attacked by street dogs and these incidents caused a very big conflict in our country. Some people
think that all the street dogs should be put to sleep. However, some of them are not in the same page.
Driving Questions: Should government collect all the stray dogs and dangerous breeds or not, what
kind of precautions should government take?
Students’ Outcome:
- Students will prepare a magazine about what should be done about stray dogs and dangerous breeds.
Magazine contains position essay, newspaper, interview with someone who is exposed a dog attack,
pictures of what should be done in dog attack, and a paragraph which is written in week 3.
- In the last week, students will make 5-10 mins presentation to classroom as if government officials
are watching.
1st Week Warm-up Activities and Introducing Problem (60 minute)
Learning Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and know differences between
hostile and friendly dogs.
- Students will know why some dogs are showing aggressive behavior.
- Teacher starts lesson with asking questions about domestic animals (5 mins).
- Then teacher shows some dog species which some of them are banned to look after at home
but some of them are appropriate to look after at home (5 mins)
- Teacher starts conversation by showing pictures, newspaper cutting and videos about friendly
and hostile dogs and students brainstorm about why some dogs are very aggressive but some
of them are very friendly (8 mins).
- Teacher asks questions about stray dogs (5 mins).
- Teacher shows videos about stray dogs which some of them are friendly but some of them are
aggressive (7 mins).
Introducing Problem
- Teacher gives project’s topic and problem to the students (5 mins).
- Teacher divides classroom into groups and asks them each group stand in one position (5
- Teacher explains how to prepare magazine and presentation and gives information about what
they should consider (8 mins).
- Teacher briefly shows rubric for both magazine and presentation (5 mins).
- Teacher explains all the details again and finishes the course (7 mins).
2nd Week Dog Attack (60 mins)
Learning Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give advice to their friends, relatives, and
other people about dog attack.
- Students will be able to learn how to use should and shouldn’t structure.
- Teacher starts lesson with a conversation about dog attack (7 mins).
- Teacher asks student to use should-shouldn’t to give advice during a dog attack (8 mins).
- Students watch a video about how to survive a dog attack (8 mins).
- Student do true/false exercises (7mins).
- Students roleplay a dog attack at the garden (20 mins).
- Teacher reviews what happen today and asks students to research about animal violence for
the next week (10 mins).
3rd Week Animal Violence (40 mins)
Learning Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be more sensitive about animal violence.
- Students will be able to give advice about how to prevent animal violence in our country.
- Teacher starts conversation about animal violence and asks some questions about it (7 mins).
- Teacher gives students to reading text and asks them read (8 mins).
- Students work as a pair and write paragraph about how to prevent animal cruelty (15 mins).
- Students share their ideas to classroom (5 mins).
4th Week Presentation Week (60 mins)
- Students present their ideas about stray dogs according to their magazine.
- At the end of the lesson teacher gives feedback to the students.

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