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Royal University of Phnom Penh Introduction to Globalization

Institute of Foreign Languages Semester One

Department of English


Name: Phon Kunthea Time given:
Class: E4.11 Score: /55

I. Multiple Choice Questions

Chose the right alternative.

1) If we talk about culture, we are concerned with the symbolic construction, articulation,
and dissemination of
A) visions
B) projection
C) meaning
D) message
2) A type of industrial society in which lots of goods are bought and sole is called
A) consumerism
B) capitalism
C) realism
D) idealism
3) People now are more and more alike in terms of look, ideas, values, and world
perspective. This is an example of
A) cultural homogenization
B) heterosexism
C) acculturation
D) cultural homophobia
4) Reference to America’s cultural influence on other countries is often known as
A) cultural imperialism
B) acculturation
C) cultural diffusion
D) cultural diversity
5) Efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control are the aspects or characteristics of as
fast-food restaurant known as
A) McDonaldization
B) KFCization
C) Starbuckization
D) Dominoization
6) The rise of serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and juvenile
obesity is an example of the harmful effects of
A) Fast-food meals
B) Proper-sit-down meals
C) Outdoor meals
D) Indoor meals
7) A city which consists of people from different parts of the world is referred to as
A) cosmopolitan city
B) satellite city
C) metropolitan city
D) international city
8) Large cities which have large population and have numerous opportunities for
employment are often known as
A) cosmopolitan city
B) satellite city
C) metropolitan city
D) international city
9) Smaller cities that are near to a large city that is the center of a metropolitan area is also
known as
A) cosmopolitan city
B) satellite city
C) metropolitan city
D) international city
10) Chauvinism is defined as exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.
A) true
B) false
11) A market structure in which a small number of firms has the largest majority of market
share is
A) oligopoly
B) monopoly
C) conglomerate
D) corporation
12) A market containing a single firm that has or is close to total control of the sector is
A) oligopoly
B) monopoly
C) conglomerate
D) corporation
13) Both optimistic hyperglobalizers and pessimistic hyperglobalizers agree that cultural
globalization generates more
A) division
B) rift
C) differences
D) sameness
14) A region in the Americas in which English is a main language and British culture and the
British Empire have had significant historical, ethnic, linguistic and cultural impact.
A) Anglo-American culture
B) Anglo-British culture
C) English-American culture
D) British-American culture
15) The concept that in a global market, a product or service is more likely to succeed when it
is customized for the locality or culture in which it is sold.
A) Regionalization
B) Nationalization
C) Glocalization
D) Patronization
16) The adaptation of a product or service to meet the needs of a particular language, culture
or desired population's "look-and-feel."
A) Localization
B) Nationalization
C) Regionalization
D) Patronization

17) The term referring to the ability of a group of people to hold power over social
institutions, and thus, to strongly influence the everyday thoughts, expectations, and
behavior of the rest of society by directing the normative ideas, values, and beliefs that
become the dominant worldview of a society
A) Cultural homogenization
B) Cultural hegemony
C) Cultural heritage
D) Cultural imperialism
18) A language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native
languages are different
A) Lingua franca
B) Common language
C) Language imperialism
D) Language dominance
19) The setting and environment in which a person lives, including social and cultural
aspects of life
A) Cultural milieu
B) Cultural norms
C) Cultural values
D) Cultural conviction
20) The US-dominated culture industry seeks to convince its global audience that the
meaning and chief value of life can be found in the limitless accumulation of material
A) True
B) False
Write the answers here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
II Vocabulary
Match the following words with their corresponding meanings.
1.___ Chauvinist A. A group of related ideas, things, or people.
2.___ Manifest B. A person who has experience of many different parts of the
3.___ Staunch C. A sign that shows that something is going to happen soon,
often sth bad.
4.___ Cosmopolitan D. Easy to see or understand; clear.
5.___ Harbinger E. Having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier
time, esp. by fate.
6.___ Destined F. Person who has an aggressive and unreasonable belief that their
own country is better than all others.
7.___ Vanish G. Remove all signs of sth by destroying or covering it
8.___ Reinvigorate H. Strong and loyal in opinion and idea; faithful.
9.___ Obliterated I. To disappear suddenly or to stop existing.
10.___ Constellation J. To give new energy or strength to sb/sth.

Write the answers here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Sentence Completion

Fill the sentences below with the right words.
A) diversity B) interpretation C) diffusion D) imposition E) former

F) displaying G) vulnerable H) proponents I) underwritten J) raised

Does globalization make people around the world more alike or more different? This is the
question most frequently 1)____in discussions on the subject cultural globalization. A group of
commentators we might call ‘optimistic hyperglobalizers’ argue in favor of the 2)____ . They
suggest that we are not moving towards a cultural rainbow that reflects 3) ____ of the world’s
existing cultures. Rather, we are witnessing the rise of an increasingly homogenized popular
culture 4)____ by a Western ‘culture industry’ based in New York, London, and Milan. As
evidence for their 5) ____ , these commentators point to Amazonian Indians wearing Nike
training shoes, denizens of the Southern Sahara purchasing Texaco baseball caps, and Palestinian
youths proudly 6) ____their Chicago Bulls sweatshirts in downtown Ramallah. Referring to the
7) ____ of Anglo-American values and consumer goods as ‘Americanization of the world’, the
8) ____ of this cultural homogenization thesis argue that Western norms and lifestyles are
overwhelming more 9) ____ cultures. Although there have been serious attempts by some
countries to resist these forces of ‘cultural imperialism’ _ for example, a ban on satellite dishes in
Iran, and the French 10) ____of tariffs and quotas on imported film and television_ the spread of
American popular culture seems to be unstoppable.

Write the answers here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IV. Ture/false statements
Is each of the following statements true or false? Write T for true statements and F for false ones
in the answer boxes.

1) If we are talking about the ‘cultural’, we are concerned with the generation and
distribution of power.
2) We normally associate the word economics with the production, exchange, and
consumption of commodities.
3) The exploding network of technological interconnections and interdependencies in the
last decades has led some commentators to suggest that cultural practices lie at the very
heart of contemporary globalization.
4) The dominant symbolic systems of meaning of our age are individualism, consumerism,
and neoliberalism.
5) Today, cultural practices frequently escape fixed localities such as town and nation,
eventually acquiring new meanings in interaction with dominant global themes.
6) The pessimistic hyperglobalizers argue that cultural globalization makes the world more
7) There have been some serious attempts by some countries to resist the forces of cultural
imperialism; consequently, the spread of American popular culture seems to be
8) McWorld is also referred to as ‘a soulless consumer capitalism’.
9) Optimistic hyperglobalizers agree with their pessimistic hyperglobalizers that cultural
globalization generate more sameness, but they consider the outcome to be a good thing.
10) Glocalization is a complex interaction of the global and local characterized by cultural
11) The globalization of languages can be viewed as a process by which some languages are
increasingly used in international communication while others are decreasingly used.
12) The death of the last speaker of a language is one of the five variables that influence the
globalization of languages.
13) Foreign language learning and tourism facilitates the spread of languages beyond national
or cultural boundaries.
14) Some linguists predict that 50-90% of the currently existing languages will have
disappeared by the start of 21st century.
15) Transboundary pollution represents another grave danger to our collective survival.

Write your answers here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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