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"New Article 165: During hearings, the public The law or regulation determines the
must be careful not to disturb the serenity of the debates and fines and sets the penalties applicable to their
therefore switch off the control devices. authors.
communication electronic portable, to avoid
to externalize his reaction by whispers, cries Article 2: Are crimes, the offenses which the law
and applause or even by facial expressions. " punishes with the penalty of criminal imprisonment in time or at
"New Article 166: Anyone who violates
present provisions may be expelled from the room Article 3: Are offenses, the offenses which the law or the
hearing and may be placed under arrest, by decision of the regulation punishes with the imprisonment of a
President of the court formation. month or a fine of 100,000 francs at least
“Title V new: Miscellaneous and final provisions. "
Article 4: Are contraventions, the infractions that the
Article 4: This law will be registered, published according to regulation punishes of a pain of a month
emergency procedure and executed as state law. imprisonment or a fine of
100,000 francs at most, except legal provisions
Done in Libreville, July 11, 2019 special.

By the President of the Republic, The criminal law is of strict interpretation.

Head of state
Ali BONGO ONDIMBA Article 5: No one can be punished for a crime or for
an offense whose elements are not defined by law,
The Prime Minister, Head of Government or for a contravention of which the elements are not
Julien NKOGHE BEKALE defined by law or regulation.

The Minister of State, Minister of the Interior, of Justice, No one can be punished with a penalty that is not
Keeper of the Seals prescribed by law, if the offense is a felony or a misdemeanor,
Edgard Anicet MBOUMBOU MIYAKOU or by law or regulation, if the offense is a
traffic ticket.
Minister of Public Service, Innovation,
Public Service and Labor Article 6: Only constitutive facts are punishable
Madeleine BERRE of an offense on the date on which they were committed.
Only sentences can be pronounced
Minister of State, Minister of Budget and Accounts legally applicable on the same date.
Jean Fidèle OTANDAULT However, the new provisions apply
__________________ offenses committed before their entry into force and
not having given rise to a previous conviction
Law n ° 042/2018 of 05 July 2019 on the Penal Code force of res judicata when they are less severe than
the old provisions.
The Senate deliberated and adopted,
The Constitutional Court declared that it conforms to Article 7: Are immediately applicable to the
the Constitution ; repression of offenses committed before their entry into
The President of the Republic, Head of State, force:
promulgates the law, the content of which follows:
1. the laws of jurisdiction and judicial organization,
BOOK ONE: OFFENSES, until a judgment on the merits has been rendered in

TITLE I: GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. the laws fixing the modalities of the prosecutions and the
forms of procedure;
Article 1 st : The law classifies offenses following their
seriousness in crimes, misdemeanors and contraventions. 3. the laws relating to the enforcement regime and
enforcement of penalties. However, these laws, when they
It determines the crimes and misdemeanors and fixes the would result in more severe penalties
penalties applicable to their perpetrators. pronounced by the sentencing decision, are not
applicable only to convictions handed down for
acts committed after their entry into force;

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4.laws relating to the limitation period for public action Gabonese nationality subsequent to the fact that it is
and the prescription of penalties when the prescriptions imputed.
are not acquired.
Article 15: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to all
Article 8: Laws relating to nature and cases crime and any offense committed by anyone outside the
opening of remedies as well as the deadlines within territory of the Republic when the victim is
which they must be exercised and the quality of Gabonese nationality at the time of commission of
persons admitted to fill, are applicable to the offense.
appeals against decisions pronounced after
their entry into force. Article 16: In the cases provided for in Articles 14 and 15 below
above, the prosecution of offenses can only be exercised at the
Appeals are subject to the formal rules in request from the Public Prosecutor's Office following a prior complaint
in force on the day they are exercised. victim or his dependents, or upon denunciation
official by the authority of the country where the act was committed.
Article 9: The immediate application of the new law is
without effect on the validity of acts performed under Article 17: Gabonese criminal law applies to
the authority of ancient law. crimes and offenses qualified as attacks on interests
fundamentals of the Nation, the State and peace
However, the penalty ceases to be executed. public and punished by this Code, in particular the
when it has been pronounced for a fact which, by virtue of falsification and counterfeiting of the state seal, of
of a law or a regulation subsequent to the judgment, has coins, banknotes or bills
more the character of a criminal offense. public, and any felony or misdemeanor against officials or
Gabonese diplomatic or consular premises, clerk
Article 10: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to outside the territory of the Republic.
offenses committed on the territory of the Republic.
Article 18: Subject to the provisions of article 17
The offense is deemed to have been committed in the territory above, Gabonese criminal law is applicable to
of the Republic when one of its constitutive facts has crimes and offenses committed on board or against
took place in this territory. aircraft or vessels not registered in Gabon or
people on board:
The territory of the Gabonese Republic includes
the maritime and air spaces linked to it. -when the perpetrator or the victim is a national
Article 11: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to -when the aircraft lands or lands on land in Gabon after
offenses committed on board flagged vessels felony or misdemeanor;
Gabonese, or against such vessels or persons -when the aircraft or vessel has been leased
on board, wherever they are. unmanned to a person who has the main seat of
its holding or, failing that, its permanent residence
Article 12: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to on the territory of the Republic.
offenses committed on board registered aircraft
in Gabon, or against such aircraft or In the case provided for in the first indent above, the
people on board, wherever they are nationality of the perpetrator or victim of the offense is
find. assessed in accordance with Articles 14, last paragraph,
and 15 above.
Article 13: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to
anyone who is guilty as an author or Article 19: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to
accomplice in the territory of the Republic, of a crime or offenses committed beyond the territorial sea from
a crime committed abroad if the crime or misdemeanor is when international conventions and others
punished both by Gabonese law and by foreign law texts in force provide for it.
and if it has been established by a final decision of the
foreign jurisdiction. Article 20: Gabonese criminal law applies to
crimes and misdemeanors classified as acts of terrorism and
Article 14: Gabonese criminal law is applicable to all repressed by this Code committed abroad by a
crime or misdemeanor committed by a Gabonese outside the territory Gabonese or by a person ordinarily resident
of the Republic if the facts are punishable by law on Gabonese territory.
of the country where they were committed.
Article 21: In the cases provided for in Articles 14 and 15 of
This article applies when this Code, no legal action may be taken
even that the accused or the accused would have acquired the against a person who justifies that he has been tried

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definitely abroad for the same facts and, in It is the same with the attempted crime that the
case of conviction, that the sentence has been served or law punishes with imprisonment at least equal
prescribed. at three years. The attempt of other offenses is not considered
as the same offense as in cases where the law

Article 22: No one is criminally responsible except for his Article 27: Is accomplice to a crime or an offense the
own done. person who knowingly, by aid or assistance, has
ease of preparation or consumption.
Article 23: Legal persons, excluding
State, are criminally responsible for offenses Article 28: A person is also an accomplice who:
committed, on their own behalf, by their organs or
representatives. -by donation, promise, threat, order, abuse of authority or
power, will have provoked or facilitated the commission of a
Criminal liability of legal persons offense or given instructions to commit it;
does not exclude that of natural persons authors or -by speeches, shouts, threats, sale, exposure or
accomplices of the same facts. distribution of writings or printed matter in places where
public meetings, will have directly provoked or instigated
Article 24: There is no crime or misdemeanor without the perpetrator (s) to commit the offense.
intention to commit it.
Article 29: The accomplice of the offense is punished as
However, when the law so provides, there is an offense the author.
case of deliberate endangerment of the person of another.
There is also an offense, when the law so provides, OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
in the event of recklessness, negligence or
breach of an obligation of prudence or Unique chapter: Causes of irresponsibility or
security, if it is established that the perpetrator did not liability mitigation
performed the normal diligence taking into account, if
the nature of its missions or functions, Article 30: Is not criminally responsible the
of its skills as well as of the power and resources person who was suffering, at the material time, from a
that he had. psychic or neuropsychic disorder having abolished his
discernment or control over his actions.
In the case provided for by the preceding paragraph, the
natural person who has not directly caused the The person who was affected, at the time of the
damage, but who created or helped to create the facts, of a psychic or neuropsychic disorder having
situation which allowed the damage to occur or which impaired their judgment or hampered the control of their
has not taken measures to prevent it, is acts remain punishable. However, the court holds
criminally liable if it is established that she has violated account of this circumstance when determining the
obviously deliberately an obligation penalty and set the regime.
particular care or safety, or committed a
serious misconduct which exposed others to a risk of Article 31: Is not criminally responsible the
a particular gravity that she could not ignore. person who acted under the influence of a force or a
a constraint she could not resist.
There is no fine in case of force
major. Article 32: Is not criminally responsible the
person who justifies having believed, by an error of the law
Article 25: The attempt is punishable like the that she was not able to avoid, could
commission of the fact itself. legitimately perform the act.

Article 26: The attempt is made when, Article 33: Is not criminally responsible the
manifested by a commencement of execution, it has person who performs an act prescribed or authorized by
been suspended or failed in effect only because of legislative or regulatory provisions or which
circumstances beyond the control of its author. performs an act ordered by lawful authority, except
if this act is clearly illegal.
The attempted crime is considered the
same crime. Article 34: Is not criminally responsible the
person who, faced with an unjustified attack on him-
himself or others, performs, at the same time, an act

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commanded by the necessity of self-defense of itself Within the limits set by law, the jurisdiction
themselves or others, unless there is a disproportion between the determines the nature, quantum and regime of penalties
defenses employed and the seriousness of the breach. pronounced according to the circumstances of the
commission of the offense and the personality of his
The person is not criminally responsible author.
who, to interrupt the execution of a felony or misdemeanor
against property, performs an act of defense, other than Chapter I st : The penalties for persons
intentional homicide, when this act is strictly physical
necessary for the purpose pursued and that the means employed
are proportionate to the seriousness of the offense. Article 41: Penalties involving deprivation of liberty are
penalties resulting from a judgment or judgment having
Article 35: Is not criminally responsible the pronounced firm imprisonment or imprisonment
person who, in the face of present or imminent danger or criminal in time or in life.
unjustified harm that threatens itself, others or
property, performs an act necessary to safeguard Article 42: The duration of the execution of any
the person or property, unless there is a disproportion between conviction to a custodial sentence
the means employed and the level of the threat or count from the day of the nut within a
seriousness of the breach. penitentiary establishment by virtue of the conviction
final sentence.
Article 36: Is presumed to have acted in a legitimate state
defense, the one who performs the act: If there has been preventive detention, its duration will be
fully deducted from the length of the sentence to be served
-to repel, at night, break-ins, escalation, by virtue of the judgment or judgment.
violence or cunning in an inhabited place or dependencies
of such a place; Section 1: Criminal penalties
-to defend against the perpetrators of theft or
looting carried out with violence. Article 43: Criminal penalties incurred by
natural persons are imprisoned in time
Article 37: When the offender was affected, or in perpetuity.
at the time of the commission of the facts, a disorder
psychic or neuropsychic, jurisdiction The duration of the criminal imprisonment on time is
instruction or judgment may, on requisitions of the ten years at least and thirty years at most.
Public prosecution, when the perpetrator's condition is such
endanger public order or the safety of Individuals, company directors,
people order her placement in a incur in the event of a crime committed directly of their
specialized establishment. made, or because of the legal person of which they have the
direction, criminal jail time.
Its exit is ordered by the jurisdiction of the place
placement, seizure on requisition of the Public Prosecutor's Office Article 44: The penalties of criminal imprisonment are not
near this jurisdiction. not exclusive of a fine and one or more
several of the additional penalties provided for in
TITLE IV: PENALTIES articles 56 to 58 of this Code.

Article 38: For the purposes of ensuring the protection of Section 2: Correctional sentences
company, to prevent the news commission
offenses and restore social balance, in the Article 45: Correctional penalties incurred by
respect for the interests of the victim, the penalty is the natural persons are:
-to sanction the perpetrator of the offense; -the fine;
-to promote its amendment, insertion or -work of general interest;
reintegration. -privative or restrictive penalties for certain rights;
- additional penalties;
Article 39: When the law or regulation represses a -the sanction-reparation.
offense, the system of penalties that may be
pronounced obeys, except legislative provisions Article 46: The duration of the prison sentence shall not
contrary to the rules of this chapter. may exceed ten years, subject to
the application of the provisions of the law on recidivism or
Article 40: Any penalty must be individualized.

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on aggravating circumstances for some 6. the confiscation of one or more weapons of which the
offenses. condemned is the owner or of which he has free
disposition ;
Section 3: Correctional penalties alternative to
imprisonment 7. the ban, for a period of five years at most,
to issue checks other than those which allow the
Article 47: When an offense is punishable by a penalty withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who
imprisonment or a fine as a result of are certified and use payment cards;
principal, the trial court may substitute for the
imprisonment or a fine, one or 8.the confiscation of the thing that was used or was intended
several alternative penalties. to commit the offense or the thing that is the
product. However, this confiscation cannot be
Constitute alternative penalties to the penalty pronounced in matters of press offense;
imprisonment or a fine:
9. the ban, for a period of five years at most,
-work of general interest; to exercise a professional or social activity therefore
-privative or restrictive penalties for certain rights; that the facilities provided by this activity have been
-the sanction-reparation. knowingly used to prepare or commit
the offense. This prohibition is not, however,
Article 48: The sentence of community service consists of applicable to the exercise of an elective mandate or
in the accomplishment by the condemned, for a union responsibilities. She is not either
duration of at least twenty hours to two hundred and eighty applicable in matters of press offenses;
hours at most, of community service not
remunerated for the benefit of either a legal entity 10. the ban, for a period of three years at most, from
public, or a legal person governed by private law appear in certain places or categories of places
a public service mission or an association determined by the jurisdiction and in which the offense
empowered to carry out works of general interest. has been committed;

The penalty of community service cannot be 11. ban, for a period of three years at most,
pronounced against the accused who refuses it or who is get in touch with certain people
not present at the hearing. The president of the tribunal, before specially designated by the court, in particular the
the pronouncement of the judgment, informs the defendant of his victim of the offense;
right to refuse the performance of work of interest
general and receives his response. 12. ban, for a period of five years at most,
to exercise a commercial or industrial profession,
Article 49: Private or restrictive penalties direct, administer, manage or control in any capacity
certain rights relate to or consist of: any, directly or indirectly, for its
own account or on behalf of others, a company
1. the suspension, for a period of five years at most, of the commercial or industrial or a trading company.
driver's license, this suspension may be
limited, according to modalities determined by decree, to the Article 50: The penalty of reparation may be
driving outside of professional activity; this substitute for imprisonment or punishment
limitation is not however possible in the event of an offense for fine when the latter penalty constitutes the
which the suspension of the driving license, incurred at main penalty incurred.
as an additional penalty, cannot be limited to
driving outside of professional activity; It consists in the obligation for the condemned
to proceed, within the time limit and in accordance with the procedures set
2.the ban on driving certain vehicles during by the court, to compensation for the damage suffered by the
a term of five years at most; victim.

3.the cancellation of the driving license with prohibition Article 51: With the prior agreement of the victim and the
request the issuance of a new permit during notified, the repair can be carried out in kind,
five years at most; in particular by restoring or rehabilitating a
well damaged, this repair being carried out by
4.the confiscation of one or more vehicles the convicted person himself or by a professional whom he
belonging to the condemned; chooses and pays for the intervention.

5.the ban on holding or wearing, for a period of

of five years at most, a weapon subject to authorization;

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The execution of the repair is noted on a right, order of care or obligation to do,
minutes signed by the parties and the Public Prosecutor immobilization or confiscation of an object, confiscation
Republic or its delegate. of an animal, closing of an establishment or posting
of the decision pronounced or dissemination thereof either by
These minutes are sent to the chairman of the the written press, or by any means of communication
court or to the magistrate he delegates for apposition of to the public electronically.
its stamp and signature, and classified as minutes
of the court registry. It is an enforceable title. Article 57: When an offense is punishable by a penalty
imprisonment, the court may not pronounce
Article 52: When pronouncing the penalty principal sentence that one or more of the sentences
repair, the court fixes the maximum duration of complementary. In this case, the court fixes the
the imprisonment applicable in the event of non-performance of the maximum term of imprisonment or the amount
repair. The penalty-compensation can be cumulative maximum of the fine including the judge for the application of
with a fine. penalties may order the execution in whole or
party, under the conditions provided for by the Code of
If the offense is punishable only by a penalty Criminal Procedure, in the event of violation by the convicted person
fine, the court fixes only the amount of obligations or prohibitions contained in the
the fine which may not exceed 10,000,000 of conviction decision.
The president of the court notifies the
The president of the court notifies the sentenced after delivery of the decision.
sentenced after delivery of the decision.
Article 58: Imprisonment or the fine fixed by the
The penalty of reparation can be jurisdiction cannot exceed the penalties incurred for the
applied, for correctional offenses, to offense for which the conviction is pronounced, nor
directors of companies and legal persons. those provided for by article 56 of this Code.

Article 53: Imprisonment cannot be pronounced Section 5: Contraventional penalties

cumulatively with one of the custodial sentences or
restrictive rights provided for in article 49 of this Article 59: Constitute contraventions,
Code, nor with the penalty of community service. offenses punishable by law
of imprisonment less than or equal to one month and one
Article 54: When he pronounces one or more of the fine not exceeding 100,000 francs.
penalties provided for in Articles 59, 79 to 95 of this
Code, the court may set the maximum duration of Article 60: Contraventional penalties incurred
imprisonment or the maximum amount of the fine by natural persons are:
which the sentencing judge can order
implementation in whole or in part, under the conditions -prisonment;
provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure or the texts -the fine;
special rules governing the application of penalties in the event that -privative or restrictive penalties provided for in
the convicted person does not respect the obligations or article 41 of this Code;
prohibitions of the decision. The president of the court -the penalty of reparation provided for in article 50
notify the convicted person of this after the decision has been handed down. of this Code.

Article 55: Imprisonment or the fine fixed by the Article 61: The contraventions are divided into five
jurisdiction cannot exceed the penalties incurred for the classes, repressed as follows:
offense for which the conviction is pronounced nor those
provided for in article 52 of this Code. When it is done 20,000 Swiss francs for contraventions of the 1 st
application of the provisions of this article, class ;
provisions of article 132 of this Code are not -40,000 francs at most for contraventions of the 2 nd
then not applicable. class ;
-60,000 francs at most for contraventions of the 3 rd
Section 4: Additional penalties incurred for class ;
certain crimes or misdemeanors 80,000 Swiss francs for contraventions of the 4 th
class ;
Article 56: When the law so provides, a crime or -100 000 francs at most for contraventions of the
offense may be punished with one or more penalties 5 th class, the amount that can be worn doubled for
complementary which, affecting natural persons, of recidivism when the law or regulation so provides, except
entail prohibition, revocation, incapacity or withdrawal

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cases where the law provides that the recurrence of the limited to driving outside the activity
contravention constitutes an offense. professional, unless the regulations expressly exclude
this limitation;
Article 62: For all contraventions of the
fifth class, one or more custodial sentences 2.the ban on holding or wearing, for a period of
or restrictive of the following rights may be not more than three years old, a weapon subject to authorization;
3. the confiscation of one or more weapons of which the
1. the suspension, for a period of one year at most, of the condemned is the owner or of which he has free
driver's license, this suspension may be disposition ;
limited to driving outside the activity
professional. However, this limitation is not 4.the confiscation of the thing that was used or was intended
possible in the event of a contravention for which the to commit the offense or the thing that is the
driving license suspension incurred as a result of product;
additional penalty, cannot be limited to the
driving outside of professional activity; 5.the confiscation of the animal that was used for
commit the offense or against which the offense
2. immobilization, for a period of six months at most, has been committed;
one or more vehicles belonging to the convicted person
having served in the commission of the offense; 6. the ban, for a period of three years at most,
to issue checks other than those which allow the
3. the confiscation of the property used for the commission of withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who
the offense; are certified.

4.the ban, for a period of one year at most, Article 66: The law or the regulation which represses a
to issue checks other than those which allow the fifth class contravention can also
withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who provide, as an additional penalty, the penalty of
are certified and use payment cards; work of general interest for a period of twenty hours
at least 120 hours at the most.
5.the confiscation of property which was used or was intended for
commit the offense or the thing that is the offense Article 67: When a contravention is punished by one or
product. However, this confiscation cannot be of several of the additional penalties provided for in
pronounced in matters of press offense. Article 56 above, the court may not pronounce
one or more of the additional penalties
Article 63: The penalty of fine cannot be pronounced incurred.
cumulatively with one or more of the sentences
restrictive or restrictive of rights listed in Section 6: Content and methods of application of
articles 56, 79 to 92 of this Code. certain penalties

Article 64: For all contraventions of the Article 68: The additional penalty of confiscation is
fifth class, the court can pronounce instead incurred in the cases provided for by law or regulation.
or at the same time as the penalty of fine, the penalty of
sanction-reparation as provided for in article 50 below It is also automatically incurred for
above. crimes and for offenses punishable by a penalty
imprisonment for more than one year, up to
In this case, the court fixes the amount the exception of press offenses.
maximum of the fine which cannot exceed 100,000
francs, which the sentencing judge can Article 69: Confiscation covers all property
order the execution in whole or in part within movable or immovable, whatever its nature, divided
conditions contained in the decision if the convict or undivided who were used to commit the offense or who
does not fulfill the obligation of reparation. were destined to commit it, and of which the convict is
owner or, subject to the rights of the owner of
Article 65: The law or the regulation which represses a good faith, of which he has free disposal.
contravention may provide, when the culprit is a
natural person, one or more of the penalties It also covers all goods that are
additional following: the object or the direct or indirect proceeds of the offense,
the exception of property liable to return to the
1. the suspension, for a period of three years at most, of the victim. If the proceeds of the offense have been mixed with
driver's license, this suspension may be funds of legal origin for the acquisition of one or more

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property, confiscation may only relate to such property work of general interest must be carried out within the limit
competition from the estimated value of this product. eighteen months.

Confiscation can also relate to any property The period ends upon completion of the
movable or immovable defined by law or regulation which all community service.
punishes the offense.
It can be suspended temporarily for reason
Article 70: If it is a felony or an offense punishable by serious medical, family, professional or social.
less than five years' imprisonment and having obtained This period is suspended during the time when the convict
direct or indirect profit, confiscation also carries is remanded in custody, serves a sentence
on movable or immovable property, whatever the deprivation of liberty or fulfills the obligations of
nature, divided or undivided, belonging to the condemned or, National service.
subject to the rights of the bona fide owner, including
he has free disposal, when neither the condemned, nor the However, community service can be
owner, able to explain the property carried out at the same time as a work release or
whose confiscation is envisaged, could not justify than semi-liberty.
lawful origin.
Article 76: Methods of performance of the obligation
Article 71: When the law which punishes the crime or the to perform community service and suspension
offense provides for it, confiscation can also relate to any of the time limit provided for in article 75 above are decided by
or part of the property belonging to the convicted person or, under the judge responsible for the enforcement of sentences in the jurisdiction
reserves the rights of the owner in good faith, of which he has of which the convicted person has his habitual residence or, if he has not
free disposal, whatever the nature, furniture not in Gabon his habitual residence, by the judge charged
or immovables, divided or undivided. of the application of the sentences of the court which ruled in
first case.
Confiscation is mandatory for items
qualified as dangerous or harmful by law or Article 77: Community service is subject to the
regulation, or the possession of which is unlawful, that these legislative and regulatory requirements relating to
may or may not be the property of the convicted person. night work, hygiene, safety and
work of women and young workers.
Article 72: The additional penalty of confiscation
applies under the same conditions to all rights Community service can be combined with
intangibles, whatever their nature, divided or undivided. the exercise of professional activity.

Article 73: Confiscation may be ordered by Article 78: The State is liable for the damage or on the part of the
value. Confiscation in value can be executed on damage caused to others by a convicted person and
all property, whatever its nature, belonging to the results directly from the application of a decision
condemned or, subject to the rights of the owner of involving the obligation to perform work of interest
good faith, of which he has free disposal. For the general.
recovery of the sum representing the value of
the thing confiscated, the provisions relating to the The State is subrogated as of right in the rights
constraint by body are applicable. of the victim.

Article 74: The thing confiscated is, unless otherwise provided Liability action and recourse action
particular providing for its destruction or attribution, are brought before the courts of the judicial order.
vested in the State, but it remains encumbered, to
competition of its value, real rights lawfully Article 79: The prohibition of civic, civil and
set up for the benefit of third parties. family concerns:

When the thing confiscated is a vehicle which 1. the right to vote;

was not seized or impounded during the
procedure, the condemned must, on the injunction which it in 2. eligibility;
is made by the Public Prosecutor's Office, hand over this vehicle to the
service or organization responsible for its destruction or 3.the right to exercise a judicial function or
his alienation. to be an expert before a court, to represent or
to assist a party in court;
Article 75: The court which pronounces the penalty of
community service sets the period during which the 4.the right to testify in court other than for y
make simple statements;

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5. the right to be tutor or curator. This ban of conviction, from the day on which the deprivation of
does not exclude the right, after the assent of the judge of freedom ended.
guardianship, after hearing the family council, to be guardian or
curator of his own children; Article 85: Any sentence to imprisonment
criminal in time or in perpetuity automatically wins
6. the right to carry a weapon; prohibition of the exercise of the rights listed in article 79
7.the right to vote and suffrage in the deliberations of
family. Article 86: When provided for by law, the penalty
ban from Gabonese territory may be pronounced,
Article 80: The prohibition of civic, civil and permanently or for a period of ten years at most, at
family can not exceed a period of ten years in the event against any foreigner guilty of a crime or
conviction for a felony and a period of five years in offense.
case of conviction for misdemeanor.
The ban from Gabonese territory entails
The court may pronounce the prohibition of full right the escort of the convicted person to the border, the
all or part of these rights. if applicable, at the end of his prison sentence
or imprisonment.
Prohibition of the right to vote or ineligibility
pronounced in application of this article shall prevail Article 87: When the ban from Gabonese territory
prohibition or inability to perform a function accompanies an unmatched custodial sentence
public. stay, its application is deferred during the period
execution of the sentence to be carried out from
Article 81: When incurred as a penalty day the deprivation of liberty ended.
complementary for a felony or misdemeanor, the prohibition
to exercise a public function or to carry out an activity Article 88: In correctional matters, the court shall not
professional or social is either final or can pronounce the ban from Gabonese territory that
temporary. In the latter case, it cannot exceed one by a specially reasoned decision with regard to the
five-year term. seriousness of the offense and the personal situation of
abroad when it is involved:
Article 82: Prohibition from exercising a profession
commercial or industrial, to direct, administer, 1. a foreigner, who is the father or mother of a Gabonese child
manage or control for any reason whatsoever, minor residing in Gabon, provided that he establishes
directly or indirectly, for its own account contribute effectively to the maintenance and education of
or on behalf of others, a commercial enterprise the child under the conditions provided for by the Civil Code
or industrial or a commercial company is either since the birth of this one or for at least one
definitive or temporary. In the latter case, it does not year;
may exceed a period of fifteen years.
2. a foreigner who has been married for at least three years with a
This prohibition is not applicable to spouse of Gabonese nationality, provided that this
the exercise of an elective mandate or responsibilities marriage is prior to the events leading to his
unions. It is also not applicable in matters condemnation, that the community of life has not ceased
press offense. since the marriage and that the spouse has retained
Gabonese nationality;
Article 83: Prohibition to exercise an activity
professional or social can relate either to the activity 3. a foreigner who justifies by all means that he resides
professional or social in the exercise of which or usually in Gabon for more than fifteen years, and
on the occasion of which the offense was committed, either that he exercises a regular professional activity there;
on any other defined professional or social activity
by the law which punishes the offense. 4. a foreigner, born in Gabon, and who lives there
regularly and continuously for more than ten
Article 84: When the prohibition to exercise all or years, and who is either pursuing studies or exercising a
part of the rights listed in article 79 above, or regular professional activity.
prohibition from holding public office or
professional or social activity, accompanies a Article 89: The penalty of ban from Gabonese territory
custodial sentence without a suspended sentence, it cannot be pronounced when the following is in question:
applies from the beginning of this sentence and its
execution continues, for the period set by the decision

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1. a foreigner who can justify by all means residing at take effect from the day the deprivation of liberty
Gabon usually since he or she was older has ended.
thirteen years old;
Article 93: The penalty for posting the decision
2. a foreigner who has resided regularly in Gabon for pronounced or the diffusion thereof is the responsibility
over twenty years; of the condemned. Posting or distribution costs
recovered against the latter may not, however, exceed
3. a foreigner who has resided regularly in Gabon for the maximum fine incurred for the infringement of
more than ten years and who has been married for at least four the origin of the measurement.
years with a Gabonese national who retained the
Gabonese nationality, provided that this marriage is The court may order the display or the
prior to the events leading to his conviction and that dissemination of all or only part of the
the community of life has not ceased since the marriage decision, or a press release informing the public of
or, under the same conditions, with a national reasons and the operative part thereof. She determines, the case
foreigner referred to in the first indent above; if applicable, extracts from the decision and the terms of
press release to be posted or disseminated.
4. a foreigner who has resided regularly in Gabon for
more than ten years old and who is the father or mother of a child Posting or disseminating the decision or
Gabonese minor residing in Gabon, provided that he release cannot include the identity of the victim
establish an effective contribution to the maintenance and only with his consent or that of his legal representative or
the education of the child under the conditions provided for by the of his beneficiaries.
Civil Code since its birth or since
less than a year; Article 94: The posting penalty is carried out in places
and for the duration indicated by the court. Except
5. a foreigner who resides in Gabon by virtue of a contrary provision of the law punishing the offense,
stay recognizing him the status of refugee or stateless person. posting cannot exceed two months.

The provisions set out in points 3 and 4 below In the event of deletion, concealment or
above are not, however, applicable when the facts laceration of the posters affixed, it is again
at the origin of the conviction were committed posted at the expense of the recognized person
against the spouse or children of the foreigner or guilty of these facts.
any child over whom he exercises parental authority.
The decision is disseminated in the
The provisions of this article are not Official Gazette of the Gabonese Republic, in a
applicable to attacks on internal security or or several other press publications or in one or
outside the Gabonese state, nor to acts of terrorism, several communication services to the public by
nor to offenses relating to counterfeit money, electronic designated by the judge.
planned cross-border crime and money laundering
by this Code. Display and broadcast can be ordered
Article 90: The penalty of the stay ban may be
limited to the prohibition of appearing in certain places The decision ordering the release is binding on
determined by jurisdiction. It comprises, in this case, communication media.
surveillance measures. The list of prohibited places
as well as monitoring measures can be Article 95: A decree determines the modalities
amended by the judge responsible for the enforcement of sentences, application of the provisions of this section.
under the conditions set by the Code of Procedure
Criminal. This decree also determines the conditions
in which the activity of those condemned to the
Article 91: The prohibition of stay in certain places sentence of community service as well as the nature of the
may exceed a period of ten years in the event of proposed work, including the conditions under
conviction for a felony and a period of five years in which:
case of conviction for a misdemeanor, except where the law in
provides otherwise. 1.the judge responsible for the application of sentences establishes, after
opinion of the Public Prosecutor's Office and consultation of all
Article 92: When the ban from Gabonese territory public body responsible for the prevention of
or the residence ban is pronounced with a penalty delinquency, the list of community service
deprivation of liberty, its execution is deferred likely to be accomplished within its jurisdiction;
during the execution of the prison sentence for

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2. community service can, for convicts withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who
employees, be combined with the legal working hours; are certified or use payment cards;

3.the associations mentioned in 8.the penalty of confiscation, under the conditions and according to
first paragraph of article 48 of this Code. the terms provided for in this Code;

Chapter II: Penalties applicable to persons 9. the display of the pronounced decision or the dissemination of
moral this either by the written press or by any means of
communication to the public by electronic means;
Section 1: Criminal and correctional penalties
10. confiscation of the animal that was used for
Article 96: Criminal or correctional penalties commit the offense or against which
incurred by legal persons are: the offense has been committed;

-the fine; 11. the prohibition, for a period of five years at most, of
-the sanction-reparation; receive any public aid granted by the State,
-the penalties listed in article 98 below. local authorities, their establishments or
groups, as well as any financial assistance paid by
Article 97: The fine applicable to legal persons a private person in charge of a service mission
is equal to five times the fine provided for public.
natural persons by the law punishing the offense.
The additional penalty of confiscation is
In the case of a crime for which no also automatically incurred for the crimes and
fine is not foreseen against people for offenses punishable by imprisonment
physical, the fine incurred by legal persons lasting more than one year, with the exception of misdemeanors
is 500,000,000 francs at most. Press.

Article 98: When the law so provides against a Article 99: The penalties defined in article 96 and
legal person, a felony or misdemeanor may be points 1 and 3 of article 98 above are not
sanctioned with one or more of the following penalties: applicable to legal persons governed by public law, of which
criminal liability is likely to be incurred.
1. the dissolution, when the legal person has been created
or diverted from its purpose to commit the facts They are also not applicable to parties.
incriminated and when it is a matter of a felony or an offense or political groups, nor to trade unions
punished with regard to natural persons of a professionals.
imprisonment for three years or more;
The penalty provided for in point 1 of the same article is not
2. the ban, permanently or for a period of not applicable to representative institutions of the
five years at most, to exercise directly or indirectly staff.
one or more professional or social activities;
Article 100: In tort, the court may
3. placement, for a period of five years at most, under pronounce, instead of or at the same time as the fine
judicial oversight; incurred by the legal person, the penalty
compensation in accordance with the terms set out in article 51 below
4. definitive closure or for a period of five years above.
at most, one or more establishments of the company
having been used to commit the incriminated acts; The court sets the maximum amount of
the fine, which cannot exceed the amount of
5.exclusion from public contracts definitively or the fine incurred by the legal person for the offense
for a temporary period of up to five years; considered which the sentencing judge can
order the execution in whole or in part, within
6.the ban, permanently or for a period of conditions provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure if the
term of five years at most, to make an offer condemned does not fulfill the obligation of reparation.
to the public of financial securities or to have their
financial securities traded on a market Section 2: Contraventional penalties
Article 101: Contraventional penalties incurred
7. the ban, for a period of five years at most, by legal persons are:
to issue checks other than those which allow the

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-the fine; financial traders on a regulated market

-privative or restrictive penalties provided for in entails prohibition, for the placement of securities which
article 49 of this Code; whether they are, to have recourse to both
-the penalty of reparation. credit, financial institutions or companies
of stock exchange than to all advertising procedures.
These penalties are not exclusive of one or more
several of the additional penalties provided for in article Chapter III: Penalties applicable in the event of
56 of this Code. competition offenses

Article 102: The maximum rate of the applicable fine Article 108: When, during proceedings
to legal persons is equal to five times that separated, the accused person was found guilty
foreseen for natural persons by law or of several offenses in competition, the penalties
regulation which punishes the infringement. pronounced are executed within the limit of the legal maximum
The highest. However, total or partial confusion
Article 103: When a contravention is punishable by penalties of the same nature may be ordered either by the
or several of the additional penalties provided for in last court called to rule, either in the
Articles 56 to 58 above, the court may not conditions provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure.
pronounce that the additional penalty or one or
several of the additional penalties incurred. Article 109: When a natural person, already
definitively condemned for a crime or for a
Article 104: For contraventions of the fifth offense punishable by ten years imprisonment by law,
class, the court may pronounce instead of or at the same commits a crime, the maximum penalty of
time that the fine incurred by the legal person, the criminal imprisonment incurred is life imprisonment if the
penalty-reparation penalty according to the terms provided maximum set by law for this crime is twenty years
to this Code. or thirty years. The maximum penalty is increased to
thirty years of criminal imprisonment if the crime is punished by
In this case, the court fixes the amount fifteen.
maximum of the fine, which cannot exceed 100,000
francs, which the sentencing judge can Article 110: When a natural person, already
order the execution in whole or in part within definitively condemned for a crime or for a
conditions provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure if the offense punishable by ten years imprisonment by law,
condemned does not fulfill the obligation of reparation. commits, within ten years from
the expiration or prescription of the previous sentence,
Section 3: Content and methods of application of an offense punishable by the same penalty, the maximum penalties
certain penalties of imprisonment and fine incurred is increased to
Article 105: The decision pronouncing the dissolution of the
legal person takes its referral to the When a natural person, already convicted
competent court to carry out the liquidation. definitely for a crime or for an offense punishable by
ten years of imprisonment by law, commits, in the
Article 106: The decision to place under surveillance period of five years from the expiration or
judicial body of the legal person carries the designation prescription of the previous sentence, an offense punishable by
a legal representative whose jurisdiction specifies the imprisonment for more than one year
mission. This mission can only relate to the activity and less than ten years, the maximum penalties
in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which of imprisonment and fine incurred is increased to
the offense has been committed. At least every six months double.
the legal representative reports to the judge
the application of penalties for the accomplishment of his Article 111: When a natural person, already
mission. definitively condemned for an offense, commits, in
the period of five years from the expiration or
In view of this report, the judge responsible for prescription of the previous sentence, i.e. the same offense,
the application of penalties can seize the jurisdiction which either an offense which is assimilated to him under the rules of
pronounced the placement under judicial supervision. recidivism, the maximum imprisonment and
The latter can then either pronounce a new sentence, fine incurred is doubled.
either relieve the legal person of the measure of
placement. Article 112: When a legal person, already
definitively condemned for a crime or for a
Article 107: The prohibition on making an offer to crime punishable by law with regard to persons
public securities or to have their securities admitted physical fines of 1,000,000 francs or more,

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incurs criminal liability for a crime, the rate Article 119: The state of legal recidivism can be noted
maximum fine applicable to individuals ex officio by the trial court even when
morals is doubled. In this case, the person is not mentioned in the act of prosecution, therefore
morality also incurs the penalties mentioned in that during the hearing the accused person was
Article 98 above, subject to the provisions of informed and that she was put in a position to be assisted
last paragraph of this article. a lawyer and make his observations.

Article 113: When a legal person, already Chapter IV: Penalties applicable in the event of
definitively condemned for a crime or for a reiteration of offenses
crime punishable by law with regard to persons
physical fines of 1,000,000 francs or more, Article 120: There is a repetition of offenses when a
incurs criminal liability within ten years of offense is committed by a person before that person
from the expiration or prescription of the this has been definitively condemned for another
previous penalty, for an offense punishable by the same penalty, offense.
the maximum rate of the fine applicable for
legal persons is doubled. The penalties pronounced for the offense committed
in reiteration are accumulated without limitation of quantum and
When a legal person, already convicted without possibility of confusion with the penalties
definitely for a crime or for an offense punishable by definitively pronounced upon conviction
law with regard to natural persons of previous.
1,000,000 francs fine or more, engages its
criminal liability within the period of five years from Chapter V: The pronouncement of sentences
the expiration or prescription of the previous one
penalty, by an offense punishable by law with regard to Article 121: No penalty may be applied if the
natural persons with a fine of more than jurisdiction has not expressly pronounced it.
1,500,000 francs, the maximum rate of the fine
applicable for legal persons is increased to The court may pronounce only one of the
double. penalties incurred for the offense referred to it.

In the cases provided for in the first two paragraphs Article 122: When an offense is punished by the
above, the legal person also incurs the life imprisonment, the court may
penalties mentioned in article 98 of this law, under pronounce a sentence of criminal imprisonment in time, or
subject to the provisions of the last paragraph of this article. a term of imprisonment which cannot be less than
two years.
Article 114: When a legal person, already
definitively condemned for an offense, initiates When an offense is punished by imprisonment
criminal liability within five years of criminal in time, the court can pronounce a
from the expiration or prescription of the sentence of criminal imprisonment for a period of less than
previous sentence, either for the same offense or for a that which is incurred, or a term of imprisonment
offense which is assimilated to him under the rules of which cannot be less than one year.
recidivism, the maximum rate of the fine applicable to
legal persons is doubled. Article 123: When an offense is punishable by a penalty
imprisonment, the court may pronounce a
Article 115: Theft, extortion, blackmail, imprisonment for a period of less than
fraud and breach of trust are considered, that which is incurred.
regard to recidivism, as the same offense.
Article 124: When an offense is punishable by a penalty
Article 116: The offenses of sexual assault and fine, the court may impose a fine of one
sexual assault are considered, with regard to the amount less than that incurred, except
recidivism, as the same offense. contrary provision of law.

Article 117: The offenses of trafficking in human beings and The amount of the fine is determined by taking
procuring are considered, with regard to recidivism, account of the resources and expenses of the author of
as the same offense. the offense.

Article 118: The offenses of willful violence against Article 125: When the circumstances of the offense or
persons as well as any offense committed with the personality of the author justifies it, the president of the
aggravating circumstance of violence are considered, jurisdiction notifies the convicted person, when the sentence is pronounced
regard to recidivism, as the same offense.

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pain, of consequences what would entail a The reductions in sentences granted during the
conviction for a new offense. security period are only charged against the part of the
penalty exceeding this period.
Article 126: The prohibition of all or part of the rights
civic, civil and family mentioned in article 79 of the TITLE V: MODES OF
this Code cannot, notwithstanding any provision PERSONALIZATION OF SENTENCES
contrary, result as of right from a conviction
criminal. Article 130: When the trial court
Anyone subject to a ban, imposes a sentence equal to or less than two years
forfeiture or any incapacity which results from full imprisonment, or, for a person in a state of
right, by virtue of the texts in force, of a conviction legal recidivism, a sentence equal to or less than one year,
criminal, may, by the decision of conviction or by it can decide that this sentence will be carried out in full or
any subsequent decision, be relieved of it in full or party under day parole in respect of the
part, including as regards the duration, of this condemned who justifies:
prohibition, forfeiture or incapacity, in the
conditions set by the Code of Criminal Procedure. -or the exercise of a professional activity, even
temporary, of the follow-up of an internship or of his attendance at a
Article 127: The Public Prosecutor, the judge education, vocational training or
instruction or the court seised may obtain look for a job ;
parties, of any administration, of any establishment -or his essential participation in the life of his family;
financial institution, or any person holding the funds of the -or the need to undergo medical treatment;
warned, the communication of useful information -or the existence of serious rehabilitation efforts
financial or fiscal nature, without being able to be opposed social resulting from its lasting involvement in all
secrecy obligation. other characterized project of integration or reintegration of
nature to prevent the risk of recurrence.
Chapter VI: The safety period
These provisions are also applicable in
Article 128: In the event of a sentence case of partial imprisonment
deprivation of liberty not accompanied by a suspension, the duration of whichaccompanied by a suspension or suspension with probation,
is equal to or greater than ten years, pronounced for when the firm part of the sentence is less than or equal
offenses specially provided for by law, the convicted at two years, or if the person is in a state of recurrence
cannot benefit, during a security period, from legal, less than or equal to one year.
provisions concerning the suspension or
splitting of the sentence, work release, In all cases, the court may decide that
temporary absences, day parole and release the prison sentence will be executed under the regime
conditional. placement outside.

The duration of the safety period is half Article 131: The convicted person admitted to the benefit of
of the sentence or, in the case of a semi-liberty is required to join the establishment
life imprisonment of eighteen years. The penitentiary according to the modalities determined by the judge
Criminal court or tribunal may, however, by of the application of penalties, depending on the time
special decision, or extend these durations up to the two necessary for activity, teaching, training
third of the sentence or, in the case of a professional, looking for a job, internship,
life imprisonment, up to twenty-two years, participation in family life, treatment or
or decide to reduce these periods. integration or reintegration project for which he was
admitted to the semi-liberty regime. He is required to
For certain crimes of particular gravity and remain in the establishment during the days when, for
in the event of a conviction to criminal imprisonment whatever the cause, its external obligations are
life sentence, the Criminal Court may extend to thirty years by find interrupted.
reasoned decision the security sentence that will be pronounced.
Article 132: The convicted person admitted to the benefit of
Article 129: In other cases, when it pronounces placement outside is restricted, under the control of
a custodial sentence lasting more than administration, to carry out activities outside
five years, not accompanied by the suspension, the court may set the penitentiary establishment.
a period of safety during which the convict does not
can benefit from any of the modalities of execution of the The trial court may also
barely mentioned in Article 128, paragraph 1 st above. The subject the convicted person admitted to the benefit of the semi-
duration of this safety period may not exceed both freedom or placement outside the measures
third of the sentence pronounced. provided for in articles 130 and 131 of this Code.

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TITLE VI: SUSPENSION or common law offense, to imprisonment or

Chapter I st : From simple reprieve
A simple stay cannot be ordered in respect of
Article 133: The court which pronounces a penalty may, of a legal person only when it has not been
in the cases and under the conditions set out below, sentenced, within the same period, for the crime or misdemeanor of
order that his execution be suspended. common law, to a fine of an amount greater than
15,000,000 francs.
The president of the court, after the pronouncement
of the sentence accompanied by the simple suspension, warns the Article 138: The simple stay is applicable, as far as
condemned, when present, only in case of concerns individuals, to convictions
conviction for a new offense that would be custodial or restrictive penalties
committed within the time limits provided for in Articles 110 and 111 mentioned in Article 56 above, with the exception of the
of this Code, the suspension may be revoked by the confiscation.
The simple stay is applicable, as far as
Article 134: In criminal or correctional matters, the concerns legal persons, subject to prohibition
simple stay cannot be ordered in respect of a issue checks or use credit cards
natural person only when the accused or the accused payment provided for by this Code.
has not been convicted, in the five years
preceding the facts, for crime or common law offense, In both cases, the simple stay is also
to imprisonment or imprisonment. applicable to the fine imposed for contraventions
fifth class.
A stay cannot be ordered in respect of a
legal person only when it has not been Article 139: Conviction for felony or misdemeanor
sentenced, within the same period, for a crime or accompanied by the simple suspension is deemed null and void if the
common law offense, to a fine in the amount of convicted person who benefits from it has not committed, within the time limit
more than 2,000,000 francs. five years from the date, a felony or misdemeanor
common law followed by a new conviction having
Article 135: The simple suspension is applicable, as far as ordered the total revocation of the stay. The character no
concerns natural persons, to sentences end of the conviction does not preclude the
imprisonment for a period of five total or partial revocation of the stay in the event of an infringement
years at most, to a fine, to custodial sentences or committed within the five-year period.
restrictive rights mentioned in Articles 49 and
following sections of this Code, with the exception of Article 140: The court may, by special decision,
confiscation, and to the penalties complementary revoke totally or partially for a period or
mentioned in articles 56 to 58 of this Code, an amount that it determines, the suspension previously
except for confiscation, closure granted, regardless of the accompanying penalty,
establishment and posting. when pronouncing a new sentence to a
imprisonment or imprisonment
A simple stay can only be ordered for without reprieve.
imprisonment when the accused has been convicted
within the time limit set in article 133 above, to a penalty The court may, by special decision,
other than reclusion or imprisonment. revoke totally or partially, for a period or
an amount that it determines, the suspension previously
The court may decide that the stay may not granted that accompanies any penalty other than
shall apply to the execution of imprisonment only for reclusion or imprisonment, when it pronounces
a part of which it determines the duration within the limit of a new conviction of a natural person or
five years. moral to a penalty other than imprisonment or
imprisonment without conditional sentence.
Article 136: The simple stay is applicable, as far as
concerns legal persons, to sentences Article 141: Conviction for contravention
the fine and the penalties mentioned in points 2, 5, 6 and accompanied by the simple suspension is deemed null and void if the
7 of article 98 of this Code. convicted person who benefits from it did not commit, during the
two years from this, a crime or
Article 137: In contravention matters, the stay common crime or contravention of the 5 th
simple cannot be ordered with regard to a person class followed by a new conviction having
physical only when the accused has not been convicted, ordered the revocation of the stay.
during the five years preceding the facts, for felony

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Article 142: In the event of revocation of the simple suspension, the Article 146: The stay accompanied by the obligation to perform
first sentence is carried out without her being able to community service follows the same rules as
confused with the second. those provided for the simple suspension, to
except those contained in the second
Article 143: When the benefit of the simple suspension has not been paragraph of article 133 and the second paragraph of article
granted that for part of the sentence, the sentence 134 of this Code.
is deemed null and void in all its elements if the
total revocation of the stay has not been pronounced, Article 147: When a conviction for an offense of
the fine or the part of the fine not accompanied by the suspension common law with imprisonment
remaining due. firm of six months at most has been pronounced, the judge
responsible for the enforcement of sentences may, when this
Chapter II: Suspension accompanied by the obligation conviction is no longer likely to be the subject of a
to perform community service appeal by the convicted person, order that he be
suspension of the execution of this sentence and that the convict
Article 144: The court may, under the conditions and perform, for a period of twenty hours to two hundred
in accordance with the procedures provided for in Articles 48 and 133 of eighty hours, community service not
this Code, provide that the convicted person will, for remunerated for the benefit of either a legal entity
a duration of twenty hours to two hundred and eighty public, or a legal person governed by private law
hours, unpaid community service at the a public service mission or an association
either for the benefit of a legal person governed by public law, or empowered to carry out works of general interest.
of a private law legal person responsible for
public service mission or an association authorized to Fulfillment of the obligation to perform work
implement community service. of general interest is subject to the provisions of articles
48, 133 and 134 of this Code.
The stay accompanied by the obligation to complete a
service of general interest cannot be ordered when the This article is applicable to penalties
the accused refuses it or is not present at the hearing. imprisonment that has been partially suspended,
with or without a probation, when the party
The terms of application of the obligation firm sentence is less than or equal to six months.
to perform community service are governed by the In this case, the part of the suspended sentence remains
provisions of articles 48 et seq. of this Code. applicable.
Upon completion of all the work of interest
general, the conviction is considered as not This article is also applicable to
avenue unless the provisions prison terms less than or equal to six
provided for in the second paragraph of article 57 of this months resulting from the revocation of a suspension, with or without
Coded. of a test.

Article 145: During the period fixed by the court for TITLE VII: EXEMPTION FROM SENTENCE
perform community service, the convicted person must,
in addition to the obligation to perform the prescribed work, Article 148: In correctional matters or, except in
comply with the following control measures: the cases provided for in articles 56 and 98 of this Code, in
infringement matter, the court may, after
- respond to the summons of the judge of the application of have declared the accused guilty and ruled, if necessary,
sentences or the designated social worker; on the confiscation of dangerous or harmful objects,
-subject to the medical examination prior to execution exempt the accused from any other penalty.
of the penalty which aims to find out if it is not
has a condition that is dangerous to others At the same time as it is pronouncing on the
workers and ensure that they are medically fit for guilt of the accused, the court rules, if necessary,
work to which it is planned to be assigned; on civil action.
-justify the reasons for his changes of employment or
residence that impede the performance of the work Article 149: Exemption from the penalty may be granted
of general interest according to the established modalities; when it appears that the reclassification of the culprit is
-obtain the prior authorization of the application judge acquired, that the damage caused is repaired and that the
penalties for any travel that would hinder disorder resulting from the offense has ceased.
the performance of community service according to the
modalities fixed; The court issuing a dispensation from
-receive visits from the social worker and him sentence may decide that his decision will not be
communicate any documents or information relating to mentioned in the criminal record.
at the execution of the sentence.

Page 17


The penalty exemption does not extend to payment Article 154: In the cases provided for by law, the penalties
the costs of the trial. incurred for a felony or misdemeanor are aggravated
when the offense is committed at the rate of
TITLE VIII: CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY belonging or non-belonging, true or
DRIVE AGGRAVATION, supposed, from the victim to an ethnic group, a nation, a

Article 150: Constitutes an organized band, all The aggravating circumstance defined in the first
group formed or any agreement established with a view to paragraph is constituted when the offense is preceded,
preparation, characterized by one or more facts accompanied or followed by words, writings, images, objects
material, one or more offenses. or acts of any kind undermining the honor or
consideration of the victim or a group of
Article 151: The ambush consists in the fact people to which the victim belongs because of their
to wait for a certain time one or more belonging or not belonging, true or
people in a specific place to commit to their supposed, to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a
against one or more offenses. determined religion.

Premeditation is the purpose formed before Article 155: The person who has attempted to commit
the act of committing a specific crime or misdemeanor. felony or misdemeanor is, in the cases provided for by law,
exempt from penalty if, having informed the administrative authority
Article 152: Break-in consists of forcing, or judicial, it made it possible to avoid the realization of
degradation or destruction of any device offense and, if applicable, identify other
closure or any kind of closure. authors or accomplices.

Is assimilated to burglary, the use of false In the cases provided for by law, the duration of the
keys, keys improperly obtained or any instrument custodial sentence incurred by a person
can be fraudulently used to operate having committed a felony or an offense is reduced if, having
a closing device without forcing or damaging it. notified the administrative or judicial authority, it has
allowed to put an end to the infringement, to prevent
Climbing is the act of entering a place the infringement does not produce damage or identify the
arbitrary, either over a fence element, or other authors or accomplices.
through any opening not intended to serve as an entrance.
The provisions of the previous paragraph are
Article 153: Any object designed to kill or also applicable when the person has allowed either
hurt. to avoid the commission of a related offense in the same way
nature that the crime or misdemeanor for which it was
Any other object likely to present a prosecuted, either to put an end to such an infringement,
danger to people is assimilated to a weapon to prevent it from causing damage or
when used to kill, injure or threaten or identify the perpetrators or accomplices.
is intended, by the person carrying it, to kill, injure or
threaten. No conviction can be pronounced
on the sole basis of statements made by
Any object which, presenting persons who have been subject to the provisions of this
with the weapon defined in the first paragraph a resemblance article.
confusing, is used to threaten
to kill or injure or is intended, by whoever is Article 156: In the cases provided for by law or
carrier, to threaten to kill or injure. regulation, the penalties incurred for a felony, a misdemeanor
or a contravention are aggravated when the contravention
The use of an animal to kill, injure or is committed by the victim's spouse or partner.
threatening is assimilated to the use of a weapon. In case of
condemnation of the owner of the animal or if the The aggravating circumstance provided for in the first
owner is unknown, the court may decide to paragraph above is also constituted when the facts
handing over the animal to an animal welfare organization are committed by the former spouse or former partner
recognized or declared of public utility, which may or the former partner related to the victim. Dispositions
freely dispose of it. of this paragraph are applicable when
the offense is committed because of the relationships
existed between the perpetrator and the victim.

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TITLE IX: THE EXTINCTION OF SENTENCES AND for the victim, to obtain compensation for the damage caused

Article 157: The death of the convicted person or the dissolution of Chapter III: Amnesty
the legal person, except in the case where the dissolution is
pronounced by criminal jurisdiction, pardon or Article 164: Amnesty cancels convictions
amnesty, prevent or interrupt the execution of the pronounced. It leads, without it being able to give rise
hardly. restitution, the remission of all penalties. She restores
the perpetrator or accomplice of the offense for the benefit of the
However, recovery can be carried out reprieve which could have been granted to him during a
the fine and legal costs as well as the execution previous conviction.
confiscation after the death of the convicted person or after
the dissolution of the legal person until the closing Article 165: The amnesty does not prejudice third parties.
liquidation operations.
Article 166: It is prohibited for any person who, in
The prescription of the sentence prevents the execution the exercise of its functions, is aware of
of it. criminal convictions, disciplinary sanctions or
professional or prohibitions, forfeitures and
The rehabilitation erases the conviction. disabilities erased by the amnesty, to recall
existence in any form whatsoever or leave it
Chapter I st : From prescription remain the mention in any document.

Article 158: The penalties pronounced for a crime are The foregoing provisions do not apply
prescribe by twenty years completed from the date of not to the minutes of court decisions.
date on which the conviction decision became
definitive. In addition, the amnesty does not preclude
the execution of the publication ordered as
The penalties pronounced for an offense repair.
prescribe by five completed years from the date
to which the sentencing decision became The conditions for exercising the amnesty and its
definitive. terms and conditions are set out in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 159: The penalties pronounced for a Chapter IV: Rehabilitation

contravention are prescribed by two years completed
from the date on which the decision to Article 167: Anyone subject to a penalty
condemnation became final. criminal, correctional or contravention may
benefit, either from a full rehabilitation in
Article 160: Those convicted in absentia or by the conditions provided for in this chapter, either a
default for which the penalty is prescribed are not admitted to judicial rehabilitation granted under the conditions
serve in absentia or to form opposition. provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 161: Obligations of a civil nature resulting from Article 168: Rehabilitation is acquired as of right
of a criminal decision that has become final are prescribed to the convicted natural person who has not, within the
according to the rules of the Civil Code. deadlines determined below, suffered no conviction
new to a criminal or correctional sentence:
Chapter II: Grace
-for the conviction to a fine after a period of three
Article 162: Grace is the act by which the President years from the day of payment of the fine,
of the Republic exempts a convicted person with a the expiration of the judicial constraint or of the
final and enforceable sentence to undergo all or incarceration or acquired prescription;
part of his sentence. It can be individual or -for the single sentence or imprisonment
collective. not exceeding one year, or to a penalty other than the
criminal imprisonment, imprisonment or fine,
The conditions of its exercise and its modalities after a period of five years from either the execution
are set out in the Code of Criminal Procedure. the penalty, or the prescription acquired;
-for the single sentence to imprisonment
Article 163: Grace carries only dispensation not exceeding ten years or for convictions
to execute the sentence. It does not stand in the way of the law, multiple to imprisonment, the aggregate of which does not exceed
not five years, after a period of ten years from either

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the expiry of the sentence suffered, either of the prescription The rehabilitation does not prevent the taking into account
acquired. of the conviction, by the judicial authorities alone,
in the event of new prosecutions, for the application of
The deadlines provided for in this article are extended rules on legal recidivism.
double when the person has been convicted of
facts committed in a state of legal recidivism. Article 172: If the person has been sentenced by a
criminal jurisdiction of a State party to a convention
When it comes to convictions matched in judicial cooperation with Gabon, to one of the penalties
all or part of the suspension, or the suspension with obligation following, the rehabilitation is not likely to produce
to perform community service, the deadlines its effects on previous Gabonese convictions
rehabilitation runs, for each of these that at the end of the deadlines determined below:
convictions and including in the event of convictions
multiples, from the date on which the 1.when the sentence pronounced is a sanction
conviction became null and void. pecuniary, only from the erasure of this
conviction or the expiration of three years
Article 169: Rehabilitation is acquired as of right from its pronouncement;
to the condemned legal person who has, within the time limit
hereafter determined, suffered no new conviction 2.when the sentence pronounced is a sentence
to a criminal or correctional sentence: imprisonment for more than one year, than
from the erasure of this conviction or
-for the fine, after a period of five the expiration of a period of ten years from his
years from the day of payment of the fine or pronounced;
prescription fulfilled;
-for the conviction to a penalty other than a fine or 3.when the sentence pronounced is a sentence
dissolution, after a period of five years from either imprisonment for more than ten years,
of the execution of the sentence, or of the prescription only from the erasure of this conviction or
accomplished. the expiration of a period of twenty years from his
The deadlines provided for in this article are doubled
when the person has been convicted of an offense 4.when the person has been sentenced to another sentence
committed in a state of legal recidivism. than those provided for in the first and third points of the
this article, that from the erasure of this
In the case of a conviction with the conviction or the expiration of a period of five years
stay, the rehabilitation deadlines run from from when it was pronounced.
the date on which the conviction became no
avenue. Article 173: For the application of the rules on
rehabilitation, the graceful remission of a sentence is equivalent to
Article 170: The penalties for which the confusion has been granted its execution.
under the conditions of article 108 are considered
as constituting a single penalty for the application BOOK SECOND: ON THE PROTECTION OF
of the provisions of article 168 above. FUNDAMENTAL INTERESTS OF THE NATION,
Article 171: Rehabilitation produces the same effects
than those provided for in Articles 164 et seq. TITLE I: BREACH OF INTEREST
of this Code. It erases all disabilities and FUNDAMENTALS OF THE NATION
forfeitures resulting from the conviction.
Chapter I er : Common provisions
However, when the person has been sentenced
judicial follow-up, or the penalty of prohibition to practice Article 174: In addition to the persons qualified as authors, will be
a professional or voluntary activity involving a punished as an accomplice in crimes or offenses against
usual contact with minors, rehabilitation does not external or internal security of the State, whoever:
produces its effects only at the end of the measurement.
1.having knowledge of the facts constituting the
The rehabilitation does not produce its effects until the end of offenses defined below, will not have them
a period of forty years when it has been pronounced, denounced;
as an additional penalty, a ban,
permanent incapacity or forfeiture.

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2. knowing the intentions of their authors, their Article 177: Anyone who,
provide subsidies, subsistence, means of transport or having attempted to commit one of the offenses provided for in
of communication, of existence, of housing, place of this chapter, will have informed the administrative authority or
retreat or reunion; judicial process and thus made it possible to avoid
offense and identify, if applicable, other
3.willly carry correspondence from the authors of a guilty.
crime or misdemeanor or will knowingly facilitate
in any way whatsoever, the concealment, transport or In all cases of felony or misdemeanor provided for in
transmission of the object of the crime or the offense; this title, all the means used to commit or
to prepare the offense will be seized until the decision of the
4.willly conceal objects or instruments having Jurisdiction.
served or intended to be used in committing the felony or misdemeanor,
or material objects or documents obtained by the The court concerned may, moreover, in any
felony or misdemeanor. circumstances, order confiscation, deletion
or the destruction of said means. In all cases,
Article 175: The fact of providing, in order to serve the prohibition of the rights mentioned in article 79 of the
interests of a foreign power, of a company this Code may be pronounced.
foreign or under foreign control, to civil authorities
or soldiers of Gabon, false information from Chapter II: Betrayal
such as to mislead them and to undermine
fundamental interests of the nation, is punished by ten years Article 178: Constitutes, if committed by a Gabonese
imprisonment at most and a fine of or a soldier in the service of Gabon, the crime of
30,000,000 francs at most. treason, the fact:

In addition to the terms of imprisonment or 1- either to bear arms against Gabon;

fine, the courts may pronounce against the
perpetrators or accomplices of the offenses referred to in this 2- or to maintain intelligences with a power
title, one or more of the additional penalties foreign or a foreign organization and its agents, in
provided for in articles 56 to 58 of this Code. to engage him to undertake hostilities or an act
aggression against Gabon or provide it with the
Article 176: Revelation, by any means means, or by facilitating the penetration of
either information subject to professional secrecy foreigners on Gabonese territory, or by shaking
or classified as defense secret or classified as state secret, by fidelity of armies, or in any other way;
a person who is custodian by virtue of his functions
previous or current, or a temporary assignment, 3- either to deliver to a foreign power or to its
constitutes the offense of breach of professional secrecy agents, Gabonese troops or assigned to defense
or defense secrecy or violation of State secrecy. Gabonese territory or territories, cities,
fortresses, constructions, works, edifices, buildings,
Without prejudice to the application of texts aircraft belonging to Gabon or assigned to defense
special matters, breach of professional secrecy or national;
defense secrecy or state secrecy is punishable by
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of 4- either, with a view to harming national defense or when
100,000,000 francs at most, without prejudice to the fact is likely to prejudice the interests
the application of the penalties provided for in article 79 of this fundamentals of the Nation, destroy, deteriorate or
Coded. hijack a ship, an aircraft, any material, everything
technical device or processing system
The provisions of this article apply computerized information, any supply, any
also industrial and economic information construction or any installation, or, in the
considered to be subject to professional secrecy, same goal, to bring them either before or after their
defense secrets or State secrets, whose revelations completion, defects likely to damage them
are likely to infringe public order, or cause an accident;
the authority of the state, the interest of the state or the interests
some thirds. 5- either to deliver to a foreign power or to its
agents, in any form and by any means
The prohibition on disclosure of the secret or any information, object, document or process which
professional, defense or State secrets are not must be kept secret in the interests of the defense
not enforceable against the courts when the persons national, or to assemble, with the intention of delivering them
held to this prohibition are called upon to testify in to a foreign power, information, objects,

Page 21


documents or processes whose collection and use Chapter V: Intelligence with powers
are likely to harm national defense; foreign

6- or to ensure, by any means whatsoever, the Article 181: Anyone:

possession of such information, object, document or
process with a view to delivering it to a foreign power or 1- a, by hostile acts not approved by the
to its agents; Government, exposed Gabon to a declaration of
war or the breakdown of diplomatic relations;
7- either to destroy or let destroy such
information, object, document or process with a view to 2- a, by acts not approved by the Government,
favor a foreign power; exposed Gabonese to reprisals;

8- either, in time of war, to incite or provoke 3- talks with agents of a foreign power
all members of the defense forces to go to service intelligences likely to harm the military situation
of a foreign power, to facilitate their diplomatic mission of Gabon or its economic interests
means or to enlist for a power essential;
at war with Gabon;
4- made accessible to a foreign power, to a
9- or, in time of war, to maintain intelligence foreign or controlled company or organization
with a foreign power or with its agents in sight foreigner, all information, procedures, data,
to favor the companies of this power against the files, including exploitation, disclosure or assembly
Gabon; is likely to harm fundamental interests
of the nation ;
10- or, in time of war, to knowingly participate in
an enterprise to demoralize the army or the is punished by thirty years of criminal imprisonment at most and
nation whose purpose is to harm national defense. a fine of not more than 50,000,000 francs.

Treason is punished with criminal imprisonment at Article 182: Whoever, in time of war:
life sentence and a fine of 100,000,000 francs to the
more, without prejudice to possible civil damages. 1- maintains, apart from authorized cases, a
correspondence or relations with the subjects or
Incitement to provocation to commit or agents of an enemy power;
the offer to commit this crime is punished like the crime
himself. 2- makes, directly or through an intermediary, acts of
trade with subjects or agents of a power
Chapter III: Espionage enemy in defiance of the enacted prohibitions;

Article 179: The facts referred to in article 178 above, at 3- knowingly performs an act likely to harm the
except that referred to in paragraph 1, National Defense ;
constitute, if committed by any foreigner, the crime
spy. is punished by imprisonment for ten years and
fine of 20,000,000 francs at most.
Espionage is punished with criminal imprisonment
life sentence and a fine of 100,000,000 francs Chapter VI: Attacks on national defense
at most.
Article 183: Is guilty of undermining the defense
Chapter IV: Attacks on the integrity of the territory national any person who, except in the cases provided for in
national Articles 178 and 179 of this Code:

Article 180: Whoever has undertaken, by any means 1- will ensure, by any means whatsoever, the
whether, to undermine the integrity of the territory possession of a national defense secret or
national or to withdraw from the authority of the State all or will bear, in whatever form and by whatever means
part of the national territory, is punished by imprisonment whether, to the knowledge of the public or of a person
life imprisonment and a fine of 100,000,000 not qualified;
of francs at most.
2- will allow to destroy, subtract or remove, in all or
part, and even momentarily, of objects, materials,
documents or information entrusted to him and
whose knowledge could lead to the discovery

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of a national defense secret, or will leave some Chapter VII: Sabotage

take, even in part, knowledge, copy or
reproduction; Article 184: The act of destroying, deteriorating or diverting
any document, material, construction, equipment,
3- deliver or communicate to a person acting installation, apparatus, technical device or control system
on behalf of a power or a company automated processing of information or to provide
foreign, or an invention of defense poor workmanship, when this fact is likely to affect
national information, studies or procedures to the fundamental interests of the nation, is punished by twenty
of manufacture relating to such an invention years of criminal imprisonment and 50,000,000 francs
or an industrial application involving defense fine at most, without prejudice to any
national; repairs.

4- will enter, under a disguise or false name, or in When committed for the purpose of serving
concealing his position or nationality, in a interests of a foreign power, a company or
military establishment, whatever its nature, a foreign organization or under foreign control, this fact
shipyard working for national defense, a ship is punished by thirty years of criminal imprisonment and
warfare, an air navigation device or a 50,000,000 francs fine at most.
armed military vehicle;
Chapter VIII: Attacks on internal security
5- will stay, in defiance of a ban, in a
radius determined around the fortified works or Section 1: The attack and the plot
military or maritime establishments;
Article 185: Constitutes an attack, the act of committing
6- will exercise, in a prohibited zone set by one or more acts of violence likely to put in
the military authority, without the latter's authorization, jeopardize the institutions of the Republic or undermine
drawings, photographs, lifting or operations to the integrity of the national territory.
topographical inside or around the squares,
military works, posts or establishments or Without prejudice to the application of the provisions
maritime; relating to terrorism provided for in Title II of the book
second of this Code, the attack is punishable by thirty
7- will fly over, without authorization or outside the cases years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of
provided for by international conventions, the territory 50,000,000 francs at most.
Gabonese by means of a foreign aircraft;
8- will have organized, in an occult way, a means The attack the aim of which was either to destroy or
any correspondence or transmission to to change the constitutional regime or the
distance likely to be detrimental to national defense. Government, or to encourage citizens or inhabitants to
to arm oneself against the authority of the State is punished by imprisonment
The offenses referred to in this article are life imprisonment and a fine of 100,000,000
punished by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment and of francs at most.
fine of 50,000,000 francs at most, if they have been
committed in time of war; and if they were in Article 186: Constitutes a conspiracy, the resolution
peacetime, to imprisonment for not more than ten years. concerted effort to commit an attack, when this
resolution is materialized by one or more acts
Is punished with the same penalties whoever, in time materials.
of peace :
The plot is punished by twenty years of imprisonment
1- will have impeded the circulation of military equipment or criminal and a fine of 50,000,000 francs to the
will have, by whatever means, provoked, facilitated more.
or organized a violent or concerted action, having for
purpose or result of these hindrances; The conspiracy aimed at one of the targeted crimes
in paragraph 2 of article 185 above, is punished by thirty
2- will have participated, knowingly, in a years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of
army demoralization enterprise with the aim of 100,000,000 francs at most.
harm national defense;
Article 187: The attack the aim of which will have been either, to incite
3- will enlist soldiers on behalf of a power to civil war by arming or carrying citizens or
foreign, in Gabonese territory. inhabitants to arm themselves against each other, or to
cause devastation, massacre or plunder
in all or part of Gabonese territory, is punished with

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life imprisonment and a fine of insurrectionary or who will knowingly and

100,000,000 francs at most. willfully supplied, transported or procured weapons,
ammunition, food, communications and all other
The conspiracy aimed at one of the targeted crimes instruments of crimes, or will have, in any case,
in the previous paragraph, is punished by twenty years imprisonment practiced intelligences with directors or
criminal and a fine of 50,000,000 francs to the movement commanders.
Are punished with the same penalties, all those who
Article 188: The attack is consummated as soon as an act will have conceived or participated in a movement
execution material has been undertaken or materialized. insurrectionary, whatever its form, tending to
change the institutional regime or overthrow the
There is conspiracy, as soon as the resolution to act is Government.
concerted and stopped between two or more people.
Are also punished with the same penalties, those
The concerted and unapproved proposal of who, ensuring transport, subsistence or communication
forming a conspiracy is punished like the conspiracy itself. insurgents, will have participated in a movement
even. insurrectionary either by carrying arms or ammunition,
either in order to make attack or resistance to force
Article 189: Are punished by twenty years of imprisonment public, by occupying public positions or buildings or
criminal and a fine of 100,000,000 francs to the private or by erecting barricades or entrenchments,
more : either, in any way whatsoever, by bringing their
aid to the insurgents or by obstructing the action of
-those who, without right or legitimate reason, will have taken a law enforcement.
any military command;
-those who, against the order of the established authorities, will have Article 192: Anyone, except in the cases provided for in articles
retained such a command; 178 to 181 above, will have engaged in acts or
-the commanders who will have held their army or troop maneuvers likely to compromise safety
reunited, after the dismissal or separation into public, to cause disturbances or demonstrations
will have been ordered. against the authority of the State, to provoke resistance
active or passive in the application of laws and regulations
Article 190: Whoever, with a view to disturbing the State by is punishable by imprisonment for up to ten years and
one of the crimes referred to in this chapter, by may be, in addition, a fine of 20,000,000
invasion, looting or sharing of property francs at most.
public or private or by attacking or
resistance to the public force acting against Those who have
perpetrators of these crimes, will lead the gangs participated in disorders, demonstrations or acts of
armed forces or will have exercised any command there, resistance referred to above.
is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and
fine of 50,000,000 francs at most. Article 193: The penalties provided for in article 192 shall be punished
above anyone who affiliates, adheres or, of any
The same penalty will be applied to those who will have any way, participates in the activity of a
directed the association, raised or caused to be raised, organized or made group or sect which tends, by its advice,
organize bands, or will knowingly and instructions, instructions or by any other means, either to
voluntarily, provided or procured subsidies, cause disobedience to laws and regulations, either
weapons, ammunition or instruments of crime or sent to encourage the population to collective refusal to pay tax
subsistence, or who will otherwise have and its accessories, or to defer payment.
practiced intelligences with directors or
commanders of armed bands. Is punished with the same penalties, whoever will have
knowingly granted or consented to the use of premises for
Individuals belonging to armed gangs and the meeting of persons belonging to one of these
exercising no command or employment therein, are groups or sects.
punished by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment and
fine of 10,000,000 francs at most. TITLE II: TERRORISM

Section 2: Insurrectionary movements Chapter I st : Acts of terrorism

Article 191: Are punished by twenty years of imprisonment Article 194: Constitute acts of terrorism,
criminal and a fine of 50,000,000 francs to the when they are intentionally related to a
more, those who will have led or organized a movement individual or collective enterprise with the aim of

Page 24


seriously disturb the public order through intimidation or she presses her to participate in a group
terror, the following offenses: or an illicit agreement referred to in this chapter or
that it commits one of the acts of terrorism referred to in
1- voluntary damage to life, damage to points 1 and 2 of this article or in article 196 below.
the integrity of the person; above ;

2- kidnapping and sequestration; 3- the fact of not being able to justify resources
corresponding to his lifestyle, while being in
3- hijacking of aircraft, ships or any other habitual relations with one or more persons
means of transport defined by this Code; delivering to one or more of the acts referred to in Article 196
above, is punished by seven years' imprisonment and
4- theft, extortion, destruction, damage and 20,000,000 francs fine at most.
deterioration, as well as infringements
IT as defined in book IV of the present Article 198: The act of provoking or inciting
Coded ; directly to acts of terrorism or to
publicly defending these acts, is punished with
5- offenses relating to combat groups and imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine of
dissolved movements; 20,000,000 francs at most.

6- offenses relating to weapons, products The penalties are increased to ten years
explosives or nuclear material; imprisonment at most and 50,000,000 francs
fine at most, when the acts were committed in
7- the concealment of the proceeds of one of the foreseen offenses using an online public communication service.
in paragraphs 1 to 6 above;
When the acts are committed by way of
8- the money laundering offenses provided for by this written or audiovisual press or communication
Coded. to the online public, the specific provisions of the laws
which govern these matters are applicable as far as
Article 195: Also constitutes an act of terrorism, concerns the determination of responsible persons.
when it is intentionally related to a
individual or collective enterprise with the aim of Article 199: Also constitutes an act of terrorism,
seriously disturb the public order through intimidation or preparing for the commission of one of the offenses
terror, the fact of introducing into the atmosphere, on the ground, provided for in Article 198 above, since the
in the basement, in food or components preparation for the offense is intentionally
food or in waters, including those of the sea relationship with a sole proprietorship with the aim of
territorial, a substance likely to endanger, the to seriously disturb public order by intimidation
health of humans, animals or the natural environment. or terror and is characterized by:

Article 196: Also constitutes an act of terrorism, 1- the fact of holding, seeking, obtaining or
the fact of participating in a group formed or in a make objects or substances likely to create
agreement established for the preparation characterized by a danger to others;
one or more material facts, from one of the acts of
terrorism referred to in Articles 194 and 195 above. 2- one of the other following material facts:

Article 197: Also constitutes an act of terrorism: -gather information on places or

people allowing action in these places
1- the fact of financing a terrorist enterprise by or to harm these persons or to exercise
providing, raising or managing funds, surveillance on these places or people;
values ​or goods or by giving
advice to this end, with the intention of seeing these funds, - train or train in the handling of weapons or
values ​or goods used or knowing that they are in any form of combat, manufacturing or
intended to be used, in whole or in part, for the use of explosive and incendiary substances,
commit any of the acts of terrorism nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical or
provided for in this chapter, regardless of the piloting aircraft or operating ships, or
possible occurrence of such an act; any other means of transport;

2- the fact of sending a person offers or - usually consult one or more

promises, to offer him gifts, presents or communication to the public online or hold
advantages, threatening or exercising on

Page 25


documents causing directly to the commission imprisonment and a fine of 30,000,000 francs
acts of terrorism or by condoning them; at most.

- have stayed abroad in a theater of operations Directing or organizing the group

terrorist groups. or the agreement defined in articles 200 and following, is punished
of twenty years of criminal imprisonment at most and
Article 200: Also constitutes an act of terrorism, 50,000,000 francs fine at most.
the fact of applying to the preparation of the commission
offenses, or by one of the acts of terrorism The act of terrorism defined in article 197 paragraph
defined in this chapter, or by one of the acts of 1 st is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and
terrorism consisting of destruction, degradation 30,000,000 francs fine at most.
or deterioration by explosive substances or
incendiary to be carried out under circumstances Article 204: The penalties are increased to twenty years of
time or place likely to cause harm criminal imprisonment at most and 50,000,000 francs
to the physical integrity of one or more persons, either fine at most, when the group or agreement
when the act of terrorism is likely to result in defined in Articles 200 et seq., has as its object the
attacks on the physical integrity of one or more preparation:
1- either one or more crimes against
Article 201: The maximum of the deprivation of people;
freedom incurred for common law offenses
mentioned in Article 194 above, is noted as 2- either one or more destruction by substances
that it follows when these offenses constitute acts of explosive or incendiary and to be carried out in
terrorism: circumstances of time or place likely
result in the death of one or more people;
1- he is brought to life imprisonment
when the offense is punished by criminal imprisonment 3- or an act of terrorism likely to lead to the
time ; death of one or more people.

2- it is increased to fifteen years of criminal imprisonment Directing or organizing such

more when the offense is punished by ten years grouping or such an agreement is punished by thirty years
imprisonment; criminal imprisonment at most and 100,000,000 francs
fine at most.
3- it is increased to ten years' imprisonment at most
when the offense is punished by seven years Chapter II: Complementary penalties.
Article 205: Natural persons guilty of
4- it is increased to seven years imprisonment at most one of the offenses provided for in this Title
when the offense is punished by five years incur the following additional penalties:
1- the prohibition of civic, civil and family rights,
5- it is doubled when the offense is punished the maximum duration of the ban being increased to
imprisonment for up to three years. fifteen years in the event of a felony and ten years in the event of a misdemeanor;

The attempt of the offenses referred to in article 194 2- the prohibition, according to the modalities provided for in article 98
above is punishable by the same penalties. of this Code, either to exercise a public function or
to exercise professional or social activity in
Article 202: The act of terrorism defined in article 195 the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which
above, is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and the offense has been committed, the maximum duration of
a fine of 100,000,000 francs at most. the temporary ban being extended to ten years, i.e., for
the crimes provided for in Articles 200 et seq.,
When this act resulted in the death of one or to exercise a commercial or industrial profession,
several people, he is punished by criminal imprisonment direct, administer, manage or control in any capacity
in perpetuity and a fine of 500,000,000 francs any, directly or indirectly, for its
more. own account or on behalf of others, a company
commercial or industrial or a trading company.
Article 203: Acts of terrorism defined in articles These exercise bans may be pronounced
196 and 197 paragraph 1 st above, are punishable by ten years cumulatively;

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3- prohibition of stay, according to the modalities provided TITLE III: BREACHES OF THE AUTHORITY OF
by this Code, the maximum duration of STATE
the ban being extended to fifteen years in the event of a crime and
ten years in the event of a misdemeanor. Chapter I st : Offenses against public order

Article 206: Prohibition of entry and stay on the Section 1: Participation in an armed assembly
Gabonese territory can be pronounced either as or not armed
definitive, i.e. for a period of ten years at most, at
against any foreigner guilty of one of the Article 212: Is prohibited on the public highway or in a
offenses defined in this title. public place :

Article 207: Legal persons declared guilty 1- any armed gathering;

offenses defined in this Title incur, in addition
the fine, additional penalties according to 2- any unarmed gathering likely to disturb
modalities provided for by this Code. public order.

Article 208: Natural or legal persons The crowd is armed if one of the individuals
found guilty of acts of terrorism, incur who compose it is carrying an apparent weapon, or if
also the additional penalty of confiscation of several of them carry hidden weapons or
all or part of the property belonging to them or, subject to any objects, visible or hidden, having served
of the rights of the bona fide owner, of which they are or can be used as a weapon.
free disposal, whatever the nature, movable or
immovable, divided or undivided. Article 213: Representatives of the law enforcement agencies
responsible for dispersing a crowd can do
Article 209: The proceeds of fines, seizures and use of force, which must be proportional to the
confiscations pronounced in repression of acts of nature of the act committed, if violence or assault
terrorism is acquired by the State for the purposes, if any, are exercised against them or if they cannot defend
compensation for victims. otherwise the land they occupy or the positions whose
custody is entrusted to them.
This product is allocated to the Public Treasury.
In addition, to ensure the enforcement of the law,
Chapter III: Mitigations of a court decision or warrant, they can
use force under the same conditions.
Article 210: Anyone who has attempted to commit
an act of terrorism is exempt from punishment if, having In other cases, the assembly is dispersed
notified the administrative or judicial authority, it has by force after the governor, prefect or deputy
allowed to avoid the commission of the offense and prefect, the mayor or one of his deputies, the commissioner
identify, if applicable, the other culprits. police or any other law enforcement officer
bearer of the insignia of his office:
Article 211: The custodial sentence incurred by
the perpetrator or the accomplice of an act of terrorism is reduced 1- will have announced its presence by an audible signal or
by half if, having informed the administrative authorities or luminous to effectively warn people
judicial proceedings, the person concerned made it possible to put an end to the
constituting the assembly;
criminal acts or to prevent the offense
does not result in the death of a man or permanent disability and 2- will have summoned the people participating in
identify, if applicable, the other culprits. the crowd to disperse;

When the penalty is imprisonment 3- will have proceeded in the same way to a second,
life imprisonment, it is reduced to twenty years then to a third summons, if the first remained
of criminal imprisonment at most. Without effect.

Article 214: Any unarmed person who, by

part of an armed or unarmed gathering, will not have
not abandoned after the second summons, is punished
imprisonment for one year at most.

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The imprisonment will be for a maximum of three years, if the Is constitutive of contempt, any act or any
unarmed person, continued to be part attitude of such a nature as to undermine the consideration,
voluntarily from an armed gathering not having respect, prestige or use of these symbols such as
dispersed only in the face of the use of force. defined by the texts in force.

Article 215: Without prejudice, where appropriate, to penalties Section 4: Contempt of the President of the
stronger, will be punished with imprisonment for three years Republic
at most, anyone, in a crowd, during
of an event or on the occasion of an event, Article 219: Contempt against the President of the
during or during a meeting, will have been Republic, committed in some place, in some
found carrying an apparent or hidden weapon, or occasion or by any means, is punished
any apparent or hidden objects that were used imprisonment for up to five years and may be
weapon or brought in to be used as a weapon. in addition to a fine in the amount of 5,000,000
francs at most.
The imprisonment will be for a maximum of five years,
case of an assembly dispersed by force. If the contempt was committed by leaflets,
any electronic means, bulletins or butterflies,
Article 216: Any provocation or direct incitement to distributed or displayed in the public eye or held in
an unarmed gathering or by speeches made view of the distribution, the authors and accomplices are punished
publicly, either in written or printed matter displayed or up to two years' imprisonment and a fine
distributed, will be punished by imprisonment for one year at of 2,000,000 francs at most. The court seised
more, if it has been followed up and, if not, orders in all cases, the destruction of the leaflets,
imprisonment for not more than six months. newsletters or butterflies distributed or displayed, at the expense of
the offender.
Any direct provocation or incitement by
same means to an armed gathering is punished with a Section 5: Outrage against Heads of State and
imprisonment for up to five years if followed Foreign governments, ambassadors and others
effect and, otherwise, imprisonment diplomatic agents
one year at most.
Article 220: Contempt publicly committed against
Section 2: Offenses committed in relation to Head of State or Foreign Government,
public meeting ambassadors and other accredited diplomatic agents
near the Government of the Gabonese Republic, is
Article 217: Are punished by imprisonment of six punishable by imprisonment for up to six months and may
months and a fine of 50,000,000 francs be, in addition, a fine in the amount of 500,000
at most, or one of these two penalties only: francs at most.

1-those who, in view of a meeting or a demonstration Proceedings can only be brought against
on the public highway, will have made a declaration complaint of the outraged person addressed to the public prosecutor
incomplete or inaccurate likely to mislead the competent Republic by the Minister in charge of
conditions of the planned meeting, or which, either before Foreign Affairs.
filing of the declaration provided for by law, either after
the ban on the meeting, will have addressed by some means Section 6: From provocation or propaganda to
any invitation to take part; disobedience to security and defense forces

2-those who will have participated in the organization of a Article 221: Any provocation addressed by
meeting or demonstration on public roads not written or oral propaganda, whatever the
declared or prohibited. means of dissemination, to internal security forces,
to soldiers of the army, sea or air, in
Section 3: Contempt of the flag, of the national anthem, view to divert from their duties and obedience
with the seal or coat of arms of the Republic that they owe to their leaders in all that they
order for the execution of laws, regulations,
Article 218: Whoever has, by words, writings, gestures or requisitions, orders from public authorities, or
in some other way, outraged the flag of the for the execution of military regulations, is punished
Gabonese Republic, the National Anthem, the Seal, the imprisonment for not more than two years and
coat of arms or any other symbol of the Republic, is fine of 500,000 francs at most.
punishable by imprisonment for one year at most and one
a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, or one of
these two penalties only.

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Section 7: Propaganda written to disturb Section 9: Dissemination of false news or

public order and incite revolt false allegations

Article 222: Anyone who participates in any way Article 227: Dissemination or reproduction, by
whether, to any written or oral propaganda tending to any way, fake news, to
disturb public order, to incite revolt against fabricated, falsified or deceptively
State authorities, to undermine the Republic in attributed to third parties, when, made in bad faith, it
the prestige of its institutions, to cause disunity will have disturbed public order or is likely to
of citizens, to create racial, religious or tribal hatred disturb, is punishable by imprisonment for five years at
and, in general, to harm the vital interests of the State more and a fine of 3,000,000 francs at most.
and the Nation, is punished by imprisonment for five
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs The same facts are punished of a
more. imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine of
5,000,000 francs at most, when the broadcast or
Section 8: Participation in propaganda for reproduction made in bad faith, will be likely to
incite revolt or civil disobedience undermine the discipline or morale of the armed forces.

Article 223: Anyone who receives directly or Article 228: Anyone, by means or means
indirectly, in whatever form and in whatever capacity of any kind, knowingly spread to the public
whether funds from foreign sources intended for false facts or false allegations of a nature to
propaganda aimed at harming the national interest or directly or indirectly undermine his confidence in
disturb public order and engage in propaganda the strength of the currency, the value of state funds
policy of this nature is punishable by imprisonment any kind, or funds from other communities
up to five years and a fine of 5,000,000 public, public establishments and, in a way
francs at most. general, of all organizations where local authorities
above have a direct or indirect participation, is
The funds thus received can be seized in all punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years and
place where the addressee will have deposited them and all fine of 3,000,000 francs at most.
future payment will be blocked or confiscated from the
Plublic treasure. Section 10: Obstruction of the execution of the works
Article 224: The penalties provided for in article
223 above, those who broadcast or hold, in view Article 229: Anyone, by de facto, and without cause
dissemination, for the purpose of propaganda, of leaflets, legitimate, will have opposed the carrying out of
by any electronic means, newsletters or butterflies public is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year and
of foreign origin or inspiration likely to harm a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most.
national interest or to disturb public order.
Article 225: Anyone who knowingly disseminates or PUBLIC AND OTHER BREACHES
reproduces prohibited newspapers or periodicals PUBLIC THING
under the conditions provided for by the legislation in force,
shall be punished by imprisonment for up to two years and Chapter I st : From counterfeit money
a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most.
Article 230: Anyone who has counterfeited, falsified, altered
Article 226: Anyone who, by written propaganda or or destroy banknotes or coins
oral, whatever the means of dissemination, being legal tender in Gabon, or participating in the program or
directly or indirectly caused a crime or the display of said counterfeit coins or notes,
crime directed against the State or individuals, against falsified or altered or their introduction into the territory
people or property, or advocates these crimes Gabonese, will be punished by criminal imprisonment
or misdemeanors, is punishable by imprisonment for three years at perpetuity.
Article 231: Anyone who, in Gabon, has counterfeit,
Are punished with the same penalties, those who will have falsified, altered or destroyed foreign currency or
incited, provoked or encouraged the perpetrator (s), if participated in the program, exhibition or introduction to
where the provocation would have been followed. Gabon, coins or banknotes issued by
foreign institutions authorized for this purpose, will be punished by
criminal imprisonment in time.

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Article 232: The transport, putting into circulation or or counterfeit or falsified punches, is punishable by
detention with a view to putting the signs into circulation imprisonment for a maximum of ten years and may be,
counterfeit, falsified or altered monetary instruments referred to in in addition, a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
Articles 230 and 231 above are punished by ten years
imprisonment at most and a fine of Is punished with the same penalties, whoever, having
15,000,000 francs at most. improperly procured the real stamps, hammers or
authentic hallmarks having one of the destinations
Article 233: The penalties set out in articles 230, 231 referred to in the above paragraph, has made an application or
and 232 above do not apply to those who, having a use prejudicial to the rights and interests of the State.
received in payment the coins or banknotes
counterfeit or altered bank, put them back into circulation Article 237: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
in good faith. at most and can be, in addition, a fine of
5,000,000 francs at most, anyone who has:
However, whoever has, in bad faith,
in particular after having noted or made note 1- counterfeit the marks intended to be affixed to the
vices that affect them, makes use of banknotes and coins name of the Government on the various species of
counterfeit or altered currency, is punishable by a fine at goods or goods, or makes use of such false
less equal to three times the total amount of the value of brands;
notes and coins handed over and at most equal to six times this
amount, the fine pronounced not being able, in all 2- counterfeit the seal, stamp or mark of an authority
case, be less than 500,000 francs. any or made use of any seal, stamp or mark
Article 234: Persons implicated in the facts
referred to in Articles 230 and 231 above are exempt from 3- counterfeit official letterhead or printed matter
penalty if, before the commission of these facts and before any institutions, public administrations or
prosecution, they revealed its existence and denounced the different jurisdictions, sold, peddled or
authors to the constituted authorities, or if, even after the distributed, or made use of the papers or printed matter so
prosecutions started, they allowed the arrest counterfeit;
of the perpetrators or those who proposed to commit them.
4- counterfeit or falsified postage stamps, impressions
People guilty of crimes and misdemeanors franking or reply coupon issued by
provided for in this chapter, also incur the the Post Office and mobile stamps, or
additional penalties provided for in this Code. knowingly sold, peddled, distributed or used said
counterfeit stamps, fingerprints or reply coupons or
Chapter II: Counterfeiting and falsification falsified.
State seals, public effects, hallmarks,
stamps and marks. The culprits may, moreover, be deprived of
rights mentioned in article 79 of this Code during
Article 235: Is punished by ten years' imprisonment at least five years and at most ten years, from
more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, expiration of their sentence or, where applicable, be subject to
anyone: of the expulsion measure provided for in article 86 above.

1- has forged or falsified the state seal or made use of In all cases, the goods or objects from
a forged or forged seal; or having served in the commission of the offense will be
confiscated and destroyed.
2- has counterfeited or falsified bills issued by the Treasury
public with its stamp or mark or will have made use of The provisions of this article apply to
of these counterfeit or falsified effects or will have introduced them the attempt of these crimes.
on Gabonese territory.
Article 238: Whoever, having improperly obtained
Counterfeit or falsified seals, effects and real seals, marks, stamps or printed matter provided for
counterfeit or falsified tickets will be confiscated and the previous article, will have made or attempted to make one
destroyed. fraudulent use is punishable by imprisonment for five
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs
Article 236: Anyone who has forged or falsified either more.
national stamps, i.e. the hammers of the state serving
forest marks, i.e. the punch used to Article 239: is punished by imprisonment for one year at
mark the matters of gold or silver, or who made more and a fine of 500,000 francs at most,
knowingly using papers, effects, stamps, hammers anyone who has:

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1- manufactured, sold, peddled or distributed all objects Article 241: False clerks in an administration
printed matter or forms obtained by a process public for the purpose of establishing a right, identity or
any which, by their external form, would present a quality, or to grant an authorization is punishable by
with coins or banknotes having up to five years' imprisonment, and a fine of
legal tender in Gabon, with annuity certificates, vignettes 5,000,000 francs at most.
and stamps, stocks, bonds, interest shares, coupons
dividends or interest thereon, and, generally, The use of this forgery is punished with the same penalties.
with the fiduciary securities issued by the State, the
municipalities, public establishments, companies, The penalties are doubled when the
companies or private companies, a resemblance false or the use is committed:
likely to facilitate the acceptance of said objects,
printed matter or formulas, in places and places of values -in the usual way;
imitated; - for the purpose of facilitating the commission of a crime or
to procure impunity for its author.
2- made, sold, peddled, distributed or used
printed matter which, by their format, color, text, Article 242: Anyone who has committed or attempted to
their typographical arrangement or any other character, commit a forgery in private, commercial or
would present with letterhead or printed bank is punished by imprisonment for three years at
officials of institutions, public administrations more and a fine of 3,000,000 francs at most.
and different jurisdictions, a resemblance of
such as to cause misunderstanding in the mind of the public; Is punished with the same penalty, whoever will have
knowingly made use of the counterfeit coin.
3- knowingly uses postage stamps or stamps
mobile devices already in use, or which has by any means altered Article 243: The fact of fraudulently procuring
stamps in order to prevent them from being canceled and others a document issued by an administration
thus allow their subsequent reuse; public for the purpose of establishing a right, identity or
a quality, or to grant an authorization, is punished by
4- overloaded by printing, perforation or any other up to five years' imprisonment and a fine of
by means of postage stamps or other fiduciary securities 3,000,000 francs at most.
postage expired or not, with the exception of transactions
prescribed by the Ministry in charge of Posts and The penalties are doubled when the fact
Telecommunications on its own behalf, or has sold, is committed:
peddled, offered, distributed, exported postage stamps
thus overloaded; -in the usual way;
- for the purpose of facilitating the commission of a crime or
5- counterfeit, imitated or altered labels, stamps, to procure impunity for its author.
postage stamps or reply coupons
issued by the post office of a foreign country, or Article 244: The fact of being unduly delivered, by
sold, peddled the aforesaid labels, stamps, imprints a public administration, or by a body responsible
or reply coupons, or made use of them. of a public service mission, by any means
fraudulent whatsoever, a document intended to
In all cases, the goods or objects from a right, an identity or a capacity, or grant a
or having served in the commission of the offense will be authorization, is punishable by five years' imprisonment
confiscated and destroyed. more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.

The perpetrators of the offenses provided for in this Is punished with the same penalties, the fact of providing a
chapter incur also the penalties false declaration in order to obtain a
additional provisions provided for in this Code. public administration or body responsible for
public service mission, an allowance, a payment
Chapter III: Fakes or an undue advantage.

Article 240: Constitutes a forgery, any alteration Article 245: Hoteliers, landlords and innkeepers who,
fraudulent truth likely to cause prejudice knowingly enter in their registers under names
and accomplished by whatever means, in a false or supposed, the people staying with them, or who,
written or any other medium for expressing thought, which in collusion with them, will have omitted to register them,
has as its object or which may have the effect of establishing the are punished by imprisonment for up to six months and
proof of a right or a fact with consequences a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most.

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Article 246: Is punished by imprisonment for three years two people attending this meeting are wearing
at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, visible weapons.
without prejudice to the application, where applicable, of
penalties provided for by this Code or special laws, Article 251: Persons who are provided
anyone who has: hidden weapons that would have been part of a troop
or meeting not deemed armed will be individually
1- knowingly issued a certificate or attestation, of punished as if they had been part of a troop or
public or private nature, reporting facts army meeting.
materially inaccurate;
Article 252: In case of rebellion with gang or
2- tampered with or modified in any way gathering, no penalty will be pronounced against
certificate or an attestation originally sincere; those who, without function or employment in the band, are
will be withdrawn at the first warning from the authority
3- knowingly makes use of a certificate or public or even since, if they have only been entered outside
false or falsified certificate; of the place of the rebellion, without new resistance and without
4- provoked, by false statements made
before an official or a public officer, or a Article 253: The perpetrators of crimes or offenses committed
agent or employee of a public administration, during the course and on the occasion of a rebellion will be
insertion in a public or authentic document punished with the sentences pronounced for each of these crimes
statements contrary to the truth. and offenses, if they are stronger than those of the
The culprits may, moreover, be deprived of
rights referred to in article 79 of this Code or, where Article 254: The fact of opposing by de facto or
if necessary, be subject to the expulsion order provided for in violence, without a legitimate reason, in the execution of work
article 86 above. public or of public utility is punished with
imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of
Chapter IV: Rebellion 1,000,000 francs at most.

Article 247: Any attack, Chapter V: Outrages against the depositaries of

any resistance with violence and assault against public authority and force
any person holding public authority or any
person in charge of a public service mission Article 255: Any attack on honor or
acting for the execution of laws, orders or consideration of a depositary person or body
ordinances of the public authority, decisions, of public authority committed by abusive words,
requisitions or warrants. defamatory or threatening, writings, drawings, images of
any kind or gesture constitutes an outrage.
Article 248: Rebellion with a weapon is punished with
imprisonment for up to ten years and may be, in Article 256: Contempt publicly committed against
in addition to a fine in the amount of 20,000,000 courts, tribunals, armies, constituted bodies and
francs at most, if it is committed in a meeting of more than public administrations is punished with
two people. imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of one
amount of 3,000,000 francs at most.
If it is committed by one or two people,
it is punished by imprisonment for up to five years Article 257: Contempt committed in the exercise of their
and a fine of 5,000,000 francs to the functions or during this exercise, publicly
more, or one of these two penalties only. or not, provided in the latter case that it has been
addressed to the person concerned, to a member of the
Article 249: Unarmed rebellion is punished with Parliament, a magistrate, is punished with imprisonment
imprisonment for not more than five years if it has been for a maximum of six months and a fine of
committed in a meeting of more than two people. 500,000 francs at most, or one of these two penalties
If it is committed by one or two people,
she is punished by imprisonment for a maximum of two years If the contempt is committed against a member of the
and a fine of 5,000,000 francs to the Government, the prison sentence is six
more, or one of these two penalties only. months at most. It can be extended to one year if the offense has been
committed by way of leaflets, bulletins, or butterflies
Article 250: Any meeting for the commission of a distributed, displayed in the public eye or held in
crime or misdemeanor is deemed armed when more than view of the distribution.

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Article 258: In the cases referred to in Articles 256 and 257 a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, or one of
above, where the contempt consisted of an allegation these two penalties only.
or an imputation which harms the honor or the
consideration of the person or body to which he is Article 263: Whoever has, without right, brought
imputed, the truth of the defamatory facts may be publicly a regulation costume, uniform or
proven, except when the imputation concerns private life a decoration regulated by the public authority, will be
of the person or refers to a fact dating back more than punishable by imprisonment for up to two years and one
ten years, or constitutes an amnestied offense or a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or one of
prescribed. If proof of the defamatory fact is reported, these two penalties only.
the accused will be discharged for the purposes of prosecution in
all cases. Is punished with the same penalty, whoever has used
a vehicle with external signs identical to those
The prosecution can only be initiated on used by the police and gendarmerie.
complaint from the victim or, possibly from the minister whose
it falls under, or, in the case of a body constituted, on a Article 264: Anyone, without fulfilling the conditions
deliberation taken at a general meeting and requiring required to wear it, used or claimed a
prosecutions or, if the body does not have a general assembly, title attached to a legally regulated profession,
on the complaint of the head of the body or the minister whose an official diploma or a quality whose
body raises. award conditions have been set by the authority
public, is punishable by imprisonment for one year at most
Article 259: Any individual who, even without weapons and and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most or
without causing injury, will have worn one of these two penalties only.
beatings to one of the persons protected by article 257
above, in the performance of his duties or Chapter VII: Obstacles to the action of justice
the occasion of this exercise, or committed any other
violence or assault against her, in the same Article 265: Anyone having knowledge of a crime
circumstances, is punishable by imprisonment for one year at already tried or consumed, did not, while still
more and a fine in the amount of 1,000,000 possible to prevent or limit the effects, warned
francs at most, or only one of these two penalties. immediately the administrative or judicial authorities, is
punishable by imprisonment for up to three years and one
Article 260: If the violence referred to in article 259 above fine of 1,000,000 francs at most or one of
above have been the cause of injury or if they have been these two penalties only.
done with premeditation or ambush, the penalty
imprisonment is increased to a maximum of two years, and Parents or allies are excepted from these penalties.
the fine is 2,000,000 francs at most. up to and including the fourth degree, except for
concerns crimes committed against minors aged fifteen
If they resulted in death, the culprit will be years.
punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment at most.
Article 266: Anyone who has modified the inventory of fixtures
Whether the blows were dealt or the wounds made crime or misdemeanor either by erasing traces or
with intent to kill, the culprit will be punished indices, either by moving or deleting
of criminal imprisonment in time. of any objects, is punished by imprisonment of
three years at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs
Chapter VI: Usurpation of titles or at most, or only one of these two penalties.
Article 267: Whoever has intentionally destroyed,
Article 261: Anyone who has carried on an activity in withhold, conceal, conceal or alter a public document
conditions likely to create in the minds of the public a or private in order to facilitate the investigation of crimes and
confusion with the exercise of a public function or crimes, the discovery of evidence or the punishment of their
an activity reserved for public officers or author, is punished by imprisonment for seven years
ministerial, is punished by imprisonment for three years more and a fine in the amount of 3,000,000
at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, francs at most, or only one of these two penalties.
or only one of these two penalties.
These provisions do not apply to the culprit
Article 262: Whoever, without title, has interfered in itself who destroys documents likely to make the
the exercise of public functions, by performing one proof of the offense he committed.
acts reserved for the holders of these functions, is
punishable by imprisonment for one year at most and one

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Article 268: Any threat or any other act accomplices and relatives or allies of these people
intimidation of anyone committed with a view to up to and including the fourth degree.
determine the victim of a crime or an offense not to
to file a complaint or to retract, is punished by three years Article 274: Whoever has, without any excuse or
imprisonment at most and a fine of justification, being regularly summoned or quoted:
1,000,000 francs at most.
-refused to comply with the summons of the police officer
Article 269: Whoever, knowing the conduct judicial;
criminal perpetrators or accomplices of a crime or misdemeanor, -refused to appear before the examining magistrate;
usually provides them with a place of retreat or meeting, -refused to appear before the criminal court;
subsidies, subsistence, means of existence or any other -refused to appear before the criminal court;
means of avoiding search or arrest,
is punished by three years' imprisonment at most and one or take an oath or give evidence before these authorities
fine of 5,000,000 francs at most. and jurisdictions, will be punished by six months imprisonment
at most and a fine of 500,000 francs at most.
This provision does not apply to
ascendants, descendants and spouses of the person Article 275: Whoever has made, under oath, a
wanted. false testimony before a court or
judicial police officer, is punished with
Article 270: Anyone who concealed or concealed the corpse imprisonment for one year at most and 2,000,000
of a person who was the victim of a homicide or who died francs fine at most.
consequences of violence, will be punished by imprisonment
three years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs False testimony is punished with a
at most, or one of these two penalties only, without imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of
prejudice of more serious penalties if he participated in the crime. 3,000,000 francs at most:

Article 271: Anyone who, having publicly -when it was caused by the delivery of a donation or
declared to know the perpetrators of a crime or an offense, of any reward;
refuses to answer questions put to him at -when it has been committed against a person liable
in this regard by the investigating magistrate, the police officer of a criminal sentence or in its favor.
judicial or competent jurisdiction, is punished by a
imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of The author of false testimony is exempt
500,000 francs at most, or one of these two penalties of sorrow if he spontaneously retracted his testimony
only. before the decision terminating the proceedings before the
investigating court or by the court of
These provisions do not apply to judgment.
ascendants, descendants and spouses of the person
wanted. Article 276: Anyone, either during a procedure
and, in any event, either in any matter with a view to
Article 272: Witnesses who have made an excuse of a legal claim or defense, will have used
whose falsity has been established are punished, without prejudice promises, offers or gifts, pressures, threats,
fines imposed for the non-appearance, of a assault, maneuver or artifice to determine
imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of others to make or deliver a deposition, a declaration
500,000 francs at most. or a false attestation, whether this bribery was
or not produced its effect, will be punished by imprisonment
Article 273: Anyone knowing the proof of up to five years and a fine of 5,000,000
the innocence of a preventive prisoner francs at most.
or tried for felony or misdemeanor, voluntarily abstains Bribery of an interpreter will be punished as
to bring this testimony immediately to the authorities of witness tampering.
justice or police, is punished by imprisonment of
three years at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs Article 277: The person to whom the oath is taken in matters
at most, or only one of these two penalties. civil and who has taken a false oath, is punished with a
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of
However, no penalty will be pronounced 1,000,000 francs at most.
against him who bears witness late,
but spontaneously. Article 278: Whoever opposes, in bad faith,
the execution of final court decisions as long as
These provisions do not apply to the culprit civil than repressive, or, in order to escape the
of the fact which motivated the prosecution, to the co-authors, to the legal execution, concealment or dispelling

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fraudulently all or part of his property, is punished Article 285: Prisoners sentenced for escape or
imprisonment for up to three years, and attempted escape will receive their sentence for this offense
fine of 3,000,000 francs at most, all without immediately after the expiration of the main sentence for
prejudice of stronger penalties in the event of rebellion. which they are held.

Article 279: Whoever opens or announces Article 286: The execution of the penalties referred to in article
publicly a subscription intended to pay 284 above pronounced against drivers or
fines, legal costs or damages guards, in cases of negligence only, will
pronounced by the courts of law in matters interrupted when the escapees are recaptured or
penal, is punishable by imprisonment for one year at most and represented, provided that it is within four months of
a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or escape, and that they are not arrested for others
one of these two penalties only. crimes or offenses committed subsequently.

Chapter VIII: Escape of prisoners No prosecution will take place against those who
will have attempted to procure or facilitate an escape if, before
Article 280: Anyone who has prepared or helped, by that this has not been carried out, they have given knowledge
by any means or from any place, the escape from the project to the administrative or judicial authorities and
or the attempted escape of a prisoner, is punishable by revealed to them the perpetrators.
imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine of
2,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two Article 287: Without prejudice to the application, the case
penalties only. if necessary, more severe penalties provided for in Articles 284
and 286 above, is punished by imprisonment for one year
Article 281: If the person referred to in article 280 at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most,
previous was responsible for guarding or escorting the or one of these two penalties only, whoever has,
detained, the penalty will be imprisonment for ten years in irregular conditions, delivered or sent,
more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, or or attempted to deliver or deliver to an inmate, in
one of these two penalties only. wherever it is, sums of money,
any correspondence or objects.
Article 282: If the escape was made or attempted with
violence, the accomplices referred to in the previous articles Irregular exit or attempted exit from
are punished by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment. sums of money, correspondence or objects
any will be punished with the same penalties.
Article 283: Any detainee who, by any means whatsoever
either escaped from a penal institution, The acts referred to in the two paragraphs above will be
either from a hospital or health establishment where he was considered to be accomplished under conditions
in treatment, or when he was employed outside irregular if they have been committed in violation of a
of a penitentiary establishment, either during a regulation emanating from the direction of the administration
transfer, is punishable by imprisonment for five penitentiary or approved by it.
years at most.
Chapter IX: Offenses against public order and
If the escape was made or attempted with criminal association
violence or prison break, the penalty is ten years
imprisonment at most. Article 288: Constitutes a criminal association
any group formed or agreement established with a view to
If the violence resulted in disability preparation, characterized by one or more facts
whatever, temporary or definitive, the penalty is that material, one or more crimes or one or more
twenty years of criminal imprisonment. misdemeanors.

If the escape was carried out with violence The criminal association will be punished with a
followed by death, the penalty is imprisonment imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine of
life imprisonment. 10,000,000 francs at most.

Article 284: The guards responsible for the surveillance or Article 289: Anyone who has participated in a
the escort of detainees who, through their negligence, have group or the proposed commission of crime or
made an escape possible, are punished with a offense, is exempt from punishment, if it has, before any
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of prosecution, revealed the group or the project to the authorities
3,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two competent and allowed the identification of other
penalties only. participants.

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Chapter X: vagrancy and begging penalty is, against any person, that of imprisonment
criminal in time, without prejudice to harsher penalties
Article 290: Any valid person who cannot justify that could be pronounced due to the nature of the
no means of subsistence, nor a certain domicile, violence or other crimes that would be
and who, voluntarily does not usually exercise any profession, concomitantly committed.
neither profession, is in a state of vagrancy is
punishable as such by imprisonment for six months at Chapter XII: Offenses committed in connection with
more or the alternative sentence of community service public health
provided for in article 47 of this Code.
Article 297: Illegally practices medicine, any
Article 291: Valid persons who present themselves person who usually takes part or on
as invalids to beg, are punished instruction, even in the presence of a doctor, to
vagrancy. diagnosis or treatment of
surgical, congenital or
Article 292: Anyone who exploits begging acquired, real or supposed, by personal acts,
a minor child, or who employs minor children verbal or written consultations, or by any other
for begging, is punished with imprisonment of process whatever it is, without being the holder of one of the
five years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs diplomas required to perform these acts.
at most, or only one of these two penalties.
These provisions do not apply to
Chapter XI: Breaking of seals, removal of healers practicing according to traditional methods
documents and offenses committed in relation to well-known.
public deposits
Article 298: Illegally practices dentistry, any
Article 293: Whoever has, willfully, broken or person who, without holding one of the diplomas
attempted to break the seals affixed either by order of required for this exercise, usually takes part in the
administrative authorities, or as a result of a practice of dentistry.
justice rendered in any matter whatsoever, or
participated in breaking the seal or attempting to break Article 299: Anyone who illegally exercises
sealed, is punishable by imprisonment for five years medicine or dentistry is punishable by imprisonment
more. up to five years and a fine of 10,000,000
francs at most, or only one of these two penalties.
The guardian who himself broke the seals or
participated in the breaking of the seals, is punished by a The confiscation of the material that allowed the
imprisonment for up to seven years. commission of these offenses may be pronounced.

In either case, the culprit is Article 300: Anyone who practices the practice illegally
sentenced to a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most. deliveries without having one of the
diplomas required to perform these acts, is punishable by
Article 294: Any theft committed with the help of a broken penalties provided for in article 299 above.
sealed is punished as theft committed using
break-in. These penalties do not apply to people
usually giving births,
Article 295: Anyone who is guilty of the absence of qualified people and in areas
subtraction, destruction or removal of records, away from medical centers.
procedural documents or other documents, registers,
acts or effects contained in archives, registries or Article 301: Anyone who intentionally engages in
public deposits, or remitted to a public depository in this operations reserved for pharmacists without bringing together
quality, is punishable by imprisonment for five years at conditions required to perform these acts, is punished
more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most. the penalties provided for in article 299 above.

The negligent depositary will be liable to a The temporary or permanent closure of

imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of the establishment may, moreover, be ordered by the
5,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two jurisdiction.
penalties only.
Article 302: Anyone who has violated the provisions
Article 296: When the seal is broken, the laws or regulations relating to trade,
subtraction, removal or destruction of parts have the possession and use of poisonous substances not
been accompanied by violence against people, classified as narcotics, is punishable by

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imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of The prison sentence is seven years at
5,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two more when the narcotics have been offered or given away, in
penalties only. the conditions defined in the previous paragraph, at
minors, in teaching and education centers,
Article 303: Without prejudice to the application of the others or in the administration premises.
provisions provided for in articles 595 to 601 of this
Code relating to drug trafficking, are punished according to Are punished by imprisonment for seven years at
the following distinctions offenders more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
legislative and regulatory provisions on plants those who, by any means, have incited to one
or poisonous substances classified as narcotic drugs and of the offenses foreseen and punished by the present
in particular cannabis and its derivatives, opium and its article, even though this incitement would not have been
derivatives, heroin, morphine, cocaine and its derivatives, followed by effect.
kat, lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD, or
psychotropic substances classified as narcotic drugs. Except in the cases provided for in Articles 595 to 601 of
this Code, the transport, the possession, the offer, the
Are punished by imprisonment for one year at most transfer, illicit acquisition of narcotics are punishable by
and a fine of 1,500,000 francs at most, those who ten years' imprisonment and 100,000,000 francs
have unlawfully made use of one of the fine at most.
substances or plants classified as narcotic drugs.
The penalties provided for in this article are
When it is established that the person who made a doubled:
illicit drug use is a treatment
medical, the court may order him to place himself -when the offender has made use of the
under medical supervision or to undergo a violence or weapons;
detoxification in a private or public medical center. -when the offender is exercising
public and that the offense was committed in
In this case, the court may not the exercise of its functions;
pronounce the penalties provided for in paragraph 2 above. -when the offense was committed by a professional
health or a person responsible for combating
Those who will evade the execution of the drug abuse or trafficking;
placement decision provided for in the previous paragraph are -when the narcotics supplied have caused death or
punishable by imprisonment for up to three years and one seriously compromised the health of one or more
fine of 2,000,000 francs at most. people.

Are punished by imprisonment for five years at The conspiracy to commit the offenses
more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most: provided for in this article is punished as the offense
-those who have facilitated to others, by any means, the
delivery or use of said substances or plants Article 304: The attempt of one of the offenses referred to
narcotics for payment or free; in Articles 302 and 303 above is punished as
-those who, by means of fictitious prescriptions or the offense itself.
orders of convenience, were issued or
have attempted to obtain the said substances or Article 305: In all the cases provided for in articles 302 and
plants; 303 above, the courts will have to order the
-those who, knowing the fictitious character or confiscation and destruction of substances or plants
complacency of these ordinances have, on the presentation seizures.
made to them, delivered said substances or plants.
Will also be seized and confiscated,
When the use of said substances or plants has installations, materials and all movable goods that have been used,
been facilitated to one or more minors under ten- directly or indirectly, to the commission of
eight years, or when these substances or plants have been the offense, as well as any proceeds from it,
issued under the conditions provided for in this to whatever person they belong to, unless the
paragraph, the prison sentence will be ten years owners do not establish their good faith.
at most.
In addition, the penalties may be pronounced.
Are punished by imprisonment for five years at complementary to the prohibition of civil rights,
more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, civic and family, ban on stay, withdrawal
those who have given in or offered narcotics to a passport, prohibition of the exercise of the profession
person for personal consumption. on the occasion of which the offense was committed during

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a period which may not exceed five years, and the closure, The debtor may be allowed to provide proof
for a period of three years at most, from any establishment that he has been misled as to the age of the minor and will
where these offenses were committed by the operator or with his subject to no penalty if his error or ignorance is
complicity. established.

Article 306: Anyone who contravenes the prohibitions Article 309: Anyone who employs in a debit
referred to in article 305 above, is punishable by drinks to be consumed on site, minors of
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine under the age of eighteen is punishable by the penalties provided for in
of 5,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two article 308 above.
penalties only.
Article 310: In the cases provided for in articles 308 and 309
Chapter XIII: Public intoxication above, the closure of the establishment may
in addition to being ordered by the court for a period of one
Article 307: Anyone who is found in good condition months at most.
of manifest intoxication which disturbs public order and
the tranquility of others in the streets, paths, squares, cafes, In the event of a repeat offense, the final closure may
cabarets or other public places will be immediately be pronounced.
arrested and referred to the public prosecutor
to be brought before the following criminal court Chapter XIV: Of witchcraft, charlatanism and
the flagrante delicto procedure. acts of anthropophagy

She is punished with imprisonment for three Article 311: Except in the cases provided for in articles 355 and 356
months at most and a fine of 100,000 francs at most, of this Code, anyone who has participated in a transaction
only one of these two penalties or bearing on human remains or bones, or
community service alternative provided for by engaged in the practice of witchcraft, magic or
article 47 of this Code. charlatanism likely to disturb public order or
to harm people or property, is
In the event of a repeat offense, the culprit may, within punishable by imprisonment for up to ten years and
conditions provided for in this Code, be deprived of fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, or one of
the exercise of all or part of the rights listed in these two penalties only.
article 79 of this Code.
Article 312: Without prejudice to the application of
It may also be forfeited of rights and provisions of article 311 above, any act
prerogatives arising from his parental authority. In this anthropophagy, any transfer of human flesh as a
In this case, family benefits will be paid to the expensive or free made for the same purpose, will be punished
person who will have been entrusted with the custody of the children. fifteen years of criminal imprisonment.

The court may also, in the event of a repeat offense, Chapter XV: Outrages upon good morals
pronounce the temporary ban on the convicted person
to practice his profession whenever this exercise can Article 313: Is punished by imprisonment for two years
seriously endanger basic health or rights at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most,
citizens. or one of these two penalties only, anyone who has:

The withdrawal of the driving license may 1- manufactured, owned, distributed, imported, exported, displayed,
also be pronounced from the second conviction sold, rented, edited, offered, in any way
for a period of two years at most. either, all printed, written, drawing, poster, engraving,
painting, photography, film or cliché, matrix or
Article 308: Cafetiers, cabaretiers and other retailers phonographic reproduction, emblem, object or image
who served alcoholic beverages to people contrary to good morals;
obviously drunk, are punished with imprisonment of
three years at most and a fine of 3,000,000 francs 2- publicly hear opposing speeches
at most, or one of these two penalties. good morals;

Cafetiers, cabaretiers and other retailers who 3- publicly called attention to an opportunity to
received in their establishment or served debauchery or posted an advertisement or
spirits or alcoholic beverages to minors of correspondence of this kind, whatever the
under eighteen years, are punished by imprisonment terms.
up to five years and a fine of 5,000,000
francs at most, or only one of these two penalties.

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Article 314: Judicial police officers may, delayed, or if there has been fraud on the nature, quality or
before any prosecution, seize the writings, or other objects the quantity of work or labor or
referred to in Article 313 above including one or more supplies, guilty will be punished with a
copies have been exhibited to the public and which, imprisonment for up to five years and a fine
by their character contrary to good morals, in an amount of 5,000,000 francs at most, or one
would present an immediate danger to morality of these two penalties only.
In the cases provided for in this article and
They can also grab, tear, lacerate or article 317 above, the prosecution cannot be made
cover the posters of the same nature. than on the denunciation of the administration.

Chapter XVI: Non-execution of certain Article 319: Is punished by imprisonment for six months
administrative or judicial decisions at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most,
or one of these two penalties only, anyone who has:
Article 315: Any stay barred or assigned to
residence which, in violation of the decree which was 1- by threats or assault, coerced or prevented
notified, appears in a place that is forbidden to him, or leaves the one or more people to exercise one of the cults
zone of residence which has been assigned to him, is punished by a authorized, to attend the exercise of this worship, to observe
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of certain holidays or to respect the prescriptions of a
5,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two religion;
penalties only.
2- prevented, delayed or interrupted the exercises of a
Anyone who, worship by disturbances or disorders caused in the temple
except in cases of duly noted impossibility, will be or other place intended or currently used for these
found in the territory of the Republic in violation exercises.
a regularly notified deportation order.
Article 320: The ministers of religion who,
Article 316: Anyone who contravenes a decision of manifestly, in the exercise of their
justice become final condemning it in cases where ministry and in public assembly, a discourse oriented
these additional penalties are provided for by law, either towards the call for the challenge of public authority and the
the temporary or permanent closure of one or more threat of social peace, are punished with
several establishments that it operates, either imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of
temporary or permanent ban on exercising a 3,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two
profession, is punishable by imprisonment for three years at penalties only.
more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
Article 321: Anyone who has committed fraud in a
Anyone who violates public examination or competition for the purpose of
to an administrative decision legally taken from in a public administration or the acquisition of a
closure of establishment. official diploma, in particular by issuing to a third party or
knowingly communicating, prior to the examination or
Chapter XVII: Other offenses against the object competition, to any of the interested parties the text or
public the subject of the test or by assisting him during the
the course of the tests, or by making use of
Article 317: Any person charged as a member, fake such as diplomas, certificates, extracts from
company, or individually, supply agent, birth or other, or by substituting a third
company or governance on behalf of the armed forces person to the real candidate, is punished with a
who, without proven serious reason, caused the service to be missed imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
of which it is charged, is punished by imprisonment of 5,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two
three years at most and a fine of penalties only.
5,000,000 francs at most or one of these two
penalties only. Chapter XVIII: Infringements of the exercise of rights
Public officials or other persons
paid by the administration recognized as accomplices of Article 322: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
this offense incurs a prison sentence at most and a fine of 3,000,000 francs at most,
five years at most. or one of these two penalties only, anyone who:

Article 318: Although the service was not lacking, if, 1- is registered on an electoral list under false
negligently, the deliveries and the works were names or false qualities;

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2- a, by registering on an electoral list, Article 327: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
concealed a disability prescribed by law; at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
3- requested and obtained one in two or more registrations
several lists; 1- by donations or gifts in money or in kind, by
promises of gifts, favors, jobs or
4- is, with the help of fraudulent or false declarations other special advantages, made with a view to influencing
certificates, enrolled, or attempted to enroll the vote of one or more electors, obtained or attempted
improperly on an electoral list, or has made to obtain their vote, either directly or by
register or strike out or attempted to register or strike out through a third party;
unduly a citizen.
2- by the same means, determined or attempted to
Article 323: Is punished by imprisonment for three years determine one or more of them to abstain;
at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most,
or one of these two penalties only, anyone who has: 3- has approved or requested the same donations, liberalities or
1- voted by virtue of a registration obtained
fraudulently ; 4-a, by assault, violence or threats against a
voter or by making him fear losing his job
2- took advantage of multiple registration to vote more or to expose his person, his family or
once; his fortune, determined a voter, or tempted to
determine to abstain from voting, or influenced or attempted
3- voted or attempted to vote, except in the cases legally provided for to influence his vote;
by law, in place of another person, real or
imaginary. 5-a, in order to influence the vote of an electoral college,
or a fraction of this college, donates or
Article 324: Is punished by imprisonment for five years gifts, promises of gifts or favors
at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the administrative, either to a municipality or to a
more, or only one of these two penalties, some community of citizens;
6-a, by fraudulent maneuvers, surprised or
1- being responsible, in a ballot, to receive, count or diverted votes or determined one or more
count the ballots containing the votes of the voters to abstain from voting.
citizens, subtracted, added or altered the ballots, or read
a name other than the one entered; Article 328: In all cases provided for in this
chapter, the court may, in addition, pronounce against
2- being instructed by an elector to write his vote, a the culprits the sanction of ineligibility and that
entered on the ballot a name other than that which was prohibition of the exercise of the right to vote for ten
designated. years at most.

Article 325: Anyone who, by crowd, clamor or BOOK THREE: BREACHES TO

threatening demonstrations, disrupted operations PEOPLE
of an electoral college, undermined the exercise of the right
election or the freedom to vote, is punished by a TITLE I: CRIME OF GENOCIDE
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of
3,000,000 francs at most. Article 329: Constitutes genocide the fact, in execution
of a concerted plan, with the intention of destroying everything
Article 326: Is punished by imprisonment for ten years or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or
at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, religious, or a group determined on the basis of any criterion
anyone who has: arbitrary, to commit or cause to be committed
any of the following acts:
1- violated or attempted to violate the ballot by irruption, in the
electoral college, committed with violence; -the deliberate attack on the life of the members of this group;
-serious attack on the physical or mental integrity of
2- removed the ballot box containing the votes cast and not members of this group;
still stripped. -the intentional submission of this group to
conditions of existence likely to lead to its
total or partial destruction;

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-measures intended to prevent births within -mistreatment or deportation for

this group ; forced labor or for any other purpose, populations
-the forcible transfer of children from this group to another civilians in the occupied territories;
group. -intentional attacks on life or bad ones
treatment of prisoners of war or persons
HUMANITY - the execution of hostages;
-the looting of public or private property;
Article 330: Also constitutes a crime against -the destruction without cause of towns and villages or the
humanity, any of the following acts when devastation not justified by military necessity.
is committed in execution of a concerted plan against
of a population group, in the context of an attack Article 332: Also constitute crimes of
generalized or systematic: war, other serious violations to the detriment of
persons or property, applicable laws and customs
-the voluntary attack on life; international armed conflicts within the established framework of
-extermination or massive and systematic practice international law.
summary executions;
-the deportation or forcible transfer of the population; Article 333: In the event of an armed conflict not presenting a
-the reduction in slavery; international character, constitute war crimes,
-the forced disappearances of people; serious violations of international conventions in
-prisonment or other form of severe deprivation of matter, including any of the acts
physical liberty in violation of the provisions committed against people who do not participate
fundamental principles of international law; directly to hostilities, including members of
-the practice of torture; armed forces who laid down their arms and people
-the arrest, detention or kidnapping of persons who have been put out of action by illness, injury,
followed by their disappearance and accompanied by the denial of the detention or by any other cause.
recognition of the deprivation of liberty or
concealment of their fate or place TITLE IV: SANCTIONS COMMON TO
where they are found with the intention of removing them from CRIMES OF GENOCIDE, TO CRIMES
protection of the law for an extended period; AGAINST HUMANITY AND THE CRIMES OF
-rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, WAR
forced pregnancy, forced sterilization or any other
form of sexual violence of comparable severity; Article 334: Crimes of genocide, crimes against
-the persecution of any group or community humanity and war crimes are punishable by
identifiable for political, racial, life imprisonment and a fine of
national, ethnic, cultural, religious or depending 1,000,000,000 francs at most.
other universally recognized criteria such as
inadmissible under international law; Article 335: Natural persons guilty of
-the acts of domination of one racial group over another offenses referred to in this Title also incur
group with the intention of maintaining this regime; the additional penalties provided for in Article 79 of
-all other inhumane acts of a similar character this Code.
intentionally causing great suffering or
serious damage to physical integrity or health Article 336: Legal persons may be
physical or mental. declared criminally responsible for the crime of
genocide, war crimes, crimes against
TITLE III: WAR CRIMES humanity, under the conditions provided for in this book.

Article 331: For the purposes of this Code, the term Article 337: The perpetrator or the accomplice of a targeted crime
war crimes, atrocities or other crimes committed by the present titles cannot be exempted from its
in an international or non-international conflict and in responsibility for the sole fact that he has performed an act
relationship with this conflict over people and goods in prescribed or authorized by law or
violation of the laws and customs of war, namely: regulatory or an act ordered by the authority
-intentional attacks on life, forcible confinement or
the removal defined in this book; Article 338: The competent court must hold
-the act of forcing a person protected by law account of the circumstance referred to in article 337 above,
international ; when it determines the penalty and fixes its quantum.

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The security penalty provided for in article 128 below Trafficking in human beings against a minor
above may, in the event of the pronouncement of a sentence of is punished by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment at most and
life imprisonment, be increased to thirty years a fine of 100,000,000 francs at most.
under the conditions set out in the last paragraph of the same
article. Article 344: The perpetrator of human trafficking is
punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment at most and
Article 339: Public action relating to crimes a fine of 100,000,000 francs at most,
provided for by this Code as well as civil action and when it is committed with at least two of the
sentences handed down are imprescriptible. circumstances provided for in points 1 ° to 7 ° below:

Article 340: The crimes referred to in Titles I to III above 1- with regard to several people;
cannot be the subject of amnesty or pardon.
2- with regard to a person who was outside the
Article 341: Any immunity under national status national territory or upon arrival on the territory
is unenforceable. national;

TITLE V: TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS 3- when the person has been put in contact with the author
facts through use, for the dissemination of
Article 342: Trafficking in human beings is the act, in messages intended for an undetermined audience, a
exchange of remuneration or any other benefit electronic communication network;
or a promise of remuneration or benefits,
recruiting a person, transporting them, transferring them, 4- in circumstances which directly expose the
to host it or to welcome it to put it at its person in respect of whom the offense is committed
disposal or at the disposal of a third party even not an immediate risk of death or injury likely to
identified, for purposes: lead to dismemberment or permanent disability;

-or to allow the commission against that person 5- with the use of violence that caused the victim
offenses of procuring, assault or total incapacity for work of more than eight days;
sexual assault, exploitation of begging,
working or accommodation conditions contrary to his 6- by a person called to participate, by his
dignity ; functions, the fight against trafficking in human beings or
-or to force this person to commit everything maintaining public order;
crime or misdemeanor or to help him immigrate or
emigrate. 7- when the offense has placed the victim in a
serious material or psychological situation.
Article 343: The perpetrator of human trafficking is
punished by seven years' imprisonment at most and one Trafficking in human beings against a
fine of 100,000,000 francs at most. minor is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment
when it is committed with one of the circumstances
He is punished by ten years imprisonment at most listed in points 1 ° to 7 ° above.
and 100,000,000 francs at most when it is
committed under one of the following circumstances: Article 345: The offense is punished by thirty years of
criminal imprisonment and a fine of 50,000,000
- either with the use of threat, constraint, violence francs at most, when committed in a gang
or deception targeting the victim, his or her family or a organized.
person in habitual relationship with her;
- either by a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendant of The perpetrator of human trafficking is punished
this person or by a person who has authority over him thirty years of life imprisonment and
or abuses the authority conferred on him by his duties; a fine of 50,000,000 francs at most, when
- either by abuse of a situation of vulnerability due to its the offense is committed by resorting to torture or
age, illness, infirmity, impairment acts of barbarism.
physical or mental or in a state of pregnancy
apparent or known to its author; Article 346: Declared legal persons
-or with regard to a person who was outside the criminally responsible for the offenses defined in
national territory or upon arrival on the territory this title incur, in addition to the fine, the prohibitions
national; provided for in articles 98 et seq. of this Code.
- either for purposes of servitude or slavery or
removal of one or more of its organs. Article 347: The attempt of the offenses provided for in
this title is punished by the same penalties.

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Article 348: For the offenses provided for in this title Article 355: Is punished by imprisonment
committed outside the national territory by a Gabonese, the life imprisonment, the guilty of murder committed in
Gabonese law is applicable. for the purpose of removing organs, tissues, blood or
any other element or product of the victim's body.
Article 349: Anyone who has attempted to commit
offenses provided for in this Title is exempt from Murder followed by such a levy for
penalty if, having informed the administrative authority or mercantiles or rituals is punished with the same penalty.
judicial process, it made it possible to avoid
offense and identify, if applicable, other Article 356: Any withdrawal or any attempt to
authors or accomplices. organ harvesting from a living person, without
medical authorization or justification, or any other act
The custodial sentence incurred by barbarism for the same purposes will be punished by imprisonment
the author or accomplice of one of the offenses provided for in life imprisonment.
this title is reduced by half if, having warned
administrative or judicial authority, it made it possible to Trafficking in human organs or parts or
cease the infringement or to prevent the infringement from causing products of the human body is punished with thirty years of
death of a man or permanent disability and to identify the criminal seclusion.
if applicable, other authors or accomplices.
Article 357: Public action relating to crimes
When the penalty is imprisonment provided for in Articles 355 and 356 above as well as
life imprisonment, it is reduced to twenty years sentences handed down are imprescriptible.
of criminal imprisonment.
The security penalty provided for in article 128 of
TITLE VI: VOLUNTARY HOMICIDES this Code may, in the event of conviction
life imprisonment, be increased to thirty years
Article 350: Homicide committed willfully is under the conditions of the last paragraph of the same article.
qualified murder.
Article 358: Murder carries the penalty of imprisonment
The murderer is punished with thirty years of life imprisonment, when:
criminal imprisonment and a fine of 20,000,000
francs at most. -it is preceded, accompanied or followed by another crime;
- its purpose is to prepare, facilitate or execute a crime,
Article 351: Any murder committed with premeditation to promote flight or ensure the impunity of perpetrators
or ambush is qualified as assassination. or accomplices in this crime;
-it was committed in an organized gang.
Premeditation consists in the purpose formed,
before the action, to attack the person of an individual Is punished with the same penalty, whoever
determined, or even of the one that will be found or convicted of murder for a purpose
met, even if this design would be dependent anthropophagia or murder committed with employment
of any circumstance or condition. torture or barbaric acts.

The ambush consists in waiting more or less TITLE VII: ACTS OF TORTURE AND
time, in one or more places, an individual, either for BARBARIC ACTS
give him death, either to exercise on him acts of
violence. Article 359: Constitute acts of torture or
barbarism, the commission of one or more acts
Article 352: The murder of fathers is qualified as parricide inhuman or degrading of exceptional gravity
or legitimate mother, natural or adoptive, or any other which go beyond simple violence and cause
legitimate ascendant. suffer from severe pain or suffering, with
desire to deny the dignity of the person in the victim
Article 353: Any attack on human.
the lives of others, through the employment or administration of
substances that can lead to the death of some Article 360: The perpetrator of torture or acts of barbarism
the manner in which these substances were used or is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and
administered and whatever the consequences. fine of 20,000,000 francs at most.

Article 354: Anyone guilty of murder, parricide or Article 361: Shall be punished by a penalty of five years
poisoning will be punished with criminal imprisonment imprisonment and a fine of 50,000,000 francs
perpetuity. at most, anyone, by speeches, shouts or threats

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uttered in public places or meetings, either by -when the prescribed penalty is imprisonment
writings, drawings, images or any other written medium, of not exceeding five years, the applicable penalty will be one
the word or image sold or distributed, put in imprisonment for not more than ten years;
sale or displayed to the public, either by any -when the prescribed penalty is one more imprisonment
means of communication to the public by ten years, the applicable penalty will be fifteen years
electronic, aura: no more than criminal imprisonment;
-when the prescribed penalty is that of imprisonment
1- advocates voluntary attacks on life, criminal in time, the applicable penalty will be that of the
planned intentional breaches of personal integrity life imprisonment.
to this book;
Article 367: The perpetrator of assault and battery
2- advocates genocide, war crimes or worn by a minor under the age of eighteen, or who
crimes against humanity. will have voluntarily deprived him of food or health care
not to compromise his health, or will have committed to his
TITLE VIII: BLOWS AND INJURIES against any other violence or assault, to
VOLUNTARY, VIOLENCE AND the exclusion of light violence is punishable by
ASSAULT imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine of
2,000,000 francs at most.
Article 362: Anyone who willfully wore
beating or committing any other violence or assault on If there was premeditation or ambush, the penalty
a person having caused injuries, is punished with a is up to ten years' imprisonment.
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
1,000,000 francs at least. If the violence or deprivation was followed by
dismemberment, amputation or deprivation of the use of a
Article 363: When the violence expressed in article limb, blindness, loss of an eye or other disabilities
362 above were followed by mutilation, amputation permanent, or if they have caused death without
or loss of use of a limb, blindness, loss of intention to give it, the penalty is twenty years
eye or other permanent disability, the culprit is punished criminal seclusion at most.
imprisonment for not more than ten years and
fine of 10,000,000 francs at most. If the culprits are the legitimate father and mother,
natural or adoptive or other legitimate ascendants, or
Article 364: The perpetrator of the blows and injuries any other person having authority over the child or having
voluntarily, without intention to kill but custody, the penalties will be:
which nevertheless caused it, is punished by fifteen years of
criminal seclusion. 1- an imprisonment of eighteen years at most and a
fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, in the case concerned
Article 365: The perpetrator of assault and battery in the first paragraph of this article;
committed with premeditation or ambush, if death
ensued, is punished with criminal imprisonment 2- criminal imprisonment in time in the cases referred to in
perpetuity. second paragraph;

When the violence was followed by 3- life imprisonment in the case referred to in
mutilation, amputation or deprivation of the use of a third paragraph.
limb, blindness, loss of an eye or other disability
permanent, he is punished by twenty years of imprisonment If the violence or deprivation, usually
criminal at most and a fine of 10,000,000 practiced, resulted in death, even without the intention of
francs at most. give it, the authors will be punished with thirty years of
criminal seclusion.
In other cases, the culprit will be punished with
imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine of Article 368: The crimes and offenses provided for in Titles VII and
5,000,000 francs at most. VIII of this book, committed in seditious meeting with
rebellion or pillage are attributable to the leaders, perpetrators,
Article 366: The penalties provided for in articles 362 to 364 instigators and provocateurs of these meetings, rebellions
above are aggravated as follows, when the or looting. The latter are punished as guilty of
victim of assault and battery is the father or the mother these crimes and condemned to the same penalties as those who
legitimate, natural or adoptive, or other legitimate ascendant: personally committed them.

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Article 369: Whoever has caused the case to others means, procured or attempted to procure the abortion
appropriate, with his consent, illness or of a woman who is pregnant or suspected to be pregnant, that she
incapacity for personal work by administering has consented or not, is punishable by imprisonment of
willfully, in any way, or in up to five years and a fine of 2,000,000 francs
inciting or forcing him to administer himself, at most.
substances which, without being of a nature to cause
death, are harmful to health, is punishable by The imprisonment is not more than ten years and
repressing intentional assault and battery according to the fine of 5,000,000 francs at most if it is established
distinctions set out in this title. that the culprit habitually engages in the acts referred to in
the above paragraph.
Article 370: Anyone guilty of the crime of
castration is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment Anyone is punished with the same penalties,
and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most. in particular any doctor except in the cases provided for in articles
377 paragraph 2 and 378 below or any other staff of
If death resulted, before the expiration of health, indicated, favored or practiced the means of
forty days after the crime, the culprit is provide abortion.
punished with life imprisonment and
fine of 50,000,000 francs at most. Suspension, for at least five years, or
the definitive incapacity to exercise the profession may
Article 371: The perpetrators of the offenses provided for in further be pronounced against the culprits.
this title may be private for five years at the
less and ten years at most, from the day they are Article 377: Is punished by imprisonment for two
executed their sentence, of the rights mentioned in article 79 years at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at the
of this Code. more, or one of these two penalties only, the
woman who procured the abortion for herself, who
TITLE IX: THREATS attempted to obtain it or who consented to use the
means to it indicated or administered for this purpose.
Article 372: Whoever has threatened others with death, by
anonymous or signed writing, image, symbol, emblem or However, the therapeutic interruption of
by any other means, is punished: pregnancy is allowed or admitted on the advice of a doctor
in the cases specially listed below:
- imprisonment for not more than five years and
fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, if the threat has -when it has been proven that the conceived child will be born with
been made with an order to fulfill a condition; severe or incurable physical malformations;
- imprisonment for up to three years and one -when this pregnancy seriously compromises the life of
fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, if the threat does not the mother ;
been accompanied by any order or condition. -when conception has taken place as a result of rape, incest
or when the minor is in a state of distress
Article 373: The author of the verbal threat of death serious.
made with order or condition is punished by a
imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of Article 378: Therapeutic termination of pregnancy
1,000,000 francs at most. can only be practiced before the ten week deadline.

Article 374: Anyone who, by any of the means It can only be performed by a doctor and
any provided for in the articles of this title, threatened in a hospital establishment.
others of assault or violence, if the threat was
made with order or condition, is punished with TITLE XI: HOMICIDES AND INJURIES
imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of INVOLUNTARY AND OMISSION OF
1,000,000 francs at most. PROVIDE EMERGENCY

Article 375: The perpetrator of the threat of fire or Article 379: Anyone who, through clumsiness, recklessness,
destruction by explosion of a dwelling or any inattention, negligence or failure to observe regulations,
other good is punished with penalties for the threat of unintentionally caused the death of another person or was
dead. involuntarily the cause, is punished of a
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
TITLE X: ABORTION 2,000,000 francs at most.

Article 376: Anyone, by food, drink, Article 380: If it resulted from the lack of address or
drugs, maneuvers, violence or any other precautions against injuries, blows or illnesses resulting in

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total incapacity for personal work for more than responsibility, which is not able to protect itself by
of eight days, the culprit is punished by imprisonment because of his age or his physical or mental condition,
of two years at most and a fine of 1,000,000 is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years and
francs at most, or only one of these two penalties. a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.

Article 381: In addition to the penalties provided for in article 379 below If the abandonment resulted in dismemberment or
above, the court can pronounce against the driver permanent disability, the culprit is punished with fifteen
of a motor vehicle, found guilty of one of the years of criminal imprisonment at most.
offenses referred to in this title, suspension or withdrawal
temporary driving license up to five years at If he caused death, the culprit is punished with
more. not more than thirty years of criminal imprisonment.

Article 382: Is punished by imprisonment for five years Chapter III: Experimentation on the person
at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, human
or one of these two penalties only, anyone who:
Article 386: Anyone who has practiced or had practiced on
1- can prevent by its immediate action, without a person carrying out biomedical research without having
risk for him or for third parties, or a qualified fact obtained the free, informed and express consent of
crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of the the person concerned, holders of parental authority or
person, willfully refrain from doing so; guardian or other persons, authorities or bodies
designated to consent to research or to
2- voluntarily refrains from bringing to a person in authorize it, is punishable by three years imprisonment
danger to the assistance that, without risk to him or to the more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
third party, he could lend him, either by his personal action,
or by bringing him assistance. The same penalties apply when the
acts of biomedical research are carried out or are
TITLE XII: ENDANGERING continue after consent has been withdrawn.
The provisions of this article are not
Chapter I st : Risks caused to others applicable to the examination of genetic characteristics
of a person or their identification by their fingerprints
Article 383: Anyone who knows they have HIV or genetics carried out for research purposes
have any other sexually affecting condition scientist.
transmissible such as to seriously endanger the
life or health of others, knowingly contaminates others, is Article 387: Declared legal persons
punished by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment and criminally responsible, under the conditions provided for
fine of 20,000,000 francs at most. by article 385 above, are punished by a fine of
30,000,000 francs at most, without prejudice to penalties
Article 384: Anyone who directly exposes others to additional provisions provided for in article 98 of this Code.
immediate risk of death or injury likely to
cause dismemberment or permanent disability by Chapter IV: From provocation to suicide
the manifestly willful breach of an obligation
particular prudence or security imposed by law Article 388: Whoever has provoked or pushed others to
or the regulation, is punished with imprisonment of five suicide, when the provocation was followed by suicide or
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs a suicide attempt is punishable by imprisonment
more. up to five years and a fine of 5,000,000
Legal persons declared responsible francs at most.
criminally, under the conditions provided for in the above paragraph
above are punished with a fine of 30,000,000 The penalties are increased to ten years
francs at most, in addition to the additional penalties provided for imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
in article 98 of this Code. fine at most, when the victim of the offense
defined in the previous paragraph is a minor of eighteen years.
Chapter II: The abandonment of a person outside
state of protection Individuals guilty of the offense
provided for in this chapter also incur the penalties
Article 385: Without prejudice to the application of additional provisions provided for in article 79 of this Code.
provisions of article 423 of this Code, anyone
abandons, in any place, the spouse, the children, Article 389: Anyone who resorts to propaganda or
the father and mother or any person placed under his advertising, whatever the mode, in favor of products,

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objects or methods recommended as means of 3-the closure, for a period of five years at most, of a
killing oneself is punishable by three years imprisonment or several establishments of the company having been used for
at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most. commit the incriminated facts;

Article 390: When the offenses provided for by articles 4- the confiscation of the thing that was used or was intended
387 and 388 above, are committed through the press to commit the offense or the thing that is the
written or audiovisual, the specific provisions of product, with the exception of objects liable to
laws governing these matters are applicable with regard to restitution provided for by this Code;
concerns the determination of responsible persons.
5- prohibition of stay, according to the modalities provided
Article 391: Declared legal persons articles 86 et seq. of this Code;
criminally responsible, under the conditions provided
in Articles 387, 388 and 389 above are punishable by 6- prohibition, for a period of five years at most,
45,000,000 francs fine at most, without prejudice to issue checks other than those which allow the
additional penalties provided for in Article 98 of the withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who
this Code. are certified;

Chapter V: Fraudulent abuse of the state 7- display or dissemination of the pronounced decision,
ignorance or weakness under the conditions provided for in Articles 93 and 94 of
this Code.
Article 392: The perpetrator of the fraudulent abuse of the state
ignorance or a situation of weakness either of a Article 394: Declared legal persons
minor, or a person whose particular criminally responsible for the offenses defined in
vulnerability, due to age, illness, this chapter are punished by a fine of
infirmity, physical or mental impairment or 30,000,000 francs at most, without prejudice to penalties
a state of pregnancy, is apparent or is known to her additional provisions provided for in article 98 of this Code.
author, or a person in a state of subjection
psychological or physical resulting from the exercise of TITLE XIII: ARRESTS AND
severe or repeated pressures or techniques specific to ARBITRARY SEQUESTRATIONS AND
alter his judgment, to lead this minor or this PIRACY
person to an act or an abstention which is to him
seriously damaging, is punished by three years Article 395: Constitutes the offense of arrest or
imprisonment at most and a fine of 2,000,000 arbitrary sequestration, does it for anyone, without
of francs at most. order of the constituted authorities and except in the cases provided for by
the law, to arrest, kidnap, detain or kidnap
When the offense is committed by the manager one or more people.
de facto or de jure of a group which pursues
activities the purpose or effect of which is to create, Arbitrary arrest or forcible confinement is
maintain or exploit psychological subjection or punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and
physical appearance of the people participating in these activities, fine of 20,000,000 francs at most. However, if the
the penalties are increased to ten years' imprisonment at detained or kidnapped person has been released
more and a fine of 30,000,000 francs at most. voluntarily before the seventh day since
that of his apprehension, the penalty is one
Article 393: Natural persons guilty of imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine
offense provided for in this chapter also incur the in the amount of 10,000,000 francs at most.
the following additional penalties:
If the person arrested, kidnapped, detained or
1- the prohibition of civic, civil and family rights, kidnapped was held hostage either to prepare or
according to the modalities provided for in article 79 of this facilitate the commission of a felony or misdemeanor, either
Coded ; to promote flight or ensure the perpetrator's impunity
of a felony or misdemeanor, or to obtain the execution
2- the ban, for a period of ten years at most, of an order or condition, in particular the payment
according to the modalities provided for in article 79 of this a ransom, the offense is punished by thirty years of
Code, to exercise a public function or to exercise criminal seclusion.
professional or social activity in the exercise or in
the occasion of the exercise of which the infringement was When the victim of one of the crimes provided for in
committed; previous paragraphs is a minor of fifteen years, the penalty
is brought to life imprisonment.

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Article 396: The act of seizing or taking the Anyone who has pledged or received a person,
control by violence or threat of violence of a whatever the reason, is punished by imprisonment
aircraft, ship or other means of transport of two years at most and a fine of 2,000,000
on board which people are seated, as well as francs at most.
a fixed platform located on the continental shelf
is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment. The prison sentence can be increased to
five years if the person pledged or received in pledge was old
When the offense is committed in a gang under the age of eighteen.
organized, the sentence is increased to thirty years imprisonment
criminal. Article 399: In all cases provided for in this title,
convicts can, moreover, be deprived, for
When the offense is accompanied by torture ten years at most, from the expiration of their sentence,
or acts of barbarism or if it resulted in the death of a of the rights enumerated in article 79 of this Code.
or more than one person, the penalty is
life imprisonment. TITLE XIV: SEXUAL ASSAULT AND
Article 397: The provisions of article 396 above
are applicable to acts committed unlawfully with Section 400: Constitutes a sexual assault, any
violence, detention or depredation against a ship, sexual assault or any act of a sexual nature committed
persons or goods, for private purposes, from a on the person of others, with violence, constraint,
ship or private aircraft, on the high seas, in threat, surprise or cunning.
maritime areas not under the jurisdiction of any
State or, where international law so permits, in Perpetrator of sexual assault other than rape
territorial waters of a State. is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years and
a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most.
Coercive measures and the use of force
at sea are defined by regulation. Article 401: Constitutes rape, any act of penetration
sexual, of whatever nature, committed on the
Anyone who has attempted to commit any of the other person, violently, coercion, threat,
crimes provided for by articles 395 and 396 above and by surprise or cunning.
the first paragraph of this article is exempt from penalty
if, having informed the administrative or judicial authority, The perpetrator of a rape is punished by fifteen years of
it made it possible to avoid the commission of the offense and criminal imprisonment and a fine of 50,000,000
identify, where applicable, other authors or francs at most.
Article 402: Constitute offenses against morals:
The custodial sentence incurred by
the author or accomplice of one of the crimes provided for in the aforesaid 1- the sexual exhibition imposed on the sight of others in
articles is reduced by half if, having notified the authority a place accessible to the public;
administrative and judicial, it made it possible to stop
offense or to prevent the offense from leading to death 2- the sexual relationship, even consenting, except in the case
man or permanent disability and identify, if incest provided for in article 403 below, between a
the other authors or accomplices. When the male and female relatives to a prohibitive degree of
penalty is life imprisonment, marriage as provided for by the texts in force;
this is reduced to twenty years of criminal imprisonment.
3- any behavior, attitude or assiduous speech or
Article 398: Whoever concludes an agreement having suggestively repeated, directly or indirectly
for the purpose of alienating, for consideration or free of charge, the liberty attributable to a person who, abusing authority or
of a third person, is punished by the penalty provided for in of the influence conferred on him by his functions or
article 394 above. social rank, aims to obtain sexual favors
an individual of either sex;
The sentence pronounced is accompanied by the
confiscation of money, objects or valuables received in 4- any shameless or unnatural act on an individual
execution of said agreement. of their sex and a minor under eighteen years of age;

The culprits are sentenced to a maximum of 5- sexual relations between people of the same sex.
the penalty if the person covered by the agreement
was under the age of eighteen. Whoever is guilty of infringements of
morals referred to in points 1, 2, 4 and 5 is punished by one

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imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of -when the facts resulted in the death of the victim;
5,000,000 francs at most. -when the rape is preceded, accompanied or followed by
torture or acts of barbarism;
Anyone who is guilty of harassment -when it has resulted in mutilation or infirmity
sexual intercourse referred to in point 3 of this article is punishable by permed.
imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of
2,000,000 francs at most. Article 407: Pimping is done by anyone,
in any way:
Article 403: Constitutes incest, the sexual act committed
between ascendant and descendant of the same lineage, between 1. to knowingly help, assist or protect prostitution
brother and sister, between adopter and adoptee, between uncle and others or soliciting for the purpose of prostitution;
niece, between aunt and nephew and between first cousins ​in
first degree. profit from the prostitution of others or
share the products or receive subsidies from a
Whoever is guilty of incest is punished person habitually engaged in prostitution;
imprisonment for five years and a fine of one
amount of 50,000,000 francs at most or one of 3. to hire, train or maintain, even with his
these two penalties only. consent, a person, even of full age, with a view to
prostitution or to engage in prostitution or
Article 404: Constitute aggravating circumstances debauchery;
for the offenses covered by this title: live knowingly with a person indulging
-the act which resulted in an injury or an injury; usually in prostitution and cannot justify
-the act committed with violence, use or threat of sufficient resources to enable him to provide for his
weapon; own existence;
-the act committed by a legitimate, natural or
adoptive, or by a person having authority over the act as an intermediary, in any capacity,
victim; between persons engaged in prostitution or
-the act committed by a person who has abused debauchery and the individuals who exploit or remunerate
the authority conferred on him by his duties or rank the prostitution or debauchery of others.
-the act committed by several people acting in The perpetrator of procuring is punished with
quality of authors or accomplices; imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine of
-the act committed with the use of substances having 20,000,000 francs at most.
inhibited the will of the victim;
-the act committed on a minor under the age of Pimping is punished by fifteen years of
eighteen years old; criminal imprisonment and 100,000,000 francs at most
-the act committed on a particular person when committed on a minor under eighteen
vulnerable, in particular because of his years or in an organized gang.
pregnancy, physical or mental impairment;
-the act committed in an organized gang. Pimping committed by resorting to
torture or acts of barbarism is punished with thirty years of
Article 405: The penalties provided for in this title are criminal imprisonment and a fine of 100,000,000
brought to: francs at most.

- ten years' imprisonment and a fine of Article 408: Whoever has, on the public highway, any
10,000,000 francs at most for assaults attitude likely to provoke debauchery or by
sexual other than rape; gestures, words, written or by any other means, proceeds
-thirty years of criminal imprisonment for rape and publicly soliciting people from one or
incest and a fine of up to 30,000,000 francs the other sex, in order to provoke debauchery, is punished
for offenses against morals other than incest and imprisonment for not more than two years and
sexual harassment ; fine of 2,000,000 francs at most.
- ten years' imprisonment at most and a fine of
20,000,000 francs at most for breaches of Article 409: It may be pronounced against
mores other than incest and sexual harassment. persons found guilty of the planned offenses
under this title, the additional penalties referred to in
Article 406: The guilty of rape is punished by imprisonment article 79 of this Code.
life imprisonment and a fine of 50,000,000
of francs at most:

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TITLE XV: OFFENSES RELATING TO customary custody of a child, which compromises

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY seriously, by mistreatment, by examples
pernicious of habitual drunkenness or misconduct
Article 410: Anyone who gives in customary marriage or notorious, by a lack of care or by a lack of
customarily marries a non-consenting woman or necessary monitoring, either health, safety or
a minor under the age of sixteen is punished with the morality of their children or of one or more of
imprisonment for not more than five years. them.

Article 411: Whoever, accomplishes or attempts to accomplish Article 416: Shall be punished by the same penalties, any
the sexual act on the person of a minor aged sixteen person who, in defiance of a judicial decision
years, for the consummation of the union of a marriage enforceable or in disregard of an order or
customary, is punishable by imprisonment for five years a judgment ordering her to pay a pension
more. food, has voluntarily remained for more than two
months without providing all the subsidies determined by
If this results in injuries to the minor the judge, nor pay the full amount of the pension.
severe, even temporary infirmity, or if the
reports resulted in the death of the minor, the culprit is Failure to pay is presumed to be voluntary
punished by criminal imprisonment on time. unless proven otherwise. Insolvency resulting from
habitual misconduct, laziness or drunkenness,
Article 412: Except in cases of polygamy authorized by the is in no way a valid excuse for the
law, whoever, being engaged in the bonds of a marriage debtor.
monogamous, contracts another before dissolution
of the precedent or the change of matrimonial regime, The pension or subsidies determined by the
is punished by imprisonment for up to six months and judge are paid or provided at home or residence
a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most. of whoever is to receive them, unless otherwise decided by the
Article 413: The public officer who, with knowledge of
cause, lends his ministry to this marriage, is condemned to The competent court to hear the offense is
the same penalty. that of the domicile of the person who is to receive the
pension or benefit from subsidies.
Article 414: Abandonment of the marital home consists,
for any spouse, in the fact of leaving, without reason The pension certificate or any acts of prosecution or
serious, the marital home. execution which has been carried out must be
deposited in the hands of the Public Prosecutor
Abandonment of the marital home is punishable by a at the same time as the complaint.
imprisonment for not more than six months.
Article 417: In the cases referred to in Titles XIV and XV, the
The prosecution can only be brought on complaint convicted person may be deprived of the exercise of certain rights
the injured spouse, who can at any time request civic, civil and family referred to in article 79 of
interruption of proceedings. this Code.

Is punished by imprisonment for six months at Article 418: Anyone, without right or title, without capacity
more and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, or to act, has by any means called into question
only one of these two penalties: the legitimate, natural or adoptive filiation of others, in
apart from cases where the legitimate father has, before his death,
1.the father or the mother of the family who abandons, without initiated an action for disavowal of paternity, is punished by a
serious reason, for more than two months the residence imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
family and avoids all or part of the obligations 10,000,000 francs at most or one of these two
moral or material order resulting from authority penalties only.
parental or legal guardianship; the two-month period
can only be interrupted by returning home Proceedings can only be initiated on
involving the desire to resume life definitively victim's complaint.
of family ;
2.the husband who, without a serious reason, abandons THE CHILD
voluntarily his wife, knowing that she was pregnant.
Article 419: Anyone, by removal, deletion
Article 415: The father and of a child, substitution of one child for another or
mother or other persons legally or supposition of a child to a woman who does not have it

Page 50


child, suppresses or attempts to suppress the civil status of on the complaint of people who have standing to
this child and destroys or attempts to destroy evidence of request the annulment of the marriage and cannot be
his existence or his filiation, is punished by a condemned only after this annulment was
imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine of pronounced.
2,000,000 francs at most.
Article 424: When it has been decided on the custody of a
The concealment of these offenses is punished as minor by court decision, provisional or final,
the offense itself. the father, mother or anyone who does not represent
this minor to those who have the right to claim it, or who,
Article 420: Whoever, being responsible for a child, does not even without fraud or violence, remove it or hijack it
represents point to people who have the right to out of the hands of those to whom it has been entrusted, or
claim, is punishable by imprisonment for five years at places where they have placed him, is punished with a
more and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most. imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of
1,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two
Article 421: Without prejudice to the application of penalties only.
provisions of article 384 of this Code, anyone
has exhibited or caused to be exhibited, abandoned or caused to be Article 425: Whoever has made one drink to the point of drunkenness
minor unable to protect himself, due to minor under the age of eighteen is punished with
his physical or mental state, is for this alone punished imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of
imprisonment for not more than five years and 5,000,000 francs at most.
fine of 2,000,000 francs at most.
Article 426: Anyone who incites a minor to
If it resulted from exposure or consumption of alcoholic beverages or products
neglect of an illness or disability of more than twenty narcotics is punishable by three years' imprisonment
days, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than ten years. more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.

If this resulted in mutilation for the minor When the acts are committed in
or permanent disability, the culprit is punished with educational, educational or
fifteen years of criminal imprisonment at most. training, in the premises of the administration, as well as
when pupils or the public enter or leave, or
If the exposure or neglect has caused in a time very close to these, on the outskirts of these
death, the culprit is punished by twenty years imprisonment establishments or premises, the penalty is increased to five years
criminal. imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
fine at most.
Article 422: Anyone who, by fraud or violence,
kidnapped or caused to be kidnapped minors, or led them, Article 427: Anyone who incites a minor to commit
diverted or displaced from the places where they were placed by a felony or misdemeanor is punished by five years
those in whose authority or direction they were imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
submitted or entrusted, is punished by the penalty of ten years fine at most.
imprisonment at most and a fine of
1,000,000 francs at most. When the minor is encouraged to commit
Whether the culprit acted for ransom or for the purpose usually crimes or misdemeanors or that the facts
to be paid a ransom by those under are committed in private homes, establishments
the authority or supervision of which the minor was teaching or education or on the premises of
placed, the kidnapping takes thirty years of imprisonment administration, as well as when entering or leaving
criminal. students or the public or in a time very close to
these, in the vicinity of these establishments or premises, the
When the kidnapping was followed by the death of penalty is increased to ten years' imprisonment at most and
minor the penalty is increased to criminal imprisonment 10,000,000 francs fine at most.
Article 428: Anyone who has favored or attempted to promote
Article 423: Whoever, without fraud or violence, has kidnapped corruption of a minor is punished by five years
or diverted a minor under the age of eighteen is punished imprisonment at most and 2,000,000 francs
imprisonment for not more than five years and fine at most.
a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or one of
these two penalties only. These sentences are increased to seven years
imprisonment at most and 5,000,000 francs
When an abducted or diverted minor has fine at most, when the minor has been contacted
married his kidnapper, he can only be prosecuted with the author of the facts through the use, for the

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dissemination of messages intended for a non-public not more than two years' imprisonment and 10,000,000
determined, of an electronic communications network francs fine at most.
or that the acts are committed in the establishments
teaching or education or on the premises of The penalties are increased to ten years
administration, as well as, when entering or leaving imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
students or the public or in a time very close to fine at most, when the offenses provided for in
these, around these establishments or premises. this article are committed in an organized gang.

These penalties are applicable to adults who The attempt of the offenses provided for in this article
organizes meetings involving exhibitions or is punished by the same penalties.
sexual relations in which a minor participates or
assists with full knowledge of the facts. The provisions of this article are
also applicable to pornographic images
The penalties are increased to ten years of a person whose physical appearance is that of a
imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs minor, unless it is established that this person was elderly
fine at most, when the acts were committed in eighteen years on the day of fixing or
organized gang. saving the image.

Article 429: Any adult who makes proposals Article 431: Whoever manufactures, transports, distributes by
sexual intercourse to a minor under the age of eighteen or to a whatever means and whatever the medium, a
person posing as such by using a message of a violent nature, inciting terrorism,
means of electronic communication is punished with two pornography or of such a nature as to seriously infringe
years imprisonment at most and 2,000,000 francs human dignity or to induce minors to engage in
fine at most. games that put them in physical danger, either
to trade such a message, is punished by five years
These sentences are increased to five years imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
imprisonment at most and 5,000,000 francs fine at most, when this message is likely
fine at most when the proposals have been followed to be seen or perceived by a minor.
of a meeting.
When the offenses provided for in this article
Article 430: Anyone who, with a view to its dissemination, fixes, are disseminated through the written, audiovisual or
records or transmits the image or representation of a online communication to the public, the provisions
major when this image or representation particular laws governing these matters are
is of a pornographic nature is punished by five applicable with regard to the determination of
years' imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs responsible people.
fine at most.
Article 432: When the offenses provided for in articles 430
When the image or representation concerns and 431 above are committed through the written press
a minor of eighteen years, the author of these facts is punished or audiovisual, the specific provisions of the laws
even if the acts were not committed with a view to which govern these matters are applicable as far as
dissemination or representation of this image. concerns the determination of responsible persons.

When such an image or representation is Article 433: Declared legal persons

offered, made available or disseminated, by some criminally responsible, under the conditions provided
means that it is, in order to import or export it, in Articles 430 and 431 above, of the offenses defined
the author of these facts is punished with the same penalties. under this title, incur a fine of 60,000,000
francs at most, in addition to the additional penalties provided for
Sentences are increased to seven years in article 98 of this Code.
imprisonment at most and 20,000,000 francs
fine at most, when used, for dissemination Article 434: Anyone who offers, promises or offers
of the image or representation of the minor to gifts, gifts or benefits of any kind to a person
destination of an undetermined audience, a network of so that she commits against a minor one of the
electronic communications. offenses referred to in Articles 430 and 431 above, is punished,
when this offense has not been committed or attempted, to
Anyone who usually consults or not more than five years' imprisonment and 10,000,000
counterpart of a payment a communication service francs fine at most.
to the online public making such an image available
or representation, acquires or holds such image or
representation by any means whatsoever, is punishable by

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Article 435: Natural persons guilty of When the offense provided for in the above paragraph is
offenses provided for in this Title also incur committed in a meeting, the penalties are increased to one year
the following additional penalties: imprisonment at most and 10,000,000 francs
fine at most.
-the prohibition of civic, civil and family rights,
according to the terms defined in article 79 of this When this crime is committed by a person
Coded ; carrying a weapon, the penalties are increased to one
-the suspension, for a period of five years at most, of the imprisonment for not more than five years and 20,000,000
driver's license, this suspension may be francs fine at most.
limited to driving outside the activity
professional ; When this offense is committed in a meeting by at
-the cancellation of the driving license with prohibition of unless one person carries a weapon, the penalties are
apply for the issuance of a new permit for five carried to imprisonment for not more than ten years and
years at most; 30,000,000 francs fine at most.
-the prohibition, for a period of five years at most, of
leave the national territory; Article 438: Natural persons guilty of
-the confiscation of the thing that was used or was intended for one of the offenses provided for in this Title incurs
commit the offense or the thing that is the offense also the following additional penalties:
-the ban, either permanently or for a period of -the prohibition of civic, civil and family rights;
ten years at most, to exercise a professional activity or -the prohibition to hold or wear, for a period of
volunteer involving regular contact with five years at most, a weapon subject to authorization;
minors; - a sentence of community service;
-for crimes, prohibition, according to the modalities -the ban on stay, either permanently or for
provided for by articles 79, 81, 82 and 83 of this Code, a period of ten years at most, contrary to all
either to exercise a public function or to exercise foreigner guilty of the offense.
professional or social activity in the exercise or in
the occasion of the exercise of which the infringement was TITLE XVIII: THE INTRODUCTION OF ARMS
committed, either to exercise a commercial profession or IN A SCHOOL
industrial, directing, administering, managing or
control in any capacity, directly or Article 439: Anyone, empowered or authorized to enter
indirectly, for its own account or for the in a school, enters or there
third party account, a commercial enterprise or maintains while carrying a weapon without cause
industrial or commercial company. legitimate, is punished by three years' imprisonment and
10,000,000 francs fine at most.
These exercise bans may be
pronounced cumulatively. The persons guilty of the offense referred to in
the above paragraph also incur the penalties
Article 436: Natural or legal persons additional following:
guilty of the offenses provided for in Articles 430 and
following, also incur the additional penalty -the prohibition of civic, civil and family rights;
confiscation of all or part of their property - a sentence of community service;
owned or, subject to the rights of the owner of -the confiscation of one or more weapons of which the
good faith, of which they have free disposal, whatever condemned is the owner or of which he has free
either nature, movable or immovable, divided or undivided. disposition.


Article 440: Whoever has, by any means whatsoever
Article 437: Anyone entering or remaining in either, denounced against a specific person or against
inside a school without being authorized to do so several determined people, to police officers
by virtue of legislative or regulatory provisions or judicial or administrative or to any authority having the
have been authorized to do so by the competent authorities, in the power to follow up or seize the authority
aim to disturb the peace or good order of competent, hierarchical superiors or
establishment, is punished by imprisonment of six employers of the denounced, facts likely to lead to
month at most and 5,000,000 francs fine at most. disciplinary, administrative or
judicial and that we know fully or partially
inaccurate, is punishable by imprisonment for five years at

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more and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, or -if the imputation refers to a fact constituting a
only one of these two penalties. offense amnestied or prescribed or which gave rise to
a conviction erased by rehabilitation or
The court may also order the insertion revision.
of the judgment in full or by extract in one or
several newspapers, and at the expense of the convicted person. When the proof of the defamatory fact is
reported, the accused is dismissed for the purposes of
If the fact denounced is liable to sanction pursuit.
criminal or disciplinary, prosecutions are initiated
under this article, either after judgment or judgment Article 444: Any offensive expression, term of
acquittal or discharge, either after order or contempt or invective which does not include imputation
discontinuance, either after classification of the of any fact is an insult.
denunciation by a magistrate, a public official, a
higher authority or an employer responsible for Except in the cases provided for in the provisions of Book II
continuation that it is likely to include. of this Code, the author of the insult committed against
individuals, under the conditions set out in Article 442
The court seised pursuant to this above is, when it has not been preceded by
article must stay proceedings if proceedings concerning provocation, punishable by imprisonment for six months at
the fact denounced are pending. more and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most or
only one of these two penalties.
AT THE CONSIDERATION OF INDIVIDUALS The maximum prison sentence is
one year at most if the insult was committed against a
Article 441: Any allegation or imputation of a fact group of people belonging, by their origin, to a
which prejudices the honor or the consideration of religion, ethnicity or race, in the
person to whom it is imputed is defamation. aim to incite hatred between citizens or inhabitants.

Direct publication or through Article 445: Articles 442 to 444 above are not
reproduction of this allegation or imputation applicable to defamation and insults directed against
is punishable, even if it is made in the form memory of the dead only in cases where the authors of these
doubtful or if it targets a person not expressly defamations or insults intended to bring
named, but whose identification is made possible damage to the honor or consideration of the heirs,
by the terms of the means of dissemination in question. living spouses or legatees.

Article 442: Anyone, except in the cases provided for in Article 446: The offenses of defamation and insults
provisions of book II of this Code, surrenders provided for in this title are prosecuted only on complaint
guilty of defamation against an individual, either by the victims.
speeches, shouts or threats made in places where
public meetings, either through printed matter sold or TITLE XXI: BREACHES
distributed, offered for sale or exhibited in places where PERSONALITY
public meetings, either by placards or posters
exposed to the public eye, is punished with a Chapter I st : Violations of privacy
imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of
1,000,000 francs at most, or one of these two Article 447: Anyone, by means of a process
penalties only. of any kind, willfully interfered with
the privacy of others by capturing, recording or
The author of the defamation committed against a transmitting, without the consent of their author,
group of people belonging, by their origin, to a words spoken in a private or confidential capacity or in
race or religion is punished with a fixing, recording or transmitting, without
imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of consent thereof, the image and any medium
2,000,000 francs at most, when it aims digital of a person in a private place,
to incite hatred between citizens or inhabitants. is punished by imprisonment for one year at most and
1,000,000 francs fine at most.
Article 443: The truth of defamatory facts may
always be proven, except: When it is established that the acts mentioned in
this article were carried out in full view of the
-if the imputation concerns the private life of the person; interested without their opposing it, while they
-if the imputation refers to facts which go back more were able to do so, the consent of these
ten years; is presumed.

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When these facts came to the attention Article 452: Whoever, by means of maneuvers,
of the public by a person sharing the private life of the threats, assault or coercion, force a third party to
victim, the penalties are doubled. leave the place he lives without having obtained the competition
of the State or a final judicial decision, in the
Article 448: Anyone who keeps, wears or lets carry conditions provided for by the texts in force, is punished
to the knowledge of the public or of a third party or uses imprisonment for up to three years and
any way any recording or 5,000,000 francs fine at most.
document obtained using one of the acts provided for by
Article 447 above is punishable by the same penalties. Article 453: The attempt of the offenses provided for in
this chapter is punished by the same penalties.
When the offense provided for in article 447 above
is committed through the written or audiovisual press, Article 454: In the cases provided for in this chapter,
the specific provisions of the laws governing these public action can only be exercised upon a complaint from
matters are applicable with regard to the the victim, his legal representative or his successors
determination of responsible persons. law.

Article 449: Whoever manufactures, imports, holds, Article 455: Declared legal persons
exhibits, offers, rents or sells devices or criminally responsible for the offenses defined in
technical devices likely to allow the realization this chapter incur, in addition to the fine of
transactions that may constitute the offense provided for by 60,000,000 francs at most:
section 447 above or which, designed for detection at
distance of conversations, make it possible to -the ban, permanently or for a period of five
the offense provided for in the aforementioned article, when these facts years at most, to exercise directly or indirectly
are committed, including negligence, in the absence professional or social activity in the exercise or in
legal authorization or without respecting the conditions the occasion of the exercise of which the infringement was
fixed by this authorization, is punished by a committed;
imprisonment for up to three years and 20,000,000 -the display or dissemination of the decision pronounced at
francs fine at most. their costs.

Are punished with the same penalties: Chapter II: Attacks on the representation of
-the fact of carrying out an advertisement in favor of a device
or a technical device likely to allow the Article 456: Anyone who publishes, by any means
realization of the offenses provided for in article 449 above whether it is, the montage made with the words or the image
above, when this advertisement constitutes an incitement to of a person without their consent, if it does not appear
commit this offense; obviously that it is a montage or if it is not
-the fact of carrying out an advertisement in favor of a device expressly made mention, is punished of a
or a technical device aimed at capturing imprisonment for up to two years and 20,000,000
of computer data, when this advertisement of francs fine at most.
constitutes an incentive to make fraudulent use of it.
When the offense provided for in the above paragraph is
Article 450: Anyone entering or remaining in committed through the written, audiovisual or
the home of others using maneuvers, threats, any electronic means, the special provisions
assault or constraint, except in cases permitted by law, laws governing these matters are applicable in
is punished by imprisonment for one year at most and one which concerns the determination of persons
fine of 5,000,000 francs at most. responsible.

Article 451: Anyone who usurps the identity of a third party or TITLE XXII: VIOLATIONS OF THE SECRET
uses one or more data of any kind PROFESSIONAL
allowing him to be identified in order to disturb his
tranquility or that of others, or to undermine their Article 457: Doctors, surgeons and others
honor or his consideration, is punished with health officers, as well as pharmacists, midwives
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of women and all other custodians, by state
5,000,000 francs at most. or profession, or by temporary functions or
permanent, secrets that we entrust to them, which, apart from
The perpetrator of this offense is punished with the same cases where the law obliges or authorizes them to act
penalties when committed on a network of whistleblowers, revealed these secrets, are punished with a
online communication open to the public. imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of

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5,000,000 francs at most or one of these two 3. fraudulent modifications or alterations

penalties only. water, gas or
of electricity, with the aim of subtracting all or
When the persons referred to in the above paragraph party the user to the payment of the royalties;
are called to testify in court, they can be
released by the court of professional secrecy. They don't 4. the rascality or other trickery committed in the
may, in this case, refuse their testimony. damage to restaurateurs, retailers of drinks,
hoteliers, carriers or any other service provider
Article 458: Any manager, clerk or worker who has services by clients knowing they are insolvent.
communicated or attempted to communicate secrets of the
factory where he is employed, is punished with Article 462: Cannot give rise to prosecution
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of penal but only civil reparations, where
20,000,000 francs at most or one of these two applicable, the subtractions committed:
penalties only.
-by one spouse to the detriment of the other, except when the
TITLE XXIII: VIOLATIONS AND spouses are legally separated or authorized to reside
- by a widower or a widow as for the things which had
Article 459: Anyone guilty of a violation belonged to the deceased spouse;
tomb or burial is punished with -by children or other descendants to the detriment of
imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of their fathers or mothers or other ascendants, by fathers
2,000,000 francs at most, without prejudice to penalties or mothers or other ascendants to the detriment of their
repressing crimes or misdemeanors committed concomitantly. children or other descendants;
-by allies to the same degree provided that the
Anyone who mutilates subtractions are committed during the duration of the
a corpse even not buried. marriage and outside the period in which the
spouses are allowed to reside separately.
GOODS Section 2: Aggravated thefts

TITLE I: APPROPRIATIONS Article 463: Constitutes aggravated theft, theft committed

FRAUDULENT with one of the following circumstances:

Chapter I st : From flight -when it is committed by several people acting in

authorship or accomplice without constituting
Section 1: Simple flights an organized gang;
-when it is committed by a person who takes
Article 460: Theft is the fraudulent subtraction of unduly the quality of a depositary of
something of another. public authority or responsible for a service mission
Subject to the application of the provisions -when it is preceded, accompanied or followed by violence
on the aggravating circumstances provided for in Articles on others who have not resulted in a total inability to
463 and following, any author of theft is punished with a job ;
imprisonment for up to three years and may be, in -when it is committed in a living room or in
in addition to a fine in the amount of 1,000,000 a place used or intended for the warehouse of funds, values,
francs at most. goods or materials;
-when it is preceded, accompanied or followed by an act of
The attempted theft is punished like the offense itself. destruction, degradation or deterioration;
even. -when it is committed by reason of belonging or
not belonging, true or supposed, of the victim to a
Article 461: Thefts in particular are considered ethnicity, nation, race or religion.
meaning of article 460 above:
Any author of a theft committed with one of the
1. the fraudulent removal of plants, fruits or aggravating circumstances specified above is punished
crops whether or not they are detached from the ground; up to five years' imprisonment and 2,000,000
of francs fine at most.
2. the fraudulent removal of a vehicle or
boat, even for temporary use; Sentences are increased to seven years
imprisonment at most and 5,000,000 francs

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fine at most, when the theft is committed with two Chapter II: Fraud
the circumstances provided for in this article.
Article 469: Anyone, either by making use of forgery
They are increased to ten years' imprisonment and names or false qualities, either by using
a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, when the theft fraudulent maneuvers to persuade the existence of
is committed with three of these circumstances. bogus companies, power or credit
imaginary, or to give birth to hope or fear
Article 464: Is punished by seven years' imprisonment a success, an accident or any other event
more and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, chimerical, is given or delivered funds,
penalties being increased to ten years' imprisonment when furniture or bonds, provisions, tickets,
the minor (s) referred to in this article were aged promises, receipts or discharges and a, by one of these
less than fifteen years old at the time of the facts, the theft means, defrauded or attempted to defraud property
clerk: of others, is punished by imprisonment for five years
more, and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most. a minor with the help of one or more If the offense is committed by a person who appealed
minors acting as co-perpetrators or accomplices; to the public with a view to issuing shares, bonds,
bonds, shares or securities of any kind, either from a company or
2.for the appropriation of a cultural property which is a commercial or industrial company,
of the movable public domain or which is deposited or exhibited imprisonment may be increased to ten years at most and
in a museum, a place of worship or a dependent place the fine to 50,000,000 francs at most.
a public person;
In any case, the culprits may be, in being preceded, accompanied or followed by violence furthermore, subject to the prohibition of the rights mentioned in
on others resulting in total incapacity for work; articles 79 and 98 of this Code. being facilitated by the state of vulnerability of a Chapter III: Offenses committed in connection with
person because of their age, illness, checks
infirmity, physical or mental impairment,
state of pregnancy, if this state is apparent or known to Article 470: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
the author. at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most,
Article 465: Theft is punished by twenty years' imprisonment
criminal: 1.a fraudulently issued an undated check
or bearing a false date, or bearing no indication of
-when it is preceded, accompanied or followed by violence the sum neither in figures nor in words;
on others having caused mutilation or infirmity
permanent; 2. has knowingly agreed to receive a
-when committed with the use or threat of a weapon check issued under the conditions referred to in paragraph
apparent or hidden; previous.
-when committed in an organized gang.
In any case, the fine cannot be
Article 466: Theft is punishable by criminal imprisonment less than the amount of the check.
life imprisonment when committed with the use of a weapon
apparent or hidden and hostage-taking or when the Imprisonment can be increased to five years at
victims were subjected to bodily torture or plus and the fine of 5,000,000 francs at most in respect of
sexual violence or rape. the beneficiary who caused the check to be issued
Article 467: In all cases provided for in this
chapter, the culprits may, moreover, be deprived of If he is a trader, the temporary closure or
one or more of the rights mentioned in article 79 of its establishment may, moreover, be
of this Code. pronounced by the court.

Article 468: The provisions of article 462 above Article 471: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
are not applicable when the theft involves at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
objects or documents essential to daily life anyone who has:
such as identity documents or means of
payment. -counterfeit or falsified check;
- knowingly accepted to receive a
counterfeit or forged check.

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Article 472: In all cases provided for in this whether the facts being the subject are correct or not, a
chapter, the culprits may, moreover, be struck with extorted or attempted to extort either the remittance of funds or
the prohibition of the rights mentioned in article 79 of values, either the signature or the delivery of a writing, a
this Code. deed, title or document of any kind containing or
operating obligation, disposition or discharge, is punished
All offenses referred to in this chapter imprisonment for not more than five years, and
are considered to be, from the point of view of fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
recidivism, the same offense.
Article 475: Whoever has extorted by force, violence
On the occasion of criminal proceedings or compels the signing or delivery of a written document,
against the drawer, the beneficiary who is a party deed, title or document of any kind containing or
civil law is admissible to request before the judges of operating obligation, disposition or discharge, is punished
public action a sum equal to the amount of imprisonment for up to seven years and may be,
check, without prejudice, where applicable, to all in addition, a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most.
The perpetrator of the extortion is punished by ten years
He may nevertheless, if he prefers, act in imprisonment at most and 20,000,000 francs
payment of its debt before the civil jurisdiction. fine at most, when it is committed to the prejudice
of a particularly vulnerable person due to
For the application of the provisions of this age, illness, infirmity, or state of
chapter, the postal check is assimilated to the check pregnancy, when this condition is apparent or was known to
banking. his author.

Chapter IV: Breaches of trust and The penalty is doubled when the extortion
diversions is committed in an organized gang.

Article 473: Anyone who has misappropriated or dissipated, Chapter VI: Abuse of blank check
prejudice of owners, possessors or holders,
effects, money, merchandise, notes, receipts or Article 476: Anyone who abuses a blank check who
all other writings containing or operating obligation or has been entrusted to him, has fraudulently written above a
discharge, which were only given to him as a lease, obligation or discharge or any other act that may
deposit, mandate, pledge, loan for use, or to compromise the person or the fortune of the signatory, is
for salaried or self-employed work, at the expense of punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years and
to make or represent, or to make a use or a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most.
determined job, surrender guilty of abuse of
trust. In the event that the blank check does not have him
been entrusted, the author incurs prosecution for forgery.
The culprit is punished with imprisonment of
three years at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs Chapter VII: Receiving
at most, or only one of these two penalties.
Article 477: Constitutes concealment the fact of concealing,
If the breach of trust was committed by a to hold, or to transmit a thing, or to act
person appealing to the public in order to obtain, either for intermediary in order to transmit it knowing that
his own account, either as director, this thing is from a felony or misdemeanor.
director or agent of a company or
commercial or industrial enterprise, the delivery of The fact, in
funds or securities as a deposit, money order or knowingly, to benefit, by any means, from the
pledge, the length of imprisonment may be proceeds of a crime or misdemeanor.
increased to ten years at most and the fine to 10,000,000
francs at most. The culprit is punished by the penalties applicable to
facts which will have procured the things concealed.
The fine may, however, be increased to a quarter of
refunds and damages if it is These penalties are incurred by the receivers so
greater than this maximum. even that the main perpetrators of the offense do not
would not be punishable, in particular because of the
Chapter V: Blackmail and Extortion provisions of articles 462 and 468 of this Code.
Article 474: Anyone, by means of a written threat or Nevertheless, the penalty of criminal imprisonment
verbal, defamatory revelations or imputations, perpetuity incurred is substituted, with regard to

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receivers, by the sentence of thirty years of imprisonment imprisonment for not more than ten years and
criminal at most. fine of 20,000,000 francs at most.

TITLE II: OBSTACLES TO THE FREEDOM OF The one who, setting fire to or causing the fire
JOB of one of his own property, willfully caused a
any prejudice to others, is punished with the same
Article 478: Anyone who uses violence to penalties.
fraudulent act, threats or maneuvers, caused or
maintained, attempted to bring about or maintain a cessation Article 484: Whoever has willfully destroyed,
concerted labor is guilty of obstructing the knocked over or seriously damaged by any means
freedom of work. whether, in whole or in part, buildings, bridges,
dikes or causeways or other constructions that he knew
The culprit is punished with imprisonment of belong to others, or caused the explosion of a
three years at the most and can be, in addition, a fine of any machine, is punished by imprisonment of
5,000,000 francs at most. ten years at most and a fine of 30,000,000 francs
at most.
DEGRADATIONS If this has resulted in death or injury to the
people, the culprit is, in the first case, punished
Article 479: Whoever has, with an intention life imprisonment and in the second,
criminal, deposited, anywhere, a device twenty years of criminal imprisonment.
explosive, whether it exploded or not, is punishable by
life imprisonment. Article 485: Without prejudice to more serious penalties
provided for by the Penal Code or special laws, when,
Article 480: Is punished by criminal imprisonment due to an individual, a group of individuals, a
perpetuity, anyone who has sabotaged or attempted to sabotage, meeting or gathering, it resulted from
sight of causing an accident: violence, looting or destruction or
damage caused to property, movable or immovable,
-a vehicle, boat, aircraft; private or public:
-a railway convoy;
-an exploration or exploitation platform for 1. the authors and accomplices are punished by ten years
natural resources fixed on the continental shelf; imprisonment at most and a fine of
-any other device used to transport people or 20,000,000 francs at most;
the installations intended for maneuvering and
safety of these devices. 2.the instigators of the disturbances are punished with the same
penalties that the perpetrators;
Article 481: Persons guilty of crimes
mentioned in Articles 479 and 480 above, are 3.the perpetrators of assault on persons are punished
exempt from penalty if, before the consumption of these up to one year's imprisonment and a fine of
crimes and before any prosecution, they gave 5,000,000 francs at most.
knowledge and revealed the perpetrators to the authorities
administrative or judicial. Those who will have continued to participate in this
rally despite the order of removal given by
Article 482: Anyone responsible for the arson of a public authorities or those responsible for
inhabited building or a vehicle containing organizations that called for these demonstrations, are
people, whether this building or vehicle belongs punished by two years imprisonment at most and one
or not to the author of the fire, is punished by twenty years of fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
criminal seclusion.
The penalties provided for in the previous paragraph are
The deliberately caused fire, which doubled if:
resulted in the death of one or more persons or
permanent injuries or infirmities, is punished with 1.the gathering was not declared or was banned
life imprisonment. by the administrative authority;

Article 483: Except in the cases provided for in the previous article, 2.the instigators of the unrest pushed miners to
anyone who willfully burned down or attempted committing acts of violence or means of
set fire to buildings, boats, construction sites, warehouses, done on people or destruction and damage
vehicles, timber, crops, belonging to others, is punished on goods.

Page 59


Anyone who enters a gathering in is punished by imprisonment for up to six months and
with a view to committing or inciting other participants to a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or
commit violence, assault, looting, one of these two penalties only.
destruction or damage, is punished by three years
imprisonment at most and a fine of Article 490: Anyone who willfully burned or
10,000,000 francs at most. destroys, in some way, registers, minutes
or original acts of public authority, titles,
When, following the circumstances provided for in promissory notes, bills of exchange, commercial paper or
previous paragraphs, a homicide resulted, the bank, containing or operating obligation, disposition
instigators of the disorders referred to in said paragraphs are punished or discharge, is punishable by imprisonment for ten years
up to ten years' imprisonment and a fine at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most.
of 20,000,000 francs at most, without prejudice to
prosecutions that can be brought against the perpetrators of Article 491: Without prejudice to more serious penalties
this act. provided for in the preceding articles, anyone who has
willfully destroyed, cut down or degraded
Those found guilty of monuments, statues or any other objects intended for
offenses defined above, as well as the groups public utility or decoration and raised by authority
or organizations that have the initiative of these public or with its authorization, is punished with
gatherings, are jointly responsible for imprisonment for up to ten years or one of these
resulting bodily injury and material damage. two sentences only.

Article 486: Is punished by imprisonment for five years TITLE IV: BREACH OF THE SYSTEMS OF
at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most, AUTOMATED DATA PROCESSING
or one of these two penalties only, whoever has
voluntarily and unnecessarily: Article 492: The fact that anyone has access or
-destroyed or degraded crops, plants or trees maintain, fraudulently, in all or part of a
belonging to others; automated data processing system is punished with
-killed or mutilated domestic animals belonging to not more than two years' imprisonment and a fine of
others. 100,000,000 francs at most.

Article 487: Anyone, except in the cases provided for in articles Where this has resulted in either the deletion or
precedents, has, by any means whatsoever, modification of data contained in the system, either
intentionally destroys or degrades the properties an alteration in the functioning of this system, the penalty
property of others, is punished by imprisonment of will be up to five years' imprisonment and one
five years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs fine of 200,000,000 francs at most.
at most.
When the offenses provided for in both
If the damage was caused by an employee at first paragraphs were committed against a
prejudice to his employer, imprisonment automated personal data processing system
can be extended to ten years at most. staff employed by the State, the penalty is increased to
ten years imprisonment and a fine of
Article 488: Without prejudice to reparation sanctions 500,000,000 francs at most.
provided for in article 47 of this Code, is punished by
imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of Article 493: Anyone who obstructs or
2,000,000 francs at most, anyone who has: distort the functioning of a treatment system
automated data, is punished by five years
1. in whole or in part, filled in ditches, destroyed imprisonment at most and a fine of
fences, of whatever material they are made, 10,000,000 francs at most.
cut or uprooted from live or dry hedges;
When this offense was committed in
2.moved or removed the bollards or corner feet or against an automated processing system
other trees planted or recognized to establish boundaries personal data implemented by the State, the
between different properties. penalty is increased to ten years' imprisonment at most and
a fine of 200,000,000 francs at most.
Article 489: Anyone having the control, use,
custody or disposal of a device, machine, vehicle, Article 494: The fact for anyone to introduce
or any other material belonging to others, has, by fraudulently data in a system of
recklessness, negligence or failure to observe automated processing, to extract, to hold, to
instructions received, destroyed or seriously damaged, reproduce, transmit, delete or modify

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fraudulently the data it contains, is punished by withdrawal of funds by the drawer from the drawee or those who
up to five years' imprisonment and a fine of are certified;
100,000,000 francs at most. -the display or dissemination of the decision pronounced in the
costs of the perpetrator.
When this offense is committed against Article 499: Declared legal persons
from an automated data processing system to criminally responsible for the offenses defined in
personal character implemented by the State, the penalty is this chapter incur, in addition to the fine of
increased to ten years' imprisonment at most and one 500,000,000 francs at most, the penalties
fine of 200,000,000 francs at most. additional provisions provided for in article 98 of this Code.

Article 495: Act for anyone, without cause Article 500: The attempt of the offenses provided for in
legitimate, in particular for research or security this title is punished by the same penalties as those
IT, to import, to hold, to offer, to transfer or planned for the action accomplished.
to provide an equipment, an instrument, a
computer program or any data designed or BOOK FIFTH: GOOD
specially adapted to commit one or more GOVERNANCE
of the offenses provided for in this Title and by the
penal provisions of the other texts in force, is TITLE I: BREACH OF GOOD
punished by five years imprisonment at most and one PUBLIC GOVERNANCE
fine of 100,000,000 francs at most.
Chapter I st : From extortion
Article 496: The fact that anyone participates in a
group formed or to an agreement established with a view to Article 501: The fact by a depositary of
preparation, characterized by one or more facts public authority or responsible for a service mission
material, one or more of the offenses foreseen public, to receive, demand, or order to collect from
under this title and by the penal provisions of the other title of duties or contributions, taxes or public charges,
texts in force, is punishable by a a sum that she knows not to be due, or to exceed this
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine which is due, is punished with a penalty of five years
of 100,000,000 francs at most. imprisonment at most and a fine of
10,000,000 francs at most.
Article 497: When the offenses provided for in this
title are committed in an organized gang and against Is punished with the same penalties the fact, by the same
from an automated data processing system to people, to grant in any form and
personal character implemented by the State, the penalty may for any reason whatsoever an exemption or
be increased to twenty years of criminal imprisonment and exemption from duties, contributions, taxes or duties
500,000,000 francs fine at most. public in violation of the texts in force.

Article 498: Natural persons guilty of The attempt of the offenses provided for in this
offenses provided for in this Title also incur the article is punishable by the same penalties.
the following additional penalties:
Chapter II: Passive corruption and trafficking
-the prohibition, for a period of five years at most, of influence committed by persons exercising
civic, civil and family rights; public service
-the ban, for a period of five years at most,
to exercise a public function or to exercise the activity Article 502: Is punished by five years' imprisonment
professional or social in the exercise of which or more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, the
on the occasion of which the offense was committed; done by a person holding public authority,
-the confiscation of the thing that was used or was intended for entrusted with a public service mission or invested with
commit the offense or the thing that is the offense public elective mandate, to solicit or approve, without
product, with the exception of objects liable to right, at any time, directly or indirectly, to
restitution; offers, promises, gifts, presents or
-the closure, for a period of five years at most, of any advantages for herself or for others:
establishments or one or more of the
company establishments that were used to commit the 1. either to accomplish or to have accomplished, to abstain
incriminated facts; or have refrained from performing an act of their function,
-exclusion, for a period of five years at most, from its mission or mandate or facilitated by its function,
public markets ; its mission or mandate;
-the ban, for a period of five years at most,
to issue checks other than those which allow the

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2. either to abuse or to have abused its real influence private, or effects, documents or securities in lieu thereof, or any
or supposed in order to obtain a decision other object given to him by reason of his duties
favorable. or his mission, is punished by the penalty of twenty years of
criminal imprisonment at most and 100,000,000 francs
Chapter III: Illegal taking of interests fine at most.

Article 503: The fact, by a depositary of Article 507: In the cases provided for in Articles 509 to 513 below
public authority or responsible for a service mission below, can be pronounced, as a complement, the
public or by a person invested with an elective mandate the following penalties:
public, to take, receive or keep, directly
or indirectly, any interest in any -the prohibition of civil, civic and family rights;
company or in an operation of which it has, at the time -the prohibition either to exercise a public function or
of the act, in whole or in part, the responsibility of ensuring the to exercise professional or social activity in
supervision, administration, liquidation or the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which
payment, is punishable by five years imprisonment the offense was committed, either for the offenses
more and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most. provided for in Articles 509 and 513 below, to exercise
commercial or industrial profession, to manage,
Article 504: Is punished by five years' imprisonment to administer, manage or control in a capacity
more and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, any, directly or indirectly, for its
by a person who has been entrusted, as an agent own account or on behalf of others, a company
public or official of a public administration, in the commercial or industrial or a trading company.
within the framework of the functions that she actually performed, either These exercise bans may be pronounced
to ensure the supervision or control of a company cumulatively;
private, or to enter into contracts of any kind with -the confiscation of sums or objects irregularly
a private company or to formulate an opinion on such received by the offender with the exception of items
contracts, or to propose directly to the authority susceptible of restitution.
responsible for decisions relating to transactions
carried out by a private company or formulate a Chapter VI: Active corruption and trafficking
advice on such decisions, to take or receive of influence committed by individuals
a participation by work, advice or capital in
one of these companies before the expiration of a period of Article 508: Is punished by ten years' imprisonment
two years after the termination of these functions. more and a fine of 50,000,000 francs at most,
by anyone, to offer without right, at any time,
Chapter IV: Infringements of freedom of access and directly or indirectly, offers, promises,
equality of candidates in public procurement and gifts, presents or any benefit to
public service delegations a person holding public authority, in charge of
a public service mission or one with a mandate
Article 505: Is punished by ten years' imprisonment elective public, for herself or for others:
more and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most,
by a person invested with a public elective mandate or 1. either for it to fulfill or to abstain
exercising the functions of representative, administrator or to accomplish, or because it has accomplished or is
agent of the State, local authorities, refrained from performing an act of his function, of his
public establishments or by any person acting mission or mandate;
on behalf of one of the aforementioned, of
to procure or attempt to procure for others a benefit 2. either for her to abuse, or because she has abused
unjustified by an act contrary to the provisions its real or supposed influence with a view to obtaining
legislative or regulatory aimed at of a public authority or administration of
guarantee freedom of access and equality of candidates in distinctions, jobs, markets or any other
public contracts or public service delegations. favorable decision.

Chapter V: Subtraction or misappropriation The same penalties apply to giving in to a

of goods per person exercising a function person responsible for public authority, in charge of
public a public service mission or one invested with
public elective mandate which solicits without right, at any
Article 506: The fact by a depositary of the moment, directly or indirectly, of offers,
public authority or responsible for a service mission promises, gifts, gifts or benefits
public, a public accountant, a public depositary or any, for herself or for others, for
one of his subordinates, destroy, divert or perform an act mentioned in point 1 above or
subtract an act or title, or public funds or

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for abusing or having abused his influence in voluntarily refrain from their total execution or
conditions mentioned in point 2 above. partial, will be punished by seven years imprisonment
more and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at most or
Article 509: Is punished by ten years' imprisonment one of these two penalties only.
more and a fine of 50,000,000 francs at most,
by anyone, to solicit or approve, at any time, It is also pronounced against the person
directly or indirectly, offers, promises, moral full reimbursement of sums received
gifts, presents or any other advantages, without prejudice to the condemnation to one or more
for himself or for others to abuse or have additional penalties provided for in Article 98 of the
abused his real or supposed influence with a view to this Code and the award of damages.
obtain from an authority or an administration
public distinctions, jobs, markets or TITLE II: BREACH OF GOOD
any other favorable decision. ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE

The same penalties apply to giving in to Chapter I st : From Failure to comply

requests provided for in the first paragraph or to propose, constitutive of a company
without right, at any time, directly or indirectly,
offers, promises, gifts, presents or Article 514: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
any benefit to a person, for himself at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
or for others, so that she abuses or because she has or one of these two penalties only, whoever
abused his real or supposed influence with a view to voluntarily refrains from completing formalities
obtain from an authority or an administration prescribed for the incorporation of a company or fulfills
public distinctions, jobs, markets or a formality by fraud.
any other favorable decision.
The court which pronounces the sentence
Chapter VII: Corruption of public officials orders, where appropriate, the registration or rectification
foreigners inaccurate statements.

Article 510: The offenses provided for in the chapters Chapter II: Infringements of the law of security interests
first to six of this title and attributable to any
person responsible for public authority, in charge of Article 515: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
a public service mission or one with a mandate at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
public elective in a foreign state or within a or one of these two penalties only, any
public international organization are punished with person who registers a movable security either by fraud,
same penalties. either by giving inaccurate information or data
The prosecution of these crimes cannot be initiated.
only at the request of the Public Prosecutor. The court which pronounces the sentence
orders, where appropriate, the registration or rectification
Article 511: Corruption and influence peddling inaccurate statements.
liabilities, corruption and active influence peddling
attributable to any person exercising functions Article 516: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
jurisdictional in a foreign state or within a at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
international court, any registry official of a more, or one of these two penalties only, the
foreign jurisdiction or an international court, any policyholder or any person who totally deprives or
expert appointed by such jurisdiction or court partially the lessor of his privilege by
or by the parties, any arbitrator or conciliator exercising his fraudulent maneuvers.
mission under foreign law, are liable
the same penalties. Chapter III: Infringements of company law
commercial and interest groups
Article 512: The additional penalties provided for in economic
this Code is applicable to natural persons
and legal persons found guilty. Section 1: Offenses against the constitution of companies

Chapter VIII: Non-performance of public contracts Article 517: Are punished by imprisonment of three
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs
Article 513: The act by any officer of any more, or one of these two penalties only, the
company having obtained payment for the realization of founders, the chairman and chief executive officer, the director
public works in execution of a public contract, deputy head, deputy head or administrator

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deputy general of a public limited company, which issue financial summary not giving, for each
actions before registration or at any exercise, a faithful image of the operations of the exercise,
period, when registration is obtained by fraud the financial situation and that of the heritage of the
or that the company is irregularly incorporated. company, at the end of this period.

Article 518: Are punished by imprisonment of three Article 522: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
more, or of one of these two penalties only, those plus, the manager of the limited liability company, any
who : director, the chairman and chief executive officer,
deputy head or deputy head
a) knowingly, sincerely and true deputy or any other de jure or de facto officer who, from
subscriptions which they know to be fictitious or declare that the bad faith, made property or credits of the company,
funds that have not been made fully available a use that he knows to be contrary to the interests of the latter, to
of the company have actually been paid; personal, material or moral purposes, or for
b) provide the notary or depositary with a list of favor another legal person in which they
shareholders or subscription and are interested, directly or indirectly.
payment mentioning fictitious subscriptions or
payments of funds that have not been finalized Section 3: Infringements of general meetings
available to society;
c) knowingly, by simulating subscription or Article 523: Are punished by imprisonment for two
payment or by publication of payment that does not exist years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs
not or any other false facts, obtain or attempt more, or one of these two penalties only, those who
to obtain subscriptions or payments; knowingly prevent a shareholder or partner from
d) knowingly, to induce subscriptions or participate in a general assembly.
installments, publish the names of designated persons
contrary to the truth as being or to be Section 4: Offenses against changes in capital
attached to the company in any capacity; limited companies
e) fraudulently, have them attributed to a contribution in kind,
a valuation greater than its actual value. Sub-section 1: The capital increase

Article 519: Are punished by imprisonment of three Article 524: Are punished by imprisonment of three
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs
more, or one of these two penalties only, those who more, or one of these two penalties only, the
knowingly negotiate: directors, the chairman of the board of directors,
the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer,
a) registered shares which have not remained deputy head or deputy head
in registered form until their release; deputy of a public limited company which, during a
b) contribution actions before the expiry of the deadline capital increase, issue shares or
during which they are not negotiable; stock cuts:
c) shares in cash for which payment
of the quarter of the nominal is not carried out. -before the certificate of the depositary is drawn up;
-without the formalities prior to the increase in
Section 2: Breaches of management, capital are regularly performed;
administration and management of companies -without the previously subscribed capital of the company
either fully released;
Article 520: Are punished by imprisonment of five -without the new contribution actions being
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs fully released before the amending registration
more, or one of these two penalties only, the the trade and movable property credit register;
corporate executives who, in the absence of an inventory or - without the new shares being paid up by a quarter
means of fraudulent inventories, knowingly operate at least of their nominal value at the time of
between shareholders or between partners, the distribution of subscription;
fictitious dividends. -if applicable, without the entire premium
issue is paid up at the time of subscription.
Article 521: Are punished by imprisonment of five
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs Are punished with the same penalties, people
more, social leaders who knowingly, even in referred to in this article which do not maintain the
the absence of any distribution of dividends, publish shares in cash in registered form until their
or present to shareholders or partners, with a view to full release.
conceal the true situation of society, states

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Article 525: Are punished by imprisonment of three person who, either in his own name or in his capacity
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs partner of a company of auditors,
more, or one of these two penalties only, the knowingly accepts, exercises or retains functions
corporate executives who during a capital increase: of statutory auditors, notwithstanding the
legal incompatibilities.
-born do not benefit to the shareholders,
in proportion to the amount of their shares of one Article 530: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
preferential subscription rights for shares in at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
cash when this right is not waived by more, or only one of these two penalties, any
the general meeting and that the shareholders do not attend auditor who, either in his name
waived; staff, or as a partner of a
- do not reserve for shareholders a period of twenty auditors, give or confirm,
at least days from the opening of the subscription, knowingly misleading information about the
except when this period is closed in advance; situation of the company or which does not reveal to the Ministry
- do not attribute the actions made available, fault Public the criminal facts of which he is aware.
a sufficient number of subscriptions for
irreducible, to shareholders who have subscribed as Article 531: Are punished by imprisonment of five
reducible a number of shares greater than the number they years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs
could subscribe at title irreducible, more, or one of these two penalties only, the
in proportion to the rights they have; corporate officers or any person in the service of
-do not reserve the rights of holders of vouchers company that knowingly obstruct audits
subscription. or the control of the statutory auditors or who
refuse communication, on site, from scratch
Article 526: Are punished by imprisonment of three useful for the exercise of their mission and in particular for all
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs contracts, books, accounting documents and records of
more, or one of these two penalties only, the minutes.
corporate executives who knowingly give or
confirm inaccurate statements in reports Section 6: Offenses against the dissolution of companies
presented to the general meeting called to decide on the
cancellation of preferential subscription rights. Article 532: Are punished by imprisonment of five
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs
Sub-section 2: Capital reduction more, or one of these two penalties only, the
corporate executives who knowingly when the capital
Article 527: Is punished by imprisonment for three years company owns become less than half of the
at most and a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, share capital due to losses recorded in the states
or one of these two penalties only, the synthetic financials:
directors, the chairman and chief executive officer, the
general manager, deputy head or - do not summon, within the following four months
the deputy deputy head who knowingly the approval of the financial statements that published these
carry out a capital reduction: losses, the extraordinary general meeting for the purpose of
decide, if necessary, on the early dissolution of the
- without respecting the equality of shareholders; society ;
-Without communicating the capital reduction project to - do not file at the registry of the court in charge of cases
auditors forty-five days before the commercial, do not register in the register of
holding of the general meeting called to rule on the trade and movable property loans and do not publish,
capital reduction. in a newspaper authorized to receive legal notices,
the early dissolution of the company.
Section 5: Infringements of company control
Section 7: Offenses against the liquidation of companies
Article 528: Are punished by imprisonment of five
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs Article 533: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
more, or one of these two penalties only, the at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
corporate officers who do not cause the appointment more, or one of these two penalties only, the
the statutory auditors of the company or liquidator of a company who knowingly:
not convene general meetings.
- within one month of his appointment, do not
Article 529: Is punished by imprisonment for five not publish in a newspaper authorized to receive
years at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs legal announcements of the place of the registered office, the act
more, or one of these two penalties only, any appointing liquidator;

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- does not summon the partners, for the purposes of liquidation, Section 8: Offenses in the event of a public appeal
to rule on the final liquidation account, on savings
discharge of his management and discharge of his mandate and
to record the closing of the liquidation; Article 536: Are punished by imprisonment of three
-does not file its final accounts at the registry of the years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs
court in charge of commercial affairs at the place of more, or one of these two penalties only, the
head office, nor does it seek the approval of presidents, directors or general managers
these. of companies that issue securities offered
to the public :
Article 534: Is punished by imprisonment for five years -Without inserting a notice in a journal authorized to
at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the receive legal notices, prior to any
more, or one of these two penalties only, when publicity measure;
the liquidation takes place by court order, the -without the prospectuses and circulars reproducing the
liquidator who knowingly: statements of the aforementioned leaflet and contain
the mention of the inclusion of this notice in the journal
- within six months of his appointment, does not present a authorized to receive legal notices with reference to
report on the active and passive situation of the company in number in which it is published;
liquidation, and on the continuation of -without posters and newspaper advertisements
liquidation, nor does it seek the necessary authorizations reproduce the same sayings or at least,
to finish them; an extract from these statements with reference to said
- within three months of the end of each financial year, notice, details of the number of the journal authorized to
does not prepare the summary financial statements in view of receive the legal announcements in which it is
the inventory and a written report in which he reports published:
liquidation operations during the year -without posters, flyers and flyers
elapsed; mention the signature of the person or
-does not allow associates to exercise, during periods of representative of the company whose offer comes from and specifies
liquidation, their right of communication of documents whether the securities offered are listed or not and, in
social under the same conditions as before; if so, at what stock exchange.
-does not summon the partners, at least once a year,
to report to them on the summary financial statements Are punished with the same penalties, the people who
in the event of continued social exploitation; act as intermediaries during the sale of
-does not deposit into an open deposit account securities.
in the accounts of the Public Treasury, within one year
from the distribution decision, the sums Chapter IV: Infringements of procedural law
assigned to allocations between partners and collective debt settlement
- do not deposit, on an open deposit account Section 1: Bankruptcies and similar offenses
in the accounts of the Public Treasury within one year
from the close of the liquidation, the sums Article 537: The provisions of this section
attributed to creditors or partners and not apply to traders, artisans, farmers,
claimed by them. partners of commercial companies having the quality of
merchant who are in a state of insolvency.
Article 535: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the Sub-section 1: Bankruptcies
plus, the liquidator who, in bad faith:
Article 538: Is declared guilty of bankruptcy
-makes property or credit of the company in liquidation, simple and punishable by imprisonment for two years at
a use that he knows to be contrary to the interests of the latter, to plus, any person referred to in article 536 above who:
for personal purposes or to favor another person
morality in which he is interested, directly or -contracts, without receiving values ​in exchange,
indirectly; commitments deemed too important in view of its
-cells all or part of the assets of the company in liquidation situation when she contracts them with the intention of
to a person having the status of partner in the company delay the recognition of the cessation of payments,
in sponsorship name, manager, board member purchases for resale below the price
administration, deputy head or or if, with the same intention, employs means
auditor, without having obtained the ruinous to raise funds;
unanimous consent of the partners or, failing this, -Without a legitimate excuse, do not go to the
the authorization of the competent court. competent jurisdiction, the declaration of his state of
cessation of payments within thirty days;

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-keeps incomplete or irregular accounts or does not The officers referred to in this article
not keep in accordance with accounting rules and are understood to be all officers in law or in fact and
uses recognized in the profession with regard to in general, any person having
the importance of the business. directly or through an intermediary, administered, managed
or liquidated the legal person under cover or in lieu
The natural person trader is and place of its legal representatives.
also guilty of bankruptcy and punished by the same
penalties provided for in paragraph 1 st above when after Article 541: Are punished by imprisonment for two
have been declared twice in a state of cessation of years at most, the officers referred to in Article 524 of this
payments within five years, these procedures have Code which, in this capacity and in bad faith:
been closed for insufficient assets.
-consume sums belonging to the person
Article 539: Is declared guilty of bankruptcy moral by carrying out operations of pure chance or
fraudulent and punishable by imprisonment for ten years at fictitious transactions;
plus, any person referred to in article 536 above who: - make purchases for resale below the
courses or employ ruinous means to procure
- subtracted his accounting; funds with the intention of delaying the recognition of
- misappropriates or dissipates all or part of its assets; cessation of payments by the legal person;
- acknowledges fraudulently debtor of sums -pay or cause a creditor to be paid to the detriment of the
that she was not owed either in her writings or by mass after the person's cessation of payments
published acts or commitments under private signature, either moral;
in its balance sheet; -contract by the legal person on behalf of
-exercises the commercial profession unlike a from others, without receiving values ​in exchange,
prohibition provided for by uniform acts or by law; commitments deemed too important in view of its
-after the cessation of payments, pays a creditor to the situation when these were contracted;
mass injury; - keep, keep or let keep accounts
-stipulate with a creditor special advantages to irregular or incomplete legal person in the
reason for his vote in the deliberations of the masses, or conditions provided for in article 533 of this Code;
makes a special treaty with a creditor from which he - fail to do so at the registry of the competent court,
results for the latter, a benefit payable by the asset within thirty days, the declaration of the state of
of the debtor from the day of the opening decision. cessation of payments by the legal person;
- hijack or conceal, attempt to hijack or
Is also found guilty of bankruptcy conceal part of their property or recognize each other
fraudulent and punishable by the same penalty, any person fraudulently debtors of sums that they do not owe
referred to in article 536 of this Code which, on occasion not with a view to subtracting all or part of their heritage
a legal settlement process, poor prosecution of the legal person in a state of cessation
authentic, present or cause to be presented an income statement, a payments or those of partners or creditors
balance sheet, a statement of receivables or payables or an active statement and
of the legal person in a state of insolvency.
liabilities of privileges and sureties, inaccurate or incomplete.
Article 542: Are declared guilty of bankruptcy
As well as any person who, without simple and punishable by imprisonment for two years at
authorization from the president of the competent court, plus, legal or de facto representatives of persons
performs an act that prohibits the debtor from paying in whole or legal entities with partners indefinitely and
part of the claims arising after the suspension decision jointly and severally liable for their debts which,
individual prosecutions, not to take any action without a legitimate excuse, do not do
disposition unrelated to the normal operation of competent jurisdiction, the declaration of the state of
the company, nor grant any security, to cessation of payments within 30 days or if
sureties who have paid debts born this declaration does not include the list of associates
prior to the above-mentioned decision. solidarity with the indication of their names and domiciles.

Sub-section 2: Offenses assimilated to Article 543: Are punished by imprisonment of ten

bankruptcies years at most, the officers referred to in Article 524 of this
Code which fraudulently:
Article 540: The provisions of articles 536 and 537 below
above are applicable to natural persons -subtracted the books of the legal person;
managers of legal entities subject to - misappropriate or conceal part of its assets;
insolvency proceedings and their representatives - recognize the legal person debtor of sums
permanent. that it should not, either in the scriptures, or by

Page 67


public documents or commitments under private signature, -people convicted of fraudulently

either in the balance sheet; produced in the insolvency proceedings, either on their behalf,
-exercise the profession of manager unlike a either by proxy or supposition of persons
prohibition provided for by uniform acts or by law; supposed claims;
-stipulate with a creditor, on behalf of the person -people who, trading under the name
moral, special advantages due to his vote of others or under a supposed name, in bad faith,
in the deliberations of the masses or which conclude with hijack, conceal, cede, attempt to hijack, to
a creditor, a special agreement by which he conceal or cede part of their property.
results for the latter, a benefit payable by the asset
of the person from the day of the decision declaring Article 545: Are punished by imprisonment of three
suspension of payments. years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs
more or only one of these two penalties, the
Are also punished with the same penalties, spouse, descendants, ascendants or
executives who, within fifteen days of the collateral of the debtor or his allies who, unbeknownst to the
declaration of suspension of payments, have not filed debtor, misappropriate, entertain or conceal effects
a composition offer specifying the measures and dependent on the debtor's assets in a state of cessation of
conditions for continued operation of payments.
the company such as the request for the granting of time limits and
discounts, partial disposal of assets with indication Article 546: Even though there would be an acquittal in the
specifies the assets to be transferred, the transfer or the rental cases provided for in articles 538 and 539 of this Code, the
management of a branch of activity forming a fund court seized decides on damages and
trade, sale or lease management of all the reintegration, into the debtor's assets, of
of the company without these conditions being restrictive goods, rights or actions withdrawn.
and mutually exclusive, the persons held
carry out the composition as well as dismissals for Article 547: Is punished by imprisonment for ten years
economic motive and the replacement of leaders, at most and a fine of 20,000,000 francs at the
the opportunity for a preventive settlement procedure, which: plus, any bankruptcy trustee who:

-in bad faith, present or cause to be presented an account -exercises a personal activity under the guise of a
results, a balance sheet, a statement of receivables or debts or debtor's business masking his actions;
an active and passive statement of privileges and security interests, inaccurate-has
or the debtor's credit or property as his
incomplete; own goods;
- without authorization from the president of the court - dissipates the assets of the debtor;
competent, perform one of the prohibited acts -properly and in bad faith, in his
following: personal interest, either directly or indirectly,
a loss-making operation of the debtor's business; in whole or in part, the claims arising -acquires on its own behalf, directly or
prior to the decision to suspend indirectly, property of the debtor in breach of
individual prosecutions; the prohibition on the trustee and all those who have
participated in the administration of any procedure
2. make an act of disposition unrelated to the operation collective, to acquire personally or directly,
normal business, nor grant any security; either indirectly, amicably or by court sale
all or part of the movable or real estate assets of the
3. to pay off the sureties who have paid debts debtor in preventive settlement or
born prior to the decision to open the collective proceedings.
collective procedure.
Article 548: Is punished by imprisonment for three years
Section 2: Other offenses at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs at most,
the creditor who:
Article 544: Are punished by imprisonment of ten
years at most and a fine of 20,000,000 francs -stipulate with the debtor or with any person,
more or one of these two penalties: special advantages due to his vote in the
mass deliberations;
-people convinced of having, in the interest of the - concludes a particular agreement from which it results
debtor, subtracted, concealed, concealed or assigned all or in its favor, an advantage charged to the assets of the
part of the movable or immovable property, without prejudice debtor from the day of the decision to open the
of the application of the penal provisions relating to collective procedure.

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Article 549: The agreements provided for in article 538 below Article 553: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
above are further declared void by the court at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
repressive against all persons, including the more, or only one of these two penalties,
debtor. anyone who is guilty of a breach of
prescribed conditions relating to:
The judgment will also order the creditor to
report, to whom it may concern, the sums or values ​he -the mention of the authorization of the competent court
received under canceled agreements. or the title under which the seizure is made and
the annex in original or certified true copy of the aforesaid
Article 550: Are punished by imprisonment of three documents;
years at most and a fine of 5,000,000 francs -the very apparent mention of unavailability
more : seized property and its placement in the custody of the
debtor or a third party, by agreement of the parties;
-the company directors of a commercial company or -the reproduction of the penal provisions sanctioning the
industry and people who, on the occasion of misappropriation of seized objects;
the exercise of their profession or function, -the requirement of the mention in the seizure document:
inside information on the situation or
outlook of an issuer whose securities 1.names, first names and domicile of the seized person and of the
are traded on the market, to realize or allow seizure and the possible election of domicile of
knowingly to carry out, directly or by person gripping;
interposed, one or more operations before the
public knowledge of this information and with 2.the warning in a very apparent character of
aim of making an undue profit; the unavailability of goods and their placement under the
-any person having the opportunity to exercise custody of debtors seized without being able to dispose of them or
his profession or functions, information alienate;
privileged on the situation or prospects of a
issuer whose securities are traded on 3.the reproduction of penal provisions
a market, to communicate them to a third party outside the sanctioning the misappropriation of seized objects.
normal framework of his profession or functions and
with the aim of making an undue profit; Article 554: Is punished by imprisonment for five years
-the company directors of a commercial company or at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the
industry and people who, on the occasion of more, or only one of these two penalties,
the exercise of their profession or function, anyone who is guilty of a breach of
inside information on the situation or conditions of the inventory of goods held by a third party
outlook of an issuer whose securities on behalf of the debtor and relating to:
are traded on the market, to disseminate a
false or misleading information that undermines -the reference of the title under which the seizure is
equal access of market players to information practiced;
and which undermine confidence in the market. -the warning in very apparent character of
the unavailability of seized objects and their placement
Article 551: Without prejudice to the provisions relating to in the custody of a third party without being able to be either alienated or
criminal record, all sentencing decisions displaced;
made under the provisions of this chapter -the reproduction of the penal provisions sanctioning the
are, at the expense of the convicted, displayed and published in misappropriation of seized objects.
a journal of legal announcements as well as by extract
summary, in the Official Journal mentioning the number of Article 555: Is punished by imprisonment for one year at most
newspaper of legal notices where the first insertion is and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or one
published. of these two penalties only, whoever is guilty
a breach of the following conditions:
Chapter V: Infringements of the relevant right
simplified recovery procedures and channels -the reference of the title under which the seizure is
execution practiced;
-the very apparent mention of unavailability
Article 552: Is punished by imprisonment for five years seized property and its placement in the custody of the
at most and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at the debtor or a third party, by agreement of the parties;
more, or one of these two penalties only, the -the reproduction of the penal provisions sanctioning the
debtor seized or the third party holder in whose hands misappropriation of seized objects.
the entry has been made which does not represent the objects
seized when he is deemed to be its custodian.

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Article 556: Is punished by imprisonment for one year at any, will have hindered or disturbed, tried to hinder
more and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or or disturb the freedom of auctions or
of one of these two penalties only, the commissioner submissions, by assault, violence or threats,
auctioneer or any other legal assistant responsible for either before or during auctions or tenders,
sale that receives a sum above the auction. are punished by imprisonment for up to three months and
a fine of 1,000,000 francs at most, or
Article 557: Is punished by imprisonment for one year at one of these two penalties only.
more and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most,
or one of these two penalties only, the bailiff or The same penalty is pronounced against those who,
the enforcement agent who fails to meet one of the conditions by donations, promises or fraudulent agreements, have ruled out
following: or attempted to rule out bidders, limited or attempted to
limit bids or bids, as well as against
- the mention of the names, first names and domicile of the seized person andthose
of thewho will have received these gifts or accepted these promises.
seizure and the possible election of domicile of
-the very apparent mention of unavailability
seized property and its placement in the custody of the Article 561: Money laundering is the act of
debtor or a third party, by agreement of the parties; facilitate, by any means, the false justification of
-the reproduction of the text authorizing the seizure. the origin of the property or income of the perpetrator of a crime
or a crime that has provided him with a direct profit or
Chapter VI: Infringements of the relevant right indirect.
organization and harmonization of the accounts of
companies Also constitutes laundering the fact
to provide support for a placement operation,
Article 558: Are punished by imprisonment for one year concealment or conversion of direct product or
at most and a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, indirect of a felony or misdemeanor.
or one of these two penalties only, the
individual entrepreneurs and social leaders who: Laundering consists in particular of a
or more of the actions listed below:
-for each financial year, do not take inventory
and do not prepare the annual financial statements as well as, -the conversion or transfer of goods from a
where applicable, the management report and the social balance sheet; crime or misdemeanor, with the aim of concealing or
- knowingly establish and communicate states disguise the illicit origin of such goods or assist any
financial institutions that do not present a true picture of the person who is involved in the commission of this
assets, financial situation and the result of crime or misdemeanor to escape legal consequences
exercise. of his actions;
-the concealment or disguise of nature, of
Chapter VII: Infringements of company law origin, location, disposition,
cooperatives movement or ownership of goods from a
felony or misdemeanor;
Article 559: Is punished by imprisonment for one year and - the acquisition, possession or use of property
a fine of 2,000,000 francs at most, or arising from a felony or misdemeanor;
one of these two penalties only, any person who, -participation in one of the acts referred to in this article,
without being empowered in accordance with the provisions association to commit the said act, attempts to
laws and regulations applicable to this type of perpetrate it, aiding, inciting or advising
groupings, improperly uses the expressions of someone to do it or facilitating its execution.
cooperative societies, union of cooperative societies,
federation of cooperative societies or confederation Knowledge of the origin of the goods or
of cooperative societies, accompanied by a qualifier the intention to commit the aforementioned acts may be
unspecified, as well as all the denominations of established by any objective circumstance or means of fact.
to suggest that it is one of the groups mentioned
in this article. Proof of the legality of the origin of the goods in
cause rests with the person prosecuted.
Chapter VIII: Obstacles to the freedom of auctions
Article 562: Without prejudice to the application of
Article 560: Those who, in the auctions of the provisions specific to money laundering
ownership, usufruct or rental of things planned capital, drug trafficking and terrorism
real estate or movable property, a company, a to this Code, is punished by imprisonment of ten
supply, operation or service years at most and a fine of up to five

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times the amount of laundered sums, whoever has The penalties prescribed for
intentionally committed one or more of the money laundering offense, violation of
acts listed above. secrecy of information collected under this
Code or relating to the operations mentioned in article
Attempted money laundering or 559 above, by officers or agents
complicity by aid, advice or incitement is punished of the following financial organizations or entities:
as the relevant offense. Public Treasuries of the Member States of the Bank of
Central African States, financial organizations,
Is punished with the same penalties, participation in money changers, managers, owners,
an association or agreement with a view to the commission of managers of casinos, gambling establishments, notaries
money laundering facts. and other members of the legal profession
independent agents, real estate agents,
Legal persons governed by private law, de facto or transport and money transfer, travel agencies,
de facto created, on behalf of or for the benefit of which auditors, accountants,
the money laundering was committed by one of external auditors, tax advisers,
their organs or representatives, are punished with valuables dealers.
fine at a rate at least equal to three times the fines
specified for natural persons, without prejudice Article 565: Are punished by a fine of 1,000,000,000
of the conviction of the latter as perpetrators or of francs at most, the managers and employees of the
accomplices of the offense. manual currency exchange companies, casinos and
gambling establishments that have not complied
Article 563: The penalties provided for in the preceding article the obligations and due diligence incumbent on them in
are doubled when: application of regulatory texts.

-the money laundering is committed in a way Article 566: Persons guilty of one or
usual or by using the facilities provided by several of the offenses specified in the aforementioned articles
the exercise of a professional activity; can also be condemned to the ban
-the money laundering is committed in gangs definitive or for a period of at least five years
organized. to practice the profession on the occasion of which
the offense has been committed.
Article 564: Shall be punished with the penalties provided for
money laundering offense, any person, Article 567: The provisions of this title
physical or moral, which: still apply the offender
of origin would neither be prosecuted nor convicted, or when
1. disregarded the rules relating to the secrecy of well even there would be missing a condition to act in
information collected under the provisions of justice as a result of the said offense. The perpetrator
this Code, to the prohibition of disclosing them or of origin may also be prosecuted for the offense
communicate outside the cases provided for in the said Code or to bleaching.
other purposes;
Article 568: In cases of conviction for one
2.destroy, falsify or remove records or documents of the offenses provided for above, the jurisdiction
the retention of which is provided for by this Code; competent authority may order the confiscation of:

3. performs or attempts to perform under a false identity which is the subject of the offense, including income
one of the operations for which the verification of and other benefits derived therefrom, unless their
identity or special surveillance is prescribed owner establishes that he acquired them by paying
by this Code; effectively the fair price or in exchange for services
corresponding to their value or any other lawful title, and
4.having knowledge by reason of their profession, that he was unaware of the illicit origin;
an investigation for money laundering,
knowingly informed by all means the 2. property belonging, directly or indirectly, to
persons targeted by the investigation; a person convicted of money laundering
capital or terrorist financing or its
5. communicate to the judicial authorities or relatives, spouse, partner, children, unless the
officials competent to ascertain infringements interested parties do not establish the lawful origin or the absence of
original and subsequent acts or documents that it link between these assets and the offense.
knows truncated or wrong.
In the event of an infringement established by the court,
when a conviction cannot be pronounced against

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its author (s), the latter may nevertheless order the aim to disturb the courts, by overoffers made to the prices
confiscation of property to which the offense relates. that the sellers themselves ask for, through
or any fraudulent means;
The decision ordering a confiscation designates - either by exercising or attempting to exercise, or
the goods concerned and includes the details individually, either by meeting or coalition, a
necessary for their identification and location. action in the market for the purpose of obtaining a gain
which would not be the result of the natural play of supply and
The competent court may pronounce the Requirement.
confiscation of property seized or frozen at the request of the
Public Ministry establishing: The above penalties may be
doubled if the increase or decrease has been made or attempted
1.that the said property constitutes the proceeds of a crime on products used for human nutrition.
or an offense within the meaning of this Code;
2.that the perpetrators of the facts that generated the products FALSIFICATIONS
can be prosecuted either because they are unknown,
either because there is a legal impossibility for Article 572: Is punished by imprisonment for one year at
prosecution of the facts. more and a fine of 100,000,000 francs at most
or one of these two penalties only, whoever has
Article 569: Confiscated resources or property are deceived or attempted to deceive the contractor:
vested in the State which can allocate them to a fight fund
against organized crime, drug trafficking, - either on the nature, the substantial qualities, the
money laundering or terrorist financing. They composition and content in principle useful of any
remain encumbered to the extent of their actual values merchandise;
lawfully constituted for the benefit of third parties. - either on their species or their origin when, according to the
convention or uses, the designation of the species or
In the event of confiscation pronounced by default, the of origin falsely attributed to the goods is
confiscated goods are vested in the State. However, if the considered to be the main cause of the sale;
jurisdiction, ruling on opposition, acquits the person - either on the quantity of things delivered or on their
pursued, it orders the restitution in value, by identity through the delivery of goods other than the
State, confiscated property, unless it is established that specific thing which was the subject of the contract.
said property is the product of a crime or misdemeanor.
Article 573: Imprisonment is increased to two years if
Article 570: Also constitutes an offense and will be the offense or attempted offense provided for in the previous article
punished by the penalty of five years imprisonment at most was committed :
incurred by the manager of the legal person and a
fine equal to five times the sums received, the fact - either using a wrong weight, measure or other instrument
for any legal person governed by private, de facto or or inaccurate;
created, to receive external funding, including -or by means of maneuvers or processes tending to
non-tort or non-criminal origin is not distort the operations of the analysis or dosage,
proven, when this operation is not authorized by weighing or measuring or to modify
the competent authorities. fraudulently the composition, weight or volume
goods even before these operations;
Any leader of a - or finally with the help of fraudulent indications tending to
legal person under public or private law which receives make believe in a previous and exact operation or in a
massive external financing without justification. official control that would not have existed.

TITLE IV: ILLICIT SPECULATION Article 574: The penalties provided for in article
570 above:
Article 571: Are punished by imprisonment of five
years at most and a fine of 100,000,000 francs -those who adulterate foodstuffs
more, or only one of these two penalties, all of humans or animals, substances
those who have, directly or through an intermediary, medicines, beverages and agricultural products
operated on or attempted to operate the artificial rise or fall or natural intended for sale;
the price of goods or public instruments or -those who exhibit, offer for sale or sell
private: foodstuffs or products referred to in the previous article that they have
tampered with or corrupted.
- either by false or slanderous facts sown on purpose
in the public, by offers thrown on the market in the

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If the adulterated or corrupted substance is BOOK SIXTH: ON THE REPRESSION OF

harmful to the health of man or animals, CERTAIN TRAFFIC
imprisonment will not exceed three years.
Are also punished with the same penalties, those
who knowingly modified the labels and packaging Article 579: Anyone who, without the prior authorization of
with the expiry date of foodstuffs, drugs, competent authorities, holds, offers, transfers, sells,
drinks and other substances referred to above. acquires, buys or uses or uses ivory
in any work of art or object whatsoever, is punished
Article 575: Are punished by imprisonment of three imprisonment for not more than ten years and
years at most and a fine of 50,000,000 francs fine equal to five times the value of the seizure.
more or only one of these two penalties, those who
without a legitimate reason will be found holders in their Article 580: When the offense has been committed in
shops, boutiques, warehouses, homes or cars name of a legal person governed by public law or by law
used in trade, workshops or manufacturing place in private, or when it has facilitated the import or
halls, fairs or markets: the export of ivory for marketing,
authors who acted on their behalf are punished with
- either wrong weights or measures, or other devices up to ten years' imprisonment and one
inaccurate for weighing or measuring fine equal to five times the value of the seizure.
merchandise ;
- either foodstuffs used for human consumption or In addition, the legal person may be subject to
animals, beverages, agricultural products or a conviction to a fine equal to the
natural, which they knew to be falsified, corrupted or five times the value of the seizure, without prejudice to
toxic; the application of the provisions of article 98 of this
-or products suitable for falsifying Coded.
above-mentioned foodstuffs.
Article 581: Those who, by any fraudulent means, have
Article 576: In all the cases provided for in this title, the facilitated or attempted to facilitate false justification
court pronounces the confiscation of the objects of the offense. He the origin of the ivory, the author of one of the
may also order the publication of the judgment offenses mentioned above, or those who intentionally
in full or by extract, at the expense of the convicted person, provided their support to any investment transaction,
in the newspapers it designates. conversion, or concealment of ivory, are punished
the penalties provided for in article 579 above.
The temporary or permanent closure of
the establishment in which the offense was committed may Article 582: The penalties provided for in articles 579 and 580
be pronounced. of this title are incurred even if one or
several acts constituting elements of the offense
TITLE VI: BREACHES OF THE CONTRACT will have been completed in one or more countries
READY different.

Article 577: Anyone who grants a conventional loan Article 583: Anyone who has provided or helped to provide
whose effective rate exceeds the rate by more than a quarter to others, by any means, the issuance of documents
means practiced under the same conditions by administrative convenience to facilitate the purchase,
bona fide lenders for credit transactions sale, acquisition, employment, marketing,
involving the same risks as the loan in question, transport, import, processing and any other
is sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years operation on ivory, is punishable by a
and a fine of 10,000,000 francs at most, or imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine
one of these two penalties only. equal to that incurred by the author.

Article 578: Those who have established or kept houses of Article 584: Anyone who knows the character
loan on pledge or pledge without authorization, or who, complacent documents, facilitated transportation,
having an authorization, did not keep a register marketing, import, export,
containing in succession, without any blank or line spacing, the transformation and all other operations relating to
sums or objects loaned, names, domiciles and ivory, is punished with a prison sentence of ten
professions of borrowers, nature, quality, years at most and a fine equal to that incurred by
value of the objects pledged are punished with a the author.
imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
10,000,000 francs at most or one of these two
penalties only.

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Article 585: The penalties provided for in the preceding articles said products or uses them not justified by a
will be doubled: prescription, is punishable by imprisonment of
seven years at most and a fine of a value equal to
-when the offender is a person five times the value of the entry.
custodian of public authority, a professional
Eaux et Forêt or a person in charge of protection Article 589: When the offense is committed by a
wildlife and that the offense was committed in legal person governed by public or private law, or
the exercise of its functions; when this facilitated import or export
-when the offender has used violence or of products pharmaceuticals for their
weapon; marketing without prior authorization of
-when the commission of the offense caused death or competent authorities, the perpetrators are punished with
seriously compromised the health of one or more fine equal to five times the value of the seizure, without
people; prejudice to the application of additional penalties
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by provided for in article 98 of this Code.
the use of digital or electronic networks of
communication; Article 590: Anyone who, by any fraudulent means, has
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by facilitated or attempted to facilitate false justification
the use of aircraft, boats, machines from the origin of pharmaceutical products to the author of
motorized of any kind; one of the offenses referred to in Articles 588 and 589 below
-when the offense was committed in an organized gang; on it, or those who intentionally brought their
-when the offense is committed in a manner support for any investment or conversion transaction
transnational within the meaning of article 583 of this Code. or concealment of the proceeds of planned offenses
under this title, is punished by the penalties provided for in article
Article 586: In all the aforementioned cases, the courts 588 above.
can pronounce the additional penalties provided for
in articles 79 et seq. of this Code. Article 591: The penalties provided for in articles 588 and 589
of this title are pronounced even though one or
They are held, under the specified conditions several acts constituting elements of the offense
in Articles 68 et seq. of this Code, to order will have been completed in one or more countries
confiscation of seized products, installations, different.
equipment and all movable or immovable property having
served, directly or indirectly, to the commission of Article 592: Anyone who has provided or helped to provide
offense as well as any proceeds from to others, by any means, the issuance of documents
this one, to whatever person they belong to unless administrative convenience to facilitate the purchase,
that the owners or possessors do not establish their sale, acquisition, employment, marketing,
sincerity. transport, importation, the transformation,
supply, distribution of products
Courts must order destruction pharmaceuticals and all other operations relating to
seized ivory or, failing that, its provision between said products, is punishable by imprisonment
the hands of the competent administrative services. not more than ten years and a fine of 1,000,000,000
francs at most.
Article 587: The attempt of one of the offenses referred to above
above is punished as the consummated offense. Article 593: Anyone who knows the character
complacent documents, facilitated transportation,
Anyone who is guilty of marketing, import, export,
participation in an association or an agreement processing, supply, distribution of
constituted for the purpose of committing one of the offenses pharmaceutical products and any other operation
referred to in this title, is exempt from penalty if, having outside the frameworks authorized by law, is punishable by
revealed this association or understanding to the authority imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine
administrative or judicial, it made it possible to avoid of 1,000,000,000 francs at most.
committing the offense or identifying others
people involved. Article 594: The penalties provided for in the preceding articles
are doubled:
PHARMACEUTICALS -when the offender is a person
depositary of public authority and that the offense was
Article 588: Anyone who, without the prior authorization of committed in the exercise of its functions;
competent authorities, holds, offers, transfers, sells, - when the offense was committed by a professional
acquires, buys pharmaceuticals, employs health and any other medical field or

Page 74


pharmaceutical or by a person responsible for narcotics, is punished by twenty years of criminal imprisonment
against trafficking in pharmaceutical products or and a fine of 50,000,000 francs at most.
protection of said products;
-when the pharmaceutical products in question are The penalties are increased to thirty years imprisonment
counterfeit or falsified products; criminal and to a fine equal to five times the
-when the offender has used violence or value of the seizure when the offenses are committed
weapon; in an organized band.
-when the commission of the offense caused death or
seriously compromised the health of one or more Article 599: Anyone who organizes, in any capacity whatsoever
people; either the illicit import or export of narcotics,
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by is punished by twenty years imprisonment and a fine equal
the use of digital or electronic networks of five times the value of the entry.
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by The penalties are increased to thirty years imprisonment
the use of aircraft, boats, machines criminal and 200,000,000,000 francs at most
motorized of any kind; fine when the offenses are committed in
-when the offense was committed in an organized gang; organized gang.
-when the offense was committed in a manner
transnational within the meaning of article 592 of this Code. Article 600: Anyone who facilitates, by any means, the
false justification of the origin of the goods or
Article 595: In all the aforementioned cases, the courts income of the perpetrator of one of the mentioned offenses
may pronounce the additional penalties provided for under the present title, or assists in an operation
in article 79 of this Code. investment, concealment or conversion of the
product of one of these offenses, is punished by fifteen
They are required to order the confiscation of years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of
seized products, installations, equipment and all goods 500,000,000 francs at most.
furniture or real estate having served, directly or
indirectly, to the commission of the offense as well as The minimum of the fine pronounced will be equal
of all products from it, a few one-third of the value of the goods or funds on which
people they belong to unless the carried money laundering operations.
owners or possessors do not establish their good faith.
Article 601: The provisions of this Code relating to
Courts must order destruction to the security penalty are applicable to offenses
of seized pharmaceutical products. provided for by this title.

Article 596: The attempt of one of the offenses referred to in Article 602: Constitute narcotic drugs within the meaning of
this title is punished as the consummated offense. provisions of this title substances or plants
classified as such by law or regulation.
Anyone who is guilty of
participation in an association or an agreement Article 603: In all cases, natural persons
constituted for the purpose of committing one of the offenses guilty of the offenses referred to in this Title
referred to in this title, is exempt from penalty if, having also incur additional penalties
revealed this association or understanding to the authority provided for in articles 79 et seq. of this Code.
administrative or judicial, it made it possible to avoid
committing the offense or identifying others Legal persons declared criminally
people involved. officials incur, in addition to the fine provided for by
article 96 of this Code, additional penalties

Article 597: Directing or organizing a Jurisdiction is held, under the conditions

grouping for the purpose of transport, detention, specified in articles 68 et seq. of this Code,
the offer, sale, distribution, marketing, order the confiscation of the seized products,
the illicit acquisition or use of narcotics is punishable installations, equipment and all real estate or
thirty years' imprisonment and a fine furniture having served, directly or indirectly, for
equal to five times the value of the entry. commission of the offense as well as all products
from it, to whatever person they
Article 598: Anyone who organizes, in any capacity whatsoever belong unless the persons or
either the illicit production or manufacture of owners do not establish their good faith.

Page 75


Anyone who is guilty of -when the commission of the offense caused death or
participation in an association or an agreement seriously compromised the health of one or more
constituted for the purpose of committing one of the offenses people;
referred to in this book, is exempt from penalty if, having -when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by
revealed this association or understanding to the authority the use of digital or electronic networks of
administrative or judicial, it made it possible to avoid communication;
committing the offense or identifying others -when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by
people involved. the use of aircraft, boats, machines
motorized, of whatever nature;
TITLE IV: TRAFFICKING IN MATERIALS -when the offense was committed in an organized gang.
MINERALS Article 608: The attempt of one of the offenses foreseen
under this title is punished as the offense
Article 604: Excluding mining activities consumed.
artisanal guaranteed by the privilege of nationality,
anyone who, without authorization, exploits, extracts, It is the same for the association or
markets, offers, acquires, buys or employs, in conspiracy to commit any of these offenses.
view of processing, raw materials or
any other mineral substance classified as Article 609: In all cases provided for in this title,
strategic by the texts in force, is punished by fifteen jurisdictions can:
years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of
100,000,000,000 francs at most. 1.animpose the penalty of the prohibition of rights
civic, civil and family;
When the offense at consisted in
importation, production, manufacture or 2. pronounce the stay ban;
the illegal exploitation of raw materials or
mineral substances classified as strategic, the 3. order the withdrawal of the passport;
sentence is increased to twenty years of criminal imprisonment and
a fine of 200,000,000,000 francs at most. 4.Prohibit the offender and his accomplices
the exercise of the profession during which the
Legal persons declared criminally crime has been committed, during a period which cannot
officials also incur the fine provided for exceed five years.
article 96 of this Code and the penalties
additional provisions provided for in Article 98. Article 610: In all cases, the courts are
required to order the confiscation of the seized products.
Article 605: Those who, by any fraudulent means, have
facilitated or attempted to facilitate false justification Are also seized and confiscated, in
the origin of the resources or property of the author of conditions specified in Articles 68 et seq. of
one of the offenses referred to in the above article, or those this Code, the installations, materials and all goods
who have intentionally provided assistance to any furniture and real estate having served, directly or
placement, concealment or indirectly, to the commission of the offense, as well as
conversion of the proceeds of such an offense, are punished any product from it, to a few people
the penalties provided for in article 604 above. that they belong, unless the owners
establish their good faith.
Article 606: The penalties provided for in this title may
be pronounced even though the various acts which The competent courts may order
constitute the elements of the offense have been completed confiscation of all or part of the convicted person's property,
in different countries. whatever the nature, movable or immovable, divided
or undivided.
Article 607: The penalties provided for in this title are
doubled: Article 611: In the event of a charge against one of the
offenses mentioned in this chapter and in order to
-when the offender has used violence guarantee the payment of the fines incurred, the costs of
or weapon; justice and confiscation, the President of the
-when the offender is a person First Instance, at the request of the Public Prosecutor, may
depositary of public authority and that the offense was order protective measures on the property of the
committed in the exercise of its functions; or persons charged.

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The conviction constitutes validation of these measures Article 617: The penalties provided for in articles 613 and 615
and allows the definitive registration of collateral. are doubled:

The decision of dismissal or discharge or -when the offender is a person

of acquittal automatically carries a raised hand of depositary of public authority and that the offense will have
ordered measures. It is the same in case was committed in the performance of his duties;
extinction of public action. -when the offender has used violence or
Article 612: Accomplices in illicit exploitation -when the commission of the offense caused death or
incur the same penalties as the perpetrators of seriously compromised the health of one or more
offenses referred to in this book. people;
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by
However, any person the use of digital or electronic networks of
which, notwithstanding its participation in an association or communication;
agreement formed to commit one of the -when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by
offenses referred to in this book, will have made it possible to avoid the use of aircraft, boats, machines
committing the offense or identifying others motorized of any kind;
people involved, by revealing the association or -when the offense was committed in an organized gang;
agreement to the administrative or judicial authority. -when the offense was committed in a manner
transnational within the meaning of article 614.
Article 618: Those who, by any means,
Article 613: Anyone, without authorization and outside incite the commission of one of the offenses foreseen
cases provided for by law, cultivates, holds, offers, cedes, sells, and repressed under this title, even though this
acquires, purchases or uses substances, plants or incitement has not been acted upon, are punished with a
all other plant species protected, classified or imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of
declared strategic by the texts in force, is punished 500,000,000 francs at most.
imprisonment for ten years and a fine equal to
five times the value of the entry. Article 619: For all the offenses referred to in
this title, the courts may pronounce the
Article 614: When the offense consists in the additional penalties provided for in Articles 79 and
cultivation, production, manufacture and export following sections of this Code.
illegal substances, plants protected, classified or
declared strategic by the texts in force, with a view to They are held, under the specified conditions
their marketing, their domestic use in Articles 68 et seq. of this Code, to order
or private, the guilty are punished by fifteen years of confiscation of seized products, installations,
criminal imprisonment and a fine equal to five times equipment and all movable or immovable property having
of the value of the entry. served, directly or indirectly, to the commission of
offense as well as any proceeds from
Article 615: The penalties provided for in article 613 are punished this one, to whatever person they belong to unless
above, anyone who has: that the owners or possessors do not establish their
1.Easy or attempted to facilitate, by any means
fraudulent, false justification, for the benefit of Courts must order destruction
the offender, the origin of the cash seized products, failing which they are made available between
protected plants, classified or declared strategic the hands of the competent administrative services.
by the texts in force;
Article 620: The attempt of one of the offenses referred to in
2.intentionally provided assistance to any this title is punished as the consummated offense.
investment, conversion or
concealment of the product of one of the intended substances Anyone who is guilty of
under this title. participation in an association or an agreement
constituted for the purpose of committing one of the offenses
Article 616: The penalties provided for in this title will be referred to in this book, is exempt from penalty if, having
pronounced even though one or more of the acts revealed this association or understanding to the authority
constituting elements of the offense will have been administrative or judicial, it made it possible to avoid
performed in one or more different countries. committing the offense or identifying others
people involved.

Page 77


BOOK SEVENTH: ON THE PROTECTION OF The penalty is twenty years of criminal imprisonment
THE ENVIRONMENT at most and a fine, the amount of which is set by the
specific texts in force, when:
FOREST DOMAIN 1. the intrusion or stay is accompanied by violence
on people or property;
Article 621: Is punished by imprisonment for ten years
at most and a fine of 100,000,000 francs at the 2.the violence referred to in the previous point caused
more, anyone, without authorization and out of the case the death of one or more people.
authorized by law:
-makes a false declaration in matters of production WILDLIFE PROTECTION
- intentionally falsify or counterfeit trademarks or Article 623: Is punished by fifteen years imprisonment
forestry hammers belonging to either criminal at most and a fine in the amount of
the forest administration, or to individuals; fixed by the specific texts in force, anyone,
-forge or counterfeit logging titles; except in cases authorized by law, a:
-cuts, removes, transports, exploits or markets
accessory species or forest products; 1. practiced hunting with weapons other than those
-damage to the environment by improper use authorized for hunting;
or violation of standards;
- undertakes wood processing activities 2.hunted using motorized gear or
harmful to the environment. aircraft;

For all the offenses referred to in this title, 3.hunted in protected areas, parks
the courts can pronounce the sentences national or any other regulated area.
additional provisions provided for in Articles 56 to 58 of this
Coded. Article 624: The penalties provided for in this title are
doubled, when hunting or poaching
They are required, under the conditions specified in have:
Articles 68 and following of this Code, to order the
confiscation of seized products, installations, -caused violence against people;
equipment and all movable or immovable property having - caused destruction or damage to property;
served, directly or indirectly, to the commission of -caused lasting damage to the environment.
offense as well as any proceeds from
this one, to whatever person they belong to unless Article 625: The penalty is twenty years imprisonment
that the owners or possessors do not establish their criminal at most, when the violence has caused
sincerity. the death of one or more people.

TITLE II: OFFENSES RELATING TO Article 626: The penalty is also twenty years of
PROTECTED AREAS AND NATIONAL PARKS criminal imprisonment at most when illegal hunting or
poaching is carried out by an organized gang.
Article 622: Anyone, except in cases authorized by the
texts in force, has entered or stayed in a Article 627: Anyone who unlawfully provides or
national park or in any protected area, is punished with contributes to providing to others by any means, the deliverance
up to ten years' imprisonment and one administrative acts of convenience to facilitate the
fine, the amount of which is fixed by specific texts capture, slaughter, purchase, sale, acquisition,
in force, when the intrusion or stay has: employment, the marketing, the transport,
import, transformation and any other operation
- was done for the purpose of poaching within the meaning of the Code of relating to protected or classified wildlife species
Water and Forests; by regulation, is punishable by a penalty
-caused damage to fauna or flora; imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine
- took place despite the authorities' injunctions the amount of which is fixed by the specific texts in
competent; force.
- made by people with hunting weapons
or weapons of war. Article 628: Anyone who knows the character
accommodating documents, facilitates transport,
marketing and export of wildlife
protected or classified by regulation, is punished

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up to ten years' imprisonment and TITLE IV: ILLEGAL EXPLOITATION OF

a fine, the amount of which is fixed by law HALIEUTICS RESOURCES
individuals in force.
Article 633: Anyone, except in cases authorized by the
Article 629: The penalties provided for in articles 621, 622, texts in force, practices fishing, exploits, sells,
624 and 625 above are doubled: stores, transports, exhibits or purchases products from the
fishing or marine agriculture is punished:
-when the offender is a person
depositary of public authority and that the offense will have 1.with imprisonment for not more than five years and
was committed in the performance of his duties; fine, the amount of which is fixed by law
-when the offense is committed by a professional particulars in force when these acts apply to
sector or a person responsible for combating a species subject to quota and authorization;
trafficking in wildlife species protected or classified by
regulatory route; 2. imprisonment for not more than ten years and
-when the offender uses violence or fine, the amount of which is fixed by law
weapon; particulars in force when these acts are carried out
-when the commission of the offense caused death or in prohibited areas, depths or periods;
seriously compromised the health of one or more
people; 3.with imprisonment for not more than ten years and
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by fine, the amount of which is fixed by law
the use of digital or electronic networks of in force when the perpetrators of these acts
communication; are opposed to the intervention and control of agents
-when the commission of the offense has been facilitated by powers of the competent administrations;
the use of aircraft, boats, machines
motorized of any kind; 4.Ten years' imprisonment and a fine
-when the offense was committed in an organized gang; the amount of which is fixed by the specific texts in
-when one or more constituting acts of force when these acts are perpetrated with devices,
the offense will have been committed in one or more prohibited devices, means of detection, instruments or
different countries. prohibited.

Article 630: Those who by any means have The penalties are doubled when the
incited to the commission of one of the offenses foreseen offenses are:
and repressed by this Code, even though this
incitement would not have been followed up, are punished with a 1. committed in an organized gang;
imprisonment for up to five years and a fine
the amount of which is fixed by the specific texts in 2. committed with violence against people.
When the violence referred to in the above paragraph
Article 631: For all the offenses referred to in have resulted in the death or permanent disability of the
this title, the courts may pronounce the penalties of the victims, the sentence will be twenty years imprisonment
additional provisions provided for in Articles 56 to 58 of this criminal at most.
Article 634: Anyone, except in cases authorized by law,
They are required, under the conditions specified in disembark, tranship or
Articles 68 and following of this Code, to order the transfer of sea and river fishing products,
confiscation of seized products, installations, lagoon or lake in prohibited areas or in
equipment and all movable or immovable property having violation of the law or regulations, is punished with
served, directly or indirectly, to the commission of imprisonment for up to ten years and a fine
offense as well as any proceeds from the amount of which is fixed by the specific texts in
this one, to whatever person they belong to unless force.
that the owners or possessors do not establish their
sincerity. Article 635: Anyone on board a ship or any
other craft intended or used for fishing,
Courts must order destruction holds explosives, firearms, substances
seized products and, failing that, their delivery to the services soporific or toxic likely to destroy or alter
competent administrative staff. marine, fluvial and lagoon species, plants
marine, streams, rivers, streams, lakes, lagoons or
Article 632: The attempt of one of the offenses referred to in any other aquatic environment, is punished by ten years
this title is punished as the consummated offense.

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imprisonment at most and a fine of which The penalties are increased to fifteen years imprisonment
amount is fixed by the specific texts in force. criminal and to a fine, the amount of which is set by
the specific texts in force, when pollution or
Article 636: Anyone who, without authorization, forms or the degradation was caused by original products
immerses an exploitation of marine cultures, a nuclear or heavy metals.
aquaculture operation or a permanent establishment of
capture, is punishable by imprisonment for five years Article 641: Whoever throws, pours or leaves
plus and a fine, the amount of which is set by the flow into surface water, groundwater or
specific texts in force. sea ​waters within the limits of territorial waters,
directly or indirectly, one or more
Article 637: The provisions of this Code relating to any substances, the action or reactions of which
to the application of criminal law in space, are have, even temporarily, caused harmful effects
applicable to the offenses provided for in this Title. on health or damage to flora or fauna, is
punishable by imprisonment for up to ten years and
Article 638: Captains and commanders of ships, a fine, the amount of which is fixed by law
boats, boats or any other device intended for individuals in force.
fishing, are criminally responsible for offenses
committed on board or with the aid of their ships, boats, Article 642: Whoever lets flow, spills or throws
boats, without prejudice to criminal liability substances, objects or waste on the public highway
individual of other people on board. likely to affect health and safety
public or to inconvenience the public, is punished with
Article 639: For all the offenses referred to in imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of
this title, the courts may pronounce the 10,000,000 francs at most.
additional penalties provided for in Articles 56 and
following sections of this Code. They are held, in The penalty is increased to five years' imprisonment
conditions specified in Articles 68 et seq. of at most and 20,000,000 francs fine at most
this Code, to order the confiscation of the proceeds when the perpetrator (s) persist despite a
seized, installations, equipment, vessels used injunction of the competent administrative authority.
directly or indirectly to the commission of
offense as well as any proceeds from it Article 643: Whoever, in violation of a decision of the
this to whatever person they belong to unless competent administrative authorities directing him to do so,
the owners or possessors do not establish their good refuses to assist with the collection, storage or
faith. the elimination of household waste even though
these represent a threat to the environment
Immobilization of the vessel in the conditions immediate health and the health of local residents, is punished with
provided for in this Code may be ordered. imprisonment for up to three months and a fine
of 500,000 francs at most.
Article 640: Is punished by imprisonment for ten years
at most and a fine, the amount of which is set by the Article 644: Anyone, in a public or private place,
specific texts in force, anyone who: directly or through a person, a
thing in his care or an animal placed under his
1.pollutes or degrades streams, rivers, rivers, responsibility, is the source of noise other than those
lakes, lagoons or any other natural aquatic environment, for pertaining to a specific authorized activity or a
discharge, spill or accumulation of residues industrial production or operation unit,
industrialists; commercial or artisanal, by nature, by its duration, its
repetition, or its intensity, to impair the
2.pollutes or degrades the national maritime space, by neighborhood tranquility or human health, is
discharge, spill or accumulation of residues punishable by imprisonment for up to three months and one
industrialists; fine of 1,000,000 francs at most.

3.pollutes or degrades the national maritime space, by The penalty may be doubled in the
discharge, spill or accumulation of oil; following cases:

4.Causes fish damage to watercourses, canals, -when noise pollution occurs at night;
streams, rivers, streams, lakes, lagoons or any other -when the perpetrator (s) persist despite a
natural aquatic environment. injunction of the competent administrative authority;

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-when the nuisances are produced by a flow of -be fair and contradictory;
drinks or any similar establishment in violation of the -preserve the balance of the rights of the parties;
legislative or regulatory provisions of the sector. -guarantee the separation of the authorities responsible for
the exercise of public action and the authorities of
Article 645: The additional penalties provided for in judgment.
Articles 56 et seq. of this Code, applicable to
natural persons and legal persons, are People prosecuted for the same
incurred for all offenses referred to in this offenses and under identical conditions
delivered. must be judged according to the same rules.

FINAL PROVISIONS Article 2: The judicial authority ensures the information and
to guarantee the rights of the parties.
Articles 646: Regulatory texts determine, in
as necessary, provisions of any kind Article 3: Everyone is presumed innocent as long as
necessary for the application of this law. that his guilt is not established.

Article 647: This law, which repeals all Infringements of the presumption of innocence are
previous provisions to the contrary, in particular the law repaired and repressed under the conditions provided for by the
n ° 21/63 of May 31, 1963 on the Penal Code, will be law.
recorded, published under the emergency procedure and
enforced as state law. Anyone prosecuted has the right to be
informed of the charges against her and has the right
Done in Libreville, July 05, 2019 to be assisted by a defender.

By the President of the Republic, Coercive measures which a person

Head of state can be subject are taken by decision of the authority
Ali BONGO ONDIMBA judicial or under its control. It must, in all cases,
be definitively ruled on the charge (s) of which this
The Prime Minister, Head of Government person is subject within the time limits prescribed by the
Julien NKOGHE BEKALE this Code.

The Minister of State, Minister of the Interior, of Justice, Article 4: The procedure during the investigation and
Keeper of the Seals the investigation is secret, except in cases where the law
Edgard Anicet MBOUMBOU MIYAKOU otherwise and without prejudice to the rights of the
The Minister of Decentralization, Cohesion and
Territory Development Anyone who assists in this procedure
Lambert Noël MATHA is bound by professional secrecy in the
conditions provided for by law, under penalty of prosecution
The Minister of the Economy, Finance and judicial.
National Solidarities
Roger OWONO MBA By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and
___________________ 2 above, the Public Prosecutor may, up to
opening up of information, disseminating through the press
Law n ° 043/2018 of 05 July 2019 on the Code of certain objective information and elements taken from the
Penal procedure procedure conducive to the search for truth
or to rectify errors that would spread through
The National Assembly and the Senate have deliberated public opinion.
and adopted;
The Constitutional Court declared that it conforms to Title II: Public action
the Constitution ;
The President of the Republic, Head of State, has Article 5: The object of public action is repression
promulgated the law, the content of which follows: infringement of criminal law.

Book One: General provisions Article 6: It is set in motion by the Ministry

Public, any authorized public official, or by any person
Title I: Principles and rules physical or moral injury, under the conditions set by
the texts in force.
Article 1 st : The criminal proceedings must: Article 7: Public action is terminated by:

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