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Using a coding

mindset to support
creative English
language learning

In English Code, language learning takes place through hands-on

creative tasks, investigation, projects, and experiments. Stories and
videos provide motivating opportunities to learn skills for bright
futures. Coding, problem solving, math, and collaborative skills all
feature in a syllabus that includes built-in STEAM, driving learners’
natural curiosity about the world around them. A clear focus on

functional language gives learners the tools to become effective
and confident speakers of English inside and outside the classroom.

• Integrated future skills focus on creativity and problem solving

• Coding strand is introduced through code cracker tasks
• STEAM syllabus with hands-on experiments
• Audiovisual materials include phonics, grammar, and
STEAM videos

English Code is built on GSE learning objectives, which help to

monitor and measure progress throughout the course.

CEFR GSE Benchmark Cambridge English

Starter <A1 10-17 / /
Level 1 <A1 / A1 14-24 Level 1 Pre A1 Starters
Level 2 A1/A1+ 20-30 Level 2 Pre A1 Starters
Level 3 A1/A2 25-36 Level 3 A1 Movers
Level 4 A2/A2+ 31-40 Level 4 A2 Flyers
Level 5 A2+/B1 36-46 Level 5 A2 Flyers
Level 6 A2+/B1/B1+ 41-50 Level 6 B1 Preliminary for Schools

31-40 A2/A2+

EnglishCode_L4_PHBK_CVR.indd All Pages 03/09/2020 14:11

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CVR English Code Phonics Book 4 22605 IFC.indd 1 10/5/20 5:01 PM

Phonics Book

EnglishCode_L4_PHBK_TTL.indd 1 11/09/2020 11:14

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

Consonants Two-Letter Consonant Blend Vowels

/b/ bag, bike /bl/ blanket, blue /ɑː/ /ɒ/ top, jog, wash
/d/ desk, opened /pl/ plane, planet /æ/ cat, clap, sand
/f/ face, free, laugh, photo /kl/ clean, climb /e/ wet, send, healthy
/g/ game, good /gl/ glass, glove /ɪ/ hit, sing, pin
/h/ hit, hot /fl/ fly, floor /ɔː/ caught, saw, cough
/k/ key, kite /sl/ sleep, slow /ɔːr/ /ɔː/ horse, morning
/l/ lamp, lucky /br/ break, branch /eɪ/ cake, name, say
/m/ man, monkey /pr/ price, practice /iː/ eat, tree, steam
/n/ neck, nut /kr/ crab /oʊ/ /əʊ/ home, coat, snow
/ŋ/ ring, flying /fr/ fruit /uː/ food, glue, flew, June
/p/ pen, pink /gr/ grass /ʌ/ duck, run, cut, honey
/r/ run, rock /dr/ draw /ʊ/ cook, foot, put
/s/ sun, sell, cycle, grapes /tr/ train /ər/ /ə/ ruler, teacher
/ʃ/ shirt, shut, shell /ŋk/ bank, think /ɜːr/ bird, hurt, word, learn
/t/ tent, knocked /nd/ stand, round
/θ/ thick, thirsty /nt/ student, count
/ɑɪ/ nice, bike
/ð/ this, there /sk/ scarf, skirt, basket, scary
/aʊ/ house, brown
/v/ visit, give /sm/ small
/ɔɪ/ boil, enjoy
/w/ wall, window, what /sn/ snow
/a:r/ /a:/ card, market
/ks/ relax, taxi /sp/ sports, space
/aɪr/ /aɪə/ fire, hire
/j/ yellow, young /st/ stand, first, stay
/aʊr/, /aʊər/ /aʊər/ hour, flower
/z/ zoo, bananas /sw/ swim, sweet
/er/ /eə/ chair, bear, there
/tʃ/ chair, cheese, cheap /tw/ twelve, twins
/ɪr/ /ɪə/ near, engineer
/dʒ/ jeans, juice, judge, ginger /kw/ quick, question
/ju:/ cute, huge, few
Three-Letter Consonant Blend
Vowel and Consonant Blend
/spr/ spring
/ʃən/ station, dictionary
/str/ street
/ɪz/ beaches, bridges
/skr/ screen
/ɪd/ visited
/skw/ square

F01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 2 27/08/2020 16:03

Unit Letters Sounds

1 ir / ear / ɜːr / / ɜː /
pp. 2–3

2 air / ear / er / / eə /
pp. 4–5

3 ear / eer / ɪr / / ɪə /
pp. 6–7

Review 1 Review Units 1–3 pp. 8–9

4 bl & pl / bl / & / pl / xxx

pp. 10–15
cl & gl / kl / & / gl /

fl & sl / fl / & / sl /

5 br & pr / br / & / pr /
pp. 16–21
cr, fr, & gr / kr /, / fr /, & / gr / xxx

dr & tr / dr / & / tr /
Review 2 Review Units 4–5 pp. 22–23
6 sc / sk / sk / xxx

pp. 24–31
sm & sn / sm / & / sn / xxx

sp & st / sp / & / st /

sw / sw /
Review 3 Review Unit 6 pp. 32–33

7 tw / tw /
pp. 34–37
qu / kw /

8 c, g, & j / s / & / dƺ /
pp. 38–39

Review 4 Review Units 7–8 pp. 40–41

Phonics Dictionary pp. 42–45

F01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 3 27/08/2020 16:03

1 ir / ear
1 02
Listen, point, and repeat.
ir ear

1 2

bird learn

3 4

shirt search

5 6

thirty early

M01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 2 27/08/2020 12:36

2 03
Listen. Then say.

The thirsty bird arrived early

To search for food and a drink.
He tapped three times on my window
To wake me up early, I think.
I gave him a dish of water.
He said, “Thank you!”
And gave me a wink.

3 Act out the rhyme.

M01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 3 27/08/2020 12:36

2 air / ear
1 04
Listen, point, and repeat.
air ear

1 2

chair bear

3 4

hair pear

5 6

fair wear

M02 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 4 27/08/2020 12:40

2 05
Listen. Then say.

I wish I could visit the fair,

Take a ride on a swing with a bear,
Way up in the clear blue air,
Feel the wind on my face and hair,
Then enjoy a delicious pear.
I’d be so happy way up there.

3 Imagine you are at the fair in 2. Draw a

picture. Then show a partner and say the rhyme

M02 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 5 27/08/2020 12:40

3 ear / eer
1 06
Listen, point, and repeat.
ear eer

1 2

ear engineer

3 4

near cheer

5 6

year deer

M03A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 6 27/08/2020 12:45

2 07
Listen and read. American British
Grandma Granny

Dear Grandma,
It’s getting very near to
New Year. So I’m sending you
a letter to cheer you up. See
you on New Year’s Day.
Love from

3 Think of someone dear to

you. Write another letter.

M03A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 7 27/08/2020 12:45

Review 1 ir /
1 08
Play the game. Listen and draw the
route. Then say the words.




M03B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 8 27/08/2020 12:58

air / ear/
ear eer

Claire Beatrice


M03B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 9 27/08/2020 12:58

4 bl pl
1 09
Listen, point, and repeat.
bl pl

1 4

blanket plane

2 5

block plate

3 6

blue planet

M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 10 27/08/2020 13:20

Sing the song.

2 10
11 Listen. Then sing.

My soccer team wears black and blue,

Black and blue.
My soccer team wears black and blue,
Black and blue.
See them play, hear me cheer.
We will get first place this year.
My soccer team wears black and blue.

3 Design a uniform for a soccer team.


M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 11 27/08/2020 13:20

4 cl gl
4 12
Listen, point, and repeat.
cl gl

1 4

clean glass

2 5

climb glue

3 6

clock glove

M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 12 27/08/2020 13:20

5 13
Listen and read.

1 2

May 3

Yesterday, I forgot to wear I couldn’t see the clock

my glasses. clearly.

3 4

May 4

I was late for class. I’m glad I have my glasses

on today.

He forgot ...

6 What else did the boy forget?


M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 13 27/08/2020 13:20

4 fl sl
7 14
Listen, point, and repeat.
fl sl

1 4

fly sleep

2 5

floor slide

3 6

flower slow

M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 14 27/08/2020 13:20

8 15
Listen and read.

1 2

I am learning to ski.
Now I can slide down.
Slowly I stand up.
3 4

I slide
ide faster and faster …
I can almost fly. Oh, no! It’s very slippery.
I fall flat on the floor!

9 Act out the story.


M04 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 15 27/08/2020 13:20

5 br pr
1 16
Listen, point, and repeat.
br pr

1 4

break prize

2 5

brown price

3 6

branch practice

M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 16 27/08/2020 13:28

2 17
Listen and read. American British
hall monitor prefect

1 2

My brother is a hall monitor He has soccer practice

at school. He is bright and every day and hopes to
brave. win the first prize again.

Everybody praises my brother. I’m really proud of him.

3 Act out the story.


M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 17 27/08/2020 13:28

5 cr
4 18
Listen, point, and repeat.

cr 1 2

crab cry
fr 3 4

fridge fruit
gr 5 6

grass gravity


M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 18 27/08/2020 13:28

5 19
Listen and read.

Don’t cry!
If you eat too much ice cream,
You will get sick.
But if you eat fresh green fruit,
You will grow taller than the fridge.

I like …
6 Draw a list of the fruits
you like and tell the class.


M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 19 27/08/2020 13:28

5 dr tr
7 20
Listen, point, and repeat.
dr tr

1 4

draw train

2 5

drink tram

3 6

drama tree

M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 20 27/08/2020 13:28

8 21
Listen and read.

I dream about driving a car. I dream about making a trip

to the park. I can take lots of food and drink.

If the weather is hot and dry, I can stop

driving and have a picnic under a tree.

9 What do you dream about?

Draw and tell a partner.

M05A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 21 27/08/2020 13:28

Review 2 bl /
pl cl /
1 22
Listen and say the words.

1 2 3

block bridge cream

clock fridge green
4 5 6

drain drawer prize

train floor fries
7 8 9

glass glide plane

grass slide train

M05B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 22 27/08/2020 13:49

fl / cr /
br / fr / dr /
sl gr
pr tr
2 Choose and write nine words. Play Bingo.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9


M05B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 23 27/08/2020 13:49

6 sc / sk
1 23
Listen, point, and repeat.
sc sk

1 2

scarf skate

3 4

score skirt

5 6

scout sky

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 24 27/08/2020 13:54

2 24
25 Listen. Then sing.

Put down your school bag,

Take off your scarf.
Put on your skates,
Let’s go to the park.
We can play, we can laugh,
We can skate in the sun.
Put down your school bag,
Take off your scarf.

3 Act out the song.


M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 25 27/08/2020 13:54

6 sm sn
4 26
Listen, point, and repeat.
sm sn

1 4

small snake

2 5

smell snore

3 6

smooth snow

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 26 27/08/2020 13:54

5 27
Listen. Then say.

Can you see the small brown snake,

Sleeping in the sun?
Can you see its smooth long shape,
Sleeping in the sun?
Can you hear the snake snoring,
Sleeping in the sun?

6 Draw a house in the country. Add as many

things as you can starting with s.

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 27 27/08/2020 13:54

6 sp st
7 28
Listen, point, and repeat.
sp st

1 … 4

speak stand

2 5

p - l - a- y

spell star

3 6

sports stop

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 28 27/08/2020 13:54

8 29
Listen. Then say.

At night, if you stop and stand very still,

Take a look around up high.
You’ll see millions of special stars,
Little spots of light in the sky.

Your stars
look like …

9 Draw your own group of

stars in the sky. Ask a partner to
say what they look like.

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 29 27/08/2020 13:54

6 sw
10 30
Listen, point, and repeat.

1 … 2

swan sweat

3 4

sweep sweet

5 6

swim swing

M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 30 27/08/2020 13:54

11 31
Listen and read.

I can swing in the trees

I can swim like a swan.
like a monkey.

I can sing a sweet song But I have to sweep

like a bird. the floor!

12 Act out the story.


M06A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 31 27/08/2020 13:54

Review 3 sc /
1 32
Play the game. Say words for the pictures.
Say words with the letters.


sm sp

climb ... ... ... ... ...





M06B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 32 27/08/2020 14:01

sp /
sm / st sw








M06B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 33 27/08/2020 14:01

7 tw
1 33
Listen, point, and repeat.

1 2

twelfth twelve

3 4

twice twins

5 6

twist twenty

M07 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 34 27/08/2020 14:06

2 34
Listen. Then say.

Twelve ladies are on the dance floor.

The twelfth lady has a twin sister.
Do you think the twins will have twice as much fun?

3 Draw an outfit for a dance party.


M07 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 35 27/08/2020 14:06

7 qu
4 35
Listen, point, and repeat.

1 2

queen quick

3 4

quiet quiz

5 6 What’s your name?

quarter question

M07 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 36 27/08/2020 14:06

5 36
Listen. Then say.

Now the last question.

Where’s the Taj Mahal?

It’s fun to watch a TV quiz.

It’s always a surprise.
If you answer questions quickly,
You may get the winning prize.

The answer is …
6 Write a quiz question
for a partner to answer.


M07 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 37 27/08/2020 14:06

8 c g j American
1 37
Listen, point, and repeat. centre
c g j

1 4

center bandage

2 5

circle judge

3 6

cycle ginger

M08A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 38 27/08/2020 14:08

2 38
Listen. Then say.

The park in the city center is large.

It has a huge bridge.
You can run. You can jog.
But you can’t cycle.
It’s a pity there’s no cycle path.

3 Is there a park near your

school? What is there in the park?


M08A English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 39 27/08/2020 14:08

Review 4 tw
1 39
Play the game. Say words for the
pictures. Say rhyming words.




M08B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 40 27/08/2020 16:06

c g j
more …





M08B English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 41 27/08/2020 16:06


ir bird learn shirt search thirty early

ear 5+6 =?


air chair bear hair pear fair wear


ear ear engineer near cheer year deer


bl blanket block blue plane plate planet



Z01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 42 27/08/2020 14:38

cl clean climb clock glass glue glove


fl fly floor flower sleep slide slow


br break brown branch prize price practice


cr crab cry fridge fruit grass gravity




Z01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 43 27/08/2020 14:38


dr draw drink drama train tram tree


sc scarf skate score skirt scout sky


sm small smell smooth snake snore snow


sp speak spell sports stand star stop

st play



Z01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 44 27/08/2020 14:38

sw swan sweat sweep sweet swim swing

tw twelfth twelve twice twins twist twenty

qu queen quick quiet quiz quarter question

What’s your name?

c center circle cycle bandage judge ginger


Z01 English Code Phonics Book4 22605.indd 45 27/08/2020 14:38

Pearson Education Limited
KAO Park
Hockham Way
Harlow, Essex
CM17 9SR
and Associated Companies throughout the world.
Authorized Licenced Edition from the English language edition, entitled Phonics Fun, 1st edition
published Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong and Longman Asia ELT © 2003.
This Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2021
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written
permission of the Publishers
First published 2021
ISBN: 978-1-292-32260-5
Set in Heinemann Roman 17/19pt
Printed in Slovakia by Neografia
Illustrated by Christos Skaltsas (Hyphen S.A.)

CVR English Code Phonics Book4 22605 IBC.indd 1 08/09/2020 12:19

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EnglishCode_L4_PHBK_IFC.indd 1 23/09/2020 13:29

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