Assignment 6

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Unfortinately I can not enter to Patti Hathaways website because I live abroad and there are some

limitations on areas that the website is shown. According to the Organizational Behavior, 2010 changing the
organizational culture can be hard. When seeking to change things it is important to recognize the on going
structures and how it affects to the company. (Organizational Behavior, 2010)

Kurt Lewin’s three stepped model includes three steps, that are unfreezing, changing and refreezing.
Unfreezing is the first step. The goal of unfreezing is to outline what is the situation, what are we changing
and what is the goa of the change. The second step, changing, is where the change it self happens. Third
and last step is refreezing. The aim of the last step is to stabilize the changes that has been made.
(, 2021)

Dr. John Kotter has introduced “8 step model of change”. Model includes eight steps, which are 1. Increase
urgency, 2. form a powerful coalition, 3. create a vision for change, 4. communicate the vision, 5. Remove
obstacles, 6. create short-term wins, 7. build on the change and 8. anchor the changes in corporate culture.
(MindTools, 2012)

As mentioned change can be hard and if the company can not identify their culture or they identify it wrong
it is even harder to make the change. First idea that comes to my mind is that consultants, such as Patti
Hathaway, can help with making change but they can not make the change itself. Since cultural and
structural changes are big internal projects and everyone in the company should be involved I don’t think
one external consult can make the whole change. I see this kind of consultants as helpers to identify
problems or things that need to be changed, with planning the change and to implement the change. As all
the references point out the change has to be well implemented so that it is long lasting. I think that is
something that external consultant can help in. A consultant can also motivate people that are resisting the
change. External consultants can also of course fail and make the change even harder. I think that when
using external consultants it is important to keep them with the whole process or carefully plan in which
parts of the process they are taken with.


MindTools, 2012, 2021 Lewin's 3-Stage Model of Change: Unfreezing, Changing & Refreezing

Organizational Behavior, 2010

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