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The World of Work

1) Have you ever had a summer job?

 Yes, I’ve worked during the summer holidays since I was fourteen.
 I’ve worked (at my father’s company) as a cleaner, a helper and a car-washer. At first it
was quite hard to get up early and obey everyone’s orders, but I liked my workmates
and the world of adults. I learnt a lot from them.
 Moreover, I earned some money, which I spent on things I had longed for.

2) Why are summer jobs important?

 Children often get bored during the summer holidays and if they work they spend their
time in a useful way.
 They learn responsibility, discipline and adaptation.
 They get real life experience, and can see how school life differs from everyday life.
 In addition, they earn some money, which they do not waste as easily as their pocket
 They learn to appreciate money and understand how difficult it is to earn one’s living.

3) Is it a good idea to work while studying?

 I can work, as I have some free time and there are opportunities to earn some money.
 I can even save some money for leisure activities.
 There are certain work regulations which say that secondary school students are
allowed to work if they’re 16, but I think it should only be done at weekends.
 If they worked during the weekdays they wouldn’t be able to prepare for the next day.
 However, university or college undergraduates have a fairly flexible timetable and
they can work.

4) What do you do for a living?

My mother/father works as a ………………… at a factory/for a company.

5) What type of job/career would you like to have in the future? Why?

 A job that gives me satisfaction, I mean, I’d like to enjoy what I do.
 I don’t mind taking responsibility if it guarantees a steady income.
 Financial security is a very important factor.
 I think I’m quite sociable and would like to deal with people.
 I haven’t chosen a career yet, but I like learning languages and I have good
communication skills.
 I’d like to get a university or college degree.
 I’m interested in tourism and catering, so I’d like to become a travel agent, a tour
guide, a hotel receptionist or may be a restaurant owner.
 I’d like to have a job that has a high prestige, gives good money and provides a
valuable service to society.

6) Is it easy to find a job nowadays?

 No, it isn’t. Companies don’t have as much money as they used to.
 Therefore, a lot of employers are cutting salaries and laying people off.
 In addition, there are a lot of unemployed people right now, so there’s a lot of
 Despite all these facts, it’s not totally hopeless to get employed.
 The most important thing is you shouldn’t give up.

7) Where/How would you search for a job?

 There are several possibilities.

 You should look through the classified advertisement sections in newspapers and
 You can also browse job websites on the Internet.
 If you find an appropriate job, you can send an application form and a covering
letter through the net.
 If you have a dream company you can write straight to them enquiring about any
 There are employment offices and they’ll offer you a job or jobs that suit your
interest, skills and qualifications.

8) What are the most important considerations in finding a job?

 First of all, your workplace shouldn’t be too far from your home, otherwise you have
to live in lodgings far from your family, or commute every day spending hours in a car
or on a train.
 Secondly, the working hours play a great role. There are nine-to-five jobs, jobs with
flexi-time and jobs with shifts; at some places you have to work overtime or perhaps
at weekends too.
 Thirdly, you should do a job where you can use your skills, certified knowledge
(knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills etc.) or qualifications.
 Finally, the pay (salary or wages) is also important (for some people the most
important factor), as basically this is the main reason for looking for a job. We all work
to earn our living.

9) What features make a job attractive to you?

 A job should be creative and challenging.

 I hate monotonous or sedentary work, so a nine-to-five office job is not for me.
 I’m convinced I won’t find satisfaction in my work unless I have to solve complex
tasks using my imagination and I am expected to come up with original ideas.
 As I’m always active, if a job involves travelling it is a great advantage.
 I wouldn’t want to become a workaholic like my parents.
 I’d like to have my own business, where I would be responsible for everything.

10) What should you write in a letter of application?

 At the beginning of the letter you should explain why you are writing the letter,
where you saw the advertisement and which post you are interested in.
 Then, you should give personal information including your qualifications, work
experience, and certain skills you have that could be useful in the job. If you have
several certificates list them.
 Try to prove that you are totally suitable for that job emphasising your strengths.
 You should also enclose your CV and, if you can, send some references. You may
inform them about the date of your availability for an interview.

11) Is earning a lot of money important?

 Yes, it is. Although it is true that “Money doesn’t buy happiness”, as the saying goes,
but without it there is no life.
 In our material world, unfortunately, personal success is often measured by financial
 High salary provides financial security which is extremely important.
 Being successful at work and experiencing work satisfaction have a great impact on
your general well-being and personal happiness.
 We spend too much time at work, so we should work in a friendly atmosphere, with
helpful and cooperative colleagues and a demanding but understanding boss.

12) What are the new trends in the job market?

 The biggest change in the job market is that there is very little security, wherever you
work you may lose your job almost at any time.
 Another change is that in the present day job market, besides university degrees,
communication skills, assertive personality, positive thinking and leadership
qualities are important.
 New companies will not have a lot of permanent employees, they will employ
 Traditional manufacturing industries have been replaced by high-technology

13) What is telecommuting?

 Working from home employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours.

14) Would you like to do it?

 I think, telecommuting, or work from home is a good idea.

 It would improve my work-life balance.
 However, it demands special equipment to go mobile: you need a desktop computer; a
laptop and a high speed Internet connection at your home.
 No, not at all. I need people around me, and if I worked at home I wouldn’t go out of
the house for days and wouldn’t dress up properly.
 After several days I’d feel isolated, lonely and would lose my interest in work. For me
that would be a quick way to depression.

15) What is an ideal workplace like for you?

 I’d like to be part of a team, and would have to share the work and responsibility
with my colleagues.
 My office should be big and light, with all sorts of modern equipment.
 I would also like to have a young, ambitious male/female boss and understanding
 The salary should be good, and I wouldn’t want to work overtime.
 I would like to work in an elegant environment, in a bank or office wearing smart
clothes all day long.
 I would also like to have nice, friendly colleagues of my age.

16) What kind of benefits do employees get from their companies?

 Employers might offer different benefits such as

1. housing
2. group insurance (health, dental, life etc.)
3. retirement benefits
4. sick leave, holidays (paid and non-paid)
5. travel contribution
 Other benefits include: a company car, free mobile phone, free internet access, leisure
activities in work time or at work place (golf, tennis, etc.), stationery, luncheon
vouchers or traveller’s cheques.

17) What do we mean by gross and net salaries?

 Your “gross salary” is the amount of salary before deducting any tax.

18) What is income tax?

 Income tax is the sum of money each working citizen should pay to the government
from all the money he/she earns.

19) What other deductions are made on salaries in Hungary?

 There are social security taxes, health coverage, pension contribution and
unemployment contribution.

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