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Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the research results and findings of the data collected from the

study samples. The primary sources were obtained from the 3 survey questionnaires and were

additionally backup with a structured interview of the participants to supports the quantitative

results. To explain and investigate the relationships of workplace spirituality on spiritual

leadership, spiritual well-being; organizational climate, teachers’ engagement and thereby

develop a causal model that influenced teaching that leverages organizational performance.

Productivity. Table 5.2 presents the descriptive statistics of organizational performance

showing the mean and standard deviation measuring the productivity of teachers. It also displays

the responses of teachers to the indicators which measures their level of productivity. The data on

the frequency and percentage distribution of the responses to the various indicators are presented

in Table 5.3. The overall mean of (3.11) and this verbally described as Moderately True to me,

also the data showed a low spread out of variance which got the standard deviation of 0.554.

Table 5.2

Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation distribution of teacher’s organizational

performance; Productivity | n = 207

Range Response Interpretation f %

3.50 – 4.00 Always Excellent Productivity 63 30.4
2.50 – 3.49 Most of the time Very Satisfactory Productivity 117 56.5
1.50 – 2.49 Sometimes Satisfactory Productivity 27 13.0
1.00 – 1.49 Never Low Productivity 0 0
TOTAL 207 100
Overall Mean = 3.11 SD = .554 Interpretation: Very Satisfactory Productivity

Indicators Mean SD Description

1. In my department, everyone gives 3.13 .641 Very Satisfactory
his/her best efforts. Productivity
2. In my department, work quality is a 3.28 .682 Very Satisfactory
high priority for all workers. Productivity
3. My work group is very productive. 3.04 .703 Very Satisfactory
4. My work group is very efficient in 2.99 .668 Very Satisfactory
getting maximum output from the Productivity
resources (money, people, equipment,
etc.) we have available.

Productivity refers to the capacity of workers to efficiently produce results, benefits, or

profits for themselves and the organization (Fry et al., 2013). These findings are clear indications

that participants believed they are efficient in their outcome such for the organization. This

productivity rating also substantiated its claim about their institution’s getting up the ladder to be

the globally competitive (January 18, 2020).

Table 5.3 further shows that out 207 teachers with a very satisfactory productivity, 117 or

56.3% indicated that most of time teachers are motivate to work for the improvement of their

productivity, 63 indicated that the teachers always are motivate to work for the good of the

performance in the organization. While other 27 (13%) were of the option of sometimes they do

work for the organization to survived. Among the indicators of organizational performance on

productivity item 2 “In my department, work quality is a high priority for all workers”, which

got the highest mean of 3.28 (SD = .682), followed by statement 1 “In my department, everyone

gives his/her best efforts” and item 3 “My work group is very productive” With the mean of 3.13

(SD = .641) and 3.04 (SD = .703) respectively. Furthermore, the table shows the indicator with

the lowest mean score of 2.99 (SD = .688) for statement 1 “My work group is very efficient in
getting maximum output from the resources (money, people, equipment, etc.) we have available.”

as perceived by the participants.

More often, teachers are held responsible for the success or failure of educational

organization because their productivity reflect the productivity of the system. Teacher

productivity is the ratio of output produced by the teachers, here the output refers to the quality

and quantity of students produces by the teachers (Yusuf & Adigun, 2010).

Teachers cannot give what they do not have. Their output is a determinant of their input

which also gives room for proper evaluation. Getange (2016), asserted that variables of teachers’

productivity such as effective teaching, lesson note preparation, effective use of scheme of work,

effective supervision, monitoring of students’ work and disciplinary ability are virtues which

teachers should uphold effectively in the school system. Getange (2016) explained that

productivity on the part of the teachers is determined by their level of participation in the day to

day running of the school, regularity in school, class attendance, and student’s level of discipline

and proper use of instructional materials to facilitate learning process.

The summary of the participants’ responses on their level of perceived teacher’s

organizational performance is presented in Table 5.4. The table below shows the summary of the

means of the sub components or dimension of organizational performance in the aspects of

commitment and productivity of the teachers in the workplace. The data revealed that the level of

perceived organizational performance of all the dimensions was moderate overall.

Table 5.4

Overall mean summary of teacher’s organizational performance | n = 207

Measures Mean SD Description

Commitment 3.01 .511 Very Satisfactory Commitment
Productivity 3.11 .554 Very Satisfactory Productivity

Overall Mean 3.06 .490 Moderate Organizational Performance

Among the dimensions of teacher’s organizational performance, Productivity was rated

highest (M = 3.11, SD = 0.554), while Commitment (M = 3.01, SD = 0.511) follows; spread out

of responses by the teacher and all the dimension of organizational performance was interpreted

as moderate of teacher-participants.

Performance is something, a single person does. Performance of the teachers in schools is

highly affected by motivation, commitment and work environment. Teachers are when motivated

their performance automatically reached towards high level. In school such as the university

where the study was implemented, teacher’s performance can be mapped well through arranging

training programs for the teachers and they will get motivated, rewarded, recognized and it will

waterfalls their increased confidence. School leaders and administrators should initiate programs

that would enhance and increased motivation of teachers in the university. The researcher

supposed to believe that motivation has a direct and positive effect on job performance when we

properly account for effort. Effort has a positive effect on organizational performance.

Teacher’s commitment and productivity seems to be a crucial factor in achieving

organizational success. Individuals with low levels of commitment and productivity will do only

enough to work by. They do not put their hearts into the work and mission of the organization.

They seem to be more concerned with personal success than with the success of the organization

as a whole. People who are less committed and productive are also more likely to look at
themselves as outsiders and not as long – term members of the organization. An attractive job

offer elsewhere is very likely to result in their departure. By contrast, employees with high

commitment and productivity to an organization see themselves as an integral part of the

organization. Anything that threatens the organization is an imminent danger to them as well.

Such teachers become creatively involved in the organizations mission vision and values, and

constantly think about ways to do their jobs better. In essence, committed and productive

teachers-employees work for the organization as if the organization belongs to them.

As commitment and productivity of teachers-employees who are highly motivated to

contribute their time and energy to the pursuit of organizational goals and performance are

increasingly acknowledged to be the primary asset available to an organization (Hunjra, 2010).

They provide the intellectual capital that, for many organizations, has become their most critical

asset (Hunjra, 2010). Furthermore, teachers who share a commitment and exemplary

productivity to the organization and their collective wellbeing are more suitable to generate the

social capital that facilitates organizational learning.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the conclusions

drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study. This study is on the profile

and performance evaluation of the Filipino Tour guide as perceived by local tourist.

This section the researcher will write the summary of the interpretation of data in each
problem. Have this portion written in a paragraph format.
1. A brief statement about the main purpose of the study be stated.
2. The finding may be up all together but clarify demands specific questions under
statement of the problem must be written firs to be followed by the finding would answer
it. The specific questions should follow the sequence.
3. Every statement of fact should consist of words, numbers or statistical measures woven
into a meaningful statement. No deductions on the interpretation be made.4. The findings
should be explained clearly along with the data found in the table.

1. CONSLUSIONS The final part of the study are joined together harmoniously with the
findings. The results should be arranged in a logical order based on the statement of the
2. Conclusions should not contain numerals.
3. Conclusions should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of
the investigation.
4. Conclusions should be explicit and definite, leaving merely implied giving the researcher
a bit of doubt. The use of qualifiers such as, probably, perhaps, maybe should be avoided.
5. Conclusions should not be repetitions of any statements anywhere in the research, thesis
or dissertation.
1. Know the area / locale in which the research has been conducted.
2. What is in the research literature?
3. Focus on the meaning / essence of the results. If theory is involved.
4. If possible, suggest future investigation that might lead to address unsolved problems and
provide an extension of knowledge.

1. RECOMMENDATIONS are based on the conclusions of the study. Give a detailed
description of the suggestion for future action based on the significance of the findings. It
includes implications for future use of findings and recommendation for future


1. It should have the aim and effort to solve problems in the study.
2. It should ensure a continuous benefit being accorded to the universe – mankind involved.

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