Lab Exam

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OS Concepts: Lab Exam

a) All questions are compulsory.
b) Total marks: 20 marks
c) Each question is of 5 marks
d) For each Question submit shell script files and screen shots of output as a backup for evaluation
Note: Mark distribution for question
a) 1 mark for comment
b) 2 mark for Syntax
c) 2 mark for output

1. Write a script to find out the biggest number from three given nos. Supply inputs as command line
arguments. Print an error message if sufficient arguments are not supplied.

2. Write a shell script that takes an unspecified number of command line arguments (up to 9) of
integer type and finds their sum.

3. Write a script to print all files (only file) in home directory including hidden files.

4. Write a script to create calculator. Use function. (Functionality: addition, subtraction, multiplication)

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