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And How Clutter

Clearing Can Change
Your Life

By Denise Linn
Clutter Clearing & Feng Shui Expert
And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life


3 Introduction

3 Cavemen, Carvings & Purse Strings

4 Your Purse Speaks Volumes (Whether You Listen or Not)

5 Decoding the Contents of Your Purse: What Do They Really Mean?

7 Shifting your Purse’s Energy

9 Feng Shui for Your Purse? You Bet!

11 Your Portable Energy Field

12 Now Let’s Start Clearing!

And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life

You’re Carrying a Secret Message!

See, a handbag or purse is more than a receptacle for your wallet, phone, make-up, and
keys. It’s a subliminal medicine bag, a container for subconscious talismans, a reflection
of your identity—and a metaphor for your entire life. Of course, it contains practical
items, but it’s also symbolic of the personal image that you project to the world (or want
to project). Additionally, it can contain secret messages about your inner life and your
deepest values. And when you shift the energy of your purse, you can shift the energy of
your life.


The history of the purse is long and rich. So, to understand your purse’s energy, let’s
step back in time! Our hunter-gatherer ancestors created pouches to keep important
items close at hand. Otzi the Iceman’s remains (estimated to have lived in 3400 BCE)
were discovered in the Italian Alps with a leather pouch sewn with sinew, containing
a scrapper, drill, flint flake, bone awl, and dried fungus. These were practical items he
needed in his everyday life. Presumably most of our ancestors carried some form of bag
or purse.

Practicality wasn’t the only purpose of our ancestor’s purses. Historically, they also had a
spiritual component. In ancient carvings from around the world—from the Sumerians of
Iraq, to the Maori of New Zealand, to the Olmecs of Central America—there are mysterious
images of handbags. In the ancient Turkish and Egyptian temples, there are carvings in
which the object looks similar to the modern day purse. Usually these ‘purses’ are held in
the hand of a god or a mythical being (but sometimes in the hand of a person).

One theory about the purses seen in ancient carvings is that the rectangular bottom
represents the Earth, and the rounded handle represents the sky. The purse thus
symbolizes a kind of communion between the two. Another theory is that the purse is
thought to hold magical dust or mystical potions, and represents worship and gratitude
for the Divine. In carvings from ancient Greece (and in Eastern religions), God-like beings
are also shown carrying bags in a ceremonial way.

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Today, the purse continues to take on special symbolism. In no small way, it is an outer
expression of identity. Subconsciously, we choose a particular type and style of purse that
reflects our preferences, and then we place items inside that (unconsciously) reflect our
inner beliefs about who we are. Personal items, treasures, photos, mementos, keepsakes—
the purse is a kind of microcosm and reflection of the emotional composition of our lives.

In dream interpretation, dreaming about a purse usually indicates your identity or what
you hold valuable and want to protect. These meanings can apply to waking life as well.

Handbags can be so intimate that even one’s closest friends or spouse never see the
contents. Sometimes they are so confidential that they carry symbols of things we hold
dear or things that are hidden form the world. Every purse tells a story of the inner life of
its owner. It is a palpable energy field that you carry with you. If one’s bag goes missing, it
can feel like the owner has lost a part of herself.

So, if your purse is an extension

or representation of who you are,
it makes sense that when you clear it of clutter,
it can shift your energy—your life—
in mystical and wonderful ways.

It’s true! Over the years that I’ve been working with clients to clear their clutter, I’ve seen
hundreds of people begin to transform before my eyes, just by completing this simple
task. So, will you ask yourself, “Does my purse represent who I am? Or am I (literally)
carrying around clutter that is working against me and all that I want to manifest?”

To answer this question, it’s best to understand more about what the items in our purses

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And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life


In a few minutes, you’ll go through some simple steps to clear your purse. But before you
begin, here are some surprising elements to explore about it and the items you store in it.

Fear-Based or Protection:

An obvious example would be pepper spray or whistle, but do you have items in your
purse that are “just in case”? Perhaps you keep a sewing kit, just in case your shirt tears.
Or a flashlight, just in case you're in the dark. Or you might carry a protective amulet.
There is nothing wrong with having these kinds of items in your handbag; they might be
important to carry. It’s just valuable to understand their potential deeper meaning. Do
you often find yourself worrying about the future? Are you concerned that the world isn’t
a safe place? Your purse and the items inside can be a reflection of those fears and a kind
of protective shield.

Status Symbol:

A purse can send a loud message about image. Some people carry their handbag as a
kind of message (to themselves and others) of their personal importance or significance.
They may not be able to afford a luxury home or high-end Tahiti vacation, but they can
still invest in Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, or Prada. Some extravagant bags are so sought-
after, that even pre-owned Hermes Birken bags have sold for over $100,000. A status
purse is usually more about prestige than being an actual receptacle for needed items.
Just carrying it can make one feel abundant, which can be a great affirmation for being
prosperous in your life. There is nothing wrong with having a status purse if you carry it for
authentic reasons.

Message To the World About Who You Are:

Handbags can represent how we want to be seen or even how we see ourselves. They are
a kind of public statement about what we want to project. They can say we are serious,
frivolous, practical, prosperous, powerful, authoritative, eco-conscious, stylish, or so much
more. What might your bag say about you?

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And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life

Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, would slam her
handbag on the cabinet table and take out notes to make her point. It was an act of
power and authority. One nervous minister once said, “Why don’t we start … the handbag
is here.” Does your bag have aggressive straps, metal studs, and ornate sharp buckles—or
is it soft, pastel, and demure? What do you feel that your bag might say about you? Are
you satisfied with that message?

Portable Pharmacy:

Some purses are mobile first-aid kits. Aspirin, eye drops, Band-Aids, tissues, anti-biotic
cream, allergy and cold medication, hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, herbal tinctures,
hand wipes, face mask, medications, and vitamins, etc., fill its pockets. Does this, in part,
describe your purse? What might this say about you?

Remote Office:

Is your purse an extension of your office? Does it contain a profusion of pens, pencils,
notebooks, and tech gadgets, like your phone, headphones, and iPad? In any way, does
your self-worth depend on your work ethic? Again, there are no right answers, it’s just
something to be aware of.

Food Dispensary:

Do you normally have candy bars, nuts, fruits, snacks, sandwiches, gum, or a water
bottle in your purse? Do you breathe easy knowing you’ll never be out of food or water
because you always carry it with you? These items can be helpful to keep blood sugar
levels balanced, but they can also reflect a fear of scarcity or a feeling that you don’t have
enough in life. What does the food in your purse symbolize to you?


Do you never have to be concerned about boredom because your purse is filled with
books, crosswords, oracle cards, your Kindle, etc.? Does that entertainment enhance your
life or distract from it?

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Beauty Parlor:

Is your bag a portable salon? Does it have a plethora of lipstick, foundation, face cream,
eye liner, mascara, a brush, mirror, and perfume? What is your relationship to personal
beauty? How do you feel about being seen without makeup? When you apply make-up,
how does it change how you feel about yourself?

Medicine Bag:

In native cultures, one always carried a medicine bag either at the waist or around
one’s neck. The objects in this kind of bag were thought to carry power and protection.
Medicine bags were so revered that no one was allowed to see the inside of another’s bag.
In some cultures, it was punishable by death to peer into the shaman’s bag.

Do you have objects of spiritual significance in your purse? Statuettes of Buddha, Christ,
Mother Mary? Do you have images of gurus or special prayers on laminated cards? Are
there crystals, special stones, rosaries, or significant spiritual or religious objects in your
bag? Is there a bible or a spiritual book? Do you feel that your handbag activates or
magnifies your connection to Spirit?


If your bag reflects energy that doesn’t serve you, your life won’t flow as easily as it
could. If you’re someone who loves freedom and spontaneity, carrying a bunch of
heavy emergency items might limit your opportunities—or it might empower you to
go anywhere, safe in the knowledge that you’ll be prepared. It depends on you and how
these items make you feel.

So, now that you know some of the types of things that create and contribute to a purse’s
unique energy, let’s get more personal.

Take a Closer Look at Your Purse

Here are some questions to answer about your unique handbag, using what you learned
above for insight:

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And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life

• What is the main function of your purse? What is its purpose? Are you happy with
it? Does it add value to your life?

• Is your bag heavy or light? How does a heavy bag make you feel? Substantial,
secure, or strong? Over-burdened or held down? How does a light bag feel to you?
Carefree or living life simply? Sparse or non-substantial?

• What material is your bag made of? A leather bag has a very different feeling than
a vinyl, embroidered cotton, or woven rattan one. Does the material of your bag
match the way your see yourself and view the world?

• What is the shape of your purse? A square or rectangular bag signifies a

grounded, stable energy. A round or circular bag can represent movement,
creativity, and expansive energy.

• How do you carry your purse? Is it over-the-shoulder, allowing more freedom

to use both of your hands? Is it across your body, which can represent protection
and security, or over just one shoulder? Or is it a handbag or clutch, which involves
holding it with your hand or arm—limiting movement? Do you hold your purse over
your solar plexus as a form of protection?

• What is the main color of your purse? Every color has energy and the color you
chose for your purse can say a lot about you and the energy that you surround
yourself with. Here are some colors and their common associations. Do the
associations align with your life?

Black: Inward. Inner strength. Elegance. Simplicity.

Brown: Grounded. Earthy.
White: Purity. Cleanliness.
Red: Vitality. Attention. Vibrant.
Orange: Community. Happy.
Yellow: Clarity. Focus. Joy.
Green: Balance. Healing.
Blue: Soothing. Relaxing.
Purple: Spiritual. Royalty. Uplifting.

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Silver: Moonlight. Sparkling.

Gold: Abundance. Prospering.

• Is your purse overflowing with stuff? Is finding the bottom of your purse like
trying to reach bottom of an archeological dig because it’s filled to the brim? This
could reflect great abundance and preparation for any adventure that presents
itself. Or it could be a sign that you have too much to do, too many relationships
that don’t support you, and a nagging feeling of being overwhelmed…which may
mean that a simpler, minimalistic bag might be best for you.

• Is your purse like a Zen monastery? You might have a Zen-like purse, which may
be perfect if your top value is serenity and peace. However, if your life feels spartan
and you yearn for more abundance and fulfillment, an overflowing bag filled with all
kinds of goodies can symbolize this.


Feng shui is an ancient art, which carries the understanding that the home that we
live in, and its contents, affect our destiny. By changing and rearranging our homes (or
businesses) we can change our lives. Even institutions such as the Bank of America have
paid their feng shui consultant up to $10,000 an hour for the simple reason that it works.
The same principles that guide the feng shui of a home apply to your purse. Although
there is not always agreement among feng shui practitioners, here are some common
beliefs—mostly centered on abundance.

• Shape: The most auspicious shape for a “wealth purse” is wide at the bottom and
narrow at the top. This symbolizes keeping your money rather than symbolically
letting it spill out of a wide top.

• Respect: A common feng shui tenet regarding your purse is “purse on the floor,
money out the door.” If possible, rather than putting your purse on the floor, hang
it over your chair or place it on your lap. And never put your purse on the floor in a
bathroom for obvious reasons as well as for good feng shui.

• How You Carry Your Purse: Holding your purse to the left of your body in feng shui
is thought to increase what comes in and decrease what goes out. (In feng shui the

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And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life

right side of your body is considered the White Tiger side and the left side the Green
Dragon, which is the side conducive to activating power and abundance.) Also,
when sitting down, put your bag to left of your body.

• What’s Touching?: Don’t let credit cards or bills in your purse touch actual money.
Keep them in separate places in your purse. Also, carrying cash given to you by
someone wealthy is considered good feng shui.

• Five Elements and the Color of your Purse: In feng shui everything in the cosmos
is divided into five elements. Each element has different qualities and different
colors associated with it. The elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. This is
how the elements relate to your handbag.

Colors – green, light blue
Purse Shape – rectangular
Qualities Ignited – harmony, growth

Colors – pink, red, purple
Purse Shape – angular, triangle
Qualities Ignited – promotions, confidence Some feng shui practitioners feel
that red is not a good color for a purse as it can symbolize burning through
wealth too quickly. Others feel that it is an activating force for sluggish

Colors – yellow, orange, brown (the color of soil in the winter when seeds are
Purse Shape – square
Qualities Ignited – grounded, approachable, increase your savings

Colors – white, beige, silver, chrome, gray
Purse Shape – round
Qualities Ignited – clarity of thought, purity, focus

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Colors – dark blue, black (the color of the most fertile topsoil)
Purse Shape – curvy
Qualities Ignited – prosperity, career advancement

• Symbolic Items: Place items that represent the qualities you desire most in your
purse. For example, if you desire love, consider carrying something that represents
love, such as a small crystal heart. Or if you desire wealth, consider a feng shui gold
ingot as an auspicious symbol of wealth.

• Keep the Chi Fresh: Chi is another name for energy. To make sure that your
purse’s chi is radiant, make sure that it is clean with no holes, scratches, or stains
and no clutter. In feng shui, a jam-packed disorganized purse sends a message
to the Universe that says, “My life is already too full. There is no space for more
opportunities or growth. Don’t you see that there is no room for anything else in
my life?”

Although recycling is very important, to keep the chi fresh, it is best not to have a
used purse, unless you know the previous owner and their circumstances. Purses
are so intimate that they carry the residual energy of their previous owners.


By this point, you're starting to truly grasp how important your purse is and how much its
energy changes your life. So, here are some more things to consider before you begin the
process of clutter-clearing your purse. Remember, these are just general, and some might
not relate to you.

• If a stranger saw the contents of your purse, what would they think about the

• How many purses do you have? Do you use them all? Do you switch them out
periodically? If there was a connection with the number of purses you own and your
life, what might it be? Do you tend to switch directions in life often?

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• As you look at your purse, is there anything that needs to be repaired, cleaned, or

• Do you feel burdened regarding the weight of your purse?

• Does your purse feel like a kind of buffer or protection for you? In other words, do
you feel vulnerable or unsafe without it?

• Are there lots of compartments in your purse? Do you feel like you
compartmentalize your life?


You’re ready to begin. Though this exercise sounds simple, it’s very powerful. Take your
time and be really intentional about what you’re doing. Remember, what you hold in your
purse, you hold in your life.

Take out all the objects in your purse, hold each one-by-one, and ask these two questions:

Do I need or use this item? Do I love this item?

• If the answer is “Yes” to either of these questions, then place that object in the
“Keep” pile that will go back into your purse when the exercise is complete.

• If the answer is “No” to both questions, lovingly place it in a “Discard” pile.

• If you are unsure, start an “Unsure” pile.

With your “Unsure” pile, notice if there are memories or emotions associated with each
item. As you hold the item, notice if your energy goes up or down or remains neutral. If
your energy doesn’t go up (or is neutral) don’t put that object back in your purse.

When you have a purse that reflects your energy and feels sparkling and bright, you’ll
begin to notice your energy in life becomes more sparkling and bright. Sometimes it
seems to happen in almost mystical ways.

It is truly a kind of modern-day alchemy—and you are the alchemist!

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And How Clutter Clearing Can Change Your Life

Are you ready to discover more about

the magic of clutter clearing?

Do you want to find out how

clutter clearing can transform your life?


The Ultimate Clutter-Clearing

A 5-Day Transformation
February 20-24, 2023
During this FREE 5-Day Workshop, clutter-clearing master
Denise Linn will guide you, room by room, through your house,
providing daily clearing tips and tasks. She’ll explain the energy
dynamics involved in clutter, how to let go when it seems
too hard, and why this work can truly change your life.
Plus, she’ll answer questions and walk you through powerful
inner journeys that will propel you toward transformation.


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