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Your Journey Begins: A Self-Assessment

At the beginning of any transformational journey, it’s helpful to do an initial assessment of where you are
today as well as where you want to be. By writing down where you are now, you’ll be able to clearly see the
progress you’re making as embark on the clutter clearing journey—this will inspire you to keep going. And
by consciously assessing where you want to go, you start to create an intention for the work you’ll be doing.

So let’s begin. Just answer these few questions to the best of your ability.

Question 1: When you walk into your house right now, how does it make you feel?







Question 2: If a stranger walked into your house right now, what judgements might they make about you
based on your current environment?








1 © Hay House, Inc.

Question 3: Is there currently an area of your home that you dread going into or where you don’t like to spend
time? If yes, what is that area?



Question 4: Why do you want to get rid of clutter? What is it preventing you from doing?










Question 5: What area of your life do you feel needs improvement? Your finances? Your relationships? Your
health? How would you like to see this change?










2 © Hay House, Inc.

Question 6: Fill in the blank here with the first thing that comes to mind: The more clutter I clear, the more

I’ll be able to _______________________________________________. Write out the full sentence below (with the blank filled in).



That’s all there is to it! Now make sure to hang on to this questionnaire so you can come back to it as we move
through this process.

3 © Hay House, Inc.

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