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Initial HMW

How might we shed light on topics such as men-

tal health and overcome addiction among the
Secondary Research
01 Studies suggest that 15–20% of the general population chronically

02 In the student population, the prevalence of procrastination is dou-

ble or triple that of the general population (with almost 50% found to
procrastinate consistently).

03 Anxiety is one of the causes of procrastination.

04 Those who procrastinate are vulnerable to stress as a result of their

lower self-esteem and perceived inability to cope and control their
05 Chronic procrastination can become severe enough and is often
linked to an underlying health problem like Adult ADHD or depres-
sion. And it can lead to addictive behavior like gambling, internet ad-
diction, or alcoholism. (Jacobson, 2013)

06 To cope with the stress, they are likely to develop a behavior pattern
of mobile phone addiction as a way to relieve stress, although the sit-
uation may even get worse in the long run.
“I believe that what most people are calling procrastination is actually a
problem with distraction or, even worse, a dopamine addiction.”

Dr. Saliha Afridi

Clinical Psychologist
Stakeholder Map
Presents all possible companies and individuals that are
impacted by the problem and will be impacted by the
Trend Matrix
Primary Research
For our primary research, we did instagram polls and instagram Q&A
and we found that 96% out of 264 participants procrastinate. We also
found that most people procrastinate because they feel lazy, they feel
tired, they feel like they have more time, they are uninterested in the
work and they feel overwhelmed.
01 Procrastination can become a form of addiction - it’s a learned habit
that you get used to over the years (and people may not even realize

02 It can affect you mentally because you base your happiness on how
productive you are (you feel worthless if you don’t work, you don’t
feel like you are good enough when you compare yourself to other

03 A lot of students start working last minute - causing them so much

stress. Does not only apply to academics.

04 Insecurity over their work - fear of failing

05 There is an indirect relationship between procrastination and
physical health: for instance - binge-eating because you’re stressed
can harm your body

06 Depends on the importance of the task. procrastinates if it is not

Five Human Factors
The 5 Human Factors is a tool used during observation and it is a tool
that helps us see how our target audience interacts with their surround-
ings. Our target audience are students and the observations happened
in schools and universities. The 5 factors are cognitive, physical, cultur-
al, social, and emotional. The picture on the left is the observation for
highshcool students while the picture on the right is the observation for
the university students.
Problem Frame
Procrastination is a a habit that can lead
to addictive behaviors
Redefined HMW
How might we tackle academic procrastination
to avoid addiction?
Key Insights

01 Procrastination can lead to addictive behaviors.

02 Students tried overcoming procrastination but

couldn’t because of commitment issues.

03 Procrastination affects mental health directly

and physical health indirectly.
Meet our Persona: Sam
Fear of failure

Procrastinates a lot and leaves

his work for last minute

Tried to be organized but it

would only last for one week

Stress eats and smokes when

working last minute
Key User Needs

The need to become The need to overcome The need to improve

more productive their addiction caused their mental well
by procrastination being
Design Principles

Connect students with Make it flexible and Design for a better

similar goals personal health
Brand Identity
Erads’s Branding explanation

We chose the word Erada for our solution, which is an Arabic word for “will to
do something”, to allow our users to feel like it is possible to have that power
within them in order to help with their procrastination. The brand colors that
we chose for our brand are purple and turquoise. We chose purple because
it represents the national addiction recovery movement and purple is a color
that is uplifting, encouraging and inspiring. We also chose turquoise because
it represents hope, and we wanted to convey that feeling to our users.
Our final solution is a space for our users to get help for their procrastination
as well as their addictive behaviors (that could be caused by procrastination).
Our space has two floors and it contains different features such as one-to-
one therapy, support groups, workshops, events and the anti-procrastination

This space allows our users to connect with other people who go through the
same issues of chronic procrastination and addictive behaviors such as (but
not limited to) social media addiction, smoking, video game addiction, etc.

Erada will be in universities and highschool campuses to ensure easy access

for our users.

Our sponsors will be the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education. While
our partners will be the American Psychology Association as well as Dose
Cafe for the coffee and food booth.
Erada Floor Plans
Low Fedality prototype
AI Watch
AI Watch Explanation

An addition to the space, there will be a system app that could be downloaded
on any smartwatch. This is an additional feature for those who have a smart
watch and wish to have the application. For the students who cannot afford a
smartwatch, those students could have a one-on-one therapy session and the
counselor will give their feedback whether the student requires one or not. In
this case, the government will provide the student with a smartwatch.

This system is an AI which analyzes a person's emotion through their heart-

beat. When a person is stressed, the AI will start talking to the person. Since
stress leads to procrastination which leads to addictive behaviors, the AI will
talk to the person and encourage them to not do what they are addicted to.
The AI will also create reminders and suggestions for the person about their
future that will help them move towards their goal.
Journey Map
What Next?
The next steps for the solution, we will be doing product testing with the Era-
da space which will be done in different University and school campuses in
one of the buildings in an office or an unused space. The trail will have all the
services that Erada will offer. Measuring the success for the trial would be
done by observing how many students visit the offices, surveys will be given
to the students to measure their satisfaction with the service provided and
ask for their feedback. Additionally, we will also measure it by the number of
followers on Instagram.

For the system app, we will launch a demo version of the system and ask a
few students who own smartwatches to download it and try it for a week and
they will give us feedback on the system which will help us improve it and
make changes that cater best to students.

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