Tax Structure in India

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Tax Structure in India

Tax is a payment transfer collected from individuals or any taxable entity by government of the
country for the development and security of the nation. They are generally an involuntary fee or
penalty or charges levied on individuals and corporations in order to finance government activities. 

India has a well-developed tax structure. The tax structure in India is classified as direct and indirect
taxes. In India, the authority to levy taxes is divided between the central government and the state
governments. The central government levies direct taxes and indirect taxes. Whereas the states
have the constitutional power to levy sales tax apart from various other local taxes like entry tax,
octroi, etc.

Money collected through taxation is used by governments to carry out activities such as:

o Redistribution of wealth to meet the objective enshrined in DPSP of our Constitution

o For development and economic infrastructure — roads, ports etc

o To boost military defence

o For enforcement of law and order

o For social welfare and to make our country a welfare state.

o Social infrastructure like education, health etc

o Social security measures like pensions. Provident Fund, transfer Payment,

unemployment benefits

Classification of Taxes

Broadly taxes are divided into two categories:

1. Direct Taxes

2. Indirect Taxes

Direct Taxes

A direct tax can be defined as a tax that is paid directly by an individual or organization to the
imposing entity (generally government). A direct tax cannot be shifted to another individual or
entity. The individual or organization upon which the tax is levied is responsible for the fulfilment of
the tax payment.

The Central Board of Direct Taxes deals with matters related to levying and collecting Direct Taxes
and formulation of various policies related to direct taxes.

A taxpayer pays a direct tax to a government for different purposes, including real property tax,
personal property tax, income tax or taxes on assets, FBT, Gift Tax, Capital Gains Tax, etc.

Indirect Taxes

The term indirect tax has more than one meaning. In the colloquial sense, an indirect tax such as
sales tax, a specific tax, value-added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST) is a tax collected by
an intermediary (such as a retail store) from the person who bears the ultimate economic burden of
the tax (such as the consumer).

The intermediary later files a tax return and forwards the tax proceeds to the government with the
return. In this sense, the term indirect tax is contrasted with a direct tax which is collected directly
by the government from the persons (legal or natural) on which it is imposed.

Basis Direct Tax Indirect Tax

The tax that is levied by the government on

The tax that is levied by the
one entity (Manufacturer of goods), but is
Meaning government directly on the individuals
passed on to the final consumer by the
or corporations are called Direct Taxes.

Incidenc The incidence and impact of the direct The incidence and impact of the tax fall on
e tax fall on the same person. different persons.

Income Tax, Corporation Tax and VAT, Service tax, GST, Excise duty,
Wealth Tax. entertainment tax and Customs Duty.

Nature They are progressive in nature. They are regressive in nature.

Both Social and Economical. Social Only Economical. When an indirect tax is
objective of direct tax is the levied on a product, both rich and poor
distribution of income. A person must pay at the same rate. A person
Objective earning more should contribute more earning 10 lakh a month pays the same tax
in the provision of public service by on the Wheat purchase as the person
paying more tax. This provision is also earning 3000 Re a month. This principle is
known as progressive taxation. called regressive taxation.

Impact Not at all Inflationary. Is inflationary.

Taxes in India

In India, Taxes are levied on income and wealth. The most important direct tax from the point of
view of revenue is personal income tax and corporation tax.

Income Tax:

 Income tax is levied on the income of individuals, Hindu undivided families, unregistered
firms and other association of people.

 In India, the nature of income tax is progressive.

 For taxation purpose income from all sources is added and taxed as per the income tax slabs
of the individual.

Corporation Tax
Corporation tax levied on the income of corporate firms and corporations.

For taxation purpose, a company is treated as a separate entity and thus must pay a separate tax
different from personal income tax of its owner.

Companies both public and private which are registered in India under the companies act 1956 are
liable to pay corporate tax

Tax on Wealth and Capital

Estate Duty: First introduced in 1953. It was levied on the total property passing on the death of a
person. The whole property of the deceased person constituted his wealth and is liable for the tax.
The tax now stands abolish w.e.f 1985.

Wealth Tax: First introduced in 1957. It was levied on the excess of net wealth (over 30,00,00,0 @ 1
percent) of individuals, joint Hindu families and companies. Wealth tax has been a minor source of
revenue. The tax now stands abolish wef 2015.

Gift Tax: First introduced in 1958. The gift tax was levied on all donations except the one given by
the charitable institution’s government companies and private companies. The tax now stands
abolished wef 1998.

Capital Gain Tax: Any profit or gain that arises from the sale of the capital asset is a capital gain. The
profit from the sale of capital is taxed. Capital Asset includes land, building, house, jewellery,
patents, copyrights etc.

Indirect Taxes in India

Custom Duty:

 It is a duty levied on exports and imports of goods.

 Import duty is not only a source of revenue from the government but also have also been
employed to regulate trade.

 Import duties in India is levied on ad valorem basis that is according to the value of the
 Example: if an Indian plan to buy a Mercedes from abroad. He must pay the customs duty
levied on it.

 The purpose of the customs duty is to ensure that all the goods entering the country are
taxed and paid for.

 Just as customs duty ensures that goods for other countries are taxed, octroi is meant to
ensure that goods crossing state borders within India are taxed appropriately.

 It is levied by the state government and functions in much the same way as customs duty

Excise Duty

 An excise duty is in the true sense is a commodity tax because it is levied on production of
goods in India and not on the sale of the product.

 Excise duty is explicitly levied by the central government except for alcoholic liquor and

 It is different from customs duty because it is applicable only to things produced in India and
is also known as the Central Value Added Tax or CENVAT.

Service Tax

 Service tax is levied on the services provided in India.

 Service tax was first introduced in 1994-95 on three services telephone services, general
insurance and share broking.

 Since then, every year the service net has been widened by including more and more
services. We now have an exclusion criterion based on ‘negative list’, where some services
are excluded out of tax net.

 The current rate of service tax in India was 15% before being replaced by Goods and Service

Value Added Tax

 The India’s indirect tax structure is weak and produces cascading effects, that is tax on tax.

 The structure was by, and large uncertain and complex and its administration was difficult.

 As a result, various committees on taxation recommended ‘Value Added Tax’. The Indirect
Taxation enquiry committee argued for VAT.

 The VAT has a self-monitoring mechanism which makes tax administration easier.

 It is a consumption tax levied on the commodity whenever it adds value at any point in the
supply chain, from production to sale. The amount of VAT that the consumer pays is based
on the cost of the product, minus any previously taxable costs of products used in the

 The VAT is properly structured removes distortions.

 Accordingly, VAT has been introduced in India by all states and UTs (except UTs of Andaman
Nicobar and Lakshadweep).
 The State VAT being implemented till 1 July 2017, had replaced erstwhile Sales Tax of States.

 The tax is levied on various goods sold in the state, and the amount of the tax is decided by
the state itself.

Indirect Taxes in a nutshell

Who Incidenc
Tax e goes Nature Levied on
Levies e

Shifts to
Centre Progressiv Final Export and
Custom Duty Governmen
Govt e Consume Import

Both Shifts to
Excise Central Domestically
Centre Final
Duty/CENVA Governmen progressive Manufacture
and Consume
T t d Goods
State r

Shifts to
Centre Final
Service Tax Governmen Regressive All Services
Govt Consume

Shifts to
State Sale of
State Final
VAT Governmen Regressive Goods in the
Govt Consume
t States

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