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A report submitted to the

Department of English
College of languages
University of Duhok

Subject: Health

Name: Zhehat Rasheed Naaman

Moodle Email: elevenzhehat@gmail.com
Year: (2019-2020)
Evening classes. Group – A –
Course: Listening and Speaking
Course code: LEE1201
Instructor: Dalya Dayan
Date: 9/7/2020
Table of content

(1-) Introduction
(2-) The value of the study
(3-) Health Club
(4-) An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an

(4.1-) Laughter is the best medicine

(5-) What is a Psychologist?

(5.1-) Where Do Psychologists Work?
(5.2-) What Do Psychologists Do?
(5.3-) The Number One Reason People
in the Middle East Avoid Therapy

(6-) Role-play(conversation)
(7-) Physical Stress
(7.1-) Causes of Stress

(7.2-) Effects of Stress on Your Health

(8-) Conclusion
(9-) Reference
(1-) Introduction

A state of being that people define in relation to their own values, personality, and
A person’s level of wellness, self- reported.
The condition of being sound in body, mind or spirit, especially freedom from
physical disease or pain.
Health can be defined as the physical, social, psychological and spiritual well-
being of individuals. Overall health of the population is determined by people’s
income, education, employment and housing, as well as a combination of
preventive and rehabilitative approaches and services. Making a positive impact on
the health of individuals is the common goal among partners in the continuum of
wellness promotion, illness prevention and health care. As Mahatma Gandhi said "
It's health that is real wealth and not piece of gold and silver".
An understanding of health is the basis of all the health care. Health is not
perceived the same way by all the members of a community including various
professional group like biomedical scientist, social scientists, health administrator,
and ecologists giving rise to confusion about the concept of health.

(2-) The value of the study

Health is the most important concept in our life. We all know health is very
important to us, our life depends on our body, we can study well and work hard if
we have a good physical condition.
On the contrary, we will not happy if we lose our health, this will lead us do
everything with difficulties.
Most important aspect of life without health is nothing.
If our health is the most important thing in our life, then it is important that you
have the opportunity to improve it.
We should follow these steps everyday life in order to have a good health:
Healthy food, doing exercises, drinking water, happiness and positive mind.
It is better to be healthy than wealthy, because if you have a good health you can
live nicely in life, but if you are a richest person in the world and you have lot of
issues and diseases Life means nothing to you.
In modern era health is very important to us. If a man is healthy then he can do all
his work perfectly. So always be faithful to your health. Health is the main priority
in our life.

(3-) Health Club

A gym - physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment,
especially when done as a subject at school. Gymnasium is a large room with
equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength or a club where you can
go to exercise and keep fit.

A gym is a gymnasium, also known as health club and fitness centre. Gymnasiums
have moved away just being a location for gymnastics. Where they had gymnastics
apparatus such as bar bells, parallel bars, jumping boards and running path etc.

If you are looking to join a gymnastics club, please see gymnastics. A health club,
fitness centre is now commonly referred to as a gym.

Regular exercise helps control weight when use with a balanced diet. Regular
physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems
and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression,
and certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls. Regular training helps reduce stress
and improves moods. Regular weight training can improve muscle mass.
(4-) An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an
expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally
understood by native speakers. This meaning is different from the literal meaning
of the idiom's individual elements. In other words, idioms don't mean exactly what
the words say. They have, however, hidden meaning. An apple a day keeps
the doctor away

Meaning: Eating healthy foods will keep one from getting sick (and needing
to see a doctor)

Example: Have an apple for a snack, instead of those chips. An apple a day
keeps the doctor away, after all.

Catch one’s death of cold

Meaning: To become very ill (with a cold/flu etc.)

English idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an important part of everyday

English. but learning idioms is fun, especially when you compare English idioms
to the idioms in your own language.

Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound
more native, so it's a good idea to master some of these expressions. The tables
below are organized by how common the idioms are in American English. You can
start by learning the very common English idioms, since these are the ones you'll
encounter regularly watching American movies or TV, or visiting the United
States. When you've mastered those, move on to rest. None of the idioms on this
page are unusual or old fashioned, so you can be confident using any of them with
native English speakers from all English-speaking countries.
(4.1-) Laughter is the best medicine

Meaning: Laughing a lot is a very successful means of recovering from physical

or mental injury Example: I think the best thing for you right now would be to
spend some time with people you'll be able joke around with. Laughter is the most
excellent medication, after all.

(5-) What is a Psychologist?

A psychologist studies how we think, feel and behave from a scientific viewpoint
and applies this knowledge to help people understand, explain and change their
behavior. Psychology is the study of behaviour and mental processes. This includes
what people (and sometimes animals) do and how they think, respond, and react to
events, other people, external stimuli (like cold temperatures and noise) and to
themselves (their motivations and emotions). However, psychology has often been
misunderstood: People sometimes think it is a form of mental control, or that
psychologists have the ability to read minds! As we progress in this chapter, you
will discover that psychology is not any of these things, but that it is, in fact, a
science, just like any other field. Psychology is not limited to counselling people
who suffer from distress in some way. It’s also used to diagnose, organize, and
improve all sorts of human processes and dynamics in a number of professional
fields. Read onwards to see where psychology is most commonly found and what
types of careers are available in the many branches of psychology. Maybe you’ll
find one you like!
(5.1-) Where Do Psychologists Work?

Some psychologists work primarily as researchers and faculty at universities

and at governmental and non-governmental organizations. Others work primarily
as practitioners in hospitals, schools, clinics, correctional facilities, employee
assistance programs and private offices. Others works as consultants to
corporations and various organizations. Many psychologists are active in both
research and practice.

(5.2-) What Do Psychologists Do?

Psychologists engage in research, practice and teaching across a wide range of

topics having to do with how people think, feel and behave. Their work can
involve individuals, groups, families and as well as larger organizations in
government and industry. Some psychologists focus their research on animals
rather than people. Here are some of the kinds of topics towards which
psychologists focus their research and practice:

 mental health problems such as depression, phobias, etc.;

 brain injury, degenerative brain diseases;
 cognitive functions (e.g., learning, memory, problem solving, intellectual
 addictions, substance use and abuse (e.g. smoking, alcohol, prescription and
recreational drugs);
 stress, anger and other aspects of lifestyle management;
 psychology in the workplace (e.g. motivation, leadership, productivity,
marketing, healthy workplaces, ergonomics);
 marital and family relationships and problems;
 relationship between the individual and the many groups of which he or she
is part (e.g. work, family, society); and

Psychology in Iraq has always been a taboo word. Mental health was never
spoken about or referred to, except behind closed doors in whispers. This is
quickly changing as Arabs adapt to different ways of coping with an ever-changing

(5.3-) The Number One Reason People in the Middle East Avoid

The number one reason many people around the world avoid therapy.

Look me in the eye and tell me we are not all a bunch of maniacs.

In the Middle East, if you imply that you’ve noticed a mental illness symptom,
people would shame you, judge you, bully you and label you crazy. Many would
not want to hire you, marry you or even be acquainted with you.

In this part of the world, it is acceptable for people to treat their mental illness by
inflicting pain on others but not by seeing a therapist. Psychopaths run loose and
their assaults go unquestioned while sophisticated people who wish to seek
professional help are deemed unreliable, unstable and, above all, insane.

Psychologist Marsha D. Brown, PhD, explained that “in some communities and/or
cultures, mental illness is not something that is discussed outside the family, let
alone with an outsider, such as a mental health professional.”

“Additionally, in some cultures, symptoms of mental illness may be perceived as

an indication that a person needs to pray more or increase church attendance. It
may also be seen as a sign that a spell has been cast or that the devil is trying to
influence the affected individual.”

“Unfortunately, many people in the general public hold inaccurate preconceived

notions about mental illness and those with it,” she added.

“Moreover, people who may be experiencing symptoms of mental illness believe

others will think they are ‘crazy’ or ‘nuts’ if they disclose their symptoms. Part of
this is due to the unfortunate media portrayal of people with mental illness as
dangerous and unstable.”

Social norms and ‘what others think of us’ continue to control most Middle Eastern
societies, and acting in rebellion is often very difficult when an individual is stifled
by peer pressure and an unforgiving community. Freeing oneself of outdated ideas
and traditions often means not being accepted by a certain society/community,
which could be a very high price for many.

Stress can present itself in one (or more) of three forms: Physical Stress,
Emotional Stress, and/or Chemical Stress.
(6-) Role-play(conversation)
This story occurred with my brother (Mr. Lehat) and a friend of him, who came

from abroad to Kurdistan. His name was Joseph. He was very curious. Whatever

sees he was asking my brother about it. Somehow, he was bothering my brother by

his questions. He wasn’t speaking Kurdish and he didn’t know anything about

Kurdish customs and traditions. This is why he was asking my brother too many

questions. One day he asked my brother to go out and show him some places in

Joseph: I’d like to go out and see some beautiful places here in Kurdistan. Can you

show me them, please?

Mr. Lehat: I’m sorry Joseph not today because I’m very busy.

Joseph: Please Lehat, I want to go out today. Don’t say no.

Mr. Lehat: Ok Joseph let’s go.

While they were going by the car, something very funny happened at that moment.

Joseph was coughing heavily, and my brother got bothered from that and he said...

Mr. Lehat: Quzulqurt (it means something bad in Kurdish language).

Joseph: What does that mean?

Mr. Lehat: It means something good in Kurdish. We said that when someone is


Joseph: Aha, I see. Thank you Lehat.

Mr. Lehat: you’re welcome my friend.

Three days later. Mr. Lehat was invited to an important meeting with many doctors

and supervisors. Mr. Lehat told Joseph to go with him to the meeting. During the

meeting, a doctor was talking and suddenly he coughed. Joseph saw that and told

Mr. Lehat ….

Joseph: Look Lehat, the doctor is coughing. Can I tell him (Quzulqurt)?

Mr. Lehat: Noooo please Joseph be quite. We said that only to our close friends.

Then Mr. Lehat whispered to himself “Thanks God he asked me before he says

that word to the doctor or he would put me in a very embarrassing situation”.

(7-) Physical Stress
The most apparent form of physical stress is through an acute injury. An acute
injury is an injury that has occurred as a result of a specific event. Pulling a muscle
slipping, fracturing your wrist bowling, dislocating a shoulder skiing; these are
examples of acute injury that constitute physical stress. Acute injuries encompass
everything from muscle pulls, fractures, and ligament sprains to dislocations.
However, not all types of physical stress come in such obvious form. The most
common and under treated form of physical stress comes from a longstanding
condition or overuse, both of which are also known as chronic stress. The
accumulation of sitting with bad posture daily or conditions such as arthritis, create
a stress on the body that can be just as harmful as any injury.
Fortunately, there are available and affordable approaches to treating physical
stress and in turn achieve optimal wellness.

(7.1-) Causes of Stress

Everyone has different stress triggers. Work stress tops the list, according to
surveys. Forty percent of U.S. workers admit to experiencing office stress, and
one-quarter say work is the biggest source of stress in their lives.
Causes of work stress include:
 Being unhappy in your job. Working long hours
 Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in
the decision-making process
 Having to give speeches in front of colleagues. Moving to a new home
 The death of a loved one. Loss of a job
 Getting married. Divorce
 Sometimes the stress comes from inside, rather than outside. You can stress
 Yourself out just by worrying about things. All of these factors can lead to
Fear and uncertainty. When you regularly hear about the threat of terrorist attacks,
global warming, and toxic chemicals on the news, it can cause you to feel stressed,
especially because you feel like you have no control over those events. And even
though disasters are typically very rare events, their vivid coverage in the media
may make them seem as if they are more likely to occur than they really are. Fears
can also hit closer to home, such as being worried that you won't finish a project at
work or won't have enough money to pay your bills this month.
Attitudes and perceptions. How you view the world or a particular situation can
determine whether it causes stress.

(7.2-) Effects of Stress on Your Health

When you are in a stressful situation, your body launches a physical response.
Your nervous system springs into action, releasing hormones that prepare you to
either fight or take off. It's called the "fight or flight" response, and it's why, when
you're in a stressful situation, you may notice that your heartbeat speeds up, your
breathing gets faster, your muscles tense, and you start to sweat. This kind of stress
is short-term and temporary (acute stress), and your body usually recovers quickly
from it.

But if your stress system stays activated over a long period of time (chronic stress),
it can lead to or aggravate more serious health problems. The constant rush of
stress hormones can put a lot of wear and tear on your body, causing it to age more
quickly and making it more prone to illness.
(8-) Conclusion

If you do maintain a healthy lifestyle, there are many benefits, and not only for
your body. Some are maintaining a healthy weight, reducing risk of developing
heart disease, increasing energy levels, assisting a healthy immune system, and it
helps you to be more social. Having a healthy lifestyle is crucial for giving
your body everything that it needs.

Health and fitness encompass every area of our life including the way we treat our
environment. Consequently, we must always keep fit to have a fulfilling life,
therefore, there is a saying – health is wealth.

It is definitely important in the lives of individuals. Schools emphasize on health

and fitness because by training young children on health and fitness, it positively
influences their lives. Health and fitness does not necessarily mean hitting the gym
every now and then but it is about the simple exercises and the food we eat.

It is not necessary to be an athlete to have a good body. Every person in the world
needs to have a healthy and fit body so as to stay away from disease and have a
long and healthy life. Moreover, we must remember our importance for our
families and society. If we suffer from diseases, our family members also get
troubled. It affects their health and fitness as well.

The only way to have a healthy body is to ensure the proper fitness levels of our
body. That is why even in schools so much of importance is given to the health and
fitness levels of students. If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better
(9-) Reference


Marsha BROWN, Ph.D. ’97 is a licensed psychologist with specializations in forensic and
clinical psychology in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Article
"Health club" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2019).


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