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Simple future tense


simple future tense

I, we, you, they, he, she, it will


Subject + auxiliary verb + present verb + extension

I will come tomorrow.

She will come tomorrow.

We will play cricket at the stadium tomorrow.

I will start the work at 9 o’clock

India will win the next match

I will go to ooty with my family next week by bus


Auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

Will you come tomorrow?

Will she come tomorrow?

Will you help me tomorrow?

Will you start the business next year?

Will you attend the class tomorrow?

Will she come with me tomorrow?

Will the match start at 8’clock?

Will you speak English in the future?

Will she become a collector in the future?

Will you play Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + present
verb + extension?
What will you play

Where will you play tomorrow?

With whom will you play tomorrow?
At what time will you play tomorrow
How long will you play tomorrow?
Why will you play tomorrow?


What + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

What will you play tomorrow?

What will you do tomorrow?

What will you cook tonight?
What will they play tomorrow?
What will you drink?
What will you buy in Chennai?


where + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

Where will you play tomorrow?

Where will you go tomorrow?
Where will he wait tomorrow?
Where will they work?
Where will you meet her?
Where will you buy a new car?
Where will you eat dinner


when + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

When will you play tomorrow?

When will you come?

When will you start the work?
When will you marry?
When will you start a new business?
When will you meet him?
When will you speak English fluently?

why + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

why will you play tomorrow?

Why will you go to Bangalore tomorrow?

Why will you pay the fees?
Why will you marry her?
Why will you join that college?
Why will you come here tomorrow?

vjpHfhyj;jpy; xU nray; vg;gb elf;Fk; vd;gij njhpe;Jf;nfhs;s
Nfl;fg;gLk; Nfs;tp
how + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

How will you play tomorrow?

How will you manage the problem?

How will you travel?
How will you find the anser?
Think and grow rich
How will you win the next mathch?

How long?

how long + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

How long will you play tomorrow?

How long will you attend the class tomorrow?

How many days will you stay in Chennai?

How much rupees will you pay?

How far will you run tomorrow?

With whom?

with whom + auxiliary verb + subject + present verb + extension?

With whom will you play tomorrow?

With whom will you go to Chennai?

With whom will you stay tomorrow?


who + auxiliary verb + present verb + extension?

who will win the next match?

Who will come here first?

Who is coming now? Who came yesterday? Who will come tomorrow?

Who will get the first prize?

Whom will you marry?

Whom will you complain?

Subject + auxiliary verb + not + present verb + extension
I will not come tomorrow
I won’t come tomorrow
We won’t attend the class tomorrow
I won’t help you
They will come tomorrow
Will they come tomorrow?
Where will they come tomorrow?
They will not come tomorrow.

Simple future Be form future

I will eat in Chennai I will be in Chennai
tomorrow tomorrow
Will you eat in Chennai Will you be in Chennai
tomorrow? tomorrow?
Where will you eat Where will you be
tomorrow? tomorrow?
I won’t eat in Chennai I won’t be in Chennai
tomorrow tomorrow.

I am eating now I ate yesterday I will eat

She is coming She came tomorrow
now yesterday She will come
Are you eating Did you eat Will you eat
now? yesterday? tomorrow?
Is she sleeping Did she sleep Will she sleep
now? yesterday? tomorrow?
Where are you Where did you Where will you
playing now play yesterday play tomorrow?
I am not playing I did not play I won’t play
now yesterday tomorrow

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