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Pakistan International School English Section, Riyadh


Subject: Biology Chapter 10 Grade: 7


Q1.Label the bacterial cell.

Q2.Define the Log and Lag phase in a bacterial growth phase .

__Lag phase: little growth since cells are taking up water and making enzymes
__Log phase: the population is increasing rapidly,doubling and there is no
shortage of food and water____

Q3.What is the hallmark of a prokaryote?

__Absence of nucleus around the genetic material and absence of
Q4.Viruses are parasites but considered to be non living due to which feature?
_They do not move or reproduce until they enter a host.___
Q5.Fill in the blanks.
a. The _SYMPTOMS_ of a disease are the effects that it has on a body.
b. Time taken to get sick is called __INCUBATION PERIOD__.
c. A disease spread by touch is __CONTAGIOUS__.
d. If something is ___STERILE_ it is free of pathogens.
e. Disinfectants are for _NON-LIVING SURFACES__.
f. Antiseptic are for _LIVING TISSUE_.
g. All pathogens have chemicals on their surface called ___ANTIGENS_.
h. Disease causing agents are called __PATHOGENS__.
i. When you catch a disease your body makes____ANTIBODIES__.

Q5. What is a vaccine?

___Weakened or dead form of pathogen______

Q6. Differentiate between active and passive immunity.

Active immunity Passive immunity

Only achieved by vaccination or Only achieved from outside source.
getting exposed to infection.
Made outside the body
Antibodies are naturally made in the
body. Short lived

Longer lived

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