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Each day, you do different movements. You stand, sit, walk, run, nod, or
There is also movement in music. The regular movement of sounds in correct
Lesson 1
Sound and Silence

Lead to Music

What is one place in your school where you go to play? You go to the school
playground. You can hear many sounds here. What is one place in your school
where you go to read books? You go to the school library. It is silent in this place.

Learn Music
A sound is a tone that you can hear. In music, you can use the symbol│to
represent sound.

Silence is the absence of sound. In music, you can use the symbol to
represent silence.
Sound and silence are very different from each other. But they can be
combined to make a great piece of music.

A. Study the pictures. Shade the correct box if the pictures shows sound or silence.

sound silence sound Silence

sound silence sound silence

sound silence sound silence

Music for Life

There are many sounds around you. These sounds let you connect to the
people and things around you. There are also many quiet times. These are the
moments of silence that let you relax.

Lesson 2
The Steady Beat

Lead to Music

Have you seen drops of water from a leaking faucet falling into a basin on
your kitchen sink? Have you also listened to the ticking of a clock? What did you
notice? What did you hear?

Learn Music
The drops of water from the faucet fall in an even beat. The clock also ticks in
an even beat. In music, the even beat is called steady beat. It is repeated at a regular
A steady beat can be represented by a line (│). Say ta for each steady beat.
Look at the example.
│ │ │ │
ta ta ta ta

A. Do each action for eight counts. Your teacher will play the drum in time
with your actions.
1. Nod your head.
2. Tap your right foot.
3. Snap your fingers.
4. Bend your knees.
5. Move your shoulders up and down.
6. Bend your body to the left and right.

B. Watch as your teacher does each action. Listen as he or she says the word for
each action. Then repeat after him or her. Feel the steady beat.

│ │ │ │
1. walk walk walk walk

│ │ │ │
2. clap clap clap clap

│ │ │ │
3. jump jump jump jump

│ │ │ │
4. tap tap tap tap

Music for Life

What actions do you perform when you hear music? Sometimes when you
hear music, you move to its beat. You may nod your head, tap your fingers on your
lap, clap your hands, or stomp your feet. This is the beauty of having music in your
life. Experience it is as you move to its beat.

Lesson 3
The Silent Beat

Lead to Music

Have you ever danced to nonstop music? How did you feel after some time?
Did you want to keep going? Or did you want to stop and rest for a while?

Learn Music
In music, a stop or pause is marked by a rest. A rest is a symbol that tells you
to stop or pause from singing or playing an instrument. That is why it is also called
the silent beat. You can use the symbol to mark a rest. You may say sh for each
silent beat.
How many lines with silent beats from the song “Mga Puno.” As you sing the
lines, tap your table to show the steady beat. Keep your hand above your table on
the silent beats.

│ │ │ │ │ │ │
Kay - ra - ming pu - no sa ‘min

│ │ │ │ │ │ │

Ha – li ka’t bi - la- ngin mo.

A. Listen as your teacher claps the beats in each number. Then color blue the
book that shows the symbol for the last beat that your teacher claps.

1. │ │ ________

2. │ ________

3. │ │ ________

4. │ │ ________

5. │ │ ________

Music for Life

What can make you feel relaxed.
Many people listen to music while relaxing or resting. They do this
especially after a long day at work or after a hard-physical activity.

Lesson 4
The Divided Beat

Lead to Music

Look at the picture. What do you notice about each fruit? How many pieces
are there of each fruit?
Each fruit was cut or divided into two. In music, the steady bear can also be
divided to make two equal faster beats.

Learn Music
Two short sounds can take the place of a steady beat. It is called divided

beat. The symbol for the divided beat is . You say ti-ti for each divided beat.


ti ti
Look at the example and clap the beats.

│ │ │
ta ti ti ta ta

│ │
ta ti ti ti ti ta

│ │ │
ta ta ti ti ta

Love Music
A. Connect two steady beats to form a divided beat. The first one has
been done for you.

│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

Lesson 5
Simple Rhythmic Patterns

Lead to Music
Look around you. Do you find things with designs like
the ones you see on this page? Observe how the repetition in
the lines and shapes form the designs. The repetition produces
an element in art called pattern.

Learn Music
There are also patterns in music. For instance, beats and rest, ( │,
, and ) can be together to form a set of beats and rests called
rhythmic pattern. A rhythmic pattern gives you the pace or time of a
piece of music.
These are examples of rhythmic patterns. Echo clap the rhythmic
From “Fruit Salad”

│ │ │ │ │
Pag - sa - ma - sa - ma – hin, fruit sa - lad
ti – ti ti – ti ta ta ta ta ta sh
From “Bahay Kubo”

│ │
Sing – ka – mas___ at ta – long___
ti – ti ta__ ti - ta - ta___
From “Magandang Umaga Po”
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
Ma – gan – dang u – ma – ga po
ta ta ta ta ta ta ta sh

Beats and rests may be grouped into rhythmic patterns of 2s, 3s, 4s. clap the
beats and rests of “Fruit Salad,” “Bahay Kubo,” and “Magandang Umaga Po.” What
do you notice about the repetitions of the beats and rests for each song?

Lead to Music
A. Sing each song after your teacher sings it. Listen to the rhythmic pattern of each
song. Then think of body movements that you can use to accompany you as you
sing. Demonstrate the movements to the class.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are.

Bahay Kubo
Bahay kubo, kahit munti,
Ang halaman doon ay sari-sari;
Singkamas at talong, sigarilyas at mani,
sitaw, bataw, patani,
Kundol, patola, upo’t kalabasa,
At saka mayro’n pa, labanos, mustasa,
sibuyas, kamatis, bawang at luya,
Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng linga.

Music for Life

Patterns are everywhere around you. They are found not only in nature, in art,
and music. They are also part of your everyday activities. For example, on school
days, you wake up, get ready for school, attend your classes, go home, do your
assignments, then go to sleep. In between these activities, you eat and do other
routinary tasks. When you know your pattern of activities, you can plan and prepare
for them. This way, your activities and tasks can become even more interesting and

Artistic Perception UNIT

Through Drawing 1

Most Children naturally want to draw and feel like making pictures of what
they see. Drawing is one of the most important creative activities children like you
can do. There is something magical about drawing. If you can describe the lines and
shapes of an object, then there is no reason why you cannot draw. You can make a
picture with few lines and shapes drawn together. You will get surprised that
drawing is easy. But why do some children still feel that they still cannot draw?
Another way of making your drawing more interesting is through storytelling.
You can express and communicate the ideas through drawing. In this unit, you will
surely have fun and find beauty in your drawing.
Lesson 1
Portrait Drawing

Art Chart

Many Children love to draw and enjoy it as a hobby. A hobby is an activity
that people do to relax. Reading, singing, and dancing are some of the usual hobbies
children have. Playing games or sports is another.
If you also want to make drawing as a hobby, all you need to begin with are
some drawing tools and materials. You may draw using pencils, crayons, and
charcoal sticks on paper or cardboard. You use a piece of chalk to draw on the
blackboard. Some people may use a twig from a tree to draw on the soil or sand.
Others can even draw on the bark of a tree or on a leaf using a pointed stick. You
can draw on almost any surface with simple drawing tools and materials.

Art Connect
Drawing is a way of seeing. There are a lot of things around you that you can
draw such as animals, people, plants, toys, and other objects. You can start drawing
faces of your family.
A drawing of a face is called a portrait. Drawing portraits is a great way to
develop your observation skills and to see the details of a person’s face. To draw
better portraits, you need to know the correct position of each feature, or part of the
face. You also need to know the correct size of each feature.
Drawing a portrait is not just about making a picture that looks exactly like
the person but it is also getting something to remember more about him or her.
Joey Velasco, a Filipino artist who created many portraits of children, had
inspired people with hope in life through his artworks. He was known as the
“heartist” painter. His works were created not only from imagination, but more from
the heart. He was gifted with such a great talent. Look at some of his artworks. What
do you find interesting in them?

Gusto Ko Maging Bayani Sugat
Source: https://midfield.wordpress Source: zooey-dawn via

Have you ever tried to draw your own face? A picture that you draw of
yourself is called self-portrait. Many Filipino artists like Fernando Amorsolo and
Juan Luna have created excellent self-portraits. Look at their words. What does
each portrait tell you?

Juan Luna, self-portrait Fernando Amorsolo, self-portrait

Face Shapes
Before you can draw your self-portrait, find out the shape of your face first.
The form of an object is called shape. The basic shapes are circle, oval, rectangle,
square, and triangle. To find out the shape of your face, look at your face in a
mirror. Trace the shape with your finger. You can also look at a photograph of
yourself and then trace the shape.
Do you know that your hand is usually as big as your face? Place your open
hand on your face. Try it and now you can begin with the actual shape of your face.
You can also use big letter U to draw for your face shape.

Lines for Facial Features

You will also draw lines for your facial features. A line is a continuous mark
that you draw from a dot or point to another dot or point on a surface.

Different facial features use different kinds of lines. The two main kinds are
straight and curves. Straight lines may be vertical, horizontal, or vertical. Curved
lines may be spiral or wavy.

A vertical line goes up or down. A horizontal line goes side to side.

A diagonal line leans to the A spiral line goes around like a curl.
left or right.

A wavy line looks like a wave in the ocean.

Lesson 2
Landscape Drawing

Art Chart

Chocolate Hills Banaue Rice Terraces

Mayon Volcano Mt. Apo

Do you know that the Philippines is blessed with fascinating and interesting
natural views? Many tourists love to visit the different amazing places in the
country. Some of these popular sceneries include the Chocolate Hills in Bohol,
Banaue Rice Terraces in the Cordilleras, Mayon Volcano in Bicol, and Mount Apo
in Davao del Sur to name a few. All these wonderful and natural views are called
landscapes. You can show the beauty of these sceneries by making pictures through
landscape drawing.

Art Connect
A landscape drawing is an artwork in which the main focus is the natural
scenery or the view of what you see. This includes the mountains, hills, valleys,
rivers, forests, trees, flowers, and the sky. You can also include your home and
school landscapes.

Your home and school are the places where you can learn many things.
Spending a lot of time in school for learning and playing as well is fun. Children can
be encouraged to keep the school grounds clean and beautiful just the way you do
at home. Cleanliness leads to good health and safety. Do you know that you can
show the beauty of your home and school landscapes? Yes, you can. You can make
pictures of them by drawing the textures and shapes of a variety of trees, flowers,
or bushes around to enhance the beauty of landscapes.
Many artists have shown different views of a place in their landscape
drawings. Fernando Amorsolo, a national artist, is known not only for his excellent
portraits but also for realistic landscapes. His painting Barrio Fiesta shows Filipinos
doing their activities on the farm by singing, dancing, and celebrating special
occasions aligned with a Philippine landscape.

Parts of a Landscapes Drawing
A landscape drawing is made up of three picture areas: the front, middle
ground, and background.
The front of a picture is the part that looks closest to the viewer. The objects
here are bigger and clearer than those behind. The background is the part that
looks farthest from the viewer. The objects here are the smallest and less clear.
Everything that is between the front and background parts makes up the middle
ground. The objects here are medium size.
A landscape drawing may also show the horizon, the imaginary line that
divides the sky from the ground and usually ate the eye level of the viewer.

Activity 1: My Family Summer Adventure

Summer is the time most Filipino families go out of town or even out of the
country for an adventure. If your family loves to travel, surely you have gone places
either by bus, car, van, boat, or airplane. You have also seen beautiful landscapes
made up of mountains, hills, plains, valleys, rivers, and other land and water forms.

In this activity, you will draw a landscape based on what you see in one such

What You Will Need

∙ sheet of Oslo paper
∙ pencil
∙ crayons
What You Will Do
1. Close your eyes. Imagine that you and your family are going on a trip. It will be
an adventure as you travel to somewhere you had already been before. You
may also explore a new and exciting place.
2. Open your eyes. Recall the scenes you saw in your “travel.”
3. Start drawing your chosen scene on the sheet of Oslo paper using a pencil.
4. Outline your drawing using different colors of crayons.
5. Fill in any empty space in your drawing with other objects that will make your
picture look more interesting.
6. When you are done, study your drawing. Then, ask yourself the following
∙ What makes my drawing a nice picture?
∙ Which objects look closer to me?
∙ How do I show the distance of objects in the different parts of the landscape?
∙ What makes my drawing different from others?

Lesson 3
Still Life Drawing

Art Chart

Drawing makes you become more aware of

the simple forms and shapes of objects around you. You can identify the object and
its basic shape. Once you can do this, it is easier for you to draw the object. If you
could do it with one object, surely you can do to it with other objects. You can even
put these objects together and arrange them in group. Then, you can make your own
still life drawing.

Art Connect
A still life is a drawing, painting, or picture of an object or a group of objects
that are not moving. It includes human-made or natural objects such as bowl of
fruits, basket of vegetables, or vase of flowers. It can also be a collection of your
toys, shoes, and many more. When drawing a still life, show not only the objects but
also the space around them. Space refers to the area that the objects occupy and the
empty parts around and between them. Positive space is a filled area or shape of an
object. Negative space is an empty or blank area that is around the positive shape of
an object.
Creating an interesting art composition is one of the difficult features of still
life drawing. It takes patience and a lot of practice in arranging a collection of
objects to make a pleasing still life picture. The objects can be created by
overlapping, putting them in correct proportion, or observing size relationships.
Proportion refers to the size of an object when compared to something else.

Many artists have shown different skills in making their still life drawing.
Vicente Manansala, a national artist, has created many still life drawings of fish,
fruits, and kitchen native utensils among others.

Activity 1: Fruits and Veggies

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for your health. Fruits and
vegetables are healthy foods that are important to include in your everyday meals.
Healthy foods protect your body against many diseases. They are rich in vitamins,
minerals, and other nutrients.
Which fruits and vegetables do you like to eat? In this activity, you will
choose some of your favorite fruits and vegetables in you still life drawing. You can
draw them from real objects, plastic look-alikes, or a photograph.

What You Will Need

∙ plastic look-alikes, real, or a photograph of fruits and vegetables
∙ plastic bowl, basket, or tray
∙ sheet of Oslo paper
∙ pencil
∙ crayons
What Will You Do
1. Arrange the fruits and vegetables that you have chosen on a flat surface. You
may put them together in a bowl, basket, or tray. Remember that the objects
may overlap.

2. See the basic shape of each object before drawing your still life.
3. On the sheet of Oslo paper, draw lightly the different shapes and sizes of the
fruits and vegetables. You may include the container, if you have arranged them
in one.
4. Draw a horizontal line below the center for the table edge. Then outline the
fruits, vegetables, and other details of your still life using crayons.

5. When you are done, look at your still life. Then, ask yourself the following
∙ How do I arrange fruits and vegetables in one still life?
∙ What basic shapes do I see in the fruits and vegetables?
∙ Does overlapping of objects give magic in my drawing?
∙ What makes my drawing a good still life?

Concepts (Big Ideas)

∙ Drawing helps you develop the freedom to express and communicate what you
∙ The elements of art, such as line, shape, color, and texture, can create something
magical through drawing.
∙ Some art principles, such as balance, proportion, and variety, are also applied in
drawing to create more attractive and interesting artworks.
∙ You create more pictures by drawing portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
∙ Drawing provides a direct connection with reading, writing, painting, and other
creative activities.

Body Management UNIT

and Movement 1

You are blessed with a beautiful body. You can do many movements and
activities using its different parts. You can walk, jump, run, play, swim, and dance
with it. You can also do other movements with it.

Lesson 1
Parts of the Body

Shape Up
Do you know the different parts of your body? Sing the song with your
teacher. Touch or point to the part of your body as it is named in the song.
My Toes, My Knees
My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head
My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head
My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head
Let’s all clap our hands together.

The son “My Toes, My Knees” mentions only some parts of the human body.
There are other body parts that you may know. Can you name them?

Stretch More

Your body is made up of different parts. Each part has its own use.
Look at the pictures. Learn what each body part is called and what it is used

1. head – contains the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.

2. ear – used for hearing.
3. eye – used for seeing.
4. nose – used for breathing and smelling.
5. mouth – used for speaking and eating.
6. neck – connects the head to the trunk. It also helps you move your head in

circular motion, from side to side, and up and down.
7. shoulder – allows you to move your arms up, down, and around.
8. arm – used for a lot of movements such as throwing and picking up things.
9. elbow – allows you to bend your arms.
10. wrist – allows you to move your hand in circular motion and from side to side.
11. hand – used for touching, holding, and grasping.
12. trunk – contains many smaller parts of the body.
13. waist – helps you bend your body.
14. hip – connects the trunk to the legs. It also helps you carry the weight of your
15. thigh – allows you to support the weight of your body while you move.
16. knee – allows you to bend your leg.
17. leg – used for a lot of movements such as standing, walking, running, and
18. foot – allows you to move from place to place as you walk, run, or jump. It also
supports the weight of your whole body.
19. ankle – connects the foot to the leg. It also allows you to wiggle your foot from
side to side.
20. toes – parts of the foot that keep your balance as you move your whole body.
21. heel – helps in the proper movement of foot when you are walking.

Your body is divided into four major parts. These are the following:

1. head – topmost part of your body.

2. trunk – middle part of your body which compose of the shoulder and chest
down to the waist.
3. upper limbs – composed of your upper arm, lower arm, and hands.
4. lower limbs – composed of your hips, legs, and feet.

Stay Fit
A. Identify and name the four major body parts.

Lesson 2
Simple Body Movements

Shape Up
Look at the pictures. Try to do the movements they show.

Stretch More
Now that you know your body parts, you can learn about the different body
movements you can do. Body movements are actions that you do with your body.

Your different body parts help you move properly. Here are some body
movements you can do
1. bbybyhtyhgtygty65t6hgytyhyhyh 4.

Raise your hands and shake them. Raise a knee.

2. ghdvnfbehfbhebfhfhb 5.

Raise your arms sideward. Raise your


3. gywgdywegyfvyfvggfvyvffh 6.

Bend your trunk. March in place.
You can also form different body shapes by doing simple body movements. You
can form narrow, wide, and round shapes with your different body parts.
You form these shapes when you are playing, dancing and doing exercise
Can you balance yourself? Balance is being stationary in a position while you are
standing or on a floor. You may use one, two, three, four, five body parts to
balance yourself. You transfer your body weight from one side to the other.

Stay Fit
A. Do the following sets of movements.
1. Move your head sideward to the right. Then move it to the left.
2. Raise your arms upward. Then bring them down.
3. Move your shoulders up and down.
4. Sway your hips.
5. Bend your knees then stand straight.
6. Raise your arms and shake your hands.
7. Clap your hands above your head.
8. Put your hands on your waist. Bend your trunk to the right then to the left.
9. Stand on your left foot. Then swing your right foot forward.
10. Jump in place two times.

Lesson 3
Nonlocomotor Movements

Shape Up

Look at each picture. What is the child doing? Which body part is he or she
moving? Try the movement. Did you move from your place while doing it? What
other movements can you do in place?

Stretch More
A movement that you do without moving away from your place is called
nonlocomotor movement. It is done in your personal space. It includes stretching,
bending, circling, swinging, swaying, and rotating. You can do this with the
different parts of your body while standing, sitting, kneeling, and lying.

To stretch is to extend a part of the body as if to

make it longer. You can stretch your arms upward,
sideward, or downward. You can also stretch one leg
backward, sideward, or forward.

To bend is to move a joint of the body. You can bend

your leg at the knee joints. You can bend your arms at the
elbow joint. You can also bend forward, sideward, or
backward from your waist.

To circle is to move a body part in circular

motion. You can circle your arms forward or
backward. You can also circle your head
backward or forward. You can even circle
your hips from left to right.

To swing is to sway a body part forward, sideward, or backward. You can swing
an arm or both arms. You can also swing one leg while standing on the other leg.

To rotate is to turn the body on its axis.

Non-locomotor movements are good for the body. You can use them to warm
up your body for more challenging activities.
Think of your body parts. What nonlocomotory movements can each body part
or parts perform? Name them and the non-locomotor movements they can do.
Then do the following movements of the head. Trunk, and limbs.

Head Exercises
Slow Head Bending Head Bending
Start position: Stand straight with your Start position: Stand straight with your
feet apart and hands on your waist. feet apart and hands on your waist.
1. Bend your neck – counts 1-4 1. Bend your neck – count 1
by moving your by moving your
head slowly head forward.
sideward to the
2. Stay in this – counts 5-8 2. Move your head – count 2
position. back to the starting
3. Move your head – counts 8-5 3. Bend your neck – count 3
slowly back to the by moving your
starting position. head backward.
4. Stay in starting – counts 4-1 4. Move your head – count 4
position. back to the starting
5. Repeat steps 1 – counts 1-8 5. Repeats steps 1 to – counts 5-8
and 2 sideward to 4.
the left.
6. Repeat steps 3 – counts 8-1 6. Repeats steps 1 to – counts 8-1
and 4. 5. Start by moving
your head

Head Twisting
Starting position: Stand straight with your feet apart and hands on your waist.

1. Twist your neck by – count 1 4. Move your head – count 4
moving your head to back to the starting
the right. position.
2. Move your head – count 2 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4. – count 5-8
back to the starting
3. Twist your neck by – count 3 6. Repeat steps 1 to 5. – count 8-1
moving your head to Start by twisting your
the left. head to the left.

Shoulder Exercises
Shoulder Raise
Starting position: Stand straight with your feet apart and hands on your waist.
1. Raise your right shoulder. – count 1
2. Bring your right shoulder down. – count 2
3. Raise your left shoulder. – count 3
4. Bring your left shoulder down. – count 4
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4. – counts 5-8
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5. Start by raising
Shoulder Rotation Arm Circling
your left shoulder. – counts 8-1
Starting position: Stand straight with Starting position: Stand straight with your
, your feet apart and hands on your waist. feet apart and hands on your waist.

1. Slowly move your – counts 1-8 1. Raise your right arm to – counts 1-8
right shoulder the side. Keep your elbow
backward in circular straight. Then move your

motion. arm backward in a big
2. Slowly move your – counts 8-1 2. Repeat step 1 with your – counts 8-1
right shoulder forward left arm.
In circular motion.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 – counts 1-8,
with your left shoulder. 8-1

Trunk Exercises
Trunk Bending
Starting position: Stand straight with your feet apart
and hands on your waist.
1. Bend with your trunk to the right. – count 1
2. Bring your trunk back to the starting
position. – count 2
3. Bend your trunk to the left. – count 3
4. Bring your trunk back to the starting
position. – count 4
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 – counts 5-8
6. Repeat
Trunk steps 1 to 5. Start by bending
Twisting Hip Rotation
your trunk to the left. – counts 8-1
Starting position: Stand straight with Starting position: Stand straight with
your feet apart and hands on your waist. your feet apart and hands on your hips.

1. Twist your trunk to – count 1 1. Slowly move your – counts 1-8

the right. hips backward in
circular motion.

2. Bring your trunk – count 2 2. Slowly move your – counts 8-1
back to the starting hips forward in circular
position. motion.
3. Twist your trunk to – count 3
the left.
4. Bring your trunk – count 4
back to the starting
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4. – counts 5-8
Start twisting your
trunk to the left.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5. – counts 8-1

Knee Bending
Starting position: Stand straight with your feet apart and
hands on your hips.
1. Slightly bend your knees. – counts 1
2. Bring your knees back to the starting
position. – count 2
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. – counts 3-4
4. Repeat steps 1 to 8. – counts 5-8
Knee Rotation Heel Raise
Starting position: Stand straight with Starting position: Stand straight with
your feet apart and hands on your your feet apart and hands on your
hips . hips..

1. Slowly move your – counts 1-8 1. Slowly raise your – counts 1-15
knees clockwise in heels and stay in this
circular motion. position.
2. Slowly move your – counts 8-1 2. Bring your heels – counts 16
knees down.
counterclockwise in 3. Repeat steps 1 and – counts 1-16
circular motion 2.

Stay Fit
A. Look at the child in each picture. Name the non-locomotor movement that he or
she is doing. Choose from the movements in the box. Write the letter of your
answer on the line.

a. trunk twisting e. head bending

b. arm f. trunk bending
______ 1.
c. head twisting Hjbuygyugyugy g. ______
shoulder rotation 3.

d. heel raise h. knee rotation

______ 2. Bfbfbfbdfbybrf ______ 4.

______ 5. Vcuvdchvdhgc ______ 7.

Lesson 4

Shape Up

Find the animals in the picture. Name them and try to imitate their
movements. Which parts of your body did you move to imitate their movements?

Stretch More
Did you enjoy imitating the movements of animals? If you did, you have just
experienced an interesting movement activity.

You can do nonlocomotor and locomotor movements when you watch
moving things around. You can move the way they move. Imitating the movements
you see around you is called mimetics.

Imitating Movement of Animals

Different animals move in different ways. A butterfly flies very lightly while a
duck moves more slowly as it waddles. A frog leaps quietly on the grass while an
elephant shakes the ground it walks on. Imitation of the way animals move is a
popular focus of movement activities. Try to do the following examples of these

Starting position: Stand straight with your feet slightly
apart and your arms sideward, palms facing downward.
Move your arms gently up and down as
you run lightly around the playing area (16 counts).

Starting position: Stand straight with our feet
slightly apart and hands on your shoulders.
Move your arms up and down as you run
Lightly around the playing area (16 counts).

Starting position: Stand straight with your feet
slightly apart and hands together, palms facing
each other and fingers pointing forward.

Sway your arms and body to your right
and to your left (16 counts).

Starting position: In a sitting position,
put your palms flat on the floor, with
your arms between your knees.

1. Slightly move your body up. – count 1

2. Taking off from your feet, jump forward. – count 2
3. Land on your feet with your knees bent. – count 3
4. Put your palms flat on the floor. – count 4
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 three times. – counts 5-8, 8-

Imitating Movement of Machines

Imitation of the way machines move is another focus of movement activities. Try
to do the following examples of these activities.

1. Raise your arms sideward like the wings of an
2. Run lightly around the playing area while slightly
bending your body to the left and right.

1. Form a line with your classmates.
2. Put your hands on the waist of
your classmate in front of you.
3. At a given signal, all of you will
move forward.

Stay Fit
A. Do the movements of each animal or machine.
1. fish 4. butterfly
2. frog 5. airplane
3. bird 6. Train

Healthy Food for a UNIT

Healthy You 1

Have you heard the saying “Health is wealth”? Do you want to be healthy? If
your answer to both is “yes,” then you are ready to learn more about the food you
should eat to stay healthy. Discover how good eating habits will keep you free from
sickness. This includes eating the right kind of food. Find out more as you read this

Lesson 1
Sources of Food

Health Alert

Look at the picture above. Have you ever wondered where the food you eat
comes from? It is very important to know the sources or where the food you eat
come from.

Health Watch
Food is any thing that people or animals eat, drink, or
take. This gives them energy, helps them grow, and keeps
them alive. Food comes from plants and animals. Fruits and
vegetables are examples of foods that come from plants.
Can you name some fruits and vegetables that you eat at home?

Rice, bread, cereal, and pasta also come from

plants. These are called grains and grain products. What
is your favorite pasta or cereal?

Meat and eggs are examples of foods that come from
animals. Fish, chicken, beef, and pork all come from animals.
Animals also give you milk. Foods made from milk are
called dairy products. Examples of dairy products are
butter, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. As a growing child,
you never outgrow your need for milk.

Health Check
A. Write P on the line if the food comes from plants. Write A if it comes from
_____ 1. peanut _____ 6. spaghetti
_____ 2. egg _____ 7. lechon
_____ 3. oatmeal _____ 8. celery
_____ 4. tomato _____ 9. cheese
_____ 5. rice _____ 10. squid
B. Read the list of different kinds of food. Which foods come from plants? Which
foods come from animals? Write their names in the correct column.
beans chicken
pork chop potato
kamote kangkong
corn flakes sayote

Food from Plants Food from Animals

Lesson 2
Kinds of Food

Health Alert

Look at the foods above. Which of the foods do you think are
healthful? Which are less healthful? As you know more about healthful and less
healthful foods, you will learn to choose the right kinds of food for you.

Health Watch
A person with excellent physical and mental condition is said to be healthy.
To stay healthy, you should eat the right kinds of food. If you do not eat right, you
may suffer from a condition called malnutrition.

Malnutrition is a condition of poor nutrition. This can happen if you do not

eat the right kinds of food. This can also be an effect of eating too little or too much
of certain foods. Eating too little food leads to undernutrition. Eating too much
food leads to overnutrition.
A child suffering from malnutrition does not grow up well. This is why you
need to know all about healthful foods from less healthful foods.

Healthful Foods
Nutrients are substance in food that make you grow. They also provide energy
to your body. If you eat a variety of healthful food, you will grow well and stay

Healthful foods that come from animal sources, as well as beans, peas, and
peanuts help you grow.

Milk and dairy products are also

healthful foods. These foods also make
you grow. You become taller and your
muscles become bigger with these

Fruits like mango, apple, banana,

pineapple, and papaya make you
healthy and strong. You can make
juice from them too. Dark green and
leafy vegetables, carrot, tomato, and
squash will help you glow. They help
you have good skin and shiny hair.
Fruits and vegetables can help you
fight against sickness. How often do
you eat fruits and vegetables?

Grains and grain products such as cereal, bread, pasta, oatmeal make you go.
These foods supply you with energy to work and play. Throughout the day,
Filipinos eat rice mainly to make them go.

Healthful Foods
Less healthful foods are those that are low in nutrients. Junk food is any food
that has very little nutrients and is high in fat and sugar. This kind of food can make
you gain a lot of weight. It can also be harmful to your teeth.
Less healthful foods will not make you go, grow, and glow. You should avoid
them. Less healthful foods are usually sweet, salty, or oily. They contain too much
sugar, salt, and oil which are not good for your body.
T h e s w e e t s i

contain only sugar and no other nutrients. Avoid too much sweets in your diet.
The salty foods include junk foods such as pizza, chips, French fries, and burgers.
Many of these foods are found in fast food restaurants.
The oily foods include chicharon, fried chicken, fried pork chop, and just about
anything fried. Would you consider doughnuts as oily foods?

Eating less healthful foods can make you malnourished. They are not good
sources of nutrients. Too much sugar can give you cavities. A cavity is a hole in your
teeth that can grow bigger over time. Salty and oily foods can cause heart
problems. Eating too much of these foods can also make you overweight.
Now that you know which foods are healthful and less healthful, what will you
eat in your next meal? If you have few allowance, would you spend it on soft drinks
or on fresh fruits?

Health Check
A. Draw a happy face ( ) in the if the food is healthful. Draw a sad face ( )
if it is not healthful.

1. vegetable salad 6. boiled sweet potato

2. soft drink 7. pizza

3. french fries 8. grilled fish

4. lemonade 9. potato chips

5. whipped cream 10. fresh fruits

Lesson 3
Healthy Eating Habits

Health Alert

Look at the picture above. What are the children eating? Do they show good
eating habits?

Health Watch
Following good eating habits will help you become strong and healthy. You
should make these habits part of your everyday life.
1. Eat meals regularly. Make sure to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner regularly. Do
not forget to eat breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day.

Children who eat breakfast do better during the day. They have more energy to
do their work at home and in school. They usually have less problems with

You may also have a healthful snack between breakfast and lunch, and one
between lunch and dinner. What do you eat during recess and merienda time?

2. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. You

lose water when you sweat, urinate, and
breathe. You should replace the water you
by drinking plenty of water. You need water to
help digest the food you eat. Water also helps
remove waste products from your body.

Drink three glasses of milk every day too. Drinking milk will help you develop
strong bones and teeth. Milk also keeps you healthy.
3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat them
as part of your daily meals or as snacks. Fresh
and vegetables contain vitamins that help your
body fight sickness. Vitamins are nutrients that
help protect you from getting sick easily. What
fruits and vegetables have you eaten this week?

4. Avoid soft drinks and junk foods. These contain

large amount of sugar and salt. They also lack

needed nutrients for your body to function

5. Always wash your hands before and after meals.

Use soap and water when washing your hands.
This way you are sure that you handle your food
with clean hands. Also use clean eating utensils
at all times. Spoons, forks, knives, plates, and
cups should be kept clean all the time.

Health Check
A. Put a check (√ ) on the line if the child practices a healthy eating habit. Put a cross
(×) if he or she does not.
_____ 1. The doctor told Mark that he is overweight. Mark does not want to
breakfast anymore. He plans to eat only snacks, lunch, and dinner.
_____ 2. Florence drinks eight to ten glasses of water a day. She also drinks a
of milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
_____ 3. Rose does not eat vegetables.

_____ 4. Leo eats banana and sandwich during recess. He prefers these better
than chips.
_____ 5. Laura eats dinner while playing games on her tablet.
_____ 6. Fred eats baked potatoes instead of French fries. He also drinks fresh
fruit juice and eats carrot sticks for snacks.
B. Which healthy eating habit would you like everyone to follow? In the box below,
draw yourself practicing it.


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