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Lan LbylgOjlyyhL ts College of fushness and Feenemes Mock Final Exam Business Statistics 2 (STAT 222) |, vi p99? STUDENT NAMI STUDENT QU ID: INSTRUCTOR NAME: Section: L... Examination Rules and Procedures Please present your QU ID to be allowed to sit forthe exam (Your ID should be placed on the exam table), ‘You must leave your personal belongings out of reach Do not open the examination or fll out any material until instructed to do so by the proctor. ‘This is a CLOSED BOOK examination. You are not allowed to use any material during the exam. The use of eell phone or any other electronic device is strictly prohibited during the exam. The use of cell phone is considered as a cheating attempt. Holding the phone in your hand or looking at the phone sereen is not allowed. Make sure to switch it off and keep it out of reach and out of sight. Please go to the washroom, if you need to, before the exam starts. You are not allowed to go to the| washroom during the exam. You ate not allowed to communicate with your colleagues during the exam. Communicating with] your colleagues or looking at your colleagues’ exam paper is considered a cheating attempt. ‘You are NOT allowed to leave the exam venve before 30 minutes from the exam stat You are NOT allowed to enter the exam verve afer 30 minutes from the exam start. You must bring your own calculators and supplies. Exchange of supplies is not permited. You are not allowed to leave the exam venue during the last 10 minutes ofthe exam in order to facilitate the collection of papers. {At the end of the exam, you must emain seated in order to allow the proctors to collect the exam papers . Cheating attempts willbe sanctioned according to QU regulations. By signing the box below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information regarding Examination Rules and Procedures at Qatar University. I agree to abide by these rules and procedures and I accept that any violation of them may result in an administrative penalty and/or adjudication through Qatar University Code of Conduct, Co 1A CamScanner + Wis agua! ist: Multiple Choices arks) 1, The numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F-test in a one-way ANOVA are, respecti a, (o-k) and (k-1) D kk-tand(n-) fc (ken)and (0-2) 6. (o-1) and (kn) ssT 2. _Ina simple nen reresson problem, the folowing sum of squares are produced: 204-99" ~ 200, SSELO4-H? = 59, apg DG =? = 150, | the variation in y thatif explained py the variation in xis: ss Eoecneas) he voviaion ny Om pre sek = MBS 33% SS Be & 50% Kes hotel and determines the number of nights they st teresting a ¥\Se4F level equa to 005, which ofthe folowing is = critical oe Ss a 3.06 y-\h Gis fo.08,Vie K-1 > Ve oes Fo-0S, U2 4 >» V2 40 4. theleast squares regression tine 9 =2:88 -1.77 BBY Sette, aA CamScanner + Lis a uaall JyeElts ey =TOM Auestion Two (4 marks) how your work and wrlteRhe appropriate formula and calculus Youare given the fllowingstatstis: F=7A7, oni S?=1617, Sy = 10.63, y= 1989, n=6 4. Determine the least squares regression line (9) 4 sbo thik bya SL MET ven Sk 161 BG bos G-bS = 4.44 ~-CISsd aoe bi GAS b. what does the repression line tel you? G+ B0-BS -183 when =< ipttee by ane 183 unit , the avrg of 4 decrenSe by & Calculate the coefficient of determination (R?) and interpret it, oe er SS 619.5 = 0:23 X190 ® =e 614 AWRAV 2 aay, 337 of Varicton in y Zs exPlatned by vanotcontd 2 647 wk explain 4. Calculate the sum of squares for error value (SSE). ae GI4-S a SSE = Cn -1Y(Sy = 3s) = 5 (12.99- ere oe © Calculate the coefficient of correlation for these sample data, es bic) Fe ELS ve — Jess = - 9:54 nc) CamScanner + Wis2 aguasall ‘question Three (4 marks) Giving the following Summary Output of a simple linear regression model, answer the below questions. Regression Statistics ‘Multiple R R Square Adjusted R? Standard Error ty fF. Sivag = 348 Observations nz\o ANOVA, d SS ag aa Regression . 1043.783 WIS Ass Residual Ca eter ea Total ee a3 Hs [at ee ae Standard Error 1 Stat P-value > tere 27461 5434555 5.045638 ri 2-BAD 0.822199 BAS a. Calculate the intercept coefficient (bo) and interpret it bez 244.19 , low when Xo, + average fncren Se come + 3 ay.Vy b. Calculate the F value. =\VWIS F ve ®e: ssh. 104 8483 _ = 4. Calculate the coefficient of somttaton. “ 3s¥ 7 FFY VSG co + ORF 2. Seam: O55 ~ +oFk tory oP ¢. Test using. CHieniticance level to determine whether the two variables are negatively related RSquare 0.62866 Adjusted R Square : < Sine : A ee rae Observations wy ec: O05 ™ aa ANOVA a 53 Ms E Regression ~~ 34a75.67 1723783 G-SA4 Residual “A 20361.330 2909.190 Total Q 54840 Kol Coefficients Standard frror 1 Stat Pole Intercept © 413.05730 67,10260 6.155608 » ” bi -46.75160 123.61245 -3 -4E4 7 fo, -36-0\_35.07682 1.02777 Sole a. Interpret thE slop koetficient (bi). r When Xi increase bY one UMils the av frst AG 4s While the others fodeFenden} Nad Cn Ge CrEAS cclstnc te sndat ero inne Seater eof ls Sse _ [RRENBE LBB Se = n=K-1 . lo = Q-1 © Calculate is the adjusted coefficient of determination. What does this statistic tell you? -G2ESC wn jo -\y. sree $35, Raz i-(- 0-628 meee) 524. ofzvancotvan ia yas exploing) by variation 4. “Does the dat rovide enough evidee the 5% significance lve lo conclude hafEIME¥ | tq mockel oO Poincare io . : Biko Ho. Bi=s Bi+to ae @ Zest Stahshe: by BKB4} lo obsecd me nok = £ (9.628 ,F) = F235 vogehet ve $e Be ae tte age CamScanner + Wise asusall fe. Test for the overaatain ihe ‘model at the 5% significance level? ©) ti: at least one sloCst) +° Ho. Bio = =. =o es) Pew Veet [2A RR: oa < a a a ‘Question Five (4 marks) A researcher wanted to test two different types of cereals to see how many calories each contains. You are interested in comparing the number of calories of both, type A and type B to see if they are the same. Given the following informatio Type B ny = 16 T, = 3035 Given that the population distributions for both types are not normally distributed: a. Test at the 5% level of significance to determine whether type A and type B differs. b. Find the p-value of the test statistic and make the decision? 8A CamScanner + Wise asuaall

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