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Michael Flamme OGL 345 Mod 6: Course Reflection Paper 09AUG22

The last several weeks have been quite the undertaking, to say the least. I may

have taken on too much in terms of schoolwork. I recently started a new position at work and

have been taking two classes consecutively. The responsibilities have been many and have been

just keeping my head above water. Luckily, I have been able to complete all my assignments

with a few hits and misses through certain assignments. I strive on staying on top of my

responsibilities and driving results. This summer session gave me a few kicks in the rear which I

have to accept. I found a couple of my assignments not meeting the potential I thought I gave

them. Upon reflection on those assignments, I told myself that with as much as I have taken on,

not everything is going to have the greatest results. Unfortunately, some things like my

schoolwork for certain weeks did not get as much attention as originally planned. However, I

still feel good about my progress overall and where my grade stands at this moment.

The Fryer textbook structure presented the material well. With my schedule in my new

role at work, the amount of reading became a lot, especially from being exhausted working the

night shift and not sleeping much. I had to take it in small bits and focus on sections of the

reading at a time. Thankfully, I find a lot of value in the Perusall discussion format helpful with

being able to read others’ comprehension of the material. I am not a big fan of social media

platforms and posting for pure discussion but the more I have used Perusall in the last handful

of classes, I do enjoy the format. From a leadership perspective, I feel the material from the text

helps provide clarity of actions and situations that I have been presented with throughout my

career and having to deal with currently. What stood out for me most was about expectations

of an executive’s responsibilities for the company, socially, for the environment, positioned to

be more of a utilitarian point of view of what is best for the greater good, and how we do that.

Michael Flamme OGL 345 Mod 6: Course Reflection Paper 09AUG22

It’s not primarily about doing whatever is needed to secure profits for the shareholders. The

owners or shareholders are responsible, for the employees, the community, and the

environment which are all stakeholders affected by the actions of the decisions made by

company leadership. This all becomes how the bottom line can be seen as profitable and how a

company can build loyalty and trust from their consumers. It is not all about the amount of

profit but how we make those profits in the best interest of those that influence decisions and

those that are affected by those decisions.

The Planet Jockey simulations have always been pretty fun to play. The simulations are a

fun way to connect with the material and engage in decisions that have consequences without

being able to course correct them. The Moral Minefield simulation is the third Planet Jockey

simulation I have completed. I felt I knew what to expect each week but there was always a

question or two that would throw me off. However, I feel that was the point. Upon the

question overview and further explanation, the leader gave clarity as to why I chose incorrectly.

I feel I could have done better through the simulation and gained higher company profits but

given my workload this term, I am happy with the results.

My leadership style has become more aware of the decisions I will make going forward. I

appreciate having a better understanding of the effects my leadership decisions can be on our

organization, our employees, the surrounding community of other businesses, people, and the

environment we impact every day. I plan to utilize my recent learnings to influence better

decision-making with my team and ensure that represent and model integrity in what I do and

the decisions that my team will make under my leadership. I will focus on decisions that are

best for the greater good, what is socially responsible, and continue to do my best to lead by

Michael Flamme OGL 345 Mod 6: Course Reflection Paper 09AUG22

example. I will do my best to not make decisions that do not support these positions. This was a

good class. It was hard some weeks to have to personally reflect on some of the topics but

overall I know those experiences provide value for our personal growth and self-realization of

who we are and where we need to continue to grow from past failures.


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