Characterization of Chitosan. Influence of Ionic Strength and Degree of Acetylati

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Characterization of chitosan.

of ionic strength and degree of
acetylation on chain expansion
M a r g d t e Rimdo, Miche1 Mnas and Pbam Se Dung
Centre h Rechevches mr le.9 Macrornolhles VtigPtaleJ, CNRS, C L I S U Ch~ I'Uniwrsi~PJ m p h Fourier,
BP 53 X,38041 G r m b b Cedex, F m c e
(Received 13 February 1993; rwkd 20 April 1995)
Thk paper c w w m a new mihad of cbructerirkg chitosm with dferent &gree.t of ucetylatfan (DA = 2,
11.5 md 21%); it mmt~tsOf st& w h c y i ~ nchnwM~ographyusing a rnu/tidetection t O S I m n i al!mhg
&fermimtion of M,[:?;Ia d RG for each point 4 rk chromaragrams.From these rlatu, the Mark-Hawink
p a r m r e r s for intrinsic vtrmf~ymad the expownt whrlyg & a d M me determhd. In the s u m way, !he
role of rhe w h n t iP & W a n d the solwnt AcOH 0.3 M / A ~ 0.2 N M~ lapropwd to r e k tbe premre
ofwgrqutes which perttubs ~raricmoleculur weighr &termination by light scaftertg. The rde of rhe bnic
mncenimrion md of the degree of ~ceiyhrl~ln on the srgness of chitosun i s then disnwed and a theowtical
marmemt 13 proposed aIiowiRg the cbetexrn~wtionof rhe intrinsic persirrenue length (Lp= 50 11) d the
predicliwl of thedimensionsin s n h i h (RGand [tj]). I,t r f d t o be h&pen&ni of DA D1 the r q e iesfed.

IntrorFucdon ex+ as 100 DA) v a n determined br 'H nm.r.,

considered to be the most sensitive method ;the samplw
Chitin md chitman are imprtant polpaccharid~ were dissolved in D,O after two exchangesin the presence
extracted from different sources (crabs or shrimp shells,
of CD,-CO,D, The D A was determined from the
fungi, etc.); these polymers are composed of ffl - 4 integral of the CH, signal at t .97 ppm compared with
D-glueosarnine units with a variable degree of N- the integral of the H-P proton signal considered as an
acetylation (DA)'. The distribution of the N-wtyl

groups along th t polymeric back bone may mtrol the
solubility in a given solvent; chitin (DA I ) is e s p i d l y
soluble in dimethylacetamide-litbium chloride mix-
internal standard.
The vjscosi~ymeasurements were prformed with an
Ubbelohde capillary (4 = 0.58 mm) at 15'C f 0.1;two
series of electrolyte solutions were used with different salt
tures2. When the average DA is lower than approxi- concentrations to screen progressively the electrostatic
mately 0.5, the polymers are called chitosans and they interactions. A low s h w viscomcttr (LS30Contraves)
become soluble in aqueous solutions in the presence of was also u d so test the effect of the shear rate on
acids such as acetic acid. In fact, chitosan strictly refers viscosity measurements.
to poly(g1ucosamint) but it is also a family name for The molecular weight distribution and sabsqutnt
a group of partially deacetyhtd products3. characteristics were obtained ftom gel permeation
To characterize the behariour of chitosans in aqueous chromatography (g.p.c. or s.e.c.) on our equipment using
solutions and especially their rheology, it is important a rnultidesection instrunent (LALLS, refractive index,
to determine their molecular weight and test for the viscosity) as descrihd More6, which was also connected
thmcdynamic properties of the solvent used. Their to a muitiangie light scattering detector (MALLS)Dawn
behaviour is also controlled by their persistence length from Wyatt Technology (USA) on line. This equipment
and the electrostatic interactions. allowed us to determine R, and [qj for each molecular
This paper concerns the conditions d solubilization d weight prestnt in the sample.
chitosans with diflcrmt D A , their molecular weight The dn/dc of chitosan in the solvent usad for g.p.c.
distribution and the discussion on their Iccal fiiffness. (0.3 M AcOH + 0.2 M AcONa) was found to bt
The stiffness is characterized by a persistence length, independent ofDA and equal to 0.163. The columns used
dewding on tltctrostatic forces, deduced from radrus lor chromatagraphy were the Shockx OHpaK B 803 and
of gyration and intrinsic viscosity.
805: a11 the solutions were filtered on 0.2 urn Dore
~a&ius membranes before experiments; in sime &es,
0.1 and 0.05 pm membranes were used.

The commercial samples of chitosan were from Fiuka Results and diPrmscin
IDA = 1 1 .S%) and Protan (DA = 21%); a nearly fully
deacetrlated chitosan (DA = 2 %) was prepared in our Theorericu' w~~~~~
laboratory4.Their average degree of acetylation (DA% Whm the chitown, isolated in neutral conditions (i.e.

Int. J. Biol. Mamrn01., 1993, VoL IS, October 281

when glucosamine is in the -NH, form) is dissolved equation:
in acidic conditions, the following equilibrium occurs:

The counterion depends on the electrolyte prtsent in the with a,,the e x p s i o n coefficient ealmlatad from a,,.,. We
medium and on the acid used. Nevertheless, dl the can demonstrate that nhe right-hand side of equation (6)
experimental results, when exp& in the -NH, form, varies as C; lt2.
remain independent of the counterion. Therefore, From the slop of the curves [vb(C,P1ll)OM can a h
chitosan in acidic wnditions is a polyelectmlyte whose deduce the penisknee length L,: different r d u a of L,
charge parameter, 1,is proportional to the linear charge are imposed to calculate the ratio [qlr/[~lr and then [qIz
density which depends on pH and degree of deacetylation'; as a function of C;I1'; the k t agreement betweerr
in this paper, the degree of protonation is considered to be experimental and theomtical values gives L,.
nearly 1 as the pH is always lower than4.5. lt becomes; For different valnts oiM, one can deduce theoretically
1= 1.38(1 - DA) (1) from equations (4) and (6) the parameters of the
Mark-Houwink equation for a given salt concentration
AH the properties and espacialIy the dimensions ofthese having fixed the L, value.
charged polysaccharides a n be predicted using the The calculated values are plotted in Figures I and 2
treatment described previouslys. For the relations [q] ( M )and &(M);the role of the salt
Considering the values of R, as a function of the concentration (equation (6)) is given in F w e 3. T h e
molecular weight obtained on a g.p.c. chromatogram, it parameters used for the calculation are given in Table 1.
is possible to extract the persistence length following the
Bwoit-Doty relationg: Mokcubr characte~ticsof chirosan
A sc- solvent composed 010.2 M AcONa and 0.3 M
AcOH was found to be suitable to give g m d elution in
B.P.c., avoiding aggregation as mvch as possible, as
where L is the contour kngth of the n r o ~ eLf ; is the shown separately by dynmic light m k n g . This was
total persistmcc length taking into account the tested by the elution of a given wdght of material filteMd
electrostatic contribution L, (L - L, -1- L,;L, is the on mcmbrants with difkrent porosities down to 0.05 jm
intrinsic p~sistencclength); &;is the clcnmstatis pore diameters; the refractometric area of the chromato-
expansion coefficient assuming that in a moderate graphic signal remains unchanged.
molecular weight range the e l m a s t a t i c contribution Analysis of data allowed us to determine the
dominates. <,, is calculated at constant d al conoentra-
tion For different values of the molecular weight M and of
molecular weight distribution, the average molecular
weights, Bwand !&, and the average intrinsic viscosity
L,, fo1lowing rhe methods of Yamakawa and Tanakala, [q] (Table 2). Analysis of the chromatogams allowed us
Odijk and Houwaart" and Fixmm and Sk~lnick'~. to obtain the dependence of l r p ] and RG with the
Then & is calcu1atad for different L values and the
kt agrecmcnt with the experimental. &a gives L, f o t
the polymer investigated.Therefore, with the L, adopted,
one dedum from the relation (21 that

From the intrinsic v i d t y [q] of -h mph

extrapoIated at infinite d t m-tmtion [q],, the
Yarnabawa-Fujii treatment allows us to also calculate
L,"; assuming that the long range dmostatic
interactions arc screened ( i t * [q], r [q Jabwe use the
relation valid in 8 conditions:

where ML is the mass p r unit length, L, L/&,
d, d/2L,, C and d are the contour length and the
diameter of the chain and # is a canstant depending on
draining tffact. The best fit between experimental values.
[qImand [qjilecalculatd for each set of M and L, allows
us to choose L,.
The experimental 6epcndence of[q] as a function d
thc ionic strength usually followr the relation:
Id, = C ~ l m+ SC*-"l (5)
Fiprt 1 Dependence of the intrinsic v i d y with Ute
The slope S of the linear depndence between [qj, and molecular weight in log-log plot for ditfermt average dtgrccs
C; (with C, the molar salt concentration) is related of acttylation. Fht stmight linm cornpond to the calculated
to the stiffness of the rnolac~le'~. valucs: (a) 2%; (b) J 1.5 %; (c) 2 1% (equations(4) and (6) wilth
Using Odijk's treatment1s, the intrinsic viscosity For a L, = MA). The experimental v d w arc obtaincd from analysis:
given ionic strength can be related to [q], by the of the g.p.c. chromatograms

#n Int. J. Biol. Macromol, 1993, VoL 15, &tobet

moloeulat weight M ; w t then deduced the Mark- relatively good, at kast in the intermediate mokcular
~ o u w i n kparameters K and a { [ q j = K M a ) and the weight range. Most Importantly, a variation of DA
~xponentv of the radius of gyration as a function of directly Impases a change in K indeptndmt of other
molecular weight IR, -- M'). The experimental data are Factors.
given in Table 3 and Figures E and 2. From the Mark-Houwink equation and value&of [q]
From Figure 1 , it can bt seen that K depends on the obtained in static experiment, it is possible to determine
DA in the range tested (2 to 21%) but that a m a i n s the vjscometric a m g e molecular weight A&. The vducs
marly constant. The experimental values are compared of M, obtained in this solvent are compared in Table 4
with the values calculated as discussed previously using with those obtained using the quation adopttd by
L, determined from CvJm (Lp= 50 A). The agreement is Roberts16 in the comsponding solvent NaCl 0 . 2 ~ /
AcOH 0.1 M:

in which the parameters K d a are complettly diffmnt

from that obtained from g.p.c. and arc considered
independent of DA.
It is demonstrated, in particular, that M, values
obtained using the Roberts equation are overestimated;
this may be attributed to the existence of hrge aggregates
due to the thermdynamic quality of this solvent. This
was proved by light scattering and filtration on calibrated
The ammat is better whta the equation p r o m
by Lee3 is considered assuming that tbe thermodynamic
properties; of this solvent (0.2M AcOH, 4 M urea, 0.1 M
NaCl) are as good as those adopted in our work.
Nevertheless the K and a parameters were determined
on the basis of M, determined by sedimentation
equilibrium on polydisptrsed samples. It is important to
redetermine [q] in Lee's solvent using monodispersed
In Figrrre 2, the dependence oT radiw of gymtion of
chitosans is given ss a fundon of the molecular weight
following squations (2) and (3): the calculated valucs for

F I p 2 Dqmmhcc of the radius of gyration with thc

molecular weight in log-log plot for memt aveFage degrees
of acetylation. The straight lines cormpond to the calculatsd
values: a) 2%; (b) 11.5%; (c) 21% (equation (2) with
L, = 504! ).The expwiratntal valuaare obtained from analysis
of the ~ p - cch-atograms

Table 1 Charactahtiesof tkchitwrans u s 4 in thecalmladon

M m,
D A (%) 1 (-NH,form) (-Maform) 1

11.5 1.22 290000 166
21 1.09 225 000 170 -3 Ratio [q]J[q].. rrs a iunction of C;'* i
Monomericunit length b
- 5.15 A; rnass ofthe monomeric unit
AcONa(Cs)/AcOH 0.3 M for chitosan DA = 1 15W, Compari-

son whh calculated values: (-1
(b)L, 80 A
' (a) L, = $0 A;

Tnbk 2 Characteristi= of the chitosatw obtained hrrm s.e.c. and vimmrtry

'Obtained in AcONi/AcOH 0.3 M as solvmt

bObtaincdin NaCI/AcOH 0.1 hl as d v m t

Fnt. J. Biol. Macromol, 1993, VoL IS, Octobet 283

Chracteri~arionof chitosan: M.R U o et al.
Z, = 50 A agree with the experimental data. l b is shown C[qJ= 2. This value d C*[q] is in the same range as
that R, depends on W A but the slopes of the curves are other polysaccharideslT.The value of k' is lower than
independent of DA. The experimental value (v = 0.54) is the values obtained by Lce (0.54-0.69)3 and indicates a
predicted from our m d e l (v = 0.57). btter solubility of the chitosan.
From these new conditions adopted to perform g.pc., The intrinsic viscosity was then determined in solvents
we svccteded in obtaining a good moleculat solution with different ionic coi~centrationsso as to test the role
avoiding aggregation, at least in the intmed iatc range al the ionic strength on the electrostatic effects due to
of molecular weighis; then a m w sct of Mark-Houwink the existence of charged -NH; in acid conditions. The
parameters were p p o s e d in the solvent AcONa rcsuhs are given in Figure 5 for the different chitosans
0.2M/AcQR 0.3 M allowing thedetermination d M ,from in AcONa(CsC,)/AcOH0.3 M. In this figure, the intrinsic
intrinsic viscosity measurements. viscosities [qJa are plotted as a function of C; "'and
We have clearly demonstrated that the solvent NaCl usually follow equation (5); extrapolation to infinite
0.2 M/AcOH 0.1 M is not g o d Tor preparing solutions of salt content gives [qja; the slope k S.
partially deacctylated chitin. It must be pointed out that The intrinsic viscosity was also determind in the
the values of [ q ] determined by s.c,c. experiments are solvent AcOH 0.1 ~ ( N a c 1(variable).T h e values d [v],
not in agreement with static measurements (compare for the two series of experiments are compared in Table
Tables 2 and 4) although the first solvents were perfectly 2. T h e slopes S are plotted as a function of [q]o.,u, the
filtered through Be membrane and the porous material intrinsic v i w s i t y in 0.1 M salt concentration, following
in the column; howtver, the polymer concentration was Smidsrodt4, in Figure 6. The empirical equation, relating
then corrected to take into account probable low S to the stiffness parameter B, is:
retention (lower than 10%) which is seen from the
refractomttric signal. T h e m e quality of molecule
dispersion is almost impossible to obtain with static
B - -- S
measurements. F i a m 6 shows the experimental data which lie on ithe
Influence of the p d y m r and d t concentruliorrs on -e stmight line. ~or'thetwo soiventsone gets v = 1.3,
o~cosiiy which is the usual value, and B is equal to 0.065 f 0.002,
independent of the degree of aoetylation and of the
In Ffgwe 4, the variation of the specific viscosity solvent. In Smidsrod equations (5) and {9), [tlJ is
(1 = ti - qo/'fo with q, the viscosity of the solwnt) with expressed in dl g- '.
Jymer cona~ntrationis drawn as a log-log plot for This means that the stiffne58 of chitosan is a
DA = 2%. The viscosity in the presence of a salt exass characteristic of the main chain independent of the DA,
(AcOH 0.3 M / A ~ O N 0.1~M ) varies as follows: in contrast to the recent conclusions of Wang et al.i8-19.
These authors drew conclusions on the role of DA on
chitosan stiffness only from indirect measurements of [q]
valid in the Newtonian regime. In the dilute regime,
deviation from Newtonian behaviour was never
observed. innnn
The first two tams of equation (8) cornpond to the
dilute regime dwcribod by the Hugsins relation.
Tht Huggjns constant K was determined (k' = 0.30)
and From the departure from Huggins behaviour we
deduced the overlap concentration C*; we found
[q] = 1145 ml g-' and C* 1.75 x 10m3g ml-< i.e.

Tnbk 3 Mark-Houwink ~ ~ t rforachitosans

r in AcONtl
0.2 M/ AcCIH 0.3 M

DA (%) K' d Kmk Ouclld

2 0.082 0.76 0.076 0.77

11.5 0.076 0.76 0.MO 0.77
21 0.074 0.76 0.068 0.77 F t 4 Variation of log p, as a function of the omlap
p a r a v e r .log qtf3 ( x ) and log(CCljj + k'IC[vl)') (ab
*Range 10' < M c 6 x 10' (expimental valuw.sctFlgure I ) Dttermlnatron of C*[q]

Tabk 4 Cornparison of the M, v a l w determined in two solvents using K and o given in Table 3 and literature data
D A (%) Cd'(m1g-l) MV [db g- '1 MV

2 750 163000 155 1 104930 336 555

11.5 980 256 120 1125 3696770 493410
21 560 127025 635 917 380 223030
'Solvtnt AcONa 0.2 w/AcOH 0.3 M (this paper)
hSolvent NaClQ.2M I A ~ O H0.1 M (Ref. 16)
'Relation [q] = 0.0893 x .w+"
[Ref. 3)

28d Int. J. Bfol, MacromoL, 1993*Vol. 15,Octobtr

multidetection instrument for gel chromatography. From
this analysis, the Mark-Houwink parameters in the 0.3 M
AcOH + 0.2 M AcONa solvent were determined; we also
demonstrated that until now the molecular weights
determined using the experimental K and a parameters
rrom RobertsI6 were largely overestimated.
In addition, the solvent based on 0.1 M AcOR 0.2 M +
NaCl was shown to be a bad solvent, promoting
aggregation which in- the weight average moIecular
weight and alsa, to a lascs extent. the intrinsic viscosity,
when determined in static expcrirnents. This paper
proposes new conditions to characterize chitosan soluble
in an add medium.
figure 5 Intrinsic viscosify of chitwm as a furaction of ihe From the analysis of the c u m [tf] (ME,RG ( M ) and
salt canantration C; in AcOMa(C,)/AcOH 0.3M solvents. [q] (C,), obtained in the absence or aggregates, the
Linear extrapolation to infinite salt content gives [q], persistenoe length was determined rrnd the intrinsic value
ofthe persistence length L, = 50 A obtained indeptndent
of the degree of acetylation; this value allows coherent
analysis of the di&rent utptrimental results coming from
tight scattering or viscometry. At the same time, this L,
value dlows a good prediction of the values of [ q ] and
R, for different molecular weights or -11 concentrations
and justifies the dependence of the exponents on the
degree of acetylation. This coherence means that the
values of M obtained by g.p.c. are valid.

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Int. J. Biol. Macromol, 1993. VoL IS, October 285

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