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A delivery schedule decides which orders get delivered on which routes and in what
order. This process may also include optimization, which means that the best way to
deliver the orders is planned out.

Delivery schedules allow you to track order line quantity when you are using multiple
deliveries for a single sales order, sales quotation, or purchase order.

Use a delivery schedule when the total quantity on an order or quotation line must be
delivered in multiple shipments. Individual shipments are represented by delivery lines.
Two or more delivery lines make up one delivery schedule. The delivery lines can have
different delivery dates, quantities, modes of delivery, and storage dimensions, such as
site and warehouse.

The delivery schedule is an agreement between the buyer and seller on when and how
often merchandise will be delivered. This can be a mutually agreed-upon schedule or
one that the buyer sets.

The contract is often written so that it can be changed, but there are limits on how it can
be changed and when it needs to be delivered. The buyer and the seller are interested
in making sure this is clear.
What Is Delivery Scheduling And How To Organize It For Your Business

The delivery schedule is an agreement between the buyer and seller on when and how
often merchandise will be delivered. This can be a mutually agreed-upon schedule or
one that the buyer sets.

The contract is often written so that it can be changed, but there are limits on how it can
be changed and when it needs to be delivered. The buyer and the seller are interested
in making sure this is clear.
Top 3 Challenges In Efficient Delivery Scheduling

Here are the main challenges in efficient delivery scheduling:

1. Lack Of Standards

You should have a transparent system for picking and delivering orders in your
company or online store. Many businesses do not have a set process or rules for
delivering orders. They do this job based on their schedule, which can cause customer
and business problems.

If a business does not have a transparent process for picking and delivering orders, it
can delay deliveries or lead to no-show deliveries.

This approach can positively or negatively affect customers and brand reputation. On-
demand delivery is gaining popularity these days, so it’s essential to have reasonable
procedures to keep up with consumer demands.

2. Lack Of Flexibility

Problems can always happen even if your delivery schedule is very well organized. For
example, order cancellations, product recalls, or last-minute orders. Many online and
offline stores offer same-day delivery.

This approach is common but can cause delivery scheduling process problems. A
skilled manager should be able to adjust delivery schedules in these situations. It can
be a challenge for those who spend less time and effort optimizing delivery processes.
3. Unforeseen Delays

Sometimes, issues arise that delay your package’s delivery time. This might include bad
weather, road closures, or heavy traffic. These things are harder to predict and plan for
than if someone changes their order. Delivery truck drivers should be prepared for any
changes or delays along the way and take the most efficient route possible.

Sometimes it is necessary to revise an entire delivery schedule. This can be stressful

and take up a lot of time. Delivery scheduling software and route optimization tools help
update paths in real-time and manage difficult situations.

How Delivery Scheduling Works

The delivery schedule is when you plan how and when orders will be delivered. It would
help if you had good inventory and order visibility, so you know what is coming in and
going out and where each order is. Delivery schedules work together with order and
inventory management to help everything run smoothly.
Next, you calculate the distance to each delivery destination. You want your drivers to
take the smartest routes to reduce the distance traveled between delivery drops. The
best route is the shortest, safest, and fastest one.

This requires a good plan. The plan should consider all the challenges and solve them.
The plan should also ensure that the delivery schedule uses business resources well.

The final step in your scheduling is to arrange the delivery stops into a single-driver trip.
Assign the orders to suitable vehicles, considering the package size, weight, and other
dimensions. You should also allocate these trips to an appropriate driver you trust to
make good deliveries.

This process for scheduling deliveries requires some flexibility. This is because the
routes and circumstances can change at the last minute. But if you have a scheduling
plan, you can respond better to unexpected challenges. This can lead to more efficient
scheduled deliveries and satisfied customers. It can also help your bottom line.
7 Steps To Organize An Efficient Delivery Scheduling System

Here are seven crucial steps to take when organizing an efficient delivery scheduling

1. Identify The Time Available To Complete Each Task

The time it takes to deliver something can vary a lot depending on what industry you’re
in. For example, the time it takes to provide food differs from when you’re delivering
medical equipment. The demand for services can vary a lot depending on the time of
the week, month, or year. For example, demand might be higher around Christmas and
lower during the summer holiday season.

To make a good schedule, you must consider people’s work breaks, shifts, time off, and
absences. You also need to have the correct number of key staff so your delivery
service can run smoothly. It would help if you found the right balance so that the quality
of your service does not go down during peak times and that payroll does not hinder the
business during slower times.

Additionally, think about how much time it takes to complete a delivery. This number
varies, but if you calculate the average time per delivery, you can have a rough estimate
of how many deliveries your drivers can do in one route. Now that you have this
information, you can start scheduling the deliveries.

2. Arrange The Tasks Based On The Priority Level

No order is the same because no customer is the same. You need to prioritize every
order to create the best delivery schedule. If you want to plan your schedules better,
you can use a priority list. In most cases, the type of delivery will tell you which one to
schedule first.

Here is an example of a priority list based on the type of delivery:

1. Same-day delivery (because it is the quickest)

2. International delivery (because it takes the longest time)

3. Standard delivery

4. 7-day free delivery (because you can schedule them once per week)

3. Use The Right Delivery Scheduling Software

You should use multi-stop route planners if you are an organization that delivers
regularly. This is the best way to make sure that everything is managed efficiently. The
software will do all the complicated work for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If any last-minute delays or surprises arise, the software will be able to reschedule the
route for you. This means that drivers always have the most up-to-date delivery routes,
and managers won’t have to rush to create alternative routes last minute.
Route planning software will also help improve communication between dispatchers and
drivers. The routes automatically update if you add or remove any new stops in real-

Check out how it works

4. Optimize Your Routes

Logistics managers can create efficient and effective delivery schedules with the correct
route optimization tool. This route optimization tool can assign the most suitable orders
to the right vehicles and plan a delivery schedule that maximizes time.

Optimization should also go beyond route planning; learn more about how to optimize
your logistics operations as a whole.

5. Track Your Vehicles

Keeping track of your vehicles is vital for improving your delivery schedule. You need to
know where they are before you plan the delivery trips.

It’s also essential to track their progress while on the road. This will help you change
your routes and understand how your scheduled deliveries will perform. Tracking your
vehicles is also an excellent way to improve communication with your drivers and

Overall, last-mile delivery tracking is a necessary part of your delivery process.

6. Improve Customer Communication

It’s essential to communicate with customers when it comes to scheduling deliveries.

This way, they feel more involved in the process and know what is going on. Sending
order and delivery notifications keeps customers in the loop about their orders’ date and
expected time of arrival (ETA).

However, there is more to it than just making the schedule. You also need to make sure
that people know about the schedule and understand it. For example, you can send
customers tracking links that will tell them when the delivery will happen. This way, they
will know precisely when the delivery will occur and are less likely to miss it. This will
lead to shorter delivery windows, less wait time, and fewer returns.

7. Analyze Performance And Results Using Metrics

If a driver regularly misses their delivery windows, then there is a problem with the
schedule. The schedule might not give them enough time to do their job, or it might not
be allocating enough time for them to be late. That is why creating schedules one day at
a time is the only way to overcome some of the biggest delivery challenges.

To calculate key performance indicators accurately, you need to have complete visibility
over the entire operation. This way, you can track and monitor performance and record
results. There are many KPIs to consider when tracking last-mile delivery.
Why Delivery Scheduling Works Best If You Work With A 3PL

If you’re like most businesses, you’ve probably struggled at some point with a delivery
schedule. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Involving a third-party logistics
(3PL) partner can make the process simpler and more efficient.

3PLs like Dropoff have the experience and expertise to create an effective delivery

schedule. We know how to account for delivery times, traffic patterns, and weather
conditions. As a result, we create schedules that minimize delays and maximize

3PLs can also help you coordinate with multiple parties. If you’re trying to schedule
delivery on your own, you may need to coordinate with various suppliers,
manufacturers, and carriers. This can be daunting, but a 3PL partner can help
streamline the process and ensure everyone is on the same page. 
3PLs can provide valuable insights into your delivery process with delivery scheduling
software. They can even help you identify areas where your process is inefficient and
make recommendations for improvement.

Are you interested in partnering with a 3PL?

Check out our guide on how to choose a third-party logistics provider.

Bottom Line

A delivery schedule can be a great way to organize your business and ensure
everything runs smoothly. But it can also be tricky to get right, mainly if you’re not used
to planning shipments. That’s why we’re here to help.

Talk with a Dropoff expert today about setting up a delivery schedule that works for your

FAQ – Delivery Scheduling

1. What Is The Purpose Of A Delivery Schedule?

A delivery schedule decides which orders get delivered on which routes and in what
order. This process may also include optimization, which means that the best way to
deliver the orders is planned out.

2. How Do I Organize My Delivery Routes?

Here are different ways to organize routes for deliveries:

1. Use delivery management software

2. Optimize routes for route scheduling

3. Assign tasks to the drivers

4. Provide customer ETAs

5. Share the route plan with the driver

3. Why Do We Need To Schedule Deliveries?

Below are a few reasons why you need to schedule your deliveries:

1. Quicker dispatch of products

2. Easier management of fleets and drivers

3. Allows sharing of route plans with delivery drivers

4. Better customer experience

Delivery schedules allow you to track order line quantity when you are using multiple
deliveries for a single sales order, sales quotation, or purchase order.

Use a delivery schedule when the total quantity on an order or quotation line must be
delivered in multiple shipments. Individual shipments are represented by delivery lines.
Two or more delivery lines make up one delivery schedule. The delivery lines can have
different delivery dates, quantities, modes of delivery, and storage dimensions, such as
site and warehouse.

Example of a delivery schedule

Item Value
Total order (original order line) 600 chairs
Requested delivery schedule 100 chairs per month
Requested time frame for delivery 6 months, on the first day of each month

In this scenario, the customer requests delivery of 600 chairs in batches of 100 chairs
over a period of six months. To keep track of the delivery requirements, you create a
delivery schedule. On the delivery schedule page, you create six separate delivery
lines. Each delivery line contains 100 chairs and indicates the delivery date for those
100 chairs. In this case, each line is offset on the first of the month for six consecutive

When you create a delivery schedule, the type of the original order line is automatically
changed to Order line with multiple deliveries. A line of this type is referred to as a
commercial line and is marked by an icon. The delivery line is marked by a different
icon. If you change a quantity on a delivery line, the commercial line is updated to the
total quantity of the delivery schedule. If a trade agreement has defined a total discount
for the order, the delivery schedule ensures that your order is eligible for the total order
discount, even when the order is split into separate deliveries.

Orders that have a delivery schedule are processed against the delivery lines.
Processing includes the posting of packing slips, product receipts, and invoicing.

Document printouts of orders and quotations that have a delivery schedule show only
the delivery lines. They don't show the original lines (commercial lines). Note: In
addition, only the delivery lines are shown when you perform these actions:

 Post
 Copy pages
 Browse list pages and reports

When you confirm sales quotations, the resulting sales orders show the whole delivery
schedule, even the order lines that have multiple deliveries. In addition, the whole
delivery schedule is shown on all the major pages, such as sales orders, sales
quotations, and purchase orders.

Silitonga, N. (2022, July 18). What Is Delivery Schedule and How To Organize It.
Henrikan. (n.d.). Delivery schedules - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365. Retrieved February 11, 2023, from

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