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2 Ghost for MMC 103 ( using parallel cable connection )

9 Datatransfer

9.2 Ghost for MMC 103 ( using parallel cable connection )

9.2.1 Save data (Prelimary work)
- Under service / > / Series startup - IBN

- Create NC-Archive

- Create PLC-Archive

- Connect the MMC and PC with a Parallel cable

- Create a folder on the laptop or PC under C:\, where the Ghost image will
be saved in. For Example: C:\MA450

- In DOS-Mode, start Ghost, on the laptop with the command GHOST -lps
( lp= Lpt1 ports=slave )

The message appears:

Slave connect . . .

Attempting to connect via LPT port

Service Manual TWIN 500 Page 9-5

Doku.-Nr.: 840
9.2 Ghost for MMC 103 ( using parallel cable connection )
9 Datatransfer

On the control:
- Restart the control

- On seeing the message "Starting Windows 95" depress the push button "6"

- In the service Menu, select option 7 (Backup/Restore)

- Set the manufactor password and press Input

- In the service Menu, select option 1, (Harddisk Backup/Restore with Ghost)

- In the service Menu, select option 1, Configure Ghost Parameters)

- In the service Menu, select option 3, (Change Backup Image Filename)

- Set the new Backup Image Filename:

for example.: "C:\Folder name\MMC.GHO"
and press Input

- In the service Menu, select option 9, (Back to previous Menue)

- Save Ghost parameters with "Y" ( Yes )

- In the service Menu, select option 2

(Harddisk backup to C:\Folder name\MMC.GHO, Mode Parallel)

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9.2 Ghost for MMC 103 ( using parallel cable connection )
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- The following message appears:


Please make sure both the MMC and the remote PC are connected via
the printer port with a Laplink type parallel cabel .

Image file for backup is c:\ma450\mmc.gho

Please mak sure the directory path exists on the remote PC !

Next: Start GHOST on the remote, PC in LPT Slave Mode (GHOST -lps)

- Continue Backup with "Y" (Yes). The connection is made and the data is
- If error "Timeout - Failed to connect" is displayed, retry with the Input but-
- The message appears:
"File not found, Backup finished" "Press any key to continue"
- Press a key on the control panel to continue.
- The message: "Do you want to verify your Backup" appears
Reply - answer, with "N" ( No )
- In the service Menu, select option 2,
(Harddisk backup to C:\Foldername\MMC.GHO, Mode Parallel)
- The ghost file is created, this may take up to 30 minutes
- When finished the message "Backup finished !" is displayed.
- When seeing message: "Press any key to continue" Press any key
- Backup finished

WARNING: If the Connection to the remote PC failed, this Script is fooled to

think the Backup was successfull . In this case answer " N " to the next Que-
stion an try the Backup again !

- The message "Do You want to verify your Backup ( CRC Check )" ans-
wer with "N" ( No )
- In the service Menu, select option 9, (Back to previous Menue)
- In the service Menu, select option 9, (Return to Main Menue)
- In the service Menu, select option 9, (End Load MMC)

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9.2 Ghost for MMC 103 ( using parallel cable connection )
9 Datatransfer

9.2.2 Data loading (From the Laptop Hdd to the control, using the saved image file)

Connect the Laptop to the MMC, via Parallel ( Laplink ) cable

Start the Ghost program on the laptop in DOS mode with the command Ghost -IPS

A message appears:
Slave connect . . .

Attempting to connect via LPT port

On the control

- Reboot the control

- On seeing the message "Starting Windows 95" depress the push button
"6" (once only)
- In the service Menu, select option 7, (Backup/Restore)
- Set the manufactor password and press enter
- In the service Menu, select option 1, (Harddisk Backup/Restore with Ghost)
- In the service Menu, select option 1, (Configure Ghost Parameters)
- In the service Menu, select option 4, (Change Restore Filename)
- Enter the route and Filename
for example.: "C:\Folder name\MMC.GHO" and press enter
- In the service Menu, select option 9, (Back to previous Menue)
- Save Ghost parameters with "Y" (Yes)
- In the service Menu, select option 3,
(Hardisk Restore from C:\Folder name\MMC.GHO, Mode Parallel)
- In the service Menu, select option 2, (Win95)
- In the service Menu, select option 1, Standard Partitioning (default))
- The message "Continue with Restore" appears, answer with "Y" (Yes)
- The Image file is loaded
- In the service Menu, select option 1, (Reboot the system)

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9.3 Ghost for PCU 50 (Network - Ethernet connection)
9 Datatransfer

9.3 Ghost for PCU 50 (Network - Ethernet connection)

9.3.1 Save data
Before creating a Ghost image first create "current" NC and PLC series startup fi-
Prerequisites of the Laptop:
• Network protocol Netbeui has to be installed.
• The Computer should be started and logged on under auduser (small Letters)
manufactor password (SUNRISE)
• File and printer sharing must be enabled.
• A new folder with max. 8 char. must be created on a drive
• The new folder must be "Shared" ( In case of Win NT, 2000, XP rights for
auduser must be added).
• The laptop and the control must be connected with a Cross-Over cable.
• The connection between the control and Laptop established and checked


- Reboot the control.

- When seeing SINUMERIC cancel with "cursor down"
- Press input
- In the service Menu, select option 7 (Backup/Restore)
- Enter the manufactor password and confirm with "Input"
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Harddisk Backup/Restore with Ghost)
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Configure Ghost Parameters)
- In the service Menu, select option 2 (Set Connection Mode Local)
- Set made local ? confirm with "Y"
- In the service Menu, select option 3 (Change Backup Image Filename)
- Enter a new Backup Image Filename: "Z:\MMC.GHO" and press input
- In the service Menu, select option 6 (Manage Network Drives)
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Connect to Network Drives)
- The question about username and password confirm without an input or
input auduser (pw: SUNRISE)
- The message "there is no password, do you want to create one?"
appears, press "N" or, if you create a password, confirm with "Y"

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9.3 Ghost for PCU 50 (Network - Ethernet connection)
9 Datatransfer

- Letter for Network Drive. If "Z" appears press enter.

Otherwise change it to "Z"
- Directory to be mounted: "\\Computername\foldername" type in and con-
firm with "Input"
- In the service Menu, select option 9 (Back to previous Menu)
- In the service Menu, select option 9 (Back to previous Menu)
- Save Ghost parameters with "Y"
- In the service Menu, select option 2 (Harddisk backup to Z)
- Continue backup with "Y "

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9.3 Ghost for PCU 50 (Network - Ethernet connection)
9 Datatransfer

9.3.2 Loading Data

- Reboot the control

- When seeing SINUMERIC, cancel with "cursor down"
- Press input
- In the service Menu, select option 7 (Backup/Restore)
- Enter the manufactor password and confirm with input
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Harddisk Backup/Restore with Ghost)
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Configure Ghost Parameters)
- In the service Menu, select option 2 (Set Connection Mode Local)
- Set made local confirm with "Y"
- In the service Menu, select option 4 (Change Restore Image Filename)
- Type in Z:\MMC.GHO and confirm with "Input"
- In the service Menu, select option 6 (Manage Network Drives)
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Connect to Network Drives)
- The question about username and password confirm without an input or
input auduser (pw: SUNRISE)
- The message "there is no password, do you want to create one?"
appears, press "N" or, if you create a password, confirm with "Y"
- Letter for Network Drive. If "Z" appears press enter.
Otherwise change it to "Z"
- Directory to be mounted: "\\Computername\foldername" type in and con-
firm with "Input"
- In the service Menu, select option 9 (Back to previous Menu)
- In the service Menu, select option 9 (Back to previous Menu)
- Save Ghost parameters with "Y"
- In the service Menu, select option 3 (Harddisk Restore from...)
- If a question for the operating system appears:
selct option 1 (Win NT, 2000, XP)
- In the service Menu, select option 1 (Standard Partitioning (default))
- If a question for the operating system has appeared:
confirm with 2Press any key"
- Control asks for a machine name, do not enter a name, cancel with "9"
- Now the Ghost Image will be loaded automatically ( restored )

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9.4 Data-Transfer with PC - LINK (Interlink)
9 Datatransfer

9.4 Data-Transfer with PC - LINK (Interlink)

Errorcodes, Application pictures, PLC-Software, Gildemeister User-Cycles can be

transfered in the PC-Link mode.

The INTERLNK.EXE - File has to be in a folder on Drive C:\ of the Laptop or PC.

Add the following line in the CONFIG.SYS

DEVICE=C:\Folder witch contains interlink.exe\INTERLNK.EXE/ AUTO

Connect Port LPT on MMC with Parallel / Interlink Kabel to LPT Port on Laptop.

- After Main Switch ON, when message appear "Starting Windows 95" push
one time button 6.
- A menu appears
- Select 8 in Main - Menu (Start PC-LINK) confirm
- Enter manufactor password
- Press yellow enter-button

When the blue Interlink-Box on Screen appears. Switch on Laptop , wait until Win-
dows Startup is finished
When Interlink- Connection is succsessful you get on Screen the message

This Computer Other Computer

(Server) (Client)

For example A:

C: (188 MB) equals D:

D: (280 MB) equals E:

Now Drive D on Laptop is Drive C on CNC- Control. The drivename depends on

the laptop and can be different (with/without CD-drive)

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