S2227156750 - Annotated Bibliography

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Title of concept: The politics of public space

Group number: S2227156750

Joakim K. Genz
Albert N. Henriques
Filippa K. Winther
Matias M. Nieto

1.) Summary
The City of Quartz by Mike Davis is a text criticizing the destruction of public space,
specifically in Los Angeles, but shining light on a much broader issue. The text raises
questions about the ongoing fortification of L.A., and the motivations behind it; as
well as how fear is based on the amount of security measures in place rather than the
crime rates. As public spaces get sold and thus privatized, the added control of the
spaces, through securitization, surveillance, and militarization, end up marginalizing
certain segments of society.
Davis argues that the liaison between architecture and state policies work against
social minorities through this privatization of public space. The “safety” measures
made by city planners are questioned as to whether they are providing ‘safety’ for the
individual or rather ‘insulation’ for the truly rich (Davis, 1990).

2.) Discussion and evaluation

Public space consists of the architecture, location and the people forming the public.
The different spaces set different social rules and when those become visible, we
realize that we are part of the public. Even though public space is prominent via
structures such as streets, parks etc. the public within those spaces change. In the
modern economic development of city planning spaces have become increasingly
privatized resulting in a shift in control over public spaces (Collins & Stadler).
Mike Davis paints a picture of the wealthy businessmen controlling the spaces in LA,
resulting in exclusion of the people who usually rely on public space. He highlights
homelessness and hostile architecture (Davis, 1990). Davis also emphasizes a
repression in space and movement created by security systems and “architectural
policing of social boundaries” (Davis, 1990, p223), as well as the privatization of

public land. This affects the interaction between citizens, especially from different
social classes, segregating them into almost a two-level city.

● To what extent are added security measures in the urban environment of
downtown Los Angeles meant to protect the general population of the city; as
opposed to shielding them off from the people in power.
● What role does privatization of public spaces play in marginalization and
exclusion of the minority groups of society?


Collins, D. and Stadler, S.L. (2020). Public Spaces, Urban. Elsevier,


Davis, M. (1990). City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles.

New York and London. Verso, pp.223–263.


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