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2 es co E BeiBd cea qonon ccotned=aind | une | Science Subjccs + Answerall questions. + Underline the correct ormostsuitableanswer. Partl (01) Which statement is correct regarding the leaf in the diagram? (1) Amonocotyledonous plant leaf (2) Adicotyledonous plant leaf (3) Hasa parallel venation (4) Cannot say clearly (02) Whats the major function of plant roots? (1) bearing flowers and fruits 2 photosynthesis (3) respiration (4) absorption of water and minerals which are dissolved in water (03) For which organism, water is importantas a respiratory medium? (1) watersnake (2) tortoise (3) fish (4) lotus plant (04) Which part of the compound microscope is used to adjust the body tube to get a clear image of the specimen? (1) coarseadjustment (2) mirror (3) diaphragm. (eyepiece (05)In this set up, what will be your observation when the rubber membrane is pushed into the bottle? Je — Glass tube (1) Nothing changes in the balloon as (2) Balloon expands Balloon 3) Balloon contraets. (4) air goes out from the glasstube. Rubber membrane (06) Which foodrcontain aboundant in Vitamin A. @B 6 QA gc @D (O7)A child cut a fall boiled egg across from top to bottom to explain the inner parts of the earth, Here the egg shell demonstrates which part ofthe earth? (1) core Q) mantle _ GQ) cnust (4 outercore (75 (68) What does not happen later when a PVC pipe is rubbed with a polythene sheet? owtnene sh (D geiscieaned So Polythene sheet (2) anelectric current is generated / st : 7 ; tsk / : / € PVC Tube LED B does illuminate. > = ED A does noi iMaminate LED B (4) BothAand& LED do notiliuminate (10) Two pieces of blue and red litmus were put into two liquids in the laboratory. According to this, your conclusion is, Litmus — (1) A isanacid.B isa base. (2) A isabase.B isanacid. | (3) A isanacid.B isanacid 7X 7 (4) A isabase.B isabase. blue litmus turns to red] [ red litmus turns to blue blue litmus does not red litmus does not change the colour. | | change the colour (11) Which equipment transfer chemical energy into electrical energy? (1) dynamo (2) electricbell —_@) turbine (4)dry cell (12) The image formed when an object is observed from the side mirrors ofa vehicle is, (1) biggerin size Q) inverted (3) seen in front ofthe misror (4) laterally inverted (13) When observing tissues, which type of tissue is observe according to diagram given below : (1) cardiaé muscle tissue (2) blood tissue G3) nervoustissue (4) epidermaltissue (14) Which energy type lasts forever in the biosphere? (1) mineraloil (2) coal (3) firewood (4) petrol + Grade 07 - Seance -Hesiern Province ite (15) Why does yourhand get burnt. when you puta panona fire (1) Because of the heat ofthe pan (G7}At which place ofthis cricket bt is the highest force applied o:, when you hit ball wit the same force. DB QA @)c (4)D (18)In which state of the rock cycle hhas the extreme temperature? ee Qa a = eas p Metamorphic lgneous @ ¢ P rooks B rocks @) D NL satire : rocks (19) What is an instance in which sound is produced by the speaker by supplying electricity using a dry cell? - (1) When only the dry cells are connected (2) Whenonly the dry cells are disconnected (3) Atthe time of dry cell is connected (4) At the time of dry cell is connected and disconnected (20) Which statementis correct out of this? A. -Black surfaces absorb radiated heat very fast B -Black surfacés emit heat very fast C. -Polished shining surfaces emit heat very fast (1) AandC (2) BandC 3) AandB (4) All A,BandC 8 Grade 07» Seience- Western Province uF Parti TON AN FOUR MORE Qt (Classify the four animals in this pond using a dichotomous key, Gi) Name a vertebrate and an invertebrate in this pond environment (Gil) What isthe adaptation shown by the frog to live in the above environment. B Ladies finger pod water tray ¢ ¥ Cog Pet (@ When two pods of ladies fingers A and B in the above figure are kept on water and released simultancously (atthe same time), which pod of ladies finger is going faster from X to Y, Gi) Write another strategy you can do to increase the speed from X to Y of two pods of ladies fingers? @) Given below are the five layers of the atmosphere. Match each layer with the correct figure. (@) Troposphere ae oo en (b) Stratosphere aoe Cc (©) Mesosphere aD (@ Thermosphere Me (©) Exosphere gp ennai ay Grode 07-Seience - Western Provnce 13s @ a : (Gi) These substances are released to the atmosphere trom an industry which cause air pollution, culate done in the laboratory Drawthe set up of the activity you did, using the above apparatus. (iv) Nameas'X' where the water dropletsare deposited on the walls of the test tube. (x) (a) Write the name of the chemical, you can use inthe laboratory to identify that liquid droplets formed inside the test tube are water: {b). Whatis your observation? (vi) Whatis the use ofa test tube holder in this set up? (02)(A) “The above diagram showsa longitudinal section ofa flower ofa dicot plant. (@Name (a) and (b) a (BY) Rolls you bought from the canteen were wtapped up in a white paper. Write one observation oit the wrapping paper after some time. (ii) Which nutrient was the cause for that observation ? (Gli) What isthe function of teeth in your mouth cavity while taking food? iv) You are provided with a polythene sac, a thin saline tube, rubber bands, a wide rubber type and a thin rubber type. Out of these, what ean you use to demonstrate thestomach, when youare making a model of the human digestive system. (v) What happens to the food residues which isno more digestion? © (Write one safety measure a student has considered when carrying the microscope according to the given diagram. © Grade 07 -Sceme- Western Province 49 (ii) Write one factor. you should consider, if you are not going to use the microscope for along period of time. iipltis written X4 ona simple miscrope. What is the magnification of the object, ifthe objectis 10mm? (iv) Whats level Ain the level of organizations given below? cell__, tissue — I+ system —, plant =| Te | ™Blectrie bell ‘The above electiic bell operates when the equipment are setup as the diagram. (i) Name two types of energy youcan identify in this set up. Gi) Why does a mirror used in this setup? (ii) Write one strategy youcan do to prevent the functioning of the electric bell. (iv) Write one advantage and a disadvantage in using solar energy. (¥) Write one change in the solar cell, when itis exposed to the sunlight for sometime. (vi) Write another method of operating the electric bell, when there is no sunlight? straw CQ Ci. 4 ———— polythene sheet Drawing pin Pret Plane surface (@)_ What should be done to charge the straw’ (ii) Whatis called the charges generated like this? GiiyWhat happens after charging, the polythene sheet, straw? (04)(A) care eet (Here, what isthe brightestarea? of wm] > |e (i) Name umbra and penumbra using letters A and B. 180 if brought closer it to the Grate 07 = Science - Western Prove (iiiy Name an instruments which is used to produce sound by vibrating membrane. (iv) It is possible to predict the arrival of train by keep ear on the traif way track give reason for this, colourd watter + hot watter (i) Whatisyour observation in this? (ii) Why iscoloured water used in this? (Gii) Write one method you.can do to fix the id without trapping air bubbles in the bottle. (©)Given below isa part ofa game board. (Snakes and ladders) ne (i) Find the number of squares he should pass to go from 10 to 26. (i) Whatis the shortest distance he should use to go from 100.26? (ii) Whatis called above mentioned distance (path) inmotion? (05)(A)Nimali prepared a drink from boiled shoe flower water. As soon as she added lime juice int it, the colour changed. (i)_Aswhat, boiled shoe flower waters function in this? Gi) Write one another substant, like this you can find from the natural environment. (iii)It was seen that the label of aliquid bottle in the laboratory had removed. Write the names of two substances you can use in the laboratory to identify whether this solution isan acid ora base. (B) Youhave seen stones putt the bottom of fish tanks for beauty. ‘The above two diagrams show such amineral and arock. (i) Write one difference between a mineral andarock. i) Identifi the mineral and the rock in the above diagram. wi ‘Grade 7» Scence- Western Proving 181 (ii) What isthe reason for bursting a glass, when hot water's added into if? (ix) Atnight the fish ima fish tank were seen coming (the P of the tank. What is the reason fur thet 7 (06)(AXi) A soil sample was mixed wi 1 water, shook well snd Kept settle, Write these components in the relevant place in the diagram (clay .silt .coarse sand. gravel) he surface of the water re the components 02 water > | Gy WI ‘oily Write one difference in the composition of clayey soll ane sandy soil (iv) Write one environmental problem that can happen because of soil erosion. (B)(i)_“Whatis the energy typein- flowing water? (ji) Write two instances where this type of energy isbeing used. (ji) Water is used to disolve paints. Which property of water is used in this situation, (OG) Nametwo organismsthat help to increase the fertility of the soi. (Gi) "Write one factor, added tothe sol by olling and digging (07)(A/Fillin the blanks, by selecting the suitable words (Newton metre, vibration, thermometer ,concave mirror) | is the standard international unit in measuring @ distance. oe __.u is essential to identify a disease, initially. (ii) The standard international unit of foree is (iv) Sound is generated due to. z 7 @ - _.u can be used to converge light rays. (B)Mark (ifthe statements are correct and mark () ifthe tatemests are vrone (i) Coconut sambol isa balanced diet. : ( (i) Dry cellisachemical cell i) House holdelectrie supply isadirecteurrept,.1... Gv) O, is the most abundant gasin the atmosphere: (v) Earthquakes fe results of movement oftectonic plates. (vi) Sea breeze is occurred in during the day time. 8 Grade 07 Sevence - Wester Province

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