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Leiomyoma – uterine infertilty resources, especially ultrasound, and

keyfactor treatment as well.

My main goal was to analyze the

Claudia MEHEDINȚU 1, Rudolf-Florian
published articles from the PubMed
database between 2015-2021, using
”Nicolae Malaxa” Health Department, keywords such as leiomyoma, female
Bucharest Romania infertility, pregnancy, miomectomy, for
”Carol Davila” University of Medicine relevant information and studies that
and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania include the easiest methods of
diagnosis of leiomyoma and treatment,
but also to cover the psychosocial
Uterine leiomyoma is described in the impact related to those women who try
literature as one of the most common to conceive.
benign tumors that is encountered and
Patients in whom uterine leiomyoma are
which cause relevant public health
the main cause of infertility visit the
problems; it affects the fertile capacity
clinic, for the first time maybe, with a
especially on women that are in their
history of habitual abortions for at least
thirties or younger, which makes it even
2 years. The uncertainty of the evolution
more difficult to obtain an optimal
of the tumor and the pathological
treatment idea that transform into a
gynecological spectrum of some women
physiologic pregnancy, naturally
tend to develop challenges for doctors in
achieved or by ART.
terms of what treatment is required and
In order to understand this, I have what is the reproductive prognosis. The
decided to conduct this review with the doctor-patient relationship in these
purpose to bring up to date an difficult cases is perhaps more important
insufficiently discussed matter, namely than ever, the advice and
reducing the incidence in women recommendations that the medical
diagnosed with uterine leiomyoma that practitioners offers still follow the same
associates loss of fertility, through a treatment notion.
modern management of diagnostic
Keywords: leiomyoma, female infertility, relevante care să cuprindă cele mai
miomectomy, pregnancy facile metode de diagnostic ale
leiomiomului și de tratament, dar și
integrarea în schema de tratament a
Leiomiomul uterin este descris în impactului psiho-social legat de
literatură ca fiind una din cele mai obținerea unei sarcini la femeile
întâlnite tumori de natură benignă din afectate.
specialitatea noastră și care pune
Pacientele la care leiomiomul uterin este
probleme importante de sănătate
principala cauză de infertilitate se
publică; afectează capacitatea fertilă în
prezintă prima dată la medic, de multe
special a femeilor cu vârsta de până în
ori cu un istoric de avorturi habituale de
30-35 de ani, ceea ce face și mai dificilă
cel puțin 2 ani. Evoluția incertă a tumorii
conturarea unei idei de tratament
împreună cu patologiile asociate,
optimă, care să aibă ca deznodământ o
provoacă medicii la teme de gândire în
sarcină fiziologică, fie obținută natural
ceea ce privește tratamentul și
fie prin tehnici de reproducere asistată.
prognosticul reproductiv. Relația medic-
Prin acest articol de tip review îmi pacient în aceste cazuri dificile este
propun să aduc în actualitate o temă poate mai importantă ca oricând,
insuficient dezbătută și anume consilierea și recomandările pe care
reducerea incidenței la femeile cadrele medicale le oferă derivă în
diagnosticate cu leiomiom uterin care continuare din același tratament.
asociază pierderea fertilității, printr-o
Cuvinte-cheie: leiomiom, infertilitate
gestionare modernă a resurselor de
feminină, miomectomie, sarcină
diagnostic, în mod deosebit ecografia,
dar și a tratamentului.

Principiul urmărit a fost să analizez

articolele de specialitate din data de
baze publicată pe PubMed în perioada
2015-2021 - cuvintele cheie fiind
infertilitate feminină, sarcină, leiomiom,
miomectomie - pentru informații și studii
INTRODUCTION reason for the dedication that we put it
up is only for the patient’s decisions and
Uterine leiomyoma is characterized as a
preferences, as well as lowering the rate
benign tumor which develops mainly
of unnecessary surgeries and thereby
from the myometrium, being discovered
allowing enhanced personalized
in most cases at women under the age
treatment (4).
of 30-35 years old. (1) Over the last few
years, there were some impressive EPIDEMIOLOGY
improvements in terms of transvaginal
Up to 27% of the patients with
ultrasound, 3D imaging or histeroscopy
leiomyomas have infertility issues.
that can help the doctor achieve a
African-American women (they have a
correct diagnosis, track the evolution of
higher cumulative risk to develop such
the tumor and eventually planning the
tumors 10 years earlier than white race,
surgical procedure (2). The perks of the
representing 1/3 of hysterectomyes
treatment are weighted against the
performed in United States on account
risks; so many women have so little
of leiomyomas) and those with risk
options when it comes to hopes of
factors like the number of past
achieving pregnancy. Until this date, it is
pregnancies, age at diagnosis onset,
not established a long-term and
early menarche or higher BMI (the
especially genuine and safe treatment
involvement of sexual hormones for a
option, despite the fact that open
very long time) can have pretty badly
miomectomy or laparoscopic
effects on reproduction natural process.
miomectomy, histeroscopy and newer
Some dietary aspects, social and
techniques like robotic-assisted surgery
behavioral status, vitamin D deficiency
are still need to become well-
or sexually transmitted infections can be
established (3).
put to blame – 3 cohort studies
Counseling a patient about the risks expressed an opinion about some of the
regarding the recurency of a leiomyoma patients they studied with strange Pap-
or the risks regarding a long time smear test results that HPV may act as
intended pregnancy is foremost morally, a defense factor for tumor growth (3, 5).
ethically and profesionally. Our main
PHISIOPATHOLOGY the chances of achieving pregnancy(7,
8, 9).
Some studies found that leiomyomas
are responsible also for impaired or DIAGNOSIS
dysfunctional cromosomial activity by up
A thoroughly and accurate ecographic
to 40%, therefore patients must be
manner description of the leiomyoma is
evaluated for their genetic background
a big first step for diagnosis. We can
use eco-Doppler for comprehending the
There are several ways in which difference between an extracavitary
leiomyomas can alter the physiological leiomyoma and other pelvic region
process of fecundity, most of them are tumor or a submucosal leiomyoma and
interconnected and they trigger in the a endometrial polyps or adenomyosis
same manner in the same time. The (MRI remains a very useful but also a
endometrial glands have altered time-consuming and expensive tool in
structural and morpholoical structures, these cases). Speaking of adenomyosis,
there is a cystic glandular hiperplasia it can be profoundly found inside the
and endometrial venous ectasia; the myometrium, without clear margins, that
chronic endometrial inflammation which is why TVUS, when used with lower
engage ulceration and glandular atrophy frequency (< 6,5 MHz), it can help us
also plays a big role in this situation. achieve details about the posterior
Furthermore, endocrine and paracrine outline of the tumor (defined as a
mechanisms that are incompletely hypoechoic mass) due to its
studied can create an unfavorable site pseudocapsulae, even in the presence
for embryo implantation and furthermore of very small ones, being able to strike
diminish the fertility chances a women deep in the tissue (10,11). The 3D
has (6, 7, 8). ecography can be available for doctors
to see a clearer view of the junctional
The action of local inflammatory
zone (JZ), obtain a coronal plane of the
markers, vasoactive amines and the
uterus, especially if acquired anatomical
impair leiomyoma gene expressions
uterine anomalies such septate or
which act during ”window of
arcuate uterus are present within. The
implantation” act as factors that lower
perfect moment to capture valuable leiomyomas it was considered as
news about the tumor and its efficient as histeroscopy, both being
relationship with other structures around ranked greater than TVUS). With its
it is mid-luteal phase, with hyperechoic specificity as close as 90%, even if
endometrium (10, 11). medical treatment or trans-abdominal
sonography fails to discover important
FIGO classification from 2011 gave us
elements, it has been considered to
precise informations about the size and
detect those leiomyomas that generate
location of the leiomyoma for what to do
uterin cavity distortion especially before
pre-operatively or what may be the post-
surgery, being important as a tool for
operatively short-term and long-term
assesment of the degree and rate of
outcome. The rules and the procedures
myometrial infiltration (10, 11, 12, 13).
that follow up were issued as a guideline
mainly for the size of the tumor, but the MANAGEMENT
question is if the surgery itself can have
All of the inquiries are overlayed by
cost-benefit terms regarding
inconsistent data achieved from
reproductive prognosis. The studies we
analyzed are inconsistent and self-
inflicting, without a straight idea about A perfect and ideal treatment can vary

implantation ratio, term-pregnany or live from ”watchful waiting” and regular

birth ratio (10, 11, 12). check-up to pharmacological regimens

as GnRH agonists/antagonists, IUD,
We also need to consider helpful an
hysteroscopic/laparoscopic miomectomy
evaluation of ovarian reserve or
or recent techniques like high-intensity
recommend ovulation tests (12, 13).
focused ultrasound therapy.
Hysterosalpingraphy has low sensitivity
Nevertheless, the surgeon’s experience
and specificity compared with
is the main factor here (14).
sonohysterography, being more
accurate on evaluating the uterine Laparoscopic miomectomy, being

cavity. Saline-infused sonography is recognised for its shorter recovery

another diagnostic method proposal (in period, early mobilization, little or no

a 2003 review about submucosal bleeding, pain and esthetic outcome,

still has some ups and downs. Open
miomectomy is a major surgical fecundity difiiculty. Office/outpatient
procedure for rezection of large or histeroscopy alongised sonography is
multiple subserosal/intramyometrium targeted nowadays as a gold-standard
tumors and where doctors expect to for diagnosis and treatment of type 0-1
penetrate into the uterine cavity. The leiomyomas. A Cochrane study issued a
risk of uterine rupture in a future 39% chance for women to obtain
pregnancy state seems to be increased pregnancy and term births after
at those patient with laparoscopic histeroscopic myomectomy compared
miomectomy. The factors we take in are with 21% where no surgery was
the pregnancy and live births rate and required (10, 14, 15).
they are improved in those particular
We can safely say that after intervention
cases where it has been a laparoscopic
is performed, the conception rates are
intervention (14).
growing, with less miscarriage rates and
We must not forget the fact that if the less heavy bleeding when all the other
correct procedures and surgical causes and reasons for infertility were
techniques are in order, the level of discusses and achieved by the patient
unsuccesful surgery is < 1%. Anyway, in with her doctor. The recommendations
both cases, the counseling of the patient are strictly intimate within the couple;
regarding important risks and they both have to plan conceiving no
complications that may interfere with its more than 3 to 4 weeks after
short or long-term outcome after the hysteroscopic resection of leiomyomas,
surgery is mandatory (14). recalling that the endometrium is healing
and maybe take into account a second-
The junctional zone (JZ) as described
look opinion if things are not followed as
earlier, is a sensitive area where we can
we expect. (11, 14, 15)
have leiomyomas developing, with signs
and symptomes that can make the CONCLUSIONS
women be rushed to the hospital with
Being such a heterogenous condition,
abnormal heavy uterine bleeding, great
every scenario that involves leiomyomas
pain/pressure in their lower abdomen
and furthermore infertility must be
and consequently fertility issues and
graded and individualized. The
judgment for surgery stays put for odds is still present, which requires
fertility desire, but we make this decision robust studies that can cover long-term
being aware of the tumor features, trials and research in order to guarantee
patients age and their all-together well- an insight of this goal.

Uterine leiomyoma that influence fertility

is not exactly seen as a general
condition per se. It is often described
discouraging and ambigous for both
patients and doctors and must fit in an
elaborate perspective with many
missing pieces. These situations are
worthy of struggle for their complexity;
for instance, parity is evolving as a
protective pattern for leiomyoma
background onset, but it cannot be
established if infertility plays a role
within these tumors just for the fact that
those women did not accomplish and
complete none or more than one child,
without the possibility to rule out the

The sonographic or hysteroscopic

evaluation are important parts of the
diagnosis for collecting informations
about the location, size, number and
proportion of leiomyomas against other
pelvic viscera.

The debate behind the effect of

leiomyomas concerning womens fertility
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