HRM Assignment PhD23034

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HRM Assignment: Learnings from Session 7 (Interviewer & Interviewee)

Interviewer Perspective-
 Develop and Identify Selection Criteria- As an Interviewer it is important to screen the
best alternative in terms of skill set, like qualification, experience of candidates required
for specific position. This will set a direction for starting the interview and trace the
required skills through interaction.
 Physical Environment of Interview space- The space or environment should be proper
i.e seating arrangement of panel and interviewee at same level and panel should be take
seat in reference to asking question i.e from first to last.
 Interactive questions- Start from some basic questions like intro to know and verify the
CV of the candidates and his academic qualification and experience. First start in broader
sense then narrow down the questions to evaluate the candidate for required position. It
depends upon requirement or criteria that what level of knowledge for particular position
is required so set the questions level up to that level. Keep proper coolness during the
interactive session even if you don’t agree with the candidate response. Evaluate the
candidate on all parameters of selection criterion as identified earlier. Don’t ask any
question that may upset the candidate privacy.
 Tactical Reply- To bring fairness, the interviewee or candidate can clarify or ask
questions to the interviewer. The reply to the candidate should be tactical so that there is
the future scope for building up on the reply given. If the candidate asks about
compensation, the interviewer can reply that the pay shall be competitive, which is
subjective, instead of stating the exact amount.
 Use of Technology- Technology can be used efficiently, the question can send prior to
candidates and ask to submit a video recording.
Interviewee Perspective-
 Proper dressing: Interviewees should dress up in formal wear for the interview unless
there is no bar on choosing the kind of outfit. The specification if any of the recruiting
firm should be taken into consideration.
 Enough research on company background and work- It is good to do enough
prepration about company background and its work. Go through the projects that
company has did recently.
 Be respectful to the interviewers- Give the utmost respect for interviewers that are
conducting the interview and asking you the questions.
 Good Non-Verbal behavior- Keep the eye contact with interviewer during interactions
and should sit upright with open body posture.
 Tricky questions: The candidates should convincingly answer tricky questions in the
given time and space. As more than precision, the interviewers want to see how the
candidate answers on the spot. Answering on a positive note is advisable.

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