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Role of Karak- Class 25 beginners to advance class on 12-10-2022

1. Karaka means significator. Its primary role is to provide and protect its significations
even in situations when house and its lord are not greatly placed in the chart.
2. Every planet represents or signifies various matters. Sun governs, soul, father etc.
and other planets signify various aspects. Their significations have been mentioned
in details below. Likewise various houses in a chart represent and signify Various
matters as taught in previous classes. A planet signifies both Jeeva or live as well as
non-living matters. The living matters signified by various planets are as under:
3. Sun Father; Moon Mother; Mars Younger brother; Mercury Friends, maternal uncle,
adopted son; Jupiter children, husband, elder brother; Venus Wife; Saturn Servants’
Paternal grandfather; Ketu Maternal grandfather.
4. The planets are called Karakas(significator) of the matters they signify and provide.
But there are planets that too signify certain matters with respect to all houses and
their karkatwas are relevant to those bhavas only, they are as follows. Such karakas
play an important role in predictive astrology.
5. Bhava Karaka Planets: Bhava Planet Karaka are divided by classics into two parts
one is principle Karaks (they are very essential for a Bahv) and other is secondary
Karaks (good for a Bahv but not essential).
6. For 1st house Principle Karak is Sun for Vigour, Vitality, immunity and age,
Secondary Karak for 1st house is Moon for looks and personal magnetism.

7. 2nd house: Principle Karaks is Jupiter for wealth and Kutumba, Mercury is for speech
Secondary Karaks are, Moon is for looks of face and food, Venus is for party wear
and ornaments.
8. 3rd house Principal Karaks are Mars for Brothers, courage, enterprise, stamina,
Secondary Karka are Saturn for Misery, hard work and longevity, Mercury for
communications, writing work and performing arts.
9. 4th House Principal Karaks are Moon for Mother and emotions, Mercury Lungs and
primary Education. Secondary Karaks are Venus for Conveyances, Mars for
Property and assets.
10. 5th House Principal Karaks are Jupiter for Children and Poorva Punyas, Secondary
Karak Mercury for Intelligence and creativity.
11. 6th House Principal Karaks Mars for enemies (Benefic), competition and rivals,
Saturn Illness (Malefic), debts, difficulties and sorrow.
12. 7th House Principal Karak is Venus for marriage, wife, her personality and love.
Mars vigour and Sexual urge. Secondary Karaks is Moon for blissful man wife
13. 8th House Principal Karak is Saturn for Longevity and Adhyatam. Secondary Karak
is Rahu for incurable chronic diseases, unlawful acts that are rapt under the carpet
while good Rahu for research work.
14. 9th House Principal Karak is Sun for Father, Jupiter for Guru, teacher, religion,
havan and pilgrimage. Secondary Karak Venus for Family excursions and business
trip abroad, Moon for blissful married life.

15. 10th House Principal Karaks, Sun Power and position. Mercury Vocation(work
specilisation), business, trade, smart work, Jupiter Fortune, growth and expansion.
Saturn Service, hard work, and consistency in livelihood. Secondary Karak Mars for
executive power and action.
16. 11th House Principal Karaks is Jupiter for Gains recurring income and elder brother.
Secondary Karak Venus for Sedan and SUVs, bigger cars and electronic items at
17. 12th House Principal Karaks Saturn Sorrow, hospitalisation and imprisonment,
Moon for good sleep. Secondary Karaks are Venus for bed pleasure, Material desires
and foreign travel, Mars accidents, Confinement, police action and incarceration,
Rahu drugs and foreign settlement (when benefic).
18. When Karak is placed in good house Trine or Kendras or 2nd or 11th house and good
signs whichever house it may be but not in trik houses it does well for the house it is
a Karak. Still better if the Karak is forming conjunction with benefic planets and
being aspected by benefics it does good to the houses it is a Karak.
19. Karak fails to provide and protect its houses in case it is placed in Dukh bhavas or
make conjunction with malefic planets and aspected by malefics, be in enemy signs
or debilitated it fails in its duties.
20. Karak’s aspects on its houses and forming a relationship with lords of its house in
Kendra and trine is the best position for protecting and providing for its houses.
With Warm Regards and Affection
M.K. Bhandari 9873687647
Institute of Astrology and Vastu
Gurugram. Haryana 122009

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